Senate Daily Digest
March 18, 2024
4:00 PM
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Roll Call


Pledge of Allegiance

Reading of Journal

Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 SB385WHEATPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to strategic plan records of a hospital service district. (8/1/24)
 SB386PRICEHOUSING - Provides relative to employees of the White Castle Housing Authority. (gov sig)

Senate Bills Reported by Committee
 SB28REESECOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to the licensing and regulation of virtual currency businesses. (8/1/24)
 SB30GREGORY MILLERETHICS - Provides relative to annual financial disclosure statements by certain elected officials and public servants. (8/1/24)
 SB44MCMATHROADS/HIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 11 in St. Tammany Parish as the "Jimmy Buffett 'Changes in Latitude' Memorial Crossing". (8/1/24) (EN +$1,100 SG EX See Note)
 SB45MCMATHROADS/HIGHWAYS - Designates portions of certain highways. (8/1/24) (EN +$4,460 SG EX See Note)
 SB46MCMATHHEALTH DEPARTMENT - Creates the Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council within the Louisiana Department of Health. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB52GREGORY MILLERCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides relative to filing financial disclosure statements after qualifying for office. (8/1/24)
 SB63COUSSANHOUSING - Provides for the classification of factory-built homes. (8/1/24)
 SB65HENSGENSSUNSET LAW - Recreates Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources. (6/30/24)
 SB67WHEATROADS/HIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Tangipahoa Parish as the "Trooper Hung Le Memorial Highway". (8/1/24) (EN +$3,360 SG EX See Note)
 SB101MIGUEZVOTERS/VOTING - Provides relative to ranked-choice voting and instant runoff voting. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB102MIGUEZPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides for policing of the Port of Delcambre, Twin Parish Port District. (gov sig)
 SB155KLEINPETERVOTERS/VOTING - Provides relative to marking absentee by mail ballots. (8/1/24)
 SB163EDMONDSSUBSTANCE ABUSE - Provides relative to the Advisory Council on Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education. (gov sig)
 SB192BARROWCHILDREN/FAMILY SERVICES DEPT - Provides relative to the Empowering Families to Live Well Louisiana Council. (gov sig)
 SB193PRESSLYCOURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig)
 SB198KLEINPETERELECTION CODE - Provides relative to prohibitions to dual candidacy. (8/1/24)
 SB204MIZELLROADS/HIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 1064 in Tangipahoa Parish as the "Rev. Alfred L. Hart Memorial Highway". (8/1/24) (EN +$1,100 SG EX See Note)
 SB206MCMATHECONOMIC DEVELOP DEPT - Repeals Port Development Advisory Commission. (7/1/24)
 SB217MIGUEZELECTION CODE - Defines "deep fake" in the Election Code. (8/1/24)
 SB218KLEINPETERVOTERS/VOTING - Provides relative to voting. (8/1/24)
 SB240COUSSANCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides for licensure requirements relative to manufactured housing. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB242BOUIEINSURANCE POLICIES - Provides for the use of satellite photos when inspecting a property that has been issued an insurance policy. (gov sig)
 SB255FIELDSCOURTS - Provides relative to the districts of the supreme court. (gov sig)
 SB257FOILINTERIOR DESIGNERS - Provides relative to board members and qualifications of the State Board of Examiners of Interior Designers. (8/1/24)
 SB258FESIELECTIONS DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to early or absentee by mail voting and the passing of that voter before election day. (8/1/24)
 SB270TALBOTHOUSING - Provides relative to volunteer board members of certain interlocal risk management agencies. (gov sig)
 SB273HENSGENSFISH/FISHING - Provides for bait shrimp. (8/1/24)
 SB296BOUDREAUXHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to emergency medical services. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB335COUSSANLOANS - Creates the Louisiana Commercial Financing Disclosure Law. (8/1/24)
 SB337BOUDREAUXINSURANCE PREMIUMS - Provides for a premium discount for certain military personnel. (8/1/24)
 SB338BOUDREAUXHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Requires health coverage plans to include alternative imaging methods to mammography. (gov sig)
 SB342HARRISHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to the Louisiana Tumor Registry. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX)
 SB353MIZELLGOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS - Provides for massage therapists and massage establishments. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 SB367BASSINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides for the boards and commissions within the Department of Insurance. (8/1/24)
 SB368BASSHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for actuarial review of certain state-mandated health insurance benefits. (8/1/24) (RE INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB372HARRISMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to motor vehicle service contracts. (8/1/24)
 SB375KLEINPETERMOTOR VEHICLES - Creates a special prestige license plate for "Telecommunicators" and for the "Special Needs Advocacy, Support and Inclusion of Abilities". (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB381GREGORY MILLERCOURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 SB6CONNICKCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Creates the crime of unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another created by artificial intelligence. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB17MIZELLCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Adds Tianeptine to Schedule I of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law. (8/1/24)
 SB24SEABAUGHCRIMINAL RECORDS - Removes certain limitations on the release and dissemination of mug shots. (8/1/24)
 SB32GREGORY MILLERSUCCESSIONS - Provides for small succession procedures. (8/1/24)
 SB33HENSGENSTHEFT - Provides relative to theft from a porch or other unenclosed portion of a residence or inhabited dwelling. (8/1/24)
 SB34HENSGENSTHEFT - Provides relative to coordinated retail robbery offenses. (8/1/24)
 SB36KLEINPETERSHERIFFS - Provides for funding of certain insurance costs for retirees of the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Office. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB49GREGORY MILLERDIVORCE - Provides for the revocation of beneficiary designation for certain assets. (8/1/24)
 SB50REESEGAMBLING - Prohibits certain persons from wagering on sports events. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB61FOILTUTORSHIP - Provides for full or limited continuing tutorship. (8/1/24)
 SB91DUPLESSISDNA - Extends the deadline for post-conviction DNA testing. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB99REESEHORSE RACING - Provides relative to horse racing breeder awards. (8/1/24) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB103DUPLESSISCOURTS - Provides for the appointment of interpreters in court proceedings. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB107MIZELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Creates the crime of possessing, trafficking, or importing a child sex doll. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB121COUSSANCOURTS - Provides for the jurisdictional limits for the city courts located in the 15th judicial district. (8/1/24)
 SB147CONNICKTAX/TAXATION - Provides relative to the assessment of taxes by the Department of Revenue. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB306CATHEYCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Increases the penalty for human trafficking involving sexual activity of persons under the age of eighteen. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB333MORRISCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for methods of enforcing mortgages. (8/1/24)
 SB339HARRISCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to aggravated and simple obstruction of a highway of commerce. (gov sig) (RE SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB373ALLAINTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Provides relative to individual income tax checkoff for donations to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)