RS 37:711.16     

§711.16.  Qualifying work experience

A.  The board shall apply the following standards in evaluating the work experience of an applicant for a license under this Chapter.

(1)  Each year of work experience acceptable to the board constitutes one year of qualifying work experience if the experience was acquired under the direct supervision of any of the following:

(a)  A geoscientist who is licensed in this state or in another state under requirements for licensure or registration that are comparable to those in this Chapter.

(b)  A geoscientist who meets the educational and work experience requirements for licensure but is not required to be licensed under this Chapter.

(c)  Another professional acceptable to the board.

(2)  Each year of work experience acceptable to the board and acquired before September 1, 2010, constitutes one year of qualifying work experience if the experience either:

(a)  Was acquired under the direct supervision of any of the following:

(i)  A geoscientist who meets the educational and work experience requirements for a license under this Chapter.

(ii)  A geoscientist who is licensed or registered under comparable requirements in another state.

(iii)  Another professional acceptable to the board.

(b)  Would constitute the responsible charge of professional geoscientific work as determined by the board.

(3)  Each year of full-time graduate study in a discipline of geoscience that is acceptable to the board constitutes one year of qualifying work experience.  However, the board may not accept more than two years of full-time graduate study in a discipline of geoscience as qualifying work experience.

B.  The board may accept research in or the teaching of a discipline of geoscience at the college or university level as qualifying work experience if the research or teaching, in the judgment of the board, is comparable to work experience obtained in the practice of geoscience.

Acts 2010, No. 974, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2011.