House Order of the Day
May 2, 2023
2:00 PM
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions
 HR109MARCELLESPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes May 1, 2023, as Louisiana Reproductive Justice Day

8. Senate Bills on First Reading

9. Reports of Committees

10. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 HR100FREIBERGLEGISLATIVE AUDITOR - Requests the legislative auditor to perform an audit or evaluation of assistance programs to identify areas for improved coordination of efforts
 HR101ECHOLSHIGHER ED/BD REGENTS - Requests that the Board of Regents conduct a study relative to the state's articulation and transfer process with respect to high school students who complete career and technical education courses and earn industry-based credentials
 HR104JENKINSSTATE EMPLOYEE/LEAVE - Requests the implementation of paid parental leave for all state employees
 HR106NEWELLHEALTH - Declares racism a public health crisis and urges certain actions by the governor and specific state entities
 HR107FREEMANHEALTH/CHILDREN - Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to study the feasibility of funding a remote monitoring program for technology-dependent children
 HCR67MIKE JOHNSONCONGRESS - Provides relative to the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision
 HCR68GLOVERHIGHWAYS - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to reevaluate and construct a safety installation in a certain community in Shreveport, Louisiana
 HCR69MIKE JOHNSONRETIREMENT BENEFITS - Requests the House Committee on Retirement and the Senate Retirement Committee to study future benefit options for employees
 HCR70BEAULLIEURETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Requests retirement systems and the state treasurer to report on companies that do not invest in certain energy companies
 HCR71AMEDEEBANKS/BANKING - Urges the United States Congress to not support any legislation or efforts to adopt a central bank digital currency in the United States

11. Senate Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 SCR19TALBOTLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Creates the Task Force on Available and Affordable Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance.

13. Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 SB31MIZELLCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Creates database to track trafficking arrests, convictions, restitution, fines, and civil asset forfeiture. (8/1/23) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB67ROBERT MILLSSELF INSURANCE - Requires certain financial documents related to the Louisiana Timber and Agriculture Transportation Group Self-Insurance Funds. (gov sig)
 SB142GARY CARTERCOURTS - Authorizes the utilization of court reporters licensed in another state in certain circumstances. (8/1/23)
 SB152MILLIGANINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Creates the Louisiana Cybersecurity Commission. (8/1/23) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB206MILLIGANINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Provides relative to foreign interest in certain Louisiana research facilities. (7/1/23)

14. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 HCR2SCHEXNAYDERHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula (EN +$314,552,060 SD RV See Note)
 HCR40PIERRESTATE AGENCIES - Urges and requests state agencies report certain fiscal data on transportation services provided to their clients

16. House Bills on Second Reading Reported by Committee
 HB1ZERINGUEAPPROPRIATIONS - Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
 HB46HUGHESTAX EXEMPTIONS/NONPROFIT - (Constitutional Amendment) Restricts eligibility of nonprofit organizations for property tax exemptions for residential property found to endanger public health or safety (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB104ZERINGUEAPPROPRIATIONS - Appropriates funds for the expenses of the judiciary for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
 HB222ZERINGUEREVENUE SHARING - Provides for Revenue Sharing Distribution for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
 HB277BAGLEYTAX/SEVERANCE TAX - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to severance tax revenues remitted to parishes in which the associated severance occurs (RE -$46,900,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB278MCFARLANDTAX/SEVERANCE TAX - (Constitutional Amendment) Increases amounts of severance tax revenues remitted to parishes and requires that portions of these amounts be spent on parish transportation projects (RE -$21,200,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB388ZERINGUEAPPROPRIATIONS/ANCILLARY - Provides for the ancillary expenses of state government
 HB550ZERINGUEFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the transfer, deposit, and use of monies among state funds
 HB560ZERINGUEAPPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML - Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
 HB571SCHEXNAYDERENERGY - Provides relative to carbon capture and sequestration (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 HB580HUVALMTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides relative to the operation of a motor vehicle while using a wireless telecommunication device (RE SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 HB586STEFANSKICIVIL/CLAIMS - Provides for civil liability for actions related to fentanyl
 HB592SCHAMERHORNMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides relative to driver education skills test
 HB610JENKINSTAX/INCOME-INDIV/EXEMPT - Increases the tax-exempt amount of annual retirement income (EG -$15,300,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB618WILLARDTAX CREDITS - Provides with respect to the credit and the deduction for taxes paid to other states (EN +$39,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB634MCFARLANDTAX/SEVERANCE TAX - Provides relative to a severance tax exemption for deep-well oil and gas production (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB636SCHEXNAYDERLEGISLATIVE EXPENSES - Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
 HB638MCFARLANDTAX/INCOME TAX - Provides relative to tax benefits for adoption of children from foster care and donations to foster care charitable organizations (RE DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB642JENKINSTAX/SALES & USE - Provides relative to sales and use taxation of certain digital products and services (EG INCREASE GF RV See Note)


1. House and Concurrent Resolutions Third Reading for Final Consideration

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/2/2023
 HR10AMEDEEEARLY CHILDHOOD - Requests that the state Dept. of Education revise the proposed early learning and development standards and submit its version to the State Bd. of Elementary and Secondary Education for consideration

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HCR7CHARLES OWENDRUGS/ILLEGAL - Memorializes Congress to take necessary actions to halt the influx of fentanyl from Mexico and China into the United States
 HCR29KERNERAQUACULTURE - Urges and requests the president of the United States to reconsider the signed agreement that facilitates growth of certain aquaculture exports from Ecuador to the United States

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/2/2023
 HB14FIRMENTCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides relative to Schedule I of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law (EG SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB54SCHLEGELJUVENILES - Provides relative to the discretion of the district attorney to prosecute a juvenile as an adult for certain offenses
 HB68HODGESCURRICULA - Authorizes public high schools to offer a course of instruction in the history and literature of the Bible (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB75VILLIODRUGS/CONTROLLED - Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB84SCHLEGELCHILDRENS CODE - Provides relative to disposition of juveniles after adjudication of certain felony-grade delinquent acts (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB89MARCELLEMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to the collection of certain traffic stop data by law enforcement (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB90STEFANSKIDRUGS/CONTROLLED - Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB92JENKINSPOLITICAL PARTIES - Provides relative to the composition of a parish executive committee of the Democratic Party in Caddo Parish
 HB112MUSCARELLOPRIVATE SECURITY - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Board of Private Security Examiners
 HB135MIKE JOHNSONELECTIONS/COMMISSIONERS - Prohibits a registered sex offender or child predator from serving as a commissioner or watcher
 HB144THOMASDRUGS/CONTROLLED - Provides relative to reporting requirements for persons convicted of production or manufacturing of methamphetamine (EG INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB160HILFERTYJUVENILES - Provides relative to rights of victims of alleged delinquent acts (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB174EMERSONELECTION CODE - Prohibits the disclosure of certain information regarding the active duty or dependent status of certain voters
 HB208SEABAUGHJUVENILES/JURISDICTION - Lowers the age for consideration as a juvenile in the criminal justice system (EGF SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB526ZERINGUEGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION - Establishes a chief resilience officer and provides for interagency coordination of resilience planning (EN NO IMPACT See Note)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/3/2023
 HB212HOLLISELECTIONS/RECALL - Provides for the signatures required on a recall petition (RE SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB216HORTONELECTIONS/COMMISSIONERS - Authorizes certain military members stationed in Louisiana to serve as commissioners
 HB219CHARLES OWENTOPS - Provides relative to the application for federal student aid with respect to the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB327SEABAUGHTOPS - Relative to the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS), provides that dependent children of parents living overseas meet TOPS residency requirements if certain conditions are met (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB357HUVALJUVENILES - Creates the Acadiana Regional Juvenile Justice District
 HB359GREGORY MILLERJUVENILES/JURISDICTION - Creates a Juvenile Justice District to include the parishes of Ascension, Assumption, St. Charles, St. James, and St. John the Baptist (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB435FREEMANMEDICAID - Provides relative to medicaid coverage of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB459TRAVIS JOHNSONHEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS - Provides relative to phlebotomists
 HB496STEFANSKIELECTION CODE - Makes revisions to the Louisiana Election Code
 HB516KERNERMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides for placement of a special identification sticker or decal on a motor vehicle operated by a person with autism spectrum disorder or their guardian
 HB541WHEATHEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Designates a portion of law as the "Lane Allen Gottschalck Law"
 HB578GLOVERHEALTH/SMOKING - Provides relative to a smoking cessation benefits program (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HB8HORTONSCHOOLS - Requires display of the national motto, "In God We Trust", in every public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education classroom
 HB41FRIEMANINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to health coverage plan benefits for occupational therapy services delivered via telehealth (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB59DUBUISSONBOATS/SHIPS/VESSELS - Authorizes the use of personal watercraft between sunset and sunrise
 HB78HUGHESSCHOOLS - Provides relative to school facilities preservation and systemwide needs programs in certain school districts (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB81CREWSEDUCATION - Provides relative to the use of certain names and pronouns for students
 HB188FRIEMANPAROLE - Provides relative to denial of parole for dangerous offenders (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB235MOOREINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to the guaranteed issue of Medicare supplement policies
 HB238COUSSANNATURAL RESOURCES DEPT - Authorizes certain members of specified commissions within the Department of Natural Resources to attend and participate in meetings via teleconference or video conference
 HB242HILFERTYSTUDENT/DISCIPLINE - Provides relative to corporal punishment in elementary and secondary schools
 HB262GREENINSURANCE - Provides relative to the sale of annuity products
 HB297DEVILLIERENVIRONMENT/LITTERING - Provides a time limitation for citing intentional and simple littering violations
 HB321VILLIOCRIMINAL/JUSTICE - Creates the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Pilot Program (RE1 INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB367PHELPSEARLY CHILDHOOD - Provides relative to pupil appraisal and services for children transitioning from EarlySteps to services provided by the local public school system upon their third birthday (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB428PRESSLYTAX/INCOME TAX - Extends to estates, trusts, and partnerships the flow-through entity income exclusion allowed to individuals (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB434MCFARLANDMEDICAID - Provides relative to the state medical assistance program
 HB438ROBERT OWENWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to oyster seed ground vessel permits
 HB444FREIBERGPAROLE - Provides relative to parole eligibility for certain offenders (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB455COUSSANMINERALS/RIGHTS - Provides relative to rights in minerals
 HB460ROBERT OWENMEDICAL MARIJUANA - Provides relative to the dispensing of medical marijuana
 HB466HORTONCURRICULA - Provides relative to discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools
 HB468PRESSLYINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to utilization review standards and approval procedures for healthcare service claims submitted by healthcare providers (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB488FARNUMGAMBLING/RIVERBOAT - Provides relative to inspections of riverboats
 HB493DUSTIN MILLERMEDICAID - Provides for fees on emergency ground ambulance providers and the disposition of fees (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB502MCFARLANDTAX/SALES & USE - Modifies the definition of the term commercial farmer by removing certain reporting requirements (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
 HB503KENNY COXWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to hull identification numbers issued by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
 HB579DUBUISSONINSURANCE - Provides relative to pet insurance
 HB627KERNERSEAFOOD - Provides relative to a fee increase for the Imported Seafood Safety Fund (RE +$1,875 SD RV See Note)
 HB19BUTLERCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to group insurance expenses of the clerk of court of Evangeline Parish
 HB20FARNUMCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to court costs for the City Court of Lake Charles (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB30PHILLIP TARVERCOURTS - Provides with respect to the salary of magistrate judges in the Fourteenth Judicial District Court (EN +$34,700 GF EX See Note)
 HB48SHERMAN MACKCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to mayor's court costs (EN +$17,200 LF RV See Note)
 HB49CHARLES OWENCOURTS/COURT REPORTERS - Provides relative to transcription fees charged by court reporters in the Thirty-Sixth Judicial District (EN NO IMPACT LF See Note)
 HB64BOURRIAQUELIBRARIES - Provides relative to per diem and reimbursement of expenses for members of the Cameron Parish Library Board of Control
 HB87ADAMSDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the board of commissioners of East Feliciana Gas Utility District No. 1
 HB93CARRIERDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Provides relative to per diem paid to members of the governing board of Fire District No. 5 of Allen Parish
 HB114ORGERONPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Exempts certain state property in Lafourche Parish from state park size requirements
 HB132THOMPSONCULTURE/REC/TOUR DEPT - Provides relative to advertisement and sponsorship signs on property of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
 HB137FISHERCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the secretary of the municipal fire and police civil service board for the city of Monroe
 HB138CHARLES OWENMUNICIPAL/ORDINANCES - Provides relative to administrative adjudication of certain ordinance violations in the city of DeRidder
 HB140WILLARDECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the Mid City Economic Development District in Orleans Parish
 HB150BRYANTFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Increases certain fees for justice of the peace courts (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB179WHEATTOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides relative to the sale of certain vapor products for electronic cigarettes and similar devices (RE2 DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB185HILFERTYDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the Lake Terrace Crime Prevention District in Orleans Parish
 HB189GAINESALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to alcoholic beverages
 HB193CHARLES OWENCOURTS/COURT REPORTERS - Provides relative to transcription fees charged by court reporters in the Thirtieth Judicial District (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB195PIERREJUDGES/MUNICIPAL - Provides relative to continuous service for the purpose of determination of chief judge
 HB202MUSCARELLOCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to fees for the City Court of Hammond (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB209BOURRIAQUEDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to Cameron Parish Water and Wastewater Board for District No. 1
 HB210BUTLERDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority
 HB226FARNUMCOURTS - Provides relative to marshals and constables (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB233TURNERCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to court costs and fees for the City Court of Ruston (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB270WILLARDMUNICIPAL/ORDINANCES - Provides relative to the growth and accumulation of grass, weeds, and other deleterious matter in Orleans Parish
 HB296HILFERTYDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the Mid-City Security District in Orleans Parish (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB340ROMEROUNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Provides relative to the duration of unemployment compensation benefits and provides for extended benefits (RE +$81,550 FF EX See Note)
 HB347LANCE HARRISCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to court costs and civil filing fees in Alexandria City Court (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 HB356FISHERDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to compensation for Ouachita Parish hospital service district commission members
 HB409EDMONDSUTILITIES - Provides relative to stormwater utility systems


5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/2/2023
 HB178GREGORY MILLERCIVIL/VENUE - Provides for venue for actions involving certain insurers
 HB535COUSSANENVIRONMENT/WASTE TIRES - Provides relative to use of monies in the Waste Tire Management Dedicated Fund Account
 HB248MCMAHENCEMETERIES - Provides for the burial of pet remains with human remains
 HB529EDMONDSINSURANCE/GROUP-STATE - Provides relative to pharmacy benefit manager services provided to the office of group benefits (EG INCREASE SG EX See Note)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/3/2023
 HB181DEVILLIERCORONERS - Provides relative to telemedicine access for coroners
 HB249TURNERTAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL-EXEM - Exempts prescription drugs and insulin from local sales and use taxes (EG DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB431DESHOTELPROCUREMENT - Provides relative to procurement of information technology (RE SEE FISC NOTE EX)
 HB514MINCEYDISTRICTS/WATERSHED - Provides relative to property taxes generated for the Comite River Diversion Canal Impact Area
 HB643HORTONCHILDREN/NEWBORNS - Provides relative to cytomegalovirus (CMV) testing for newborns (EN GF EX See Note)

Scheduled for floor debate on 5/4/2023
 HB481PRESSLYMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to certain unauthorized acts of motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, distributor branches, and converters
 HB605SCHEXNAYDERHEALTH - Provides relative to the regulation of consumable hemp products (EG INCREASE SG RV See Note)


Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB116ORGERONCOASTAL RES/COASTAL ZONE - Provides relative to the disposition of funds derived from alternative energy production in the coastal area (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB199ROMEROCONTRACTORS - Provides relative to the State Licensing Board for Contractors
 HB293THOMASFUNDS/FUNDING - Repeals certain funds within the state treasury (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB533MIKE JOHNSONLEVEES/BDS & DISTRICTS - Changes the composition and qualifications of the board of commissioners of the Red River, Atchafalaya, and Bayou Boeuf Levee District
 HB581WRIGHTPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides relative to the creation of the Louisiana Port Authority (EG INCREASE SD EX See Note)