RS 15:1107.6     

§1107.6. Court costs; Twentieth Judicial District; funding for drug and alcohol awareness programs

            In the parishes within the jurisdiction of the district, in addition to any fines or costs imposed by law, in all felony and misdemeanor prosecutions, including traffic offenses, under state law or parish or local ordinance, in any district or mayor's court, as may be applicable, special court costs in the amount of five dollars shall be assessed against every defendant who is convicted after trial or who enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or who forfeits bond. The monies from such costs shall be collected by the sheriff or magistrate of the mayor's court and submitted to the district attorney's office for the Twentieth Judicial District, who shall distribute the funds to each drug and alcohol awareness program in the parishes of East Feliciana and West Feliciana, whereby each program shall receive two dollars from each special court cost collected. The district attorney shall retain one dollar of the special court cost to defray the costs of administrative fees and any other expenses associated with the collection and distribution of the funds.

            Acts 2007, No. 321, §1; Acts 2015, No. 14, §1.

NOTE: Section 2 of Act 321, 2007 R.S., states that no increase in special court costs provided for in Act 321 shall become effective without approval of the Judicial Council, unless the council fails to approve or reject such increase within 30 days after the effective date of the Act.