RS 49:219.5     

§219.5. Advisory Council on Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education

            A. The Drug Policy Board shall establish an Advisory Council on Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education to coordinate resources and expertise to assist in a statewide response.

            B. The council shall consist of the following members:

            (1) The secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health or his designee.

            (2) The secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services or his designee.

            (3) The state superintendent of education or his designee.

            (4) The secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections or his designee.

            (5) The superintendent of state police or his designee.

            (6) The commissioner of higher education or his designee.

            (7) The secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs or his designee.

            (8) The secretary of the Louisiana Workforce Commission or his designee.

            (9) The president of the Senate or his designee.

            (10) The speaker of the House of Representatives or his designee.

            (11) The attorney general or his designee.

            (12) The commissioner of insurance or his designee.

            (13) A judge from a drug division of a district court appointed by the chief justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court.

            C. The council may engage and solicit, as necessary, input, recommendations, and guidance pertaining to heroin and opioid prevention and education from interested parties and stakeholders, including but not limited to the following:

            (1) The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy.

            (2) The Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners.

            (3) The Louisiana Sheriffs' Association.

            (4) The Louisiana District Attorneys Association.

            (5) The Louisiana State Medical Society.

            (6) The Chiropractic Association of Louisiana.

            (7) The Louisiana Physical Therapy Association.

            (8) The Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police.

            (9) The Louisiana Independent Pharmacies Association.

            (10) The Louisiana State Nurses Association.

            (11) The Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners.

            (12) The Louisiana Ambulance Alliance.

            (13) The Louisiana State Board of Nursing.

            (14) The Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association.

            (15) The Louisiana Poison Control Center.

            (16) The Louisiana-Mississippi Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

            (17) The Optometry Association of Louisiana.

            (18) The Louisiana Association of Health Plans.

            (19) The Louisiana State Coroners Association.

            D.(1) The council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the board and establish an Interagency Heroin and Opioid Coordination Plan.

            (2) The plan shall include but not be limited to all of the following:

            (a) Parish-level data on opioid overdoses and the dispensing of overdose-reversal medication.

            (b) Progress of current initiatives in the state relating to the heroin and opioid epidemic.

            (c) Specific impacts to agencies in addressing education, treatment including the use of medication-assisted treatment, prevention, overdose, and recovery.

            E. The Interagency Heroin and Opioid Coordination Plan shall be submitted annually to the board, governor, president of the Senate, speaker of the House, and chief justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court by March fifteenth, to reflect the data from the previous calendar year.

            F. The council shall coordinate parish-level data on opioid overdoses and usage of overdose-reversal medication as current and accurate statewide data is critical in educating both those involved in policy development and the citizens of this state.

            G. The council shall also coordinate a central online location to disseminate information and resources, including the Interagency Heroin and Opioid Coordination Plan.

            H. The secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, or his designee, shall serve as chairman of the council. The council may also elect a vice chairman and other officers as it may deem appropriate.

            I. A majority of the voting membership of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All official actions of the council shall require the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the members present.

            J. Council members shall not receive compensation or a per diem for their services or attendance at council meetings, except for those travel-related expenses already provided for by their agency.

            K. The council shall be domiciled in East Baton Rouge Parish.

            L. Each department participating on the council shall assist as needed in providing staff support for the council, including but not limited to the scheduling of meetings, providing public notice of scheduled meetings, and posting information about the council and its meeting minutes online.

            M. The council shall meet at least once every quarter, with meetings to be called by the chair.

            Acts 2017, No. 88, §1; Acts 2024, No. 147, §1, eff. May 22, 2024.