RS 34:213     

§213.  Transfer of state lands to board of commissioner; certificate

A.  In order to provide additional means and furnish resources to carry out the purposes for which the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District was created, the following described lands situated within the district belonging to the State of Louisiana are hereby granted, transferred, conveyed and delivered unto the board of commissioners of the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District, reserving to the State of Louisiana, however, all of the mineral rights in, on and under such property:

Sections 31 and 32 of Township 10 South, Range 9 West, and Section 29 of Township 11 South, Range 9 West, Southwestern District of Louisiana; LESS and EXCEPT all parts thereof heretofore alienated by the State of Louisiana to persons through patents; and also LESS and EXCEPT the bed of any navigable stream, lake or other body of water situated in such sections.

B.  The vesting of title to the said lands in the board of commissioners of the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District shall be indicated by a certificate to that effect issued by the register of the State Land Office immediately upon passage of this Act.

Acts 1956, No. 307, §1, 2.