RS 51:2370.35     

§2370.35. Coordination with parishes and municipalities

            A. Broadband providers receiving funding through the GUMBO 2.0 program shall provide a thirty-day advanced written notice prior to the commencement of GUMBO 2.0 construction activities to the relevant parish or municipality. Nothing in this Section relieves the GUMBO 2.0 grantee of its obligations to comply with local regulations and ordinances.

            B. The relevant local governmental subdivision may do either of the following:

            (1) Require a one-time GUMBO 2.0 grant assessment for construction and installation of GUMBO 2.0 grant-funded broadband facilities and may charge a corresponding one-time GUMBO 2.0 grant assessment fee not to exceed one thousand dollars.

            (2) Require a permit for construction and installation of GUMBO 2.0 grant-funded broadband facilities and may charge a corresponding one-time permit fee not to exceed one thousand dollars.

            C. The office shall not award GUMBO 2.0 funding to an eligible applicant's project covering any areas in which the city or parish with authority over the public right of way imposes any form of franchise fee on broadband services or which violates Subsection B of this Section.

            Acts 2024, No. 632, §1.