RS 34:851.25     

§851.25. Prohibited operation

            A.(1) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the governing authority of any parish or municipality may prohibit the operation of any motor vessel in an area that is inundated from a body of water that is above flood stage when the operation of such motor vessel causes or may cause inundations of dwellings, camps, business establishments, or similar structures.

            (2) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, the governing authority of the Bayou D'Arbonne Lake Watershed District may prohibit the operation of any motor vessel in an area that is inundated from Lake D'Arbonne when it is above flood stage and when the operation of such motor vessel causes or may cause inundations of dwellings, camps, business establishments, or similar structures.

            B. The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to law enforcement officers, members of the National Guard, commercial fishermen and members of a rescue or disaster relief organization or group when any of such people are in the exercise of their duties. In addition, these provisions shall not apply to a person who resides or owns property in or adjacent to the flooded area or his representatives while engaged in caring for his life, family, or property or the lives, families, or property of his neighbors or to a company which operates in or adjacent to the flooded area or its representatives while engaged in caring for the lives of its employees or its property provided entry is not denied by a law enforcement officer or other person authorized to be within the area in the exercise of his duties.

            C. The governing authority of any parish or municipality may establish penalties for violations of such ordinances in accordance with law.

            Acts 1984, No. 288, §1; Acts 2022, No. 108, §1.