RS 45:1326     

§1326. Full authority

            A. The provisions of this Part shall be deemed to be complete, additional, and alternative authority and to provide the full method for the exercise of the powers herein granted and accomplishment of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws. This Part and all powers granted hereby shall be liberally construed to effectuate its and their purposes. All rights and powers herein granted by this Part shall be cumulative with those derived from other sources and shall not, except as expressly stated herein, be construed in limitation thereof. In issuing system restoration bonds, an issuer may avail itself of the provisions of the statutes and the Constitution of Louisiana applicable to that issuer. This Part establishes a supplemental method of financing and does not limit the right of a utility to finance or otherwise recover system restoration costs by other methods as may be approved pursuant to the commission's legal authority instead of a financing order issued under this Part.

            B. To the extent that the commission has made a determination of eligible system restoration costs of a utility before the effective date of this Part, that determination may provide the basis for the utility's application for a financing order pursuant to this Part. Further, to the extent that a utility has made application for a determination of eligible system restoration costs before the effective date of this Part, that application may provide the basis in part for the commission's financing order pursuant to this Part.

            Acts 2007, No. 55, §3, eff. June 18, 2007; Acts 2021, No. 293, §4, eff. June 14, 2021.