RS 45:188     

§188.  Indemnity bond; service cars

No owner shall operate a service car without first having procured an indemnity bond with good and solvent surety residing in the parish where the service car owner resides, or with a surety company licensed to do business in this state, with the obligation running in favor of any person who may be injured in person or property by the negligence of the operator of the service car.  The amount of such surety bond required of the owner of service cars shall not be less than two thousand dollars and an additional sum of five hundred dollars for each passenger over four in number, but in no case shall a bond of more than five thousand dollars be required.  The calculation of the amount of the bond shall be based upon the carrying capacity of the service car as shown by the sworn application for license filed with the clerk of the police jury.  The bond shall be drawn in favor of the clerk of the court but shall inure to the benefit of anyone in interest who shall have a right of action in his own name.  The bond shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of mortgages.