House Committee on Commerce
May 3, 2021
9:00 a.m.
Room 1


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HCR40SCHEXNAYDERECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Requests the Department of Economic Development and the State Board of Commerce and Industry to suspend certain tax incentives, subsidies, and other public financial support for certain utility scale solar projects
 HB483WRIGHTPHYSICIANS - Provides relative to non-competition agreements for physicians
 HB561BAGLEYPHYSICIANS - Prohibits certain post employment restraints on the practice of medicine on physicians employed by the state (EG SEE FISC NOTE OF EX)
 HB602AMEDEECOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to social media websites
 HB650PRESSLYPILOTS - Provides relative to river port and steamship pilots


 Persons who do not feel comfortable giving testimony in person at this time may submit a prepared statement in accordance with House Rule 14.33 in lieu of appearing before the committee:
 A. Any interested person or any committee member may file with the committee a prepared statement concerning a specific instrument or matter under consideration by the committee or concerning any matter within the committee's scope of authority, and the committee records shall reflect receipt of such statement and the date and time thereof.
 B. Any person who files a prepared statement which contains data or statistical information shall include in such prepared statement sufficient information to identify the source of the data or statistical information. For the purposes of this Paragraph, the term "source" shall mean a publication, website, person, or other source from which the data or statistical information contained in the prepared statement was obtained by the person or persons who prepared the statement.
 NOTE: Statements emailed to and received prior to 5:00 p.m., on Friday, April 30, 2021, will be distributed to the committee members prior to the meeting.
 All persons desiring to participate in the meeting shall utilize appropriate protective health measures and observe the recommended and appropriate social distancing.