RS 34:1603.1     

§1603.1.  Ordinances

A.  The commission is further authorized to adopt ordinances concerning the territory, jurisdiction, and control of the port area, and the proper conduct thereof.  The ordinances shall be enforceable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months in the parish jail, or both, in the discretion of the court.  The commission shall by proper ordinances make rules and regulations for the conduct, management, and control of the port, its commerce, traffic and navigation, the waters and landings within its territorial jurisdiction, the structures and other facilities under its administration, and for the government thereof, which the commission may, in its judgment, find to be necessary or proper in the exercise of the powers now conferred upon it by the constitution and statutes of the state of Louisiana, and shall, from time to time, enlarge, modify, or change such rules and regulations in its discretion.  By such ordinances the commission may, without limitation of such powers granted herein, adopt such rules and regulations with respect to the safety and efficiency of port operations, the protection of property, life, and personal safety and welfare of its employees and of the public; the control, use, and protection of the landings, docks, wharves, warehouses, equipment, and other facilities and improvements and appurtenances thereto under its administration; the navigation and use of the waters within its jurisdiction; the loading, unloading, transfer, or trans-shipment of cargoes from, to, or between all watercraft and other vehicles within its jurisdiction; the prevention of interference with and the obstruction of facilities and services necessary or related to the orderly and efficient handling of the commerce and traffic of the port; the protection, removal, and disposition of cargoes; and generally, with respect to the safety and efficiency of the operations of the port.  The Sixteenth Judicial District Court for the Parish of Iberia shall have jurisdiction of the trial and punishment of all violations of the ordinances passed by the commission committed within the parish of Iberia; and, the Fifteenth Judicial District Court for the Parish of Vermilion shall have jurisdiction of the trial and punishment of all violations of the ordinances passed by the commission committed within the parish of Vermilion.

B.(1)  The style of all ordinances shall be "Be it ordained by the commission of the Twin Parish Port District ...".  No ordinance shall be adopted except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners.

(2)  A proposed ordinance may be introduced by any commissioner at any commission meeting.  Each proposed ordinance shall be in writing.  An ordinance shall contain only one subject which shall be indicated in its title except for ordinances involving the annual operating budget, a capital improvement budget, or a codification of ordinances.

(3)  After a proposed ordinance has been introduced, copies of it shall be provided to all commissioners.  The title of a proposed ordinance shall be published once in the Twin Parish Port District's official journal.  The notice shall indicate the time and place where the commission will consider its adoption.  No ordinance shall be adopted until a public hearing on it has been held.  No ordinance can be adopted at the meeting at which it is introduced.

(4)  Each proposed amendment to an ordinance shall be presented in writing or reduced to writing before its final consideration.  An amendment to a proposed ordinance shall neither nullify the purpose of the proposed ordinance nor, except for ordinances involving the annual operating budget, a capital improvement budget, or a codification of ordinances, add a new subject matter to it.

(5)  A proposed ordinance shall be read by the title when called for final passage.  The vote on an ordinance at final passage shall be taken by "yeas" and "nays", and the names of the commissioners voting for and against each proposed ordinance or amendment shall be entered in the minutes.

(6)  Every ordinance adopted by the commission shall be signed by the president and attested to by the secretary.

(7)  The commission shall keep a book entitled "Ordinances of the Twin Parish Port District" in which they shall file the original of every ordinance which has been adopted by the commission immediately after its passage and attach a note to the ordinance stating the date of its enactment and a reference to the book and page of the commission's minutes containing the record of its adoption.

(8)  The commission shall publish each ordinance adopted by the commission once in the official journal designated pursuant to R.S. 43:141 through 149, within twenty days of its adoption and prior to its effective date.

(9)  Unless an ordinance specifies an earlier or later effective date, the ordinance shall take effect on the thirtieth day after the meeting in which the ordinance was adopted.

Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 48, §1, eff. April 24, 1998.