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Questions About Legislators

How do I determine who my legislator is?

Finding your legislators is as easy as typing in your address. Once you type in your address and click "Find," you will see a list of the names of and links to your state representative, state senator, U.S. congressmen, and the state's two United States senators. Links to their respective websites are provided by clicking on their name.


How do I contact my legislator?

There are several different ways by which you can contact your legislator, including mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, or in person. (If you do not know who your legislator is, click here.)

Most members maintain a legislative district office (It is advisable, however, to first make an appointment should you want to meet in person with your legislator). The following hyperlinks will give you the district office addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of your legislators:

House of Representatives
Member Information
Member Information

If you would like to get a list of all of the members' district office contact information, you can use the links below to download and create Mail Merge files. Both files are in XLS format, which can be used by Microsoft Word and/or Corel WordPerfect to create Mail Merge files for each chamber. You can also use these two files as electronic speadsheets, since they are both Microsoft Excel files. (These files were last updated on March 25, 2025.)

House of Representatives
District Office Addresses

Excel Format
(used for Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect mail merges)
District Office Addresses

Excel Format
(used for Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect mail merges)

During legislative sessions, you can contact your legislator using any of the above ways mentioned OR you can send correspondence to the Capitol at the following address:

U.S. Mail
Representative John Doe
State Capitol
P.O. Box 44486
Baton Rouge, LA  70804-4486
Senator Jane Doe
State Capitol
P.O. Box 94183
Baton Rouge, LA  70804-4183

UPS, Federal Express or other delivery services:
Representative or Senator John Doe
State Capitol
900 North Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA  70804

To talk directly to a Representative or Senator, contact the House switchboard (225-342-6945) or the Senate switchboard (225-342-2040).

Also during legislative session, written notes and other materials intended for distribution to the membership may be received on the House or Senate floor, provided the recipient's name and the sender's name or organization is clearly noted on the document itself. Notes to individual members can be presented to the sergeant-at-arms stationed in or near the chambers.


How do I view the district map for each legislator?

On the menu bar at the top of most pages, click Legislators. You may then select Current Members of the House or Current Members of the Senate. Under each name, you will find a link to his/her district map.

The Legislators page also provides links for House and Senate District Maps. These pages allow you to locate maps by city or district number.

If you experience any technical difficulties navigating this website, click here to contact the webmaster.
P.O. Box 94062 (900 North Third Street) Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9062