Other State Legislatures View the websites of other state legislatures. |
Louisiana Commision on Civic Education
The Louisiana Commission on Civic Education was established to educate citizens in the community as well as students in schools
on the importance of citizen involvement in a representative democracy and to promote communication and collaboration among organizations in the
state that conduct civic education programs. |
Tour the Capitol Take a Virtual Tour of the Louisiana State Capitol. |
Legislative Communications Office
The Legislative Communications Office (LCO) is the Louisiana Legislature's comprehensive, non-partisan communications office. The LCO's mission is to
advance the Louisiana Legislature by helping its members and staff gather, consider, and thoroughly discuss all ideas to increase public engagement,
foster confidence, and build goodwill. |
Louisiana Legislative Auditor
The mission of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor is to foster accountability and transparency in Louisiana government by providing the Legislature
and others with audit services, fiscal advice, and other useful information. |
Legislative Fiscal Office
The Legislative Fiscal Office is an independent agency created by statute to provide factual and unbiased information to both the
House of Representatives and the State Senate. The Office provides assistance to individual legislators, committees of the Legislature and the entire Legislature. |
Task Force on Structural Changes in Budget and Tax Policy
The Task Force on Structural Changes in Budget and Tax Policy was established by House Concurrent Resolution 11 of the 2016 First Extraordinary Session of the Legislature. Its purpose is to continue the budget and tax reform evaluations begun during the 2016 First Extraordinary Session, to make recommendations of changes to the state's tax laws in an effort to modernize and enhance the efficiency and fairness of the state's tax policies for individuals and businesses, to examine the structure and design of the state budget, and make recommendations for long-term budgeting changes. |
Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Commission
The Louisiana Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Commission was established by Act 405 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature. The purpose of the commission is to conduct a study of Louisiana's state and local sales and use tax systems. The commission is tasked with developing recommendations for legislative consideration regarding revision of procedures, law, or Louisiana constitution concerning sales and use taxation in our state, with the goal of ensuring both revenue stability and taxpayer equity through the adoption of proven contemporary tax policies. |
Justice Reinvestment Task Force/Package
The Louisiana Justice Reinvestment Task Force was created by House Concurrent Resolution 82 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature, and continued by House Concurrent Resolution 69 of the 2016 Regular Session, to undertake a comprehensive review of the state's adult criminal justice system and, using a data-driven approach, develop sentencing and corrections policy recommendations to reduce correctional populations and associated spending, to hold offenders accountable more efficiently, and to reinvest savings into strategies shown to decrease recidivism. |
E-mail notification of Committee Meetings
Sign up to receive email notification of future Committee Meetings. |
LA Government Information and links to all aspects of Louisiana government. |
Information and links at local, state, and federal levels regarding weather-related emergencies, shelters, and disaster assistance and recovery as wells as road and state office closures. |
LLA Fraud Hotline
Contact the Louisiana Legislative Auditor's Hotline if you suspect theft, fraud, waste, or abuse of public funds by anyone. |
Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Prepardness
Information and links to things regrading homeland security and emergency prepardness, at both the state and federal level. |
Civil Service Jobs in Louisiana
Search for available jobs on the Louisiana Civil Service Jobs Site. |
American Legislative Exchange Council
Its mission is to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism, and individual liberty,
through a nonpartisan public-private partnership of America's state legislators, members of the private sector, the federal government, and general public. |
National Conference of State Legislatures
The National Conference of State Legislatures is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's 50 states, its
commonwealths and territories. NCSL provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues. |
Southern Legislative Conference
Fosters and encourages intergovernmental cooperation among its 16-member states. In large measure this is achieved through the meetings,
publications and policy positions of the Conference’s six standing committees. |