§293. Powers of board; title to structures
A.(1) The board has the power to regulate the commerce and traffic of the harbor and terminal district in any manner that may in its judgment be best for the public interest. It has all of the rights, privileges, and immunities granted to corporations in Louisiana. It may administer, contract for, operate, and maintain wharves, warehouses, landings, docks, sheds, belt and connecting railroads, canals, basins, locks, elevators, and other structures and facilities necessary or proper for the use and development of the business of the district, including buildings and equipment for the accommodation of passengers and in the handling, storage, transportation, and delivery of freight, express, and mail. It may maintain proper depths of water to accommodate the business of the district; provide mechanical facilities and equipment for use in connection with the wharves, sheds, docks, elevators, warehouses, and other structures; and provide light, water, and police protection for the district and for all harbor and terminal facilities situated therein. It may make and collect reasonable charges for the use of all structures, works, and facilities administered, and for any and all services rendered by it. It may regulate reasonably the fees or rentals charged for use of privately owned wharves, docks, warehouses, elevators, or other privately owned facilities located on property owned or sold by the authority within the limits of the district when the same are offered for the use of the public or by a private industrial, commercial, research, or other economic development entity or activity.
(2) All buildings, railroads, wharves, elevators and other structures, equipment and facilities herein referred to are declared to be works of public improvement and title thereto shall vest in the public.
B. In addition to the foregoing, the board shall have the power and authority:
(1) To sue and be sued.
(2) To prepare, adopt, promulgate, amend and repeal bylaws, orders, rules, regulations, policies, forms, and procedures to govern the affairs and conduct of its business and to carry out its functions in order to effectuate the provisions of this Part.
(3) To make, enter into, and execute all contracts and agreements with any person or agency, public or private, necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its power under this Part.
(4) To perform any other necessary and ancillary acts to effectuate its functions, to perform its duties, or to give effect to its powers in accordance with this Part.
Amended by Acts 1988, No. 867, §1, eff. July 18, 1988; Acts 2024, No. 531, §1, eff. June 10, 2024.