RS 34:321     


§321.  Creation and territorial limits

The Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District is hereby created as a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana and its territorial limits are hereby fixed as follows:

All of that portion of St. Mary Parish, State of Louisiana, East of the township line between R11E and R12E, this line commencing on the North, at a point in Six Mile Lake where said township line intersects the Northern boundary line of St. Mary Parish, between St. Mary Parish and St. Martin, thence Southerly on said township line to a corner common to Sections (13) thirteen, and (24) twenty-four in T-17-S-R-11-E and Sections (18) eighteen and (19) nineteen in T-17-S-R-12-E, thence Westerly (1) one mile in T-17-S-R-11-E between Sections (13) thirteen and (24) twenty-four to a corner common to Sections (13) thirteen, (14) fourteen, (23) twenty-three, and (24) twenty-four in T-17-S-R-11-E, thence Southerly three (3) miles between Sections (23) twenty-three and (24) twenty-four, (25) twenty-five and (26) twenty-six, (35) thirty-five and (36) thirty-six in T-17-R-11-E, thence Southerly between Sections (1) one and (2) two, (11) eleven and (12) twelve, (13) thirteen and (14) fourteen in T-16-S-R-11-E to a point on the Bank of Shell Island, St. Mary Parish, State of Louisiana, at the Atchafalaya Bay between Sections (13) thirteen and (14) fourteen in T-18-S-R-11-E.  Additionally, there is also included within the district, that portion of Atchafalaya Bay and the Gulf of Mexico out to the Chapman Line described as follows: Beginning at the point on the south bank of Shell Island at Atchafalaya Bay described above, thence go westerly along the northern shore of the Atchafalaya Bay to a point 200 feet east of the eastern bank of Wax Lake Outlet (also known as Calumet Cut) thence in a line running due south to the Chapman Line (same being three statutory miles from the coast line of the state of Louisiana); thence in an easterly direction along the Chapman Line to its intersection with the boundary line between St. Mary and Terrebonne Parishes; thence northerly along the parish boundary to the westernmost tip of Point Au Fer Island; thence easterly and northerly along the northern shore of Point Au Fer Island (same being the boundary line between St. Mary and Terrebonne Parishes) to south Point; thence continue north along the boundary line of the two parishes (same being the western side of Halter Island); thence continue northerly and westerly along the eastern shore of Atchafalaya Bay to a point on the eastern bank of the Atchafalaya River due east from the point of beginning; thence due west to the point of beginning.  And any other access route in St. Mary Parish to the Gulf of Mexico that may be acquired. Additionally, there is also included within the district, the Wax Lake Outlet (also known as the Calumet Cut) extending from the southeastern corner of Six Mile Lake to the western side of Atchafalaya Bay, and including that part of the Wax Lake Outlet to the point referred above at a point 200 feet east of the eastern bank of the Wax Lake Outlet.

Acts 1952, No. 530, §1; Acts 1987, No. 422, §1; Acts 2011, No. 118, §1.