House Order of the Day
March 26, 2014
2:00 p.m.
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions

7. Introduction of Bills

8. Senate Bills on First Reading

9. Reports of Committees

11. Senate Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 SCR33E.GUILLORYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Mia Manzanares on being named the All-Around Cowgirl at the 2012 National High School Rodeo Association and the 2012 International Finals Youth Rodeo.
 SCR34DORSEY-COLOMBCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Public Administration Institute Student Association (PAISA) at Louisiana State University and recognizes April 13, 2014, as the Annual PAISA Day at the Legislature.
 SCR36SMITHCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences upon the passing of Lafourche Parish tax assessor, Michael Hal Martin.
 SCR37SMITHCOMMENDATIONS - Commends La'Keisha McKinney on being selected the 2014 Teacher of the Year.
 SCR38SMITHCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Amanda Baudot Morehouse on being selected the 2013 Louisiana High School Teacher of the Year.

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB584PUGHPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Provides relative to the naming of the Tangipahoa Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau building
 HB1057THIERRYINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to risk-based capital for health organizations
 HB1058HARRISONHEALTH/DHH - Requires the Dept. of Health and Hospitals to provide information concerning Down syndrome to healthcare providers and on its website
 HB1059TALBOTPUBLIC EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to authorized payroll withholdings for public employees
 HB1060THIERRYINSURANCE/HOMEOWNERS - Provides relative to homeowners' insurance
 HB1061SCHRODERCHILDREN/ABUSE - Provides relative to legal representation for children and indigent parents in child protection cases
 HB1062HOFFMANNSNAP/FOOD STAMPS - Provides for a task force to make recommendations concerning electronic issuance of SNAP benefits
 HB1063DOVEAPPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT - Appropriates funds for payment of judgment in the matter of "Rebecca Dominique wife of/and Alvin Dominique, Jr. v. State of Louisiana DOTD"
 HB1064TERRY BROWNPHYSICAL THERAPISTS - Eliminates restrictions on performance of physical therapy services without a prescription or referral
 HB1065POPEOPTOMETRISTS - Provides relative to the practice of optometry and the regulation of such profession
 HB623ABRAMSONCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to special masters

13. Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 SB4PEACOCKFIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT - Provides benefits for members hired on or after January 1, 2015. (6/30/14) (RE DECREASE APV)
 SB12GALLOTENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes and vapor pens to persons under age 18. (gov sig)
 SB37CORTEZCOURTS - Increases the civil jurisdictional amount in dispute for the City Court of Lafayette. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB39MURRAYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to partitions of immovable property and minority interests. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB45MURRAYCOURTS - Provides relative to preparation of transcripts in Orleans Parish Criminal District Court for appeals. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB82THOMPSONSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. (6/30/14)
 SB85MURRAYFAMILY LAW - Provides for consideration of certain child care expenses for purposes of child support when the expenses are incurred by a parent receiving job training or education. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB93THOMPSONFORESTRY - Provides relative to the sale of certain forest tree seedlings. (gov sig)
 SB119THOMPSONANIMALS - Provides relative to the licensure and regulation of certain farm-raised exotic animals. (gov sig)
 SB128MARTINYPSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides for the licensure of specialist in school psychology by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. (8/1/14) (2/3-CA7s2.1)
 SB129THOMPSONPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provides for licensing and regulation of manufacturers, dealer-distributors, users, blasters, and handlers of explosives. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB139MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to marine products. (8/1/14)
 SB157MARTINYPSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides for the provisional licensure of psychologists by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. (8/1/14) (2/3-CA7s2.1)
 SB169LONGINSURERS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association and structured settlement annuities. (8/1/14)
 SB172CORTEZTEACHERS - Provides relative to sick leave for teachers and other school employees. (8/1/14)
 SB180GALLOTLEGISLATION - Provides for the Louisiana State Law Institute recommending repeal, removal or revision of law that has been declared unconstitutional by final and definitive court judgment. (gov sig)
 SB181MORRISHPROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides with respect to the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policy take-out program. (8/1/14)
 SB228APPELCOURTS - Provides for environmental court procedures in Jefferson and Orleans parishes. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB232FRED MILLSCOURTS - Provides relative to deputy constables. (8/1/14)
 SB239WALSWORTHSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Environmental Quality. (6/30/14)
 SB243MORRISHPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provide with respect to the Insurance Fraud Investigation Unit. (7/1/14)
 SB245MORRISHETHICS - Prohibits an appointing authority from appointing a person who is a member of the immediate family of a person who serves as a member of the same board or commission. (8/1/14)
 SB252NEVERSCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to the 22nd Judicial District Court's presentencing investigation assessment policy. (8/1/14) (EN +$50,000 LF EX See Note)
 SB254MORRISHLIABILITY INSURANCE - Provides relative to travel insurance. (8/1/14) (EN -$13,750 SG RV See Note)
 SB260JOHNSINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance producer license reinstatement. (8/1/14)
 SB265MARTINYSECURITIES - Provides relative to registration of securities. (gov sig)
 SB269PEACOCKDONATIONS - Provides relative to the annual limit on authorized donations that a curator may make on behalf of an interdict. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 SB272MURRAYCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides that changes to the forms by the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance and personal financial disclosure forms by the Board of Ethics shall be accomplished through approval of the Committees on Senate and Governmental Affairs and House and Governmental Affairs. (8/1/14)
 SB279MARTINYNURSES - Changes the domicile of the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners. (gov sig)
 SB281TROY BROWNINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance anti-fraud plans. (8/1/14)
 SB287MARTINYPUBLIC SERVICE COMN - Re-creates the Department of Public Service. (6/30/14)
 SB288MARTINYSUNSET LAW - Re-creates entities transferred to or placed within the office of the governor. (6/30/14)
 SB296MORRELLCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to inventory of untested sexual assault collection kits. (8/1/14)
 SB336APPELTEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS - Revises the textbook adoption process. (gov sig) (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB388THOMPSONARSON - Provides relative to the registration of arson offenders. (8/1/14)
 SB402FRED MILLSCORONERS - Provide relative to coroners. (8/1/14)
 SB436MORRISHINSURANCE CLAIMS - Changes the sunset date of the "Sledge Jeansonne Louisiana Insurance Fraud Prevention Act". (8/1/14)
 SB489HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to the diabetes annual action plan. (8/1/14)
 SB498HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for personal care assistance services. (gov sig)
 SB502HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for the licensure of pain management clinics. (gov sig)
 SB510HEITMEIERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Veterans Affairs. (6/30/14)
 SB511HEITMEIERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Children and Family Services. (6/30/14)
 SB538J.SMITHMILITARY AFFAIRS - Establishes the Military Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)

14. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 HR2HENSGENSTRANSPORTATION - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study and make recommendations relative to a hurricane evacuation route for and economic development of a certain portion of La. Highway 330.
 HR10T.LANDRYTRANSPORTATION DEPT - Requests the House Committee on Transportation to study the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program to determine if the department's contracting activities are in line with the program's objectives based on local market place conditions

16. House Bills on Second Reading Reported by Committee
 HB162BISHOPTAX/INCOME TAX - Creates an individual income tax checkoff for The Louisiana Youth Leadership Seminar Corporation, also known as Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB183LANCE HARRISMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to the Louisiana Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Act
 HB187LOPINTOCHILDREN - Provides for surrogacy regulation in Louisiana (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB194ROBIDEAUXTAX/INCOME TAX - Creates an individual income tax checkoff for Louisiana State Troopers Charities, Inc. (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB218TALBOTCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to special civil proceedings (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB230PONTISUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Economic Development
 HB248PONTIECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Repeals the requirement that the Louisiana Economic Development Corporation have a coordinator position
 HB254LORUSSOLEASES - Provides relative to leasing of certain marina facilities operated by Jefferson Parish
 HB267PONTIECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Removes requirements of the State Board of Commerce and Industry and the secretary of the Department of Economic Development to approve the issuance of certain bonds (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB300GREENEFAMILY LAW - Provides with respect to interim and final spousal support (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB319FOILCORPORATIONS - Provides for revisions to business corporation law
 HB355DANAHAYTAX/ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE - Authorizes the secretary of the Department of Revenue to waive certain penalties associated with the payment of taxes on certain alcoholic beverages (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
 HB357GREENECHILDREN/CUSTODY - Provides relative to ex parte orders of temporary child custody (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB419MONTOUCETDISTRICTS/DRAINAGE - Provides relative to access to public drainage for maintenance purposes
 HB484SIMONMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides for a deaf or hard of hearing designation to be placed on the registration of a motor vehicle (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB588STEVE CARTERHIGHER EDUCATION - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for members of the postsecondary education management boards and the Board of Regents to have qualifications provided by law
 HB602ABRAMSONTAX/INCOME TAX - Creates an individual income tax checkoff for The Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans, Inc. (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB656GREGORY MILLERPROPERTY/EXPROPRIATION - Provides relative to the authority to expropriate (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB814JAMESMEDICAID - Extends right of Medicaid recovery in cases of third party liability for injury, illness, or death to Medicaid managed care organizations that provide covered services to Medicaid enrollees
 HB840N.LANDRYFAMILY LAW - Provides relative to the transfer of actions in custody proceedings
 HB841LEGERCORPORATIONS - Provides for voting trusts as holders of limited liability company certificates
 HB863DANAHAYTAX APPEALS/BOARD - Authorizes and provides for the adjudication of certain state and local tax disputes by the Board of Tax Appeals (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB868PONTIUTILITIES - Makes changes to the La. Underground Utilities and Facilities Damage Prevention Law
 HB994PONTIECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to financing requirements of the Louisiana Business and Industrial Development Company Act


3. House Concurrent Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments

Not yet scheduled for concurrence
 HCR27N.LANDRYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Barbara Landry Picard on her long and distinguished career of service to the village of Maurice and Vermilion Parish

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 3/26/2014
 HB830B.ADAMSALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to size limitations on containers of beverages of high alcoholic content
 HB860SHERMAN MACKMOTOR CARRIERS - Provides for the registration expiration date for certain commercial trucks and trailers
 HB882CHAMPAGNECLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to legal holidays in Iberia Parish (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB898GAINESPORTS/SOUTH LOUISIANA - Increases the membership of the Port of South Louisiana Commission
 HB904ROBERT JOHNSONHOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of the Cottonport Housing Authority
 HB963GAROFALOMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Prohibits novelty or unofficial credentials intended to simulate valid state or federal credentials
 HB967GAROFALOMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides for international driver's licenses
 HB1010A.WILLIAMSDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Creates the Villa del Rey Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District in East Baton Rouge Parish
 HB9J.EDWARDSINSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE - Provides for liability for damages caused by an excluded driver (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB106LOPINTOTRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to the improper display of license plates
 HB136GUINNHIGHWAYS - Designates the Flyway Byway in Jefferson Davis Parish as a Louisiana byway and names the "Creole Nature Trail All-American road route" byway in Calcasieu and Cameron parishes
 HB145J.THOMPSONSEIZURES/SALES - Provides relative to the general exemptions of certain property from seizure
 HB197ST.GERMAINNOTARIES - Provides for ex officio notaries for fire departments or fire protection districts
 HB231PONTISUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Public Service
 HB243BARRASNOTARIES - Authorizes the appointment of notaries public based on a pre-assessment test administered by the secretary of state
 HB316BURFORDMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - Exempts single axle two-wheel trailers from motor vehicle inspection requirements (EN DECREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB347BADONMOTOR VEHICLES - Exempts boat trailers from the requirement to have inspection stickers
 HB386HAVARDMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - Provides relative to required documents for trailer inspections
 HB400BADONTRADEMARKS/TRADE NAMES - Provides relative to using Jazzland as a trademark
 HB422SHADOINMARRIAGE/LICENSE - Provides relative to the authority to perform a marriage ceremony (EN NO IMPACT See Note)

Scheduled for floor debate on 3/27/2014
 HB448RITCHIECEMETERIES - Authorizes the Louisiana Cemetery Board to impose fines for certain violations
 HB462BERTHELOTNOTARIES - Provides with respect to ex officio notaries public for the Department of Public Safety and Corrections (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB478GREGORY MILLERPROPERTY/EXPROPRIATION - Provides relative to procedures in certain expropriation proceedings (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB543B.ADAMSMTR VEHICLE/EMERGENCY - Allows all fire department vehicles to be equipped with blue colored electric lights
 HB567SHADOINBONDS - Provides relative to filing of bond or other security in proceedings under the Private Works Act (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB573J.THOMPSONSUCCESSION/FORCED HEIRS - Provides relative to forced heirs (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB771RITCHIECEMETERIES - Provides with respect to cemeteries
 HB793ST.GERMAINWATER/RESOURCES - Provides for the membership of the Capital Area Groundwater Commission
 HB844PONTIBANKS/BANKING - Provides relative to security freezes
 HB869PONTIREAL ESTATE/REALTORS - Provides for changes to the post-license education requirements of real estate brokers and salespersons
 HB893SCHEXNAYDERMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - Provides for physical inspections of a vehicle by a P.O.S.T. certified law enforcement officer
 HB929BADONMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to the booting of motor vehicles parked on private property
 HB1002RITCHIEFUNERALS & FUNERAL HOMES - Provides with respect to embalmers and funeral directors (EN +$1,500 SG RV See Note)

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HB55LOPINTOCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Revises provisions of law regarding expungement (EN SEE FISC NOTE RV See Note)
 HB63LEGEREXCEPTIONAL PERSONS - Revises terminology referring to persons with disabilities and other persons with exceptionalities (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB68T.BURNSADMIN LAW/DIVISION - Provides that certain appeals and hearings formerly conducted by the bureau of appeals of the Dept. of Health and Hospitals shall be conducted by the division of administrative law (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB104GREENELAW ENFORCE/CRIM JUS COM - Provides for the composition, terms of office, and meeting schedule of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice Commission
 HB144THIBAUTPUBLIC LANDS/SCHOOLS - Authorizes the West Baton Rouge Parish School Board to exchange immovable property including sixteenth section lands
 HB193RICHARDPOLITICAL PARTIES - Repeals the prohibition against the recognition of certain political parties (EN +$52,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB202BISHOPSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Environmental Quality
 HB212LEBASCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Adds certain compounds to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB227CAMERON HENRYCRIME/BATTERY - Amends penalties for the crime of battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB229SHERMAN MACKCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Adds substances to the listing of Schedule I controlled dangerous substances (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB259CHAMPAGNECRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides relative to arrest records provided to institutions of postsecondary education requesting criminal history information on a prospective employee
 HB278HAVARDCORRECTIONS - Adds "correctional facility employee" to the list of specific victims of the crime of first degree murder (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB286THIBAUTINSURANCE/LIFE - Requires life insurers to notify insureds relative to conversion option
 HB293B.ADAMSGAMBLING - Prohibits gambling by electronic sweepstakes device (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB308SEABAUGHCRIME - Increases the possible term of imprisonment for the crime of aggravated flight from an officer (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB326LOPINTOPAROLE - Provides relative to the district attorney's participation in parole hearings
 HB330LOPINTOMENTAL HEALTH - Authorizes the use of electronic means for the delivery of an order for protective custody and transportation to the sheriff
 HB337J.THOMPSONEXPLOSIVES - Provides with respect to the regulation of explosives
 HB361SAM JONESPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Provides for the authority to transfer or lease certain state property in St. Mary Parish
 HB388JACKSON-ANDREWSABORTION - Provides for requirements of physicians who perform abortions
 HB416LAMBERTFISHING - Assigns to the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission management responsibility for sustainability of freshwater and saltwater fisheries
 HB440HARRISONFISHING/SHRIMP - Provides relative to size and configuration of skimmer nets (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB454SEABAUGHINSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE - Provides relative to settlement or payment of a claim under a vehicle liability insurance policy
 HB461BADONCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Repeals drug traffic loitering statute
 HB501W.BISHOPVOTING/REGISTRATION - Provides for voter registration at age sixteen (EN +$54,388 GF EX See Note)
 HB518HUVALPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Provides for the transfer of certain state property in St. Martin Parish
 HB523LAMBERTFISHING/RECREATIONAL - Provides for possession limits for certain species of bass caught in saltwater areas of the state
 HB530PYLANTCRIMINAL/VICTIMS - Provides relative to the crimes of incest and aggravated incest (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB600ABRAMSONSCHOOLS/TRANSPORTATION - Requires public school governing authorities and charter schools to adopt policies or provide in bus transportation service agreements relative to the location of the loading or unloading of students
 HB743MORENOCRIMINAL/JUSTICE - Relative to the membership, voting procedures, and proxies of the La. Sentencing Commission
 HB833FOILEXCEPTIONAL PERSONS - Creates the ABLE Account savings program for persons with disabilities (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB857BROADWATERELECTIONS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the filling of vacancies in certain local and municipal offices (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB891STOKESHEALTH/MEDICAL TREATMENT - Authorizes access to investigational treatments for terminally ill patients
 HB913LEOPOLDFISHING/FINFISH - Creates the Louisiana Finfish Task Force
 HB16T.LANDRYCOURTS - Authorizes the 15th JDC to provide for a reentry division of court (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB25TALBOTRETIREMENT/STATE SYSTEMS - Provides relative to membership in the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System and the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (EG DECREASE APV)
 HB42PEARSONRETIREMENT/SCHOOL EMPS - Provides for application of remaining funds in the La. School Employees' Retirement System's experience account, after payment of a permanent benefit increase to eligible retirees and beneficiaries, to specified debt of the system (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB54JAMESCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes the designation of specialized divisions or sections in city or municipal courts (EN +$161,950 LF RV See Note)
 HB126H.BURNSMTR VEHICLE/COMPULS INS - Requires law enforcement officers to check for compliance with the compulsory motor vehicle liability security law during traffic stops
 HB137HAVARDSTATE EMPLOYEES - Authorizes payroll deductions for dues for membership in the Louisiana Engineering Society (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB151GUINNCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Increases court costs in criminal cases for the 31st JDC (EG +$110,600 LF EX See Note)
 HB156SHERMAN MACKCOURTS - Provides with respect to the transfer of surplus monies from jury funds to the Criminal Court Fund of the 21st Judicial District Court (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB225CHAMPAGNEAPPROPRIATIONS - Requires nongovernmental entities to submit additional information for line item appropriation requests (RE NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB238ST.GERMAINPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides that the position of assistant chief of police in Plaquemine shall be in the unclassified service
 HB253T.BURNSDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Authorizes the governing authority of St. Tammany Parish to create a geographic information system district (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB274BURRELLCOURTS - Provides relative to reentry courts
 HB284ST.GERMAINSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Dept. of Transportation and Development
 HB298GAROFALOCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides for court costs in St. Bernard Parish (EN +$66,500 LF RV See Note)
 HB349BARRASPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Relative to lease payments for leasing of property by public benefit corporations
 HB390SHERMAN MACKSTATE SYMBOL - Provides for fox pens as part of Louisiana's folklife heritage
 HB446LEGERTRANSPORTATION - Designates DOTD as the agency responsible for oversight of fixed guideway rail systems and provides for powers and duties (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB456SCHRODERCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides that the position of police chief for the city of Covington is in the unclassified service
 HB467CONNICKCOURTS - Authorizes the 24th JDC to provide for a reentry division of court (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB576T.BURNSPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Exempts Mandeville from certain laws regarding wages and hours of police officers (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB582SAM JONESDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Creates the Morgan City Development District (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB641HARRISONCORONERS - Relative to the office and duties of coroner (RE1 NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB642HILLCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Authorizes an increase in court costs for the Oberlin Municipal Court (EN +$18,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB832BROADWATERTREASURER - Provides relative to permissible investment by the state treasurer of offshore revenues deposited into the Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
 HB896DANAHAYTRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Prohibits the use of photo speed enforcement devices on interstates
 HB940ABRAMSONADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE - Provides relative to nuisance ordinances in the city of New Orleans (EN +$115,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB961PYLANTTRANSPORTATION - Provides for the labeling of speed traps
 HB998ORTEGOTRANSPORTATION - Requires DOTD to supplement the manual on uniform traffic control devices to permit certain guide signs to appear in English and Louisiana French
 HB1012LORUSSODISTRICTS/TAXING - Provides relative to a special taxing district in Jefferson Parish


5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 3/31/2014
 HB185HAVARDHEALTH/HOME CARE - Provides relative to home- and community-based long-term care services provided by direct service workers (EN NO IMPACT See Note)


Morning Hour

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB100DIXONCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Establishes court costs to pay for settlements to wrongfully convicted individuals

Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB11J.EDWARDSHOLIDAYS - Designates the seventh day of August as "Purple Heart Recognition Day" (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB524N.LANDRYCONDOMINIUMS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Condominium Act
 HB563LORUSSOMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "Mount Carmel Academy" special prestige license plate (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB667SIMONHEALTH - Reorganizes and recodifies the Miscellaneous Health Provisions chapter of Title 40 of the La. Revised Statutes