RS 45:201.2     

§201.2. Findings and declaration of policy

            The Legislature of Louisiana, in the exercise of its police power, hereby finds and declares that the activities of transportation network companies and their participating drivers within this state is a business affected with the public interest; that there has been within this state a marked increase in transportation network company services with a consequent increase in hazards to the general public; that transportation network companies and their participating drivers regularly operate across municipal and parish boundaries; that the public in general, and the users of transportation network company services in particular, are not adequately protected against risks resulting from the provision of transportation network company services; that uniform remedial legislation is required to correct and eliminate the conditions adversely affecting the public interest, to insure as far as practicable that the public will receive the benefits of more responsible provision of transportation network company services; that the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the public make it imperative that effective, uniform, reasonable and just supervision, regulation and control be exercised over the operation of transportation network companies and their participating drivers to ensure their responsibility in order that the paramount interest of the public be protected and conserved, that irresponsible provision of transportation network company services detrimental to the public interest be prevented, and that this remedial legislation should be construed liberally and enforced strictly in favor of the public; and that penalties for violations should be prescribed.

            Acts 2015, No. 266, §1, eff. June 29, 2015.