House Committee on Appropriations
May 30, 2017
9:30 a.m.
Room 5


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HR135STOKESBUDGETARY PROCEDURES - Requests the commissioner of administration to prepare a reconciliation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report with certain other year-end financial reports
 HR154BACALABUDGETARY PROCEDURES - Directs executive branch agencies receiving appropriations to prepare a report detailing the amount and impact of cuts to the agency's budget in FY 2016-2017 (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HCR7N.LANDRYSCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP - Provides for legislative approval of the MFP formula for FY 2017-18 (EN +$80,832,311 GF EX See Note)
 HCR88STOKESBUDGETARY PROCEDURES - Requests the commissioner of administration to prepare a reconciliation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report with certain other year-end financial reports
 HB281NORTONMENTAL HEALTH - Requires the Louisiana Department of Health to implement the Medicaid health home option for persons with serious mental illness (RR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB348SAM JONESTAX/GASOLINE TAX - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the deposit and use of the avails of the taxes levied on gasoline, motor fuels, and special fuels (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD EX)
 SCR48MILKOVICHSTATE AGENCIES - Requires state agencies to include on their website information regarding any properties rented by the agency. (gov sig)
 SCR83BODI WHITEFEDERAL PROGRAMS - Requests that CDBG--Disaster Recovery Program funds received by Louisiana relative to damages caused by the flooding in the state during 2016 be subject to legislative oversight.
 SB6J.SMITHGROUP BENEFITS PROGRAM - Provides for quorum requirements for the Office of Group Benefits Policy and Planning Board. (8/1/17) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB12ALARIOSTATE AGENCIES - Re-creates the Department of the Treasury and its agencies. (6/30/17) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB57CORTEZFUNDS/FUNDING - Constitutional amendment to remove authority to fund state police for traffic control from the Transportation Trust Fund. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (RE NO IMPACT SD EX See Note)
 SB67FANNINPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides contract restrictions on public entities that fail to comply with audit requirements. (8/1/17) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB98DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides for the appropriation of incentive expenditures. (7/1/17) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB100DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides for the requirement of the division of administration to produce a non-discretionary adjusted standstill budget. (7/1/17) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB102JOHNSFUNDS/FUNDING - Creates and provides for Louisiana Educational Workforce Training Fund to provide opportunities for educational training in the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 SB148CHABERTPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Creates the Waterway Dredging and Deepening Priorty Program. (7/1/17) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 SB207BRET ALLAINFISH/FISHING - Limits the permissible uses of monies in the Saltwater Fish Research and Conservation Fund. (8/1/17) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB223RISERFUNDS/FUNDING - Prohibits investment fund managers from investing the state's special funds monies in companies and in nations that support terrorism. (7/1/17) (REF NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB225HEWITTCURRICULA - Creates the Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Advisory Council (LaSTEM). (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB249CHABERTFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the disbursement of certain revenue from the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund for hurricane protection purposes. (EN NO IMPACT See Note)

 Sunset hearing on the Department of Treasury