RS 49:1213     

§1213. Council; powers and duties

            A. The council shall:

            (1) Make a systematic study of the conditions affecting black men and boys, including but not limited to homicide rates, arrest and incarceration rates, poverty, violence, drug abuse, death rates, disparate annual income levels, school performance in all grade levels, including postsecondary levels, and health issues.

            (2) The council shall propose recommendations regarding measures to alleviate and correct the underlying causes of the conditions described in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection.

            (3) The council may study other topics suggested by the legislature or as directed by the chairman of the council.

            (4) The council shall solicit input, suggestions, or comments pertinent to the applicable issues from members of the legislature, governmental agencies, persons with expertise in early childhood education and development, persons with expertise in elementary and secondary education, persons representing religious communities, and other public and private organizations, and private citizens.

            B. The council shall issue its first annual report by February 1, 2019, and by January fifteenth each following year, stating the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the council. The council shall submit the report to the governor, lieutenant governor, the president of the Senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, and the chairmen of the committees with appropriate jurisdiction in the House and Senate.

            Acts 2008, No. 733, §2; Acts 2018, No. 103, §2.