RS 45:844.53     

§844.53. General operating limitations

            (1) A local government that provides a covered service under this Chapter is subject to all applicable provisions of local, state and federal law, including applicable rules of the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

            (2) A local government may not cross-subsidize its covered services with tax dollars, income from other local government or utility services, below-market rate loans from the local government or any other means.

            (3)(a) A local government may not make or grant any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to itself or to any private provider of covered services.

            (b) A local government shall apply without discrimination as to itself and to any private provider the local government's ordinances, rules, and policies, including those relating to obligation to serve, access to public rights of way, permitting, performance bonding, reporting, and quality of service.

            (4) In calculating the rates charged by a local government for a covered service, the local government:

            (a) Shall include within its rates an amount equal to all taxes, fees, and other assessments that would be applicable to a similarly situated private provider of the same services, including:

            (i) Federal, state, and local taxes; provided that, for income taxes, the imputed rate shall be the lowest rate that any private provider of covered service actually pays for the year prior to the year at issue, as the Louisiana Public Service Commission determines from data available to it, or zero percent, whichever is higher.

            (ii) Franchise fees.

            (iii) Permit fees.

            (iv) Pole attachment fees.

            (v) Fees similar to those described in this Subparagraph.

            (b) Shall receive a credit for all payments in lieu of taxes that it pays to the local government on revenues from the provision of the covered services.

            (c) May bundle one or more covered services and offer promotional discounts or engage in other business practices on the same terms and conditions as federal and state law, including applicable rules of the Louisiana Public Service Commission, permit similarly situated private providers to bundle covered services; provided, however, that the local government shall establish its prices for covered services at levels that will, in the aggregate, over the useful life of the facilities used to provide such services, recover the sum of:

            (i) The actual direct costs of providing the service.

            (ii) The actual indirect costs of providing the service.

            (iii) The amount determined under Subparagraph (4)(a); provided further that the local government's useful life of the facilities shall be substantially similar to the average life of the facilities used by private providers to provide covered services. Nothing in this Subparagraph shall authorize local governments to engage in cross-subsidizations prohibited by this Chapter or other pricing in violation of federal or state law, including rules of the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

            (5) A local government that provides covered services shall keep separate and accurate books and records of the local government's covered services, and they shall be made available for audits of such books and records as set forth in R.S. 45:844.55(D).

            Acts 2004, No. 736, §1, eff. July 6, 2004.