House Order of the Day
April 3, 2024
2:00 PM
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions
 HR70YOUNGCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Willie Young, Sr., for his service with the Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board and as a police juror in Claiborne Parish
 HR71YOUNGCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Martin Lemelle on his appointment as president of Grambling State University
 HR72DAVISCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Louisiana Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) programs and volunteers on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the program
 HCR49THOMPSONCONSERVATION - Commends and expresses support for the cooperative conservation and management work being carried out by agricultural conservation partnerships in the state

7. Introduction of Bills

10. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 HR61WRIGHTTAX/STATE - Authorizes the House Committee on Ways and Means, or a subcommittee thereof, to study the state's tax structure and develop recommendations for tax system reforms (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HR63MACKHIGHWAYS - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study the extension of Louisiana Highway 449 to I-12
 HR69MANDIE LANDRYTAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Requests the La. State Law Institute to study bidding procedures for tax sale property
 HCR41HORTONLEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES - Requests a joint subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations and Senate Committee on Finance to study and make recommendations relative to state supplemental pay (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HCR42BAGLEYAGRICULTURE/SUGAR - Urges and requests the Louisiana State University AgCenter and the Southern University Ag Center to work together to study alternative uses of sugarcane bagasse and to make recommendations on how such alternatives can be used to benefit sugarcane producers economically
 HCR43EMERSONFISCAL CONTROLS - Authorizes appropriation from the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD EX)
 HCR44MELERINESCHOOLS/HIGH SCHOOL - Directs the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to explore the creation of an appeals process for certain students who do not pass state-administered, end-of-course assessments required for high school graduation
 HCR46PHILLIP TARVERBESE - Requests the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to prioritize mental health instruction and training in suicide prevention in its rulemaking process
 HCR48WRIGHTHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study I-12 express tolling operations compared to how other states implement express tolling

11. Senate Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 SCR6GARY CARTERHEALTH CARE - Requests the Louisiana Department of Health to apply to participate in the CMS Transforming Maternal Health Model.
 SCR11REESECONGRESS - Urges the Congress of the United States to amend federal law to allow states to provide for the consolidation of federally funded workforce development services with federally funded social safety net services.
 SCR14HENSGENSMINERALS - Requests the United States Department of Energy to carefully consider the benefits of liquid natural gas exports.

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB35RISERRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in critical shortage positions (OR INCREASE APV)
 HB215ST. BLANCCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the classified police service in Morgan City
 HB237NEWELLDISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the Faubourg Marigny Security and Improvement District in Orleans Parish
 HB270BOYDASSESSORS - Provides relative to the application and fee required by the Orleans Parish assessor for a tax exemption
 HB323FREIBERGPARISH/GOVERN AUTHORITY - Provides relative to a travel allowance for members of the governing authority of East Baton Rouge Parish
 HB390CARRIERLIBRARIES - Provides relative to compensation for members of the Allen Parish Libraries Board of Control
 HB525WILLARDSEWERAGE/N O WATER BD - Provides relative to billing for services by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board
 HB635BAGLEYDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Six to levy a sales and use tax
 HB650FISHERMUNICIPALITIES - Authorizes the city of Monroe to expropriate property by declaration
 HB690MARCELLEDISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the Melrose East Crime Prevention District in East Baton Rouge Parish
 HB803MUSCARELLOCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to interruption of prescription and venue
 HB804ROBBY CARTERGAMBLING/VIDEO POKER - Provides relative to the prohibited distances near qualified truck stop facilities that are licensed to operate video poker draw devices
 HB805BRYANTCRIME - Provides a justification defense to domestic violence victim-defendants
 HB806GEYMANNCOASTAL RESOURCES - Provides for membership on the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board
 HB807FONTENOTFIRE PROTECT/FIRE DEPTS - Establishes service award eligibility for all qualified firefighters
 HB808MIKE JOHNSONCEMETERIES - Regulates the operation of abandoned cemeteries
 HB809GALLEPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides for limitations on mandates from a certain federal agency
 HB810GEYMANNNATURAL RESOURCES DEPT - Provides for the organization, duties, and responsibilities of the Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB811LACOMBEMTR VEHICLE/OFF ROAD - Adds certain persons as authorized operators of off-road vehicles
 HB812ROMEROFISHING/CRAWFISH - Makes changes to the Louisiana Crawfish Promotion and Research Board
 HB813EDMONSTONDRUGS/PRESCRIPTION - Provides relative to prescribing, administering, and dispensing of drugs for off-label use
 HB814YOUNGBARBERS - Provides for student age requirements for barber college admissions
 HB815BILLINGSHEALTH/LDH - Provides relative to certain federally-regulated information (EG SEE FISC NOTE)
 HB816WILFORD CARTERCRIME - Provides relative to residential contractor fraud (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB817HUGHESCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to wrongful conviction and imprisonment
 HB818CARVERFAMILY LAW - Provides relative to forced heirship
 HB819VENTRELLAEVIDENCE - Provides relative to the burden of proof when the justification of self-defense is raised
 HB820WALTERSLAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides relative to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council
 HB821ROMEROALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to brewing facilities located in the state
 HB822EGANVACCINES/VACCINATION - Provides relative to messenger ribonucleic acid vaccinations and blood donations
 HB823BACALAWEAPONS/FIREARMS - Provides relative to the illegal carrying of weapons
 HB824MARCELLECRIMINAL/PENALTIES - Provides relative to penalties for the unlawful disruption of the operation of a school (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB825ROMEROMTR VEHICLE/TRUCK REGS - Provides relative to dump trucks (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV)
 HB826EMERSONFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides relative to use of monies in special treasury funds (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD EX)
 HB827TURNERTAX/TAX REBATES - Provides relative to sales and use tax rebates on the sale of certain communications and data center equipment (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB828DUSTIN MILLERBOARDS/COMMISSIONS - Provides relative to the professional organization of medical psychologists
 HB829LYONSHEALTH/LDH - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for EarlySteps: Louisiana's Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB830EGANDRUGS/CONTROLLED - Adds Tianeptine to Schedule I of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law
 HB831EGANJUDGES - Provides relative to mandatory judicial training (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB832HUGHESCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to the assessment, collection, and distribution of certain court costs and fees in the parish of Orleans
 HB833DAVISCIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to in vitro fertilization
 HB834BRASSINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to the St. James Parish Retired Employees Insurance Fund
 HB835MCFARLANDCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to electric vehicle charging technology and equipment networks
 HB836MCFARLANDLOCAL FINANCE - Provides that certain non-debt-forming concession agreements and other obligations are not deemed as debt requiring approval of the State Bond Commission (RE1 +$129,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB837EMERSONTAX APPEALS/BOARD - Raises the limit on the value of claims approved by the Board of Tax Appeals that are to be paid from current tax collections (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB838TURNERLICENSING - Provides relative to licensing requirements for the practice of clinical laboratory science
 HB839HEBERTINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to step therapy or fail first protocols (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB840BOYERRACING/COMMISSION - Provides relative to the members of the Louisiana State Racing Commission (EN +$26,000 LF EX See Note)
 HB841MCMAKINCONTRACTS - Moves the regulation of home service contract providers from the secretary of state to the Department of Insurance (OR SEE FISC NOTE SG RV)
 HB842WILEYLIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to civil liability protection for local governments concerning events on the Mississippi River levee
 HB843MCFARLANDLEGISLATIVE EXPENSES - Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
 HB844RISERTAX/INCOME TAX - Repeals the individual income tax (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB845DESHOTELPROCUREMENT - Provides relative to procurement of information technology (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB846KNOXFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides relative to reporting on federal and state funding of mental health services (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB848JACKSONLIBRARIES - Provides relative to budgets adopted by library boards of control
 HB849ILLGHEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Provides relative to healthcare outcomes for patient's suffering with behavioral health issues
 HB850MIKE JOHNSONTRESPASS - Provides relative to the removal of unauthorized persons from immovable property (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB851PHELPSCRIME - Creates the crime of tax lien property fraud (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB852MANDIE LANDRYCRIME - Increases the penalties for malfeasance in office (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB853MYERSHEALTH/LDH - Creates the office of surgeon general within the Louisiana Department of Health (EN GF EX See Note)
 HB854GEYMANNWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides for exemption to wildlife rehabilitation program rules
 HB855BERAULTCHILDREN/ADOPTION - Provides relative to adoptive placement
 HB856MIKE JOHNSONVOTING/MACHINES - Provides that the secretary of state shall be responsible for voting system maintenance and repair (EGF NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB857ROBBY CARTERCAPITAL OUTLAY - Expands the class of parishes eligible for a waiver of a matching funds requirement for capital outlay projects (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB858VENTRELLACIVIL/ACTIONS - Provides relative to the limitation of liability for recreational landowners
 HB859DAVISHEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS - Requires request for proposals for a managed care organization to provide specialized behavioral health services (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB860ECHOLSMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid reimbursement for home visiting services provided after the birth of a child (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB861FONTENOTECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to regional economic development organizations
 HB862HUGHESSTUDENT/TUITION - Authorizes, with limitations, public postsecondary education management boards to establish and increase student tuition and mandatory fees (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB863ECHOLSWORKERS COMPENSATION - Provides for adoption of a medical fee reimbursement schedule for workers' compensation (RE +$200,000 SD EX See Note)
 HB864GREENCOURTS - Provides relative to the drug division probation program (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB865MYERSSOCIAL WORKER - Provides relative to virtual social work supervision
 HB866AMEDEELIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to the refusal of certain medical services
 HB867CHANCE HENRYHEALTH CARE - Provides for the practice of audiology and speech-language pathology
 HB868EGANMENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to standards for psychiatric hospitals and residential substance abuse facilities (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB869PHELPSHEALTH/SICKLE CELL ANEM - Requires continuing education for the treatment of sickle cell disease for physicians and physician assistants
 HB870ECHOLSWORKERS COMPENSATION - Provides for adoption of a medical fee reimbursement schedule for workers' compensation
 HB871CHANCE HENRYTAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Provides for procedures for the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes and statutory impositions, tax auctions, tax auction certificates, and the redemption of certain property (RE SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB872DUSTIN MILLERSTUDENTS - Provides relative to behavioral health services for students (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB873EMERSONELECTIONS - Provides relative to elections (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB874KERNERCORRECTIONS - Provides relative to electronic monitoring
 HB875GADBERRYFIRE PROTECT/FIRE MARSHAL - Provides for changes in fees relative to the state fire marshal (OR +$180,550 RV See Note)
 HB876BEAULLIEUTOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides relative to the definition of "alternative nicotine product"
 HB877MCFARLANDPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Relative to public contracts with economically disadvantaged businesses (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB878RISERPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides relative to fire departments and public safety departments or agencies entering into an agreement with group purchasing organizations (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB879FARNUMMOTOR CARRIERS - Provides relative to required insurance coverage applicable to trucks transporting waste
 HB880SCHAMERHORNMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Provides with respect to the renewal of truck registrations
 HB881BEAULLIEUCULTURE/FRENCH - Provides relative to the membership of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana
 HB882LACOMBEALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides with respect to microbreweries
 HB883PHELPSHEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Allows the provision of data relative to sickle cell disease (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB884HUGHESPROCUREMENT - Provides relative to procurement of certain services by public postsecondary education management boards (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB885ILLGMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "Jefferson Parish Bicentennial" specialty license plate
 HB886JACKSONPARISHES - Requires certain parishes to use sports wagering revenues remitted by the state for infrastructure improvements in particular areas
 HB887BAYHAMHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates the Bayou Bienvenue bridge on Louisiana Highway 47 in Chalmette, Louisiana, as the "Senator Samuel B. Nunez Crossing"
 HB888STAGNISOCIAL WORKER - Provides relative to the Social Work Licensure Compact (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX See Note)
 HB889CHARLES OWENCRIMINAL/JURY TRIALS - Creates the sentencing review panel for non-unanimous jury convictions
 HB890BRYANTSTATE OFFICIALS - Provides relative to mandatory annual mental health response training and individual counseling requirements for statewide elected officials and legislators (OR +$11,440 GF EX See Note)
 HB891CHENEVERTCHILDREN/NEWBORNS - Provides relative to the Safe Haven Law
 HB892WRIGHTCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to the formation and administration of decentralized unincorporated nonprofit associations
 HB893SCHAMERHORNAGRICULTURE - Requires solar farms to have buffer zones between the operational area of a solar farm and any adjoining residential area
 HB894JORDANLIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides with respect to liability for damages caused by a firearm
 HB895CHARLES OWENTRESPASS - Provides relative to the removal of unauthorized persons from residential immovable property (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB896MYERSHEALTH SERVICES - Creates the Louisiana Remote Patient Monitoring Program Law (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB897BAGLEYPHYSICAL THERAPISTS - Provides relative to physical therapists
 HB898MANDIE LANDRYELECTIONS - Provides for disclosure of contributions and expenditures for electioneering communications
 HB899WRIGHTHEALTH/MEDICAL TREATMENT - Provides relative to the Hope for Louisiana Patients Law (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB900WYBLECONGRESS - Provides relative to the disclosure of certain information related to candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives
 HB901MANDIE LANDRYPARDON - Provides relative to the Crime Victims Services Bureau within the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB902MELERINERETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Requires fiduciaries for public retirement systems to make investment decisions based solely on financial factors (OR SEE ACTUARIAL NOTE FC)
 HB903NEWELLMUSEUMS/STATE MUSEUM - Provides relative to the position of museum director for the Louisiana State Museum
 HB904CHENEVERTEDUCATION - Requires school-level reporting by public schools and postsecondary education institutions on programs related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and requires the state Department of Education and the Board of Regents to submit summary reports to certain legislative committees (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB905FREIBERGJURY DUTY - Permits jurors to donate their per diem compensation to the Capital Area Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB906WRIGHTCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Makes revisions to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB907BAGLEYMUSEUMS - Provides for the governance of state museums and the transfer of museums from the Department of State to the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism (OR SEE FISC NOTE SG RV)
 HB908AMEDEEVACCINES/VACCINATION - Prohibits discrimination against students on the basis of vaccination status
 HB909CHARLES OWENHIGHER EDUCATION - Subjects certain actions of the Board of Regents and public postsecondary education management boards relative to environmental, social, and governance criteria to the approval of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
 HB910ROMEROHORTICULTURE/COMMISSION - Provides relative to the Horticulture Commission
 HB912JORDANREAPPORTIONMENT/SENATE - Provides for redistricting the Louisiana Senate
 HB913SELDERSUTILITIES - Provides for transparency for utility bills
 HB914AMEDEEFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to practices of financial institutions to provide or deny services
 HB915WYBLEAIRCRAFT/AVIATION - Prohibits the procurement of certain unmanned aircraft systems
 HB916DICKERSONHEALTH CARE - Establishes procedures for the use of artificial intelligence by healthcare entities
 HB917PHELPSEARLY CHILDHOOD - Provides that Act No. 84 of the 2023 Regular Session of the Legislature shall be known and may be cited as "Armani's Law"
 HB918KERNERCRIME - Creates the crime of defamation
 HB919CHENEVERTPUBLIC OFFLS/EMPS - Provides with respect to payroll deductions
 HB920BROWNFISHING/CRAWFISH - Transfers jurisdiction of commercial crawfish harvesters from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to the Department of Agriculture
 HB921HILFERTYTAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Limits the determination of fair market value of certain real property by an assessor under certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB922CHARLES OWENHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 171 as the "Claude 'Buddy' Leach Memorial Highway"
 HB923BOYERMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides relative to requirements for private training and driving instructor schools
 HB924BOYDTRANSPORTATION - Increases the fee charged for trucks and trailers statewide
 HB925MACKJUDGMENTS - Provides relative to reporting requirements for political subdivisions associated with outstanding judgments (EN +$84,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB926LYONSREAPPORTIONMENT/JUDGES - Provides for the election of judges of the first district of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal
 HB927SELDERSLOCAL GOVERNMENT - Provides with respect to certain permits required by parishes and municipalities
 HB928AMEDEESTUDENT/STANDARDS - Requires the inclusion of certain standards in the state content standards for the subject of social studies
 HB929CREWSTREASURER - Provides for the powers and duties of the treasurer to establish gold and silver as legal tender
 HB930VENTRELLACOSMETOLOGY - Provides relative to cosmetology
 HB931CHASSIONSTUDENTS - Provides for awarding high school diplomas in certain circumstances
 HB932BOYERRACING/HORSE - Provides relative to purse supplements
 HB933BAYHAMHORTICULTURE - Provides with respect to retail florists and wholesale florists
 HB934LACOMBEENERGY/CONSERVATION - Provides for the dedication of revenue from carbon dioxide sequestration on state lands and water bottoms (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
 HB935ZERINGUEMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - Provides relative to commercial motor vehicle inspections
 HB936ZERINGUEFLOODING/CONTROL - Provides with respect to flood control
 HB937GEYMANNENERGY/CONSERVATION - Provides relative to landowner liability for carbon dioxide sequestration
 HB938ADAMSMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Establishes special prestige license plates for certain Louisiana schools
 HB939FISHERHEALTH/SICKLE CELL ANEM - Provides relative to healthcare services provided to patients with sickle cell disease (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB940TURNERBONDS - Authorizes the issuance of bonds to finance deferred maintenance projects included in the College and University Deferred Maintenance and Capital Improvement Program (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB941KNOXSEWERAGE/N O WATER BD - Provides relative to the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board
 HB942BAYHAMHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates the portion of the Intracoastal Waterway Gulf Outlet Bridge on Highway 47, in Orleans Parish, as the "Governor David C. Treen Green Bridge"
 HB943WILEYMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates a specialty license plate for the St. Edmund Catholic School Bluejays
 HB944MCMAKINMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides changes to the law regarding driver's license renewals and tests
 HB945CHASSIONSTUDENT/ASSESSMENT - Prohibits requiring students to pass state-administered end-of-course (LEAP) tests in order to graduate from high school
 HB946GALLELIBRARIES - Provides relative to members of parish library boards of control
 HB947DAVISCONSUMERS/PROTECTION - Provides relative to the protection of data
 HB948BOYERRACING/HORSE - Provides relative to historical horse racing
 HB949ILLGTRANSPORTATION DEPT - Provides with respect to the Department of Transportation and Development enforcement (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB950WILDERTRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to towing vehicle and axle weight limits
 HB951JORDANPOLICE/STATE - Provides for collection and reporting of data (OR +$3,973,177 GF EX See Note)
 HB952DUSTIN MILLERHEALTH - Provides relative to consumable hemp products
 HB953FONTENOTCONTRACTORS - Provides relative to life safety and property protection and conveyance devices
 HB954MENALICENSING - Provides relative to occupations and professions
 HB955MARCELLEHOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides that housing authorities are exempt from certain fees and requirements for surety (EG DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB956CREWSLABOR - Creates the Employee Secret Ballot Protection Act
 HB957JORDANINSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE - Prohibits insurers and third parties from sharing driver information without the driver's consent
 HB958AMEDEEINSURANCE/HEALTH - Prohibits financial incentives or penalties to encourage healthcare providers to administer vaccinations
 HB959DESHOTELLICENSING - Provides relative to the sunset of licenses
 HB960EDMONSTONTREASURER - Provides for the duties of the treasurer to establish and promulgate rules for a gold and silver transactional service

13. Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 SB75MORRISCOURTS - Provides for electronic filing and record retention. (8/1/24)
 SB80FOILTRUSTS - Provides for trusts for minors and persons with disabilities. (8/1/24)
 SB89FIELDSSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides for the creation of the Delmont Neighborhood Crime Prevention District. (gov sig)
 SB90FIELDSSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides for the creation of the Brookstown Neighborhood Association Crime Prevention District. (gov sig)
 SB188COUSSANFAMILY LAW - Provides for the Uniform Collaborative Family Law Act. (8/1/24)
 SB208MIGUEZINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Provides for sanctuary policies. (gov sig)
 SB218KLEINPETERVOTERS/VOTING - Provides relative to voting. (8/1/24)
 SB251BARROWCORRECTIONAL FACILITIES - Provides relative to educational programs provided by correctional facilities. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB323TALBOTINSURANCE CLAIMS - Provides for fair claims processing. (7/1/24)

16. House Bills on Second Reading Reported by Committee
 HB4ZERINGUEDISTRICTS/COMMUNICATIONS - Provides for an increase in wireless service charges for 911 services provided by the Terrebonne Parish Communications District (EN +$588,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB7BOURRIAQUEDISTRICTS/WATERWORKS - Provides relative to the board of the South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 in Cameron Parish
 HB9ILLGRETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY - Provides for survivor benefits of members of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (RE NO IMPACT APV)
 HB10ILLGRETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY - Provides relative to interest on investment accounts maintained by the board of trustees of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB13EMERSONRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN +$16,600 FC SG EX)
 HB20RISERLIBRARIES - Provides relative to administration of funds of the Catahoula Parish Library
 HB29BACALARETIREMENT/CLERKS COURT - Provides relative to benefits of the Clerks' of Court Retirement and Relief Fund (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB40HORTONRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN +$21,235 FC SG EX)
 HB50BUTLERPOLICE/LOCAL - Provides for the qualifications for the office of police chief in the village of Pine Prairie
 HB61HORTONVETERANS - Provides relative to National Guard death and disability benefits (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB76ECHOLSPHYSICIANS - Prohibits the restraint of the practice of medicine in contracts or agreements
 HB100CARLSONCOURTS - Provides relative to jurisdiction of city and parish courts over eviction proceedings
 HB104MUSCARELLOCOURTS - Repeals certain reporting requirements from the district courts to the judicial administrator of the supreme court (EN -$218,000 RV See Note)
 HB141BAMBURGPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides for the abolition of the office of police chief in the town of Martin
 HB148GLORIOSOPROPERTY/IMMOVABLE - Removes certain restrictions on the disposal of immovable property by the governing authority of Slidell
 HB152BERAULTDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to a Community Development District in St. Tammany Parish
 HB172ECHOLSINSURANCE/GROUP-STATE - Provides relative to disclosure and remittance of revenues in excess of certain contractual amounts in certain circumstances for certain contractors with the state's Office of Group Benefits (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV)
 HB181BRASSDISTRICTS/DRAINAGE - Provides for the membership of gravity drainage district boards of commissioners in Ascension Parish
 HB182TRAVIS JOHNSONDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Creates the Ferriday Downtown Entertainment District
 HB183LACOMBEHOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of New Roads Public Housing Authority
 HB184MCFARLANDPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides relative to police services in the village of Calvin
 HB185NEWELLDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Provides for creation of Castle Manor Security and Improvement District in New Orleans
 HB216JACKSONTAX/TAX REBATES - Authorizes a rebate to businesses for employment of youth during summer months (EG DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB218BAGLEYDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Four to levy a sales and use tax
 HB225BOYDDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Creates the Tall Timbers Crime Prevention and Improvement District in New Orleans
 HB236MCMAKINCHILDREN/CUSTODY - Provides for evaluations in child custody proceedings (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB238ECHOLSAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to agriculture land protection against foreign adversaries (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB346BUTLERHORTICULTURE - Provides relative to arboricultural and utility arboricultural examination and license renewal requirements
 HB354BRASSDISTRICTS/ROAD LIGHTING - Provides for the renaming of road lighting districts and the allocation of funding
 HB366DAVISREAL ESTATE - Provides relative to real estate
 HB367FREEMANSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes the month of April as Native Plant Month in Louisiana
 HB383GALLELIABILITY/CIVIL - Limits liability of operators of motor vehicles for harm caused to certain persons who are injured while illegally blocking a road or highway
 HB385CHARLES OWENMILITARY AFFAIRS - Provides relative to survivors' education benefits (EN DECREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB443COATESCIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to confidentiality of records in cases involving certain protected persons
 HB463EGANSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Justice
 HB515HORTONCONSUMERS - Prohibits government restriction of choice regarding vehicles
 HB527EGANVETERANS - Provides relative to veterans cemeteries burial fees
 HB544BOYDTRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to the Regional Transit Authority
 HB588CREWSWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the membership of the Louisiana Workforce Investment Council
 HB620RISERLICENSING - Provides with respect to geoscientist license fees (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB621STAGNITOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides relative to vapor products (EN NO IMPACT SG RV See Note)
 HB623ROMEROCONTRACTORS - Provides relative to the membership of the State Licensing Board for Contractors
 HB652DESHOTELTRAFFIC/SPEED LIMITS - Provides relative to automated speed enforcement devices
 HB659PHELPSTAX/PROPERTY - Increases certain penalties relative to certain prohibited actions regarding tax sale property (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB674BRYANTMOTOR VEHICLES - Authorizes a local governing authority to adopt ordinances to address blighted property with purported collector's automobiles
 HB679RISERLICENSING - Provides relative to auctioneers
 HB694BOYDCULTURE/REC/TOUR - Establishes the Louisiana Music Commission within the Department of Culture Recreation and Tourism (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX)
 HB745EMERSONSCHOOLS/CHOICE - Creates and provides for the LA GATOR Scholarship Program, a universal school choice program (RE INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB747ROBBY CARTERJUDGES - Provides with respect to judicial compensation (EG +$6,990,110 GF EX See Note)
 HB753DESHOTELPLUMBERS - Provides relative to licensure of plumbers
 HB760STAGNITRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to the Regional Transit Authority
 HB770CARPENTERCHILDREN/SUPPORT - Provides relative to child support guidelines
 HB773CARPENTERCHILDREN/SUPPORT - Provides for the schedule of basic child support obligations

17. Senate Instruments Second Reading Returned from the Legislative Bureau
 SB273HENSGENSFISH/FISHING - Provides for bait shrimp. (8/1/24)


1. House and Concurrent Resolutions Third Reading for Final Consideration

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/3/2024
 HCR10KERNERSEAFOOD - Memorializes Congress to compel the United States Food and Drug Administration to fulfill its duties regarding inspection and testing of imported seafood

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HCR6VENTRELLAWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to Wildlife Rehabilitation Program rules

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/3/2024
 HB411GADBERRYCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides for the procedure for returning excess campaign contributions
 HB417LYONSHEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS - Provides relative to NEMT providers (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB476CARLSONELECTIONS/ABSENTEE VOTE - Provides for the delivery of absentee ballots by a person other than the voter
 HB503CARLSONETHICS/CODE - Provides relative to prohibited transactions with the agency of a legislator and of an appointed board or commission member
 HB511ILLGINSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE - Provides relative to uninsured motorists and certain policy forms
 HB541LYONSCRIME/SEX OFFENSES - Amends the elements of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image
 HB542COXMTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides for increased penalties for certain traffic-control signal violations
 HB543ZERINGUEWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to saltwater and charter fishing licenses and fees (EN DECREASE SD EX See Note)
 HB551BRASSCURRICULA - Revises the membership and duties of the Dual Enrollment Framework Task Force
 HB558TURNERMEDICAID - Provides relative to the Local Healthcare Provider Participation Program (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV)
 HB570BILLINGSVOTING/REGISTRATION - Provides for the change of party affiliation prior to the close of registration
 HB605CHANCE HENRYINSURANCE - Provides relative to hearings and delivery of notices
 HB628DOMANGUECAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides for reporting requirements and contribution limits applicable to candidates and political committees participating in an additional election following a tie vote or court ordered elections following an election contest
 HB654HILFERTYPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Provides relative to the authorized uses and lease of certain public property in Orleans and Jefferson Parish
 HB661BRYANTFISHING/COMMERCIAL - Provides relative to charter boat fishing guide licensing
 HB675WYBLECAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides for filing of administrative proceedings before the Ethics Adjudicatory Board for enforcement of certain violations of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act
 HB676KERNERSEAFOOD - Establishes a seafood importer license for wholesale/retail dealers and retail dealers (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB748DOMANGUESEAFOOD - Provides relative to imported seafood safety fees (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB778BAYHAMTRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Prohibits the imposition of penalties via unmanned automated speed enforcement devices in a school zone in certain circumstances
 HB12JORDANCRIME - Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image
 HB45MIKE JOHNSONTEACHERS/CERTIFICATION - Provides relative to the certification of Montessori teachers
 HB46EDMONSTONVACCINES/VACCINATION - Provides that no person shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment or attendance at any public or nonpublic school
 HB47EDMONSTONVACCINES/VACCINATION - Requires that communication issued about immunization requirements include exemption information and applies exemptions not only to students seeking to enter school but also to students attending school
 HB58BACALACRIME - Provides relative to simple burglary
 HB75BEAULLIEUINSURANCE - Provides qualifications for title insurance producers
 HB94WILLARDJUVENILES - Provides relative to birth certificates and state identification for children leaving custody of the office of juvenile justice (EN +$7,001 GF EX See Note)
 HB144GLORIOSOINSURERS - Prohibits issuance of property insurance policies relative to unimproved land and replacement costs of improvements on immovable property
 HB154MANDIE LANDRYELECTIONS/CANDIDATES - Provides for prohibited political materials and applicable criminal penalties (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB192DUSTIN MILLERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Louisiana Department of Health

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HB208VILLIODOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides relative to additional penalties for certain domestic violence offenses (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB226MANDIE LANDRYCRIME - Increases the penalties for public bribery (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB264HUGHESCURRICULA - Adds computer science as a high school graduation requirement and requires teacher preparation programs to include computer science education (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB319NEWELLELECTIONS/POLLING PLACES - Provides relative to notice of the reason for changes to polling places (EN +$32,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB375MANDIE LANDRYINSURERS - Requires disclosure of available discounts relative to homeowners' and motor vehicle liability insurance policies
 HB392FREEMANMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid and private insurance coverage for perimenopausal and menopausal care (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB409FIRMENTWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to harassment of hunters, trappers, and fishermen on lands and waters managed by the state
 HB421PHELPSHEALTH CARE/RECORDS - Provides relative to sickle cell disease management and treatment plan for students diagnosed with sickle cell disease (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB445FONTENOTBAIL - Provides relative to bond forfeiture
 HB456DAVISEDUCATION - Provides relative to the administration of medication at school
 HB495JACKSONHEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Provides relative to facility need review for certain healthcare providers (EG +$535,824 GF EX See Note)
 HB497FONTENOTBAIL - Provides relative to constructive surrender
 HB505FONTENOTCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to electronic bonds
 HB510GLORIOSOINSURANCE/PROPERTY - Provides relative to mandatory binding arbitration with respect to property insurance policies
 HB532FONTENOTWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to the seizure of animals by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
 HB553BRYANTCRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides relative to the disposition of certain records for seventeen year old offenders
 HB592DUSTIN MILLERHEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS - Provides relative to workplace violence in healthcare settings
 HB600CARPENTERSCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to sick leave banks for teachers, bus operators, and other school employees
 HB609FIRMENTINSURANCE - Provides for the appraisal process and employment of umpires
 HB647ROMEROEDUCATION - Provides relative to student instruction requirements (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB655DUSTIN MILLERMEDICAID - Provides relative to third-party liability requirements arising for prior authorizations and state claim inquiries
 HB664WYBLEELECTIONS - Increases the qualifications for United States senator and representative in congress
 HB684RISERHUNTING - Provides relative to bear hunting
 HB687BUTLERHEALTH - Provides relative to the licensing of "PACE" program providers (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV)
 HB701CARVERINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Creates the Insurance Regulatory Sandbox Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX See Note)
 HB728DAVISHIGHER EDUCATION - Provides relative to initial eligibility requirements for the M.J. Foster Promise Program (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX)
 HB736KNOXCHILDREN - Provides for the availability of certain education and training services for adjudicated children (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB790BAMBURGINSURANCE - Repeals the effectiveness provision of the insurance fraud investigation unit within the Department of Public Safety and Corrections
 HB791BRAUDINSURANCE - Repeals the termination provision of the Sledge Jeansonne Louisiana Insurance Fraud Prevention Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX)
 HB792BACALACRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to criminal adjudications (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)

6. Senate Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 SB65HENSGENSSUNSET LAW - Recreates Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources. (6/30/24)


Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB341PHILLIP TARVERMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to motor vehicles and energy sources for motor vehicles
 HB400RISERHUNTING/LICENSES - Provides relative to lifetime combination hunting and fishing licenses (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV)
 HB580MUSCARELLOCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to bankruptcy
 HB697LARVADAINETHICS/BOARD - Provides relative to the authority of the Board of Ethics to object to the candidacy of candidates for certain offices