RS 34:367     

§367.  Letting contracts; executing work with own force and equipment; contractor's bond

Whenever any work is to be let under the provisions of this Part, the contract for which will exceed the value of two thousand five hundred dollars, the said governing authorities shall proceed to provide through the city or parish engineer, as the case may be, proper specifications for the performing of the said work, which specifications shall receive, when necessary, the sanction and approval of the proper authorities of the United States before the work or specifications are officially announced as such.  After the adoption of the said specifications thus approved, the said governing authorities shall advertise for bids to do the work according to the plans and specifications prepared, which advertisement shall appear once a week for three different weeks, the first advertisement to appear at least fifteen days before the opening of the bids, in the official journal of the municipality or of the parish, as the case may be, where the work is to be located and performed, as well as in any other paper or papers in the discretion of the said governing authorities.  Such advertisement shall state the place where the bids will be received, the time and place where the bids will be opened and a general outline of the work expected to be performed.  Every bid shall be accompanied by a certified check of the bidder in an amount equal to five per cent of the amount of the bid, which check shall be forfeited to the municipality, should the bidder to whom such contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract required within ten days after notice to do so from the municipal or parish authority awarding the work.  The checks of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after the contract is awarded.  All bids submitted shall be addressed to the municipal or parish authority and shall be publicly opened and read at the time stated in the advertisement.  The governing authority of the municipality or parish may reject any and all bids, if, in its opinion, it is to the interest of the municipality or parish so to do, but whenever a contract is awarded, unless for cause, which in its discretion may be deemed sufficient, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.  The governing authority of the municipality or parish may also proceed to execute the work with its own force and its own equipment and under its own supervision.  The bidder to whom such contract is awarded shall be required to furnish bond of a surety company authorized to do business in Louisiana, or other good and solvent surety in a sum equal to one-half of the amount of the contract awarded, conditioned that such work shall be performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and the terms of the contract, and containing such other stipulations and provisions as may be required by the authority granting the contract.  The awarding of the contract to a successful bidder will be binding upon both, even though for some cause there should be no signing of the actual contract.

Amended by Acts 1968, No. 70.