NGO Funding Request
The recipient entity's full legal name:
Paul S Morton Scholarship Foundation
The recipient entity's physical address:
5600 Read Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70127
The recipient entity's mailing address (if different):
5600 Read Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70127
Type of Entity (for instance, a nonprofit corporation):
Non-Profit Corporation
If the entity is a corporation, list the names of the incorporators:
Paul S Morton Sr
Debra B Morton
The last four digits of the entity's taxpayer ID number:
What is the dollar amount of the request?
What type of request is this?
Capital Outlay Appropriation
Is this entity in good standing with the Secretary of State?
Provide the name of each member of the recipient entity's governing board and officers:
Yulonda T Griffin, President, 1831 Manhattan Blvd, Suite F224, Harvey, LA 70058
Rachael Johnson, Vice-President, 5600 Read Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127
Shawn Charles, Treasurer, 5600 Read Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127
Marjorie Matthews, Secretary, 5600 Read Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127
Donna Hubbard-Williams, Director, 5600 Read Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127
Provide a summary of the project or program:
Greater Works Family Life Center is a multi-functional community center located in New Orleans' Central City community. Efforts and programs within the center will include, but are not limited to, the following: Fully operational and licensed child care center for up to 75 children; DHH licensed feeding center and food bank for the underserved; community visual and performing arts center; educational and trade skill services; personal care resources (counseling, physical well-being classes, etc); multi-use auditorium; business resource center; and medical screening programs by licensed nurses in conjunction with various local rehab centers.
What is the budget relative to the project for which funding is requested?:
Salaries. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Professional Services. . .
Contracts . . . . . . . . . . .
Acquisitions . . . . . . . . .
Major Repairs . . . . . . .
Operating Services. . . .
Other Charges. . . . . . .
Does your organization have any outstanding audit issues or findings?
If 'Yes' is your organization working with the appropriate governmental agencies to resolve those issues or findings?
Not Applicable
What is the entity's public purpose, sought to be achieved through the use of state monies?
The entity's public purpose is to design, construct, and implement a multi-use, state-of-the-art community center open to the public for various programs and efforts. The project is currently in planning and the use of the state monies will allow completion of the planning and design phase as well as construction and implementation.
What are the goals and objectives for achieving such purpose?
The goals and objectives to accomplish our efforts:
(1)Design a safe and functional facility to meet current and future needs of our community.
-Secure funding to acquire reputable designers by Fall 2021
-Construct new facility by Fall 2022
(2)Provide adequate and effective resources to the community
-Hire and train staff to effectively implement programs
-Seek partnerships and participation in local, state, and federal community based programs
(3)Sustain consistent income to continue to provide services
-Provide income generating certified daycare facilities
-Allow rental for fee usage of large meeting and performing arts spaces
-Partake in grant opportunities and general donations from the community
What is the proposed length of time estimated by the entity to accomplish the purpose?
3 years
If any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official is an officer, director, trustee, or employee of the recipient entity who receives compensation or holds any ownership interest therein:
(a) If an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
Not Applicable
(b) If an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of such person; the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related; and the nature of the relationship:
Not Applicable
(c) The percentage of the official's or immediate family member's ownership interest in the recipient entity, if any:
(d) The position, if any, held by the official or immediate family member in the recipient entity:
Not Applicable
If the recipient entity has a contract with any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official or with the state or any political subdivision of the state:
(a) If the contract is with an elected or appointed state official, provide the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
Not Applicable
(b) If the contract is with an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official:
Provide the name and address of such person:
Not Applicable
Provide the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related:
Not Applicable
What is the nature of the relationship?
Not Applicable
(c) If the contract is with the state or a political subdivision of the state, provide the name and address of the state entity or political subdivision of the state:
Not Applicable
(d) The nature of the contract, including a description of the goods or services provided or to be provided pursuant to the contract:
Not Applicable
Contact Information
Courtney Elzey
330 Oak Harbor Blvd
Suite B
Slidell, LA 70458
relationship to entity:
Project Manager