RS 34:852.9     

§852.9.  Duplicate certificate of title

The holder of an original title shall apply for a duplicate title after the discovery of the loss, theft, mutilation, or destruction of an original certificate of title.  The department shall issue a duplicate certificate of title plainly marked "duplicate" on the face of the duplicate certificate of title upon application by the person entitled to hold such certificate if the department is satisfied that the original certificate has been lost, stolen, mutilated, destroyed, or has become illegible.  The applicant shall furnish information, under penalty of perjury, concerning the original certificate and the circumstances of its loss, theft, mutilation, or destruction. Mutilated or illegible certificates shall be returned to the department with the application for a duplicate.  If a duplicate certificate of title has been issued and the lost or stolen original is recovered, the original shall be promptly surrendered to the department for cancellation.

Acts 2007, No. 319, §2, eff. July 1, 2008; H.C.R. No. 25, 2008 R.S., eff. May 28, 2008.