RS 29:731.2     

§731.2.  Disaster assistance; identification

A.  Any person who applies for or who is receiving disaster assistance from a state or local agency and who seeks to or is occupying space in an emergency shelter or emergency temporary residence, shall, if requested by a sheriff acting within his jurisdiction, produce credible, current, personal identification information.

B.  Any person who applies for disaster assistance, by the fact of such application, shall be deemed to have consented to a request to provide personal identification information.

C.(1)  Any state or local agency providing any form of disaster assistance to any person including but not limited to financial assistance, housing or shelter assistance, or emergency health care assistance in field hospitals or other structures  used to provide emergency health service to evacuees, shall provide the personal identification information of such persons, if available, to the sheriff acting within his jurisdiction, upon general request by the sheriff.

(2)  The provisions of Paragraph (1) of this Subsection shall not apply to any department or agency which is required, pursuant to a federal mandate and as a condition of receiving federal funding, to not release the identities to local law enforcement, but only to the extent of the federal mandate.

Acts 2006, No. 714, §1, eff. June 29, 2006.