HRULE 7.11     

Rule 7.11.  Voting on conference committee reports; digests

A.  Except as otherwise provided herein, a digest of each conference committee report on a legislative instrument shall be prepared and presented to each member of the House prior to a vote by the House on such report.  If a conference committee report is submitted to the House during the period of time beginning twenty-four hours prior to the expected sine die adjournment of a session, such digest shall not be required, but shall be prepared and presented to each member if practical.

B.  For the purpose of this Rule, the digest of a conference committee report shall include:

(1)  A digest of the legislative instrument as it was finally passed by the house of origin.

(2)  A summary of all substantive amendments adopted in the second house.

(3)  A digest of the legislative instrument as proposed by the conference committee.

Mason's Manual:  Sec. 772

HR 13, 1982; HR 45, 1998, eff. May 20, 1998.