House Order of the Day
May 8, 2017
3:00 pm
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions

7. Introduction of Bills

8. Senate Bills on First Reading

9. Reports of Committees

10. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 HR91GLOVERCOMMERCE - Directs the House Committee on Commerce to further investigate the current condition of economic development in this state concerning the RACER Trust's fulfillment of fiduciary obligations regarding the former General Motors Shreveport plant and operations
 HR94BROADWATERCURRICULA - Requests the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a process for approval of online courses offered to students
 HCR55NORTONMENTAL HEALTH - Creates a task force to study Louisiana's current statewide system of healthcare delivery for Medicaid enrollees with serious mental illness
 HCR56ABRAHAMCHILDREN/DCFS - Directs the Dept. of Children and Family Services to study and develop a procedure by which parents who are awaiting a criminal trial or sentencing can develop a plan of care for their child

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB551PRICEECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Authorizes political subdivisions to enter into cooperative endeavor agreements for Payment in Lieu of Full Taxes (PILOFT)


1. House and Concurrent Resolutions Third Reading for Final Consideration

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HCR5EMERSONLICENSING - Amends and repeals administrative licensing requirements relative to alternative hair and alternative hair design
 HCR8BARRASHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula (EN +$60,654,368 SD RV See Note)
 HCR10DWIGHTFAMILY LAW - Requests the Louisiana State Law Institute to study the laws governing paternity and birth certificates
 HCR9BISHOPBOATS/SHIPS/VESSELS - Requests the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to examine the issues involved in a program to issue a safe boater decal
 HCR15KENNY COXINDIAN AFFAIRS - Recognizes the Natchitoches Tribe of Louisiana as an Indian tribe of the state (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HCR36P.SMITHLEGISLATIVE AGCY/LAW INST - Requests a study and recommendations by the La. State Law Institute concerning the prospective use of the term "d/Deaf" in law

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/8/2017
 HB404HENSGENSHEALTH CARE - Amends the Polysomnographic Practice Act
 HB408HUVALINSURANCE - Provides for the change of insurance producer on record
 HB410JACKSON-ANDREWSINDIGENT DEFENSE - Provides relative to the quorum necessary for the Public Defender Board to transact business
 HB452ABRAMSONSCHOOLS/NONPUBLIC - Makes requirement for in-service training relative to suicide prevention applicable to nonpublic and charter school teachers and other employees
 HB455ABRAMSONSEX OFFENSE/REGISTRY - Provides relative to sex offender registration and notification
 HB483JACKSON-ANDREWSHEALTH/CANCER - Provides relative to disclosure of data maintained by the Louisiana Tumor Registry and for a cancer investigation initiative
 HB490LEGERDRUGS/PRESCRIPTION - Creates the Advisory Council on Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB493MAGEEFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Establishes a reinspection fee for facilities and establishments with sanitary code violations (EN +$13,800 SG RV See Note)
 HB497NORTONSTUDENT/DISCIPLINE - Prohibits corporal punishment in public elementary and secondary schools
 HB499SCHRODERCRIME - Provides relative to the crime of stalking
 HB509SCHRODERFAMILY VIOLENCE - Provides relative to temporary restraining orders
 HB531HOFFMANNHEALTH/SMOKING - Prohibits the use of tobacco products on school property
 HB542STOKESINSURANCE - Provides for travel insurance
 HB544DANAHAYELECTION CODE - Makes revisions to the La. Election Code
 HB557SEABAUGHCHILDREN/CARE - Provides for criminal background checks relative to early learning centers, school employees, registered family child care providers and in-home providers (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB596LEGERCOASTAL COMMISSION - Provides relative to the contracting authority of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
 HB675DAVISCONTRACTORS - Requires contractors to provide certain license, classification, and insurance information
 HB4MIGUEZRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides relative to the reemployment of retired school nurses in positions covered by the Teachers' Retirement System of La. (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB8ABRAHAMRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to membership restrictions of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EG DECREASE APV)
 HB9ABRAHAMRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to earnable compensation in the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB11BARRASRETIREMENT/ASSESSORS - Provides relative to Back-DROP benefits of the Assessors' Retirement Fund (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB21ABRAHAMRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to irrevocability of optional beneficiary designation (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB22ABRAHAMRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to retirement options in the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB23CARPENTERRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to benefit payments if an eligible member of the Firefighters' Retirement System dies prior to retirement (EG INCREASE APV)
 HB31HOFFMANNRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides relative to the reemployment of retired school psychologists in positions covered by the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB32PEARSONRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System of La. (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB33PEARSONRETIREMENT/BDS - COMMISSIONS - Provides relative to board eligibility and legislative staff attendance at executive sessions of the boards of trustees of state and statewide retirement systems (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB35CARPENTERRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the offset of disability retirement benefits of members of the Firefighters' Retirement System based on receipt of workers' compensation benefits (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB38ABRAHAMRETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY - Provides relative to the authority of the board of trustees of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (EN NO IMPACT APV)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/9/2017
 HB46ROBBY CARTERPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides relative to the personnel authority of the police chief in Amite City
 HB58PUGHSEWERAGE - Provides for the collection of fees imposed by Sewerage District No. 1 for Tangipahoa Parish
 HB62HALLINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to group insurance premiums for retirees of the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB70HORTONCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the classified fire service in the cities of Baton Rouge, Bossier City, and Lafayette and Fire Protection District No. 2 of Ward 4 of Calcasieu Parish
 HB72LEOPOLDINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to group insurance premiums of the Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office and distributions to the Plaquemines Parish Retired Employees' Insurance Fund (EN +$200,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB87DEVILLIERCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the classified police service in the city of Eunice
 HB97BACALALAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides relative to certification requirements for law enforcement officers investigating traffic fatalities
 HB114BROWNALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to the sale and shipment of certain alcoholic beverages
 HB126BACALACIVIL/GARNISHMENT - Provides relative to payment of processing fee for certain garnishment proceedings (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 HB147GAROFALOPARISH/ORDINANCES - Authorizes the governing authority of St. Bernard Parish to enact ordinances requiring property owners to remove deleterious growths and trash
 HB164BAGLEYPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides for the abolition of the office of police chief and the police department for the town of Stonewall (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF See Note)
 HB182HARRISDISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the Kenilworth Improvement District in Orleans Parish
 HB190DWIGHTCRIMINAL/SENTENCING - Provides relative to the sheriff's statement indicating the amount of time a defendant has spent in custody prior to conviction
 HB200FALCONERCIVIL SERVICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides relative to the municipal police civil service system for the city of Mandeville
 HB216SAM JONESCOURTS/CITY - Provides relative to indigent defense services in certain city courts
 HB232THOMASAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to the mislabeling of fresh fruits and vegetables
 HB251SCHEXNAYDERAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to the declaration of abandoned animals after a declared emergency
 HB252SCHEXNAYDERAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to animal health and food safety for commercial feeds
 HB260TERRY BROWNDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Repeals provisions for the Grant Parish Economic and Industrial Development District
 HB276JAMESLAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides relative to law enforcement officers while under officer-involved incident investigations (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB291DANAHAYDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the per diem paid to members of the board of commissioners of the Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Service District (EN +$12,000 LF EX See Note)
 HB297ROBBY CARTERAGRICULTURE/SWEET POTATO - Provides relative to membership on the Sweet Potato Advertising and Development Commission
 HB298ROBBY CARTERAGRICULTURE - Decreases the amount of college credit required for certification and licensing of agricultural consultants
 HB309MORENOCRIMINAL/VICTIMS - Provides relative to rights of victims of criminal offenses
 HB382BERTHELOTLOCAL FINANCE - Excludes Lawrason Act municipalities from certain provisions of the Local Government Budget Act
 HB431SCHEXNAYDERAGRICULTURE - Amends provisions of law regarding co-operative marketing associations
 HB473GAINESLAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides relative to P.O.S.T. certification of peace officers
 HB540DEVILLIERCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the authority of the police chief in the city of Eunice
 HB576THIBAUTDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the board of commissioners of Hospital Service District No. 1 of the parish of Pointe Coupee
 HB589BAGNERISNUISANCE/PUBLIC - Authorizes the governing authorities of municipalities to regulate the accumulation of waste tires on residential property
 HB593PUGHAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to the regulation of turtles
 HB617LEBASDISTRICTS/PUBLIC IMPROVE - Provides relative to District Five Road Commission of St. Landry Parish and District Six Road Commission of St. Landry Parish
 HB676HODGESALIENS/ILLEGAL - Prohibits sanctuary policies (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/10/2017
 HB129DAVISSUCCESSIONS - Provides relative to small successions
 HB187CROMERTAX CREDITS - Terminates the solar energy systems tax credit and provides relative to the payment of claims for the tax credit for purchased systems (EN -$15,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB237BARRASTAX CREDITS - Extends the sunset for the Enterprise Zone Program (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB266CONNICKLEVEES/BDS & DISTRICTS - Provides for term limits for members of the nominating committee of certain flood protection authorities
 HB328COUSSANPROPERTY/IMMOVABLE - Provides relative to extinction of rights relating to immovable property
 HB333JEFFERSONREVENUE DEPARTMENT - Authorizes the secretary of the Dept. of Revenue to require the filing of electronic tax returns and the payment of taxes by electronic funds transfer (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB343FRANKLINCHILDREN/PARENTAL RIGHTS - Provides relative to termination of parental rights
 HB351GREGORY MILLERCONSTITUTION/AMENDMENT - (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits, subject to certain exceptions, a person convicted of a felony from holding elective or appointive office
 HB415LEGERCIVIL/ACTIONS - Enacts the "Allen Toussaint Legacy Act" for the purpose of creating an individual property right of identity
 HB425MAGEETAX CREDITS - Removes the restriction against taxes paid under protest concerning claims for the ad valorem tax credit for certain offshore vessels (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB446MARINOREVENUE DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to confidentiality of certain taxpayer information (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB454ABRAMSONTAX CREDITS - Extends the sunset and provides for the amount of the Angel Investor Tax Credit (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB468EMERSONCOSMETOLOGY - Provides for unregulated services within the Louisiana Cosmetology Act
 HB566HAZELTAX/INCOME TAX - Creates an individual income tax checkoff for the Louisiana Horse Rescue Association (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB598ABRAMSONTRANSPORTATION - Provides for changes to the highway priority program
 HB618GAROFALOCOASTAL RESOURCES - Authorizes the Coastal Protection and Restoration Financing Corporation to finance payments from the RESTORE Act and Natural Resources Damages Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 HB74MARCELLECHILDRENS CODE - Provides relative to disposition of children after adjudication of certain felony-grade delinquent acts
 HB78DWIGHTCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides relative to the penalties for possession of phencyclidine
 HB130DEVILLIERSTUDENTS - Provides that economically disadvantaged students shall be included as a factor for purposes of teacher evaluations and requirements for enrollment of at-risk students in charter schools
 HB156DWIGHTFISHING/OYSTERS - Provides for the gear authorized for oyster harvest on Calcasieu Lake and Sabine Lake
 HB205BOUIEPARDON/PAROLE - Provides relative to the length of time certain applicants are required to wait before applying for a pardon or commutation of sentence (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB225PEARSONCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides relative to certain substances in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law
 HB231THIBAUTETHICS/CODE - Allows the immediate family member of a mayor or governing authority member of a municipality with a population of five thousand or less or a legal entity in which the family member has an interest to enter into a transaction with the municipality subject to certain conditions
 HB253P.SMITHEXCEPTIONAL PERSONS - Revises terminology referring to the deaf and hard of hearing
 HB268HARRISCRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides relative to criminal history records checks for agencies with access to federal tax information, criminal history record information, or state issued REAL ID information (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB269LANCE HARRISCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Provides for free expression on college campuses
 HB272HOLLISELECTIONS/RECALL - Provides relative to recall elections (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB302LANCE HARRISPROBATION - Increases the maximum amount of parole supervision fees and provides relative to the use of the funds (RE1 INCREASE SG RV See Note)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/11/2017
 HB305ROBERT JOHNSONPHYSICAL THERAPISTS - Provides for the regulation of the practice of physical therapy (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB338POPESPEECH/PATH/AUDIO - Provides relative to the Louisiana Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
 HB341DUSTIN MILLERHEALTH/BEHAVIORAL - Amends laws relative to behavioral health and mental health to provide for current practice and appropriate terminology
 HB395DUSTIN MILLERMENTAL HEALTH - Amends the procedures for involuntary mental health treatment
 HB414LEGERFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Revises license fee amounts for facilities and providers licensed by the La. Department of Health (EG +$265,060 SG RV See Note)
 HB435TALBOTINSURANCE/HEALTH - Requires a healthcare facility to provide notice of balance billing
 HB472GAINESFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Increases individual sewage fees imposed by the office of public health (EG +$425,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB474GAROFALOFISHING/OYSTERS - Authorizes the issuance of an alternative oyster culture permit to a person holding an oyster lease on a privately owned water bottom
 HB475GISCLAIRFISHING/CRABS - Provides that the removal of derelict crab traps coincide with the closure of crab season
 HB505JACKSON-ANDREWSPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Names a building at Lincoln Elementary School in Monroe in honor of Roy Neal Shelling, Sr.
 HB517GARY CARTEREDUCATION - Requires the state superintendent of education to report specified information annually pertaining to each public school, including charter schools
 HB556PEARSONSCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to sick leave granted to school bus operators, teachers, and other public school employees in certain instances (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB608MALINDA WHITEWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Allows the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to manage, regulate, and conserve flora in addition to fauna
 HB643HUVALINSURANCE - Provides for license fees collected by the commissioner of insurance (EN +$76,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB660GARY CARTERSCHOOLS/TRANSPORTATION - Requires identification lettering on all school buses used to transport students to public schools in Orleans Parish
 HB677HODGESMOTOR VEHICLES - Requires ignition interlock devices as a condition of obtaining restrictive driver's licenses

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HB56PRICEDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the West Ascension Parish Hospital Service District (EN DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB57PRICEDISTRICTS/RECREATION - Authorizes West Ascension Recreation Facilities District No. 1 to levy a sales tax (REF INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB71CARMODYCULTURE/REC/TOUR - Provides for the conservation of public military memorials
 HB109DEVILLIERTAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL - Provides relative to the St. Landry Parish central collection commission for sales and use taxes
 HB146DEVILLIERDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the per diem paid to board members of Hospital Service District No. 1 of St. Landry Parish (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB150DUSTIN MILLERLIBRARIES - Provides relative to the name of the South St. Landry Community Library District
 HB262HARRISINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the industrial development board for the city of New Orleans
 HB377LYONSAGED PERSONS/AGING COUNC - Requires the Jefferson Council on Aging to provide certain levels of services at specified community and senior centers (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB678HORTONCHILDREN/NEWBORNS - Provides relative to prenatal neglect and reporting thereof

6. Senate Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 SB4MARTINYFINANCIAL PLANNING - Provides relative to the registration of investment adviser representatives. (gov sig)
 SB104APPELCONTRACTORS - Provides relative to bid procedures for contractors. (8/1/17)
 SB107BODI WHITELAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides licensing exception for specialty vehicle dealers who manufacture armored personnel carriers for sale to law enforcement agencies and modifies certain requirements regarding sales or offers to sell motor vehicles directly to a consumer. (gov sig)
 SB108BODI WHITEREAL ESTATE - Provides relative to licensing and registration of persons engaged in real estate activity. (8/1/17)


5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/8/2017
 HB450ABRAMSONDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Provides relative to the Upper Audubon Security District in Orleans Parish
 HB451ABRAMSONDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Provides relative to the Audubon Area Security District in Orleans Parish
 HB223MORENODOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides relative to abuse among dating partners (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)


Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB105MAGEECRIME - Provides relative to the crime of improper supervision of a minor with respect to off-road vehicles and golf carts (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB123MALINDA WHITEFAMILY LAW - Amends provisions of law regarding divorce
 HB319JORDANHIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 1 as the "Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Highway"
 HB326SHERMAN MACKCOSMETOLOGY/BOARD - Provides relative to fees imposed by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology (EG +$370,710 SG RV See Note)
 HB388CARMODYMOTOR VEHICLES - Requires the Used Motor Vehicle Commission to report information collected by salvage pools or salvage disposal sales