RS 45:259     

§259.  Discrimination; limit of petroleum carrier required to receive in one day; expert to be employed to aid commission

No common carrier in its operations as such shall discriminate against shippers or owners of petroleum, in regard to facilities furnished, or service rendered, or rates charged under same or similar circumstances in the transportation of petroleum, nor shall there be any discrimination in favor of the transportation of petroleum, produced or purchased by itself, directly or indirectly.  In this connection, common carrier pipe lines shall be considered as shippers or receivers of petroleum, produced or purchased by themselves, directly or indirectly, and handled through their facilities.  No such carrier in its operations shall, directly or indirectly, charge, demand, collect or receive from any one a greater or less compensation for any service rendered than from another for a like and contemporaneous service; but this shall not limit the right of the commission to prescribe different rules and regulations or different rates for transportation from or to other places, as it may determine.  Nor shall any carrier be guilty of discrimination when obeying any order of the commission.  When there shall be offered for transportation more petroleum than can be transported immediately, it shall be equitably and ratably apportioned.  The commission shall make and enforce general or specific regulations in this regard.  Subject to these provisions, pipe lines shall accept ratably and equitably for transportation all marketable petroleum tendered; but no common carrier pipe line shall at any time be required to receive for shipment from any person, in excess of three thousand barrels of petroleum in any one day.

The commission may employ a competent expert, or experts, possessing experience in the business of producing and transporting petroleum, to aid the commission in carrying out the provisions of this Chapter; the selection of such agent, or agents, shall be made from among those recommended by the oil producing interests of the state.