House Committee on Ways and Means
April 12, 2017
9:30 am
Room 6


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HB80HILFERTYTAX/CORP FRANCHISE - Phases out the corporate franchise tax over a 10-year period (EG -$416,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB95LEGERTAX/CORP INCOME - (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates the income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid for purposes of calculating corporate income tax liability
 HB102LEGERTAX/CORP INCOME - Repeals the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid for purposes of calculating corporate income tax
 HB108LEGERTAX/CORP INCOME - Establishes a flat tax rate for purposes of calculating corporation income tax liability
 HB153BROADWATERTAX/CORP INCOME - Provides relative to the net operating loss deduction from corporate income tax (EG -$146,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB195REYNOLDSTAX - Provides relative to the tax treatment of certain corporeal movable property located in La. in a foreign trade zone (OR INCREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB248JAMESTAX/CORP FRANCHISE - Provides relative to exemptions from the corporation franchise tax (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB285SHADOINTAX/CORP INCOME - Reduces the rates for corporate income tax (OR +$66,300,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB357IVEYTAX/CORP INCOME - Repeals the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid for purposes of calculating corporate income tax (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
 HB360IVEYTAX/CORP INCOME - Levies a flat tax on business income and provides relative to business entities subject to the tax (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
 HB361IVEYTAX/CORP FRANCHISE - Phases-out the corporation franchise tax beginning January 1, 2019 (EG -$416,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB363IVEYTAX/CORP INCOME - Caps the amount of losses a taxpayer may claim on certain tax returns for the net operating loss deduction and repeals the deduction for certain wage expenses (EG +$14,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB370IVEYTAX/CORP INCOME - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for a flat tax on business income and eliminates the income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid for purposes of calculating the tax liability of taxpayers who file returns on business income
 HB372IVEYTAX/CORP INCOME - Establishes a flat tax rate for purposes of calculating corporate income tax liability (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB385BROADWATERTAX/INCOME TAX - Repeals the corporate income and franchise taxes and prohibits certain corporate taxpayers from claiming certain refundable tax credits
 HB421LEGERTAX/CORP INCOME - Reduces the corporate income tax rate
 HB433SHADOINTAX/CORP FRANCHISE - Phases out the corporate franchise tax over a ten-year period beginning January 1, 2020 (OR -$416,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB555JACKSON-ANDREWSTAX/CORP INCOME - Provides relative to the corporate income tax deduction for certain dividend income (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB563SAM JONESTAX/CORP INCOME - Requires a minimum corporate income tax (OR +$739,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB564MORRISTAX/CORP INCOME - Reduces corporate income tax rates