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Citator Index to Acts

Changes Effected by the 2023 Regular Session


Title/Section Change Act
46:123(M) Repeal Act 393
46:451 Enact Act 207
46:460.91 Amend Act 233
46:978.1(2) Amend Act 322
46:1053(C)(2)(g) Amend Act 232
46:1053(C)(2)(j) Enact Act 122
46:1131 Amend Act 33
46:1133 Amend Act 33
46:1134 Amend Act 33
46:1135 Amend Act 33
46:1136 Amend Act 33
46:1137 Amend Act 33
46:1138 Amend Act 33
46:1140 Amend Act 33
46:1141 Amend Act 33
46:1151 Repeal Act 33
46:1152 Repeal Act 33
46:1153 Repeal Act 33
46:1154 Repeal Act 33
46:1155 Repeal Act 33
46:1156 Repeal Act 33
46:1157 Repeal Act 33
46:1158 Repeal Act 33
46:1159 Repeal Act 33
46:1160 Repeal Act 33
46:1161 Repeal Act 33
46:1162 Repeal Act 33
46:1608(A) Amend Act 100
46:1608(B) Amend Act 100
46:1802(7) Amend Act 193
46:1802(14) Enact Act 193
46:1807(A) Amend Act 451
46:1807(B)(7) Amend Act 193
46:1807(B)(8) Enact Act 451
46:1822(C) Amend Act 193
46:1823 Enact Act 451
46:1824 Enact Act 451
46:1825 Enact Act 451
46:1826 Enact Act 451
46:1827 Enact Act 451
46:1828 Enact Act 451
46:1829 Enact Act 451
46:1830 Enact Act 451
46:1831 Enact Act 451
46:1832 Enact Act 451
46:1833 Enact Act 451
46:1834 Enact Act 451
46:1835 Enact Act 451
46:1836 Enact Act 451
46:1837 Enact Act 451
46:1838 Enact Act 451
46:2136.2(D) Amend Act 309
46:2136.2(G) Enact Act 309
46:2136(H) Amend Act 309
46:2161.1(C)(3) Enact Act 386
46:2161(C)(3) Enact Act 386
46:2605(B)(12) Enact Act 40
46:2605(B)(22) Enact Act 40
46:2607 Enact Act 40
46:2626(A) Amend Act 171
46:2626(B) Repeal Act 171
46:2626(F) Amend Act 171
46:2626(G) Amend Act 171
46:2626(H)(1) Amend Act 171
46:2626(I)(2) Amend Act 171
46:2626(I)(5) Amend Act 171
46:2626(I)(6) Amend Act 171
46:2626(I)(7) Amend Act 171

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