Senate Daily Digest
March 10, 2014
12:00 pm
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Introduction of Senate Bills
 SB1CLAITORCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Enacts the "Legislative Scholarship Fairness Act" (gov sig)
 SB2FRED MILLSPAROCHIAL EMPLOYEES RET - Provides for the prospective termination of a hospital district plan and retirement benefits of public employees hired after a certain date. (1/1/15) (EN DECREASE APV)
 SB3E.GUILLORYRETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Dedicates certain revenue to fund the existing liabilities of and retiree benefit enhancements for the four state retirement systems. (6/30/14)
 SB4PEACOCKFIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT - Provides benefits for members hired on or after January 1, 2015. (6/30/14) (RE DECREASE APV)
 SB5E.GUILLORYTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Allows an optional retirement plan participant to transfer to the regular plan. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/15/14) (14RS_SB5_ORG)
 SB6MARTINYFIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT - Adds an additional retiree representative to the board of trustees. (6/30/14) (EG +$4,000 FC SG EX)
 SB7PEACOCKMOTOR VEHICLES - Creates a prestige license plate for Sci-Port Discovery Center in Shreveport. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB8MARTINYTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Authorizes DOTD as the sole state agency to enter into agreements with the federal government to establish and administer the federal railroad safety and inspection program. (8/1/14)
 SB9J.AMEDEECRIME/PUNISHMENT - Increases penalties for manufacture, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute heroin. (gov sig)
 SB10MORRISHPROPERTY INSURANCE - Prohibits the recovery of penalties in class action suits against La. Citizens Property Insurance Corporation. (8/1/14) (OR DECREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB11ERIC LAFLEURJUDGES - Constitutional amendment to remove the age beyond which judges shall not remain in office. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (EG DECREASE FC SG EX)
 SB12GALLOTENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes and vapor pens to persons under age 18. (gov sig)
 SB13PEACOCKRETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Provides for use of entry age normal valuation method by the State Employees' Retirement System and the Teachers' Retirement System. (See Act) (EN DECREASE APV)
 SB14E.GUILLORYSCHOOL EMPLOYEES RET - Provides for the determination of liabilities of the Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System and the payment therefor. (6/30/14) (EN +$4,613,318 FC LF EX)
 SB15WARDJUDGES - Provides for a survivor lump sum benefit option. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14)
 SB16E.GUILLORYSTATE POLICE RET FUND - Grants a permanent benefit increase to eligible retirees in accordance with statutory procedure. (2/3 - CA10s29(F))(6/30/14) (EN +$9,474,040 APV)
 SB17LONGTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Provides for a supplemental benefit increase. (2/3 - CA 10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (OR INCREASE APV)
 SB18E.GUILLORYSTATE EMPLOYEE RET - Grants a permanent benefit increase to eligible retirees in accordance with statutory procedure. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (RE +$97,481,233 APV)
 SB19E.GUILLORYSCHOOL EMPLOYEES RET - Grants a permanent benefit increase to eligible retirees in accordance with statutory procedure. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (EN +$15,862,663 APV)
 SB20E.GUILLORYTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Provides for compliance with federal tax qualification standards. (7/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 SB21E.GUILLORYTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Grants a permanent benefit increase to eligible retirees in accordance with statutory procedure. (2/3 - CA10s29(F))(6/30/14) (EN +$185,065,866 APV)
 SB22E.GUILLORYRETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Dedicates certain revenue to fund the unfunded accrued liabilities of and post-retirement benefit increases for the four state systems. (6/30/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD RV)
 SB23E.GUILLORYTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Allows an optional retirement plan participant to transfer to the regular plan. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/15/14) (OR INCREASE APV)
 SB24E.GUILLORYSHERIFFS PEN/RELIEF FUND - Provides designations and terms of office for members of the board of trustees. (6/30/14) (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 SB25E.GUILLORYSCHOOL EMPLOYEES RET - Provides for administration of the Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (EN INCREASE APV)
 SB26E.GUILLORYRETIREMENT SYSTEMS - Provides for the assessment of employer contributions to fund certain administrative expenses. (6/30/14) (EG NO IMPACT APV)
 SB27WALSWORTHSTATE EMPLOYEE RET - Provides for a supplemental benefit increase. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (OR INCREASE APV)
 SB28HEITMEIERPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Provides relative to the implementation of the requirement that certain state-owned buildings be equipped with suitable accommodations for breastfeeding and lactation. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE EX See Note)
 SB29WALSWORTHTEACHERS RETIREMENT - Allows retired educational diagnosticians and reading specialists to avoid benefit suspension during reemployment. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (OR +$312,500 APV)
 SB30CORTEZSTATE EMPLOYEE RET - Provides relative to benefits of adult probation and parole officers. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (EN $4,523,091 APV)
 SB31TROY BROWNEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Requires DOE to report annually specified information regarding the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program to state legislators. (gov sig)
 SB32MORRISHCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides criminal penalties for the manufacture, importation, sale, and installation of counterfeit air bags. (gov sig)
 SB33MORRISHSHERIFFS - Provides with respect to the payment of insurance premiums for retired sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of the Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office. (7/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB34MORRISHTOPS - Establishes a cap on TOPS award amounts. (gov sig)
 SB35MORRISHCORRECTIONAL FACILITIES - Repeals certain accreditation requirements for facilities providing housing or temporary residence to individuals referred by judicial agencies. (8/1/14)
 SB36TROY BROWNSCHOOLS - Requires notification to certain elected officials regarding submission and status of certain charter school applications. (gov sig)
 SB37CORTEZCOURTS - Increases the civil jurisdictional amount in dispute for the City Court of Lafayette. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB38MORRISHCLERKS OF COURT - Includes the clerk of each district court to receive an automobile expense allowance. (8/1/14) (EN +$724,000 LF EX See Note)
 SB39MURRAYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to partitions of immovable property and minority interests. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB40CORTEZCOURTS - Provides relative to certain court costs in the City Court of Lafayette. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB41BROOMEHEALTH CARE - Provides for screening of pregnant women for HIV and syphillis in the third trimester of pregnancy. (gov sig)
 SB42CORTEZCOURTS - Provides relative to the transfer of interest earned and certain unclaimed fees and costs from the City Court of Lafayette's civil fee account. (8/1/14) (OR INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB43BROOMELEGISLATIVE AGENCIES - Revises youth membership and staffing for the Legislative Youth Advisory Council. (8/1/14)
 SB44MARTINYTOURISM - Authorizes a levy of an optional hotel assessment by a tourism organization upon its hotel members and provides for treating such assessment as a surcharge to hotel guests. (8/1/14) (OR INCREASE RV See Note)
 SB45MURRAYCOURTS - Provides relative to preparation of transcripts in Orleans Parish Criminal District Court for appeals. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB46DORSEY-COLOMBEMPLOYMENT - Provides for a state minimum wage. (1/1/15) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB47ALARIOROADS/HIGHWAYS - Renames a portion of the Leo Kerner/Lafitte Parkway as the "Sgt. Warren A. Murphy Boulevard". (8/1/14) (OR +$936 SD EX See Note)
 SB48J.SMITHCOURTS - Authorizes an increase in court costs in the mayor's court of the town of Rosepine. (2/3 - CA7s2.1) (8/1/14) (EN +$37,500 LF RV See Note)
 SB49J.AMEDEEDISTRICT ATTORNEYS - Provides relative to the annual salary of certain assistant district attorneys payable by state. (8/1/14)
 SB50NEVERSEARLY CHILDHOOD ED - Provides for universal access to the LA 4 Early Childhood Education Program. (gov sig) (OR +$121,644,826 GF EX See Note)
 SB51MARTINYTAX/TAXATION - Removes the authority of the Louisiana Tax Free Shopping Program to charge participating retailers a membership fee. (gov sig) (EN -$80,000 SG RV See Note)
 SB52J.SMITHCOURTS - Increases authorized court costs for municipal ordinance violations in the mayor's court in the town of Anacoco. (8/1/14) (EN +$10,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB53CORTEZHORSE RACING - Provides relative to horse racing. (8/1/14)
 SB54BROOMECHILDREN - Provides for an early intervention program in East Baton Rouge Parish. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB55KOSTELKACRIME/PUNISHMENT - Adds vehicular homicide to the list of crimes of violence. (gov sig)
 SB56NEVERSPOSTSECONDARY ED - Requires BESE, the Board of Regents, and public postsecondary education boards to participate in regular meetings regarding articulation and transfer policies and agreements. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB57BROOMEINSURERS - Mandates inclusion of lymphedema treatment as an option in health insurance coverage. (8/1/14)
 SB58ALARIOTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Changes the Louisiana Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society as an entity to which donations may be made on individual tax returns. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 SB59J.SMITHLOCAL AGENCIES - Repeals special provisions relative to the Beauregard Electric Cooperative. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB60GALLOTVOTERS/VOTING - Removes prohibition of recognition of an Independent party. (1/1/15) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB61NEVERSEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Provides for the Louisiana Public School Choice Act. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB62APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Requires development and use of a common application for state public colleges and universities. (gov sig)
 SB63MORRELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides for the crime of solar tax credit fraud with respect to the sale, installation, maintenance or repair of a solar electric or solar thermal system. (gov sig)
 SB64CORTEZAIRCRAFT/AVIATION - Expands powers of Lafayette Airport Commission to include economic development purposes. (8/1/14)
 SB65FRED MILLSLOCAL EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to the New Iberia Municipal Employees Civil Service System. (gov sig)
 SB66FRED MILLSCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors. (8/1/14)
 SB67ERIC LAFLEURCLERKS OF COURT - Provides for automobile expense allowance for the clerk of court of Allen Parish. (8/1/14)
 SB68KOSTELKAWEAPONS - Provides relative to possession of a firearm by concealed handgun permit holders and law enforcement officers in certain alcoholic beverage establishments. (gov sig)
 SB69MURRAYINSURERS - Prohibits insurers from excluding from coverage the intentional acts of policy holders' minor child. (8/1/14) (EG INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 SB70CLAITORCURRICULA - Repeals the Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act. (8/1/14)
 SB71MORRELLHEALTH SERVICES - Provide relative to the Behavior Analyst Practice Act. (8/1/14)
 SB72BODI WHITECHILDREN'S CODE - Removes the requirement that certain petitions be verified. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB73MORRISHCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides certain limitations upon civil jury trials in suits arising from vehicular accidents. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB74MORRELLALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to wine containers. (8/1/14)
 SB75MORRELLPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides relative to the minimum disinfectant residual levels of free or total chlorine throughout public and private water systems. (8/1/14)
 SB76MORRISHPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Creates the Cameron Parish Port, Harbor, and Terminal District. (1/1/15)
 SB77NEVERSHEALTH CARE - Constitutional amendment to require the state to provide the opportunity to a legal resident, employed for the previous calendar year for at least one thousand hours, and whose income is below one hundred percent of the federal poverty level to participate in a state program that provides health insurance with essential benefits. (2/3-CA13s1(A))
 SB78KOSTELKAETHICS - Requires financial disclosure by members of charter school boards. (8/1/14)
 SB79ADLEYFLOOD PROTECTION AUTH - Provides relative to flood protection authorities. (8/1/14) (RE NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB80BROOMESHERIFFS - Provides relative to calculation of sheriff's fee or commission on certain writs. (8/1/14)
 SB81BUFFINGTONPOSTSECONDARY ED - Requires the boards of supervisors for the Louisiana State University, Southern University, University of Louisiana and Louisiana Community and Technical College systems to broadcast the live audio and video of all board and committee meetings conducted in Baton Rouge over the Internet. (1/1/15) (EG +$198,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB82THOMPSONSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. (6/30/14)
 SB83NEVERSBESE - Requires BESE to create and issue a single, standard high school diploma with multiple endorsements. (gov sig)
 SB84NEVERSCONSUMERS - Provides relative to consumer credit transactions. (8/1/14) (RE NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB85MURRAYFAMILY LAW - Provides for consideration of certain child care expenses for purposes of child support when the expenses are incurred by a parent receiving job training or education. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB86MURRAYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to civil jury trial threshold. (gov sig) (OR DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB87CLAITORCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Increases the minimum mandatory sentence and maximum sentence for the manufacture, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute heroin. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB88ALARIOTREASURY DEPARTMENT - Re-creates the Department of the Treasury and its agencies. (6/30/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB89PEACOCKPRIVILEGES/LIENS - Provides for revisions to the Civil Code and Revised Statutes that pertain to security, pledge, and recordation. (1/1/15) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB90DORSEY-COLOMBSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides for the creation of the "Neighborhood Watch Act". (gov sig)
 SB91TROY BROWNCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides an exception to the time limit on filing capital outlay requests for filings resulting from a declared disaster where there is an public need for the project. (7/1/14) (2/3 - CA7s11(C)) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB92THOMPSONANIMALS - Provides relative to the authority of the state entomologist. (gov sig)
 SB93THOMPSONFORESTRY - Provides relative to the sale of certain forest tree seedlings. (gov sig)
 SB94GALLOTTEACHERS - Provides relative to acquisition and loss of teacher tenure. (see Act)
 SB95ERIC LAFLEURMOVABLE PROPERTY - Provides that data or information compiled or stored in digital or analog electronic form are incorporeal movables. (8/1/14)
 SB96NEVERSMEDICAID - Constitutional amendment to direct the Department of Health and Hospitals to offer health insurance with essential health benefits to every legal resident of Louisiana whose income is at or below 138% of the federal poverty level, and to allow the legislature to determine whether to continue the program when federal funding falls below 90% of the total program funding. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB97NEVERSSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Repeals provisions relative to the Tangipahoa Parish Economic Development District. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 SB98NEVERSTOPS - Provides that a five-point scale shall be used when calculating the grade point average for certain honors courses and talented courses. (gov sig) (EN +$1,240,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB99RISERBANKS/BANKING - Provides for determining the fair market value of bank stock for purposes of tax assessment. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB100MORRELLREVENUE DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to mailing of official correspondence by the office of alcohol and tobacco control. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT EX See Note)
 SB101MORRELLFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Creates a special prestige license plate for HIV/AIDS Awareness. (8/1/14)
 SB102MORRELLALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to wine and malt beverage permits. (gov sig)
 SB103MORRELLGAMING - Provides relative to gaming suitability standards. (8/1/14)
 SB104BRET ALLAINPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides for demolition of integrated coastal protection projects.(gov sig)
 SB105GALLOTMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to motorcycles. (8/1/14)
 SB106WALSWORTHWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Reauthorizes the Incumbent Worker Training Program. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB107NEVERSMEDICAID - Provides for the Louisiana Health Care Independence Act. (gov sig) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB108APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides relative to the commissioner of higher education. (gov sig)
 SB109ADLEYFISCAL CONTROLS - Removes authority to reduce deposits to Transportation Trust Fund and Transportation Mobility Fund in certain circumstances. (gov sig) (OR -$375,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB110RISERREVENUE DEPARTMENT - Provides an exception to the Department of Revenue's duty to keep certain tax records confidential. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT SG RV See Note)
 SB111MARTINYFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for fees and procedures for the receipt or issuance of certain documents by electronic means. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 SB112THOMPSONPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides relative to a product preference for certain meat products in Louisiana. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB113BUFFINGTONMEDICAID - Provides relative to the Medical Assistance Program. (8/1/14)
 SB114THOMPSONSEAFOOD - Repeals the Louisiana Catfish Promotion and Research Program and provides for the transfer of funds. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB115BUFFINGTONPUBLIC HEALTH - Amends the Sanitary Code to permit, at the discretion of the operator of a retail food establishment, pet dogs in designated outdoor dining areas of a retail food establishment. (gov sig)
 SB116THOMPSONFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Creates a special prestige license plate for the Louisiana Future Farmers of America Foundation, Inc. (8/1/14)
 SB117E.GUILLORYMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to penalties for certain traffic violations. (gov sig) (OR INCREASE See Note)
 SB118DORSEY-COLOMBFUNDS/FUNDING - Establishes the Fiscal Administrator Revolving Loan Fund as a special fund in the state treasury and provides relative to the fund. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB119THOMPSONANIMALS - Provides relative to the licensure and regulation of certain farm-raised exotic animals. (gov sig)
 SB120BROOMEMEDICAID - Provides for expansion of Medicaid coverage to include lymphedema treatment. (8/1/14)
 SB121MORRELLMENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to marriage and family therapists. (8/1/14)
 SB122MORRISHETHICS - Provides an exception to the Code of Governmental Ethics regarding certain contractual or other relationships by certain municipal elected officials. (8/1/14)
 SB123NEVERSEMPLOYMENT - Constitutional amendment to provide, with certain exemptions, for a state minimum wage effective January 1, 2015. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB124NEVERSTUITION - Constitutional Amendment to authorize the postsecondary education management boards to establish tuition and mandatory fee amounts charged by institutions under their supervision and management. (2/3-CA13sl(A))
 SB125NEVERSEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to agricultural education and establishes the Agricultural Education Commission. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB126NEVERSTOPS - Provides relative to TOPS. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB127DORSEY-COLOMBROADS/HIGHWAYS - Provides relative to safety devices for trailers and semitrailers. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB128MARTINYPSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides for the licensure of specialist in school psychology by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. (8/1/14) (2/3-CA7s2.1)
 SB129THOMPSONPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provides for licensing and regulation of manufacturers, dealer-distributors, users, blasters, and handlers of explosives. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB130MORRELLVIDEO POKER - Provides relative to fuel sale requirements at qualified truck stops. (8/1/14)
 SB131MORRELLFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Provides with respect to "Animal Friendly" prestige license plates. (gov sig)
 SB132MORRELLGAMING - Provides relative to the certain records held by the Board of Gaming Control. (8/1/14)
 SB133MORRELLGAMING - Provides relative to significant influence for purposes of certain gaming licenses. (8/1/14)
 SB134J.AMEDEEETHICS - Provides relative to the Board of Ethics and Ethics Adjudicatory Board enforcement authority. (8/1/14)
 SB135LONGPROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides for home service contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB136MARTINYREAL ESTATE - Provides relative to the Louisiana Timesharing Act. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE OF RV)
 SB137BUFFINGTONHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to the practice of medicine. (8/1/14)
 SB138FRED MILLSMOTOR VEHICLES - Authorize university logo to be placed on a driver's license or identification card issued by the office of motor vehicles. (1/1/15) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
 SB139MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to marine products. (8/1/14)
 SB140MURRAYCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides that failure to provide law enforcement with affidavit of theft of vehicle shall not create civil presumption of insured's participation in vehicle theft. (gov sig)
 SB141LONGWATER/WATERWAYS - Extends the time when the state may enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement for the sale of surface water. (8/1/14)
 SB142DORSEY-COLOMBLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Designates the month of July as "Sarcoma Awareness Month". (7/1/14)
 SB143KOSTELKACIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to civil injunctions and restraining orders. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB144CROWETEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS - Provides relative to the review and adoption of textbooks and other instructional materials. (gov sig) (OR -$100,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB145CROWEFUNDS/FUNDING - Constitutional amendment to authorize limited redirection and transfer of funds supporting appropriations and allocations from the state general fund and dedicated funds in certain circumstances. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
 SB146CROWEFUNDS/FUNDING - Authorizes limited redirection and transfer of funds supporting appropriations and allocations from the state general fund and dedicated funds in certain circumstances. (See Act) (2/3-CA7s10(F)(1)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
 SB147DORSEY-COLOMBCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to the notice of an execution required to be given to the victim's family. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB148DORSEY-COLOMBCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to sentencing for certain homicides when there are multiple deaths. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB149APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Repeals the Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program (LaSIP). (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB150APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides relative to the regional distribution of postsecondary institutions and educational services. (8/1/14)
 SB151PEACOCKCIGARS/CIGARETTES - Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes and vapor pens to persons under age 18. (8/1/14)
 SB152J.SMITHLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides for increasing the board membership to ten on the War Memorial Civic Center Board in the town of DeRidder. (gov sig)
 SB153LONGFUNDS/FUNDING - Establishes the Merit Increase Pay Recoupment Fund in the state treasury to provide certain state employees with pay adjustments. (7/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT RV See Note)
 SB154LONGWILDLIFE/FISHERIES DEPT - Provides relative to the importation of certain fish. (8/1/14)
 SB155NEVERSWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Provides relative to apprenticeship. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB156MURRAYINSURERS - Provides for right of direct action against an insurer alone. (8/1/14)
 SB157MARTINYPSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides for the provisional licensure of psychologists by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. (8/1/14) (2/3-CA7s2.1)
 SB158MARTINYENGINEERS - Provides for the licensure of professional engineers currently licensed in other jurisdictions. (gov sig)
 SB159MURRAYWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Provides relative to definition of wages. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB160MURRAYCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides for same-sex unions taking place out-of-state and the crime of bigamy in Louisiana. (8/1/14)
 SB161MURRAYLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Provides relative to restitution of audit costs. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 SB162MURRAYSCHOOLS - Provides with respect to ownership of assets by certain charter schools. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB163MURRAYSCHOOLS - Changes provisions regarding expiration of exclusions as related to Orleans Parish School Board Special Community Disaster Loans. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB164MURRAYDISCRIMINATION - Provides relative to discrimination. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB165MURRAYHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to prescription drug specialty tiers. (1/1/15)
 SB166MARTINYBANKS/BANKING - Prohibits certain banks from charging fees for check cashing. (8/1/14)
 SB167MARTINYDENTISTRY - Provides relative to the Board of Dentistry. (gov sig)
 SB168WALSWORTHPUBLIC DEFENDER - Provides relative to appointments to the Louisiana Public Defender Board. (8/1/14)
 SB169LONGINSURERS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association and structured settlement annuities. (8/1/14)
 SB170LONGWILDLIFE/FISHERIES DEPT - Provides relative to the release of certain game, fowl, or fish. (8/1/14)
 SB171APPELEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Provides relative to the La. Competency-Based Education Program and La. Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) tests. (gov sig)
 SB172CORTEZTEACHERS - Provides relative to sick leave for teachers and other school employees. (8/1/14)
 SB173CORTEZMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to public tag agents. (gov sig) (OR SEE FISC NOTE SG EX)
 SB174PETERSONMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to condemnation procedures for the removal of dangerous structures in parishes and municipalities. (gov sig)
 SB175PETERSONEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Repeals the Louisiana Science Education Act. (gov sig)
 SB176MORRELLCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to the Database Security Breach Notification Law. (8/1/14)
 SB177APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides relative to the use, expenditure, or allocation of funds appropriated to public postsecondary education management boards. (7/1/16)
 SB178MORRISHHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides with respect to health care sharing ministries. (8/1/14)
 SB179MORRISHEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to the Course Choice Program. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB180GALLOTLEGISLATION - Provides for the Louisiana State Law Institute recommending repeal, removal or revision of law that has been declared unconstitutional by final and definitive court judgment. (gov sig)
 SB181MORRISHPROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides with respect to the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policy take-out program. (8/1/14)
 SB182FRED MILLSHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to health insurance policies providing prescription drug coverage. (8/1/14)
 SB183FRED MILLSLOCAL AGENCIES - Requires additional notice to property owners directly affected by a public works project of meetings by a parish, a municipality, the state or a political subdivision of the state. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB184FRED MILLSPUBLIC LANDS - Authorizes the commissioner of administration to lease certain lands in St. Martin Parish. (gov sig)
 SB185FRED MILLSMENTAL HEALTH - Provides for an emergency certificate for transportation and admission to a treatment facility. (8/1/14)
 SB186FRED MILLSCIVIL SERVICE - Provides relative to the city of New Iberia municipal fire and police civil service system board. (gov sig)
 SB187KOSTELKACRIME/PUNISHMENT - Allows enhanced sentencing for drug offenses committed in a private residence located in a drug free zone. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB188MORRISHSANITARY CODE - Provides with respect to the state Sanitary Code. (8/1/14)
 SB189MORRISHLOCAL AGENCIES - Revises route designation of the Creole Nature Trail and Creole Nature Trail Scenic Byway District in Cameron and Calcasieu parishes and adds route designation for the Flyway Byway in Jefferson Davis Parish. (gov sig)
 SB190MORRISHTOPS - Establishes a cap on TOPS award amounts. (gov sig) (OR -$1,024,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB191MORRISHEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Provides for equal recognition of International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, and dual enrollment courses. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB192MORRISHWEIGHTS/MEASURES - Authorizes ready-mixed concrete trucks to exceed maximum allowable gross vehicle weight under certain conditions until 2016. (8/1/14) (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note)
 SB193KOSTELKAELECTION CODE - Increases the compensation for deputy parish custodians of voting machines. (1/1/15) (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB194FRED MILLSMENTAL HEALTH - Provides for mental health counselors. (5/1/15)
 SB195FRED MILLSSCHOOLS - Provides for the administration of medication at schools by a school nurse. (8/1/14)
 SB196FRED MILLSHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for health care services providers. (8/1/14)
 SB197BRET ALLAINMINERALS - Provides relative to oilfield sites and exploration or production sites. (8/1/14)
 SB198RISERWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Ensures compliance with requirements for mandatory workers' compensation coverage. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB199MURRAYETHICS - Provides, relative to personal financial disclosure, procedure for collection of late filing fees by Board of Ethics. (8/1/14)
 SB200BRET ALLAINLOCAL AGENCIES - Constitutional Amendment to require a minimum turnout of 20% of voters to approve a political subdivision or special district proposition to incur or assume debt, issue bonds, or levy a tax. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (1/1/15) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB201BRET ALLAINLOCAL AGENCIES - Requires a minimum turnout of 20% of voters to approve a political subdivision proposition to incur or assume debt, issue bonds, or levy a tax. (See Act) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB202BRET ALLAINFISH/FISHING - Provides for an exemption from fees associated with the Fishermen's Gear Compensation Fund. (7/1/14)
 SB203MORRELLCOURTS - Authorizes 24th Judicial District Court to assign certain divisions as a reentry division. (8/1/14)
 SB204MORRELLALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to containers of beverages of high alcoholic content and prohibits the sale and shipment into this state of containers of powdered alcohol. (gov sig)
 SB205E.GUILLORYPROBATION/PAROLE - Provides for medical parole for offenders upon the referral of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. (8/1/14)
 SB206J.SMITHLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Designates the mayhaw fruit tree as the official state fruit tree. (8/1/14)
 SB207J.SMITHWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Provides relative to the Incumbent Worker Training Program. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB208WARDELECTION CODE - Prohibits a public officer who has been removed from office pursuant to a recall election from qualifying for the same office at a special election to fill the position. (8/1/14)
 SB209WARDSALT DOMES - Provides for permitting requirements of solution mining injection wells and solution mined caverns. (8/1/14)
 SB210WARDMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to disposition of speed violations issued as a result of photo enforcement or cameras. (8/1/14)
 SB211WARDMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides that violation of inspection sticker laws are secondary. (8/1/14)
 SB212WARDHUNTERS/HUNTING - Allows the use of a firearm sound suppressor while hunting certain wild quadrupeds. (8/1/14)
 SB213WARDLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Designates the American Paint Horse as the state horse. (8/1/14)
 SB214RISERDISTRICT ATTORNEYS - Provides for the omnibus new assistant district attorney positions for various judicial districts in the state. (8/1/14) (RR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB215THOMPSONLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Provides relative to the powers of the Legislative Audit Advisory Council. (8/1/14)
 SB216MURRAYJUDGES - Provides relative to courts and vacancies in the office of a judge. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (EG1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB217MURRAYJUDGES - Provides relative to vacancy in the office of a judge. (8/1/14) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB218DORSEY-COLOMBCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides for limits applicable to contributions to certain offices by political committees. (8/1/14)
 SB219MURRAYSCHOOLS - Provides for the Recovery School District to return certain unused facilities and programs to the original school board under certain circumstances. (gov sig) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB220MURRAYLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Provides relative to notification of the legislative auditor and district attorney of the misappropriation of certain public funds and restitution of audit costs. (8/1/14)
 SB221ERDEYGROUP BENEFITS PROGRAM - Provides relative to premiums. (7/1/14) (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB222MURRAYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to service of process. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB223MURRAYCRIMINAL PROCEDURE - Creates the Louisiana Risk Review Panel. (gov sig) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB224MURRAYLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Provides relative to the posting of auditor notices on the website of the auditee. (8/1/14)
 SB225MURRAYSCHOOLS - Provides relative to assets or property acquired or used by charter schools under certain circumstances. (gov sig) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB226MURRAYWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Constitutional amendment to provide for original jurisdiction for district courts regarding workers' compensation matters. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
 SB227MURRAYWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Removes the authority of the office of workers' compensation to adjudicate workers' compensation claims and provides that the district courts have original jurisdiction of workers' compensation claims. (1/1/15)
 SB228APPELCOURTS - Provides for environmental court procedures in Jefferson and Orleans parishes. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB229MARTINYCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to crimes of incest and aggravated incest. (gov sig)
 SB230DORSEY-COLOMBLOTTERIES - Provides relative to disclosure of certain information of prize claimants. (8/1/14)
 SB231MURRAYLOCAL OFFICIALS - Provides relative to the procedure to fill a vacancy in the office of constable. (gov sig)
 SB232FRED MILLSCOURTS - Provides relative to deputy constables. (8/1/14)
 SB233BROOMEHOUSING - Provides relative to the Louisiana Equal Housing Opportunity Act. (8/1/14) (RE1 NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB234J.SMITHCOURTS - Provides for remission to Indigent Defender Fund of certain court costs in mayor's court of the Town of New Llano. (gov sig) (EN +$60,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB235BRET ALLAINTAX/LOCAL - Requires written or emailed notice of a meeting concerning tax measures to be provided to certain officials and excludes certain meetings of political subdivisions concerning tax measures from certain notice requirements. (8/1/14)
 SB236GALLOTTAX/TAXATION - Constitutional amendment to remove the "trigger", and instead start on July 1, 2015, the new maximum allocation of certain severance taxes to parishes in which severance occurs and the distribution to the Atchafalaya Basin Conservation Fund of a certain amount of revenues received from severance taxes and royalties on state lands in the Atchafalaya Basin. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (7/1/15) (EG -$41,200,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB237MORRELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Prohibits application of habitual offender law to nonviolent offenders. (gov sig)
 SB238MORRELLVIDEO POKER - Provides relative to limitation on amount of money played on a game of video draw poker. (8/1/14)
 SB239WALSWORTHSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Environmental Quality. (6/30/14)
 SB240NEVERSCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to notice of decisions in criminal appeals. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB241THOMPSONCREDIT - Provides relative to the Louisiana Consumer Credit Law. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
 SB242MORRELLSHERIFFS - Provides relative to sheriffs appointing non-licensed appraisers. (8/1/14)
 SB243MORRISHPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provide with respect to the Insurance Fraud Investigation Unit. (7/1/14)
 SB244MORRISHINSURANCE RATES - Provides with respect to rate filings with the commissioner of insurance. (gov sig)
 SB245MORRISHETHICS - Prohibits an appointing authority from appointing a person who is a member of the immediate family of a person who serves as a member of the same board or commission. (8/1/14)
 SB246MORRISHSHRIMP/SHRIMPING - Changes the line of demarcation of the inside and outside waters for purposes of shrimping. (8/1/14)
 SB247MORRISHINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance fraud. (8/1/14)
 SB248MORRISHCHILDREN - Requires certain factors be considered when a court orders visitation between a minor child and an incarcerated parent. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB249MORRELLCIGARS/CIGARETTES - Provides relative to the issuance and ownership of certain permits issued by the office of alcohol and tobacco control. (gov sig)
 SB250WARDANIMALS - Exempts certain persons from the requirements of the big exotic cats rules. (8/1/14)
 SB251WARDWILDLIFE RESOURCES - Provides for the sale or purchase of wild birds and wild quadrupeds. (8/1/14)
 SB252NEVERSCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to the 22nd Judicial District Court's presentencing investigation assessment policy. (8/1/14) (EN +$50,000 LF EX See Note)
 SB253MORRISHFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for an increase in certain criminal court costs in the Thirty-First Judicial District Court. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB254MORRISHLIABILITY INSURANCE - Provides relative to travel insurance. (8/1/14) (EN -$13,750 SG RV See Note)
 SB255MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law. (gov sig)
 SB256FRED MILLSCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Provides relative to sentencing under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law. (8/1/14)
 SB257FRED MILLSCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Provides relative to sentencing for certain activities related to the unlawful manufacture of a controlled dangerous substance. (8/1/14)
 SB258JOHNSSANITARY CODE - Provides relative to the reporting of cases of communicable diseases and conditions under the Sanitary Code. (8/1/14)
 SB259JOHNSHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to Louisiana health care consumers' right to know. (8/1/14)
 SB260JOHNSINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance producer license reinstatement. (8/1/14)
 SB261JOHNSPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides relative to the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District. (8/1/14)(2/3- CA6s43)
 SB262NEVERSLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides for a per diem for board members of the Washington Parish Gas Utility District No. 2. (gov sig) (EN +$1,500 LF EX See Note)
 SB263MARTINYAPPRAISERS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board. (gov sig)
 SB264MARTINYSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Economic Development. (6/30/14)
 SB265MARTINYSECURITIES - Provides relative to registration of securities. (gov sig)
 SB266MARTINYSECURITIES - Provides relative to the registration of certain investment adviser representatives. (gov sig)
 SB267DORSEY-COLOMBTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Defines "resident of the state" for the purpose of determining liability for individual income tax. (1/1/15) (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 SB268CLAITORLIABILITY - Provides relative to civil liability for theft of goods from a merchant. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB269PEACOCKDONATIONS - Provides relative to the annual limit on authorized donations that a curator may make on behalf of an interdict. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 SB270J.AMEDEEETHICS - Provides relative to personal financial disclosure under Campaign Finance Disclosure Act and Code of Governmental Ethics. (8/1/14)
 SB271MURRAYJUDGES - Provides relative to vacancy in the office of a judge. (See Act)
 SB272MURRAYCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides that changes to the forms by the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance and personal financial disclosure forms by the Board of Ethics shall be accomplished through approval of the Committees on Senate and Governmental Affairs and House and Governmental Affairs. (8/1/14)
 SB273E.GUILLORYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides with respect to the availability of jury trials in certain civil matters. (8/1/14) (OR INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB274CORTEZETHICS - Provides relative to annual mandatory ethics training requirements. (8/1/14)
 SB275FRED MILLSCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Repeals the crime of drug-traffic loitering. (8/1/14)
 SB276PERRYCRIMINAL RECORDS - Provides relative to obtaining and filing fingerprint and identification data. (8/1/14)
 SB277PERRYDWI - Provides for changes to DWI laws. (1/1/15)
 SB278J.AMEDEELOCAL AGENCIES - Provides for legislation relative to the creation of Ascension Parish Infrastructure Development Districts. (gov sig)
 SB279MARTINYNURSES - Changes the domicile of the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners. (gov sig)
 SB280TROY BROWNPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Increases the maximum time period for the Port of South Louisiana for contracts, leases, and other agreements for use of port facilities to 80 years. (8/1/14)(2/3-CA6s43)
 SB281TROY BROWNINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance anti-fraud plans. (8/1/14)
 SB282TROY BROWNSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Authorizes the Port of South Louisiana, the Lafourche Basin Levee District, and the Pontchartrain Levee District to enter a cooperative endeavor agreement to authorize the exercise of combined police protection. (8/1/14) (2/3-CA6s43(2)) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB283TROY BROWNRETIREMENT BENEFITS - Creates a portable retirement savings plan for private sector employees. (7/1/14) (OR DECREASE FC GF RV)
 SB284TROY BROWNFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to deferred presentments and small loans. (8/1/14)
 SB285MORRELLFUNDS/FUNDING - Constitutional amendment to provide for the inclusion of municipally employed EMS practitioners in the list of those eligible for state supplemental pay. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (EG +$3,960,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB286MURRAYCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to sentences imposed on crimes of violence. (8/1/14)
 SB287MARTINYPUBLIC SERVICE COMN - Re-creates the Department of Public Service. (6/30/14)
 SB288MARTINYSUNSET LAW - Re-creates entities transferred to or placed within the office of the governor. (6/30/14)
 SB289JOHNSDWI - Provides relative to driving privileges regarding DWI convictions. (8/1/14)
 SB290JOHNSCHILDREN'S CODE - Provides relative to safety plan order for child in need of care. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB291MORRELLCIVIL PROCEDURE - Authorizes exemplary damages in certain suits arising from domestic abuse. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB292MORRELLDIVORCE - Provides relative to divorce proceedings. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB293MARTINYDWI - Provides relative to operating a vehicle while intoxicated. (gov sig)
 SB294MORRELLLAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides relative to rights of law enforcement officers while under investigation. (7/1/14) (EN +$300,000 APV)
 SB295CROWEIDENTITY DATA - Constitutional amendment to protect personal identifiable information. (2/3-CA13sl(A))
 SB296MORRELLCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to inventory of untested sexual assault collection kits. (8/1/14)
 SB297TROY BROWNLOCAL AGENCIES - Authorizes political subdivisions or political corporations to enter into cooperative endeavor agreements with private entities relative to the funding of local infrastructure projects. (gov sig) (EN DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB298DORSEY-COLOMBLESSOR/LESSEE - Provides relative to lease. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB299MORRISHLOANS - Provides relative to civil justice funding companies. (1/1/15)
 SB300MARTINYFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to the inspector general. (8/1/14)
 SB301MARTINYFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to financial institutions and production of documents. (8/1/14) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB302FRED MILLSCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to medical consent and certain immunities. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB303J.AMEDEEETHICS - Provides relative to the Code of Governmental Ethics. (gov sig)
 SB304CLAITORLEGISLATIVE AGENCIES - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Law Institute and recommendations to the legislature. (gov sig)
 SB305CHABERTCOASTAL RESOURCES - Provides relative to Coastal Louisiana Levee Consortium. (gov sig)
 SB306MORRISHCOURTS - Provides relative to prescriptive periods and civil jury thresholds for delictual actions arising from vehicular accidents. (8/1/14) (OR INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB307CROWENOTARIES - Provides relative to hospital notaries.(8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB308CROWECHILDREN - Provides relative to the fundamental rights of parents. (2/3 - CA13sl(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE)
 SB309BROOMEHEALTH CARE - Provides for screening of pregnant women for HIV and syphilis in the third trimester of pregnancy. (gov sig)
 SB310BROOMEPUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Requires training for members of boards or commissions of regional transit entities. (8/1/14)
 SB311MORRELLGAMING - Prohibits gambling by electronic sweepstakes device. (8/1/14)
 SB312CROWESTUDENTS - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights for Public Schools". (8/1/14)
 SB313BODI WHITECRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides for a five year minimum sentence for home invasions. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB314MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to nonhazardous oilfield waste transporters. (7/1/14)
 SB315DONAHUEPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides relative to group purchasing and cooperative purchasing provisions of certain public postsecondary education institutions. (7/1/14). (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB316DONAHUEPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides relative to progressive stage payments under public contracts.(8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 SB317SMITHLAW ENFORCEMENT - Requires certain law enforcement agencies to establish procedures that prohibit checkpoints where the only vehicles subject to inspection are motorcycles. (8/1/14)
 SB318SMITHWARRANTIES - Provides relative to the performance of warranty repairs on motor vehicles. (8/1/14)
 SB319DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides that certain audits completed by the office of the legislative auditor shall be reported to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget on an annual basis. (7/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB320DONAHUECAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides relative to Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget approval of capital outlay change orders. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE EX See Note)
 SB321RISERCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides for exemption of certain higher education projects not to exceed one million dollars from inclusion in the capital outlay budget and exempts short term loans issued for such projects from net state tax supported debt. (2/3-CA7s6(F)(1)) (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB322MURRAYEMPLOYMENT - Provides relative to the "Equal Pay for Women Act". (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB323MORRELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Reduces criminal penalties for marijuana possession and prohibits application of enhanced sentencing laws to second and subsequent offense marijuana possession. (gov sig) (OR INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB324ERIC LAFLEURHUNTERS/HUNTING - Allows the year-round taking of outlaw quadrupeds, nutria, or beaver during nighttime hours on private property. (8/1/14)
 SB325MURRAYMINERALS - Provides relative to certain indemnification agreements concerning environmental damage. (gov sig)
 SB326SMITHCRIMINAL PROCEDURE - Authorizes certain individuals to view certain videotaped statements. (8/1/14)
 SB327SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Creates a prestige license plate for Multiple Sclerosis. (8/1/14)
 SB328SMITHINSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides relative to insurance rate review and approval. (gov sig)
 SB329SMITHTHEFT - Provides relative to the crime of theft. (8/1/14)
 SB330CLAITORCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Creates the crime of illegal use of unmanned aircraft to capture images (DRONE Act). (gov sig)
 SB331MORRISHSHERIFFS - Provides with respect to the payment of insurance premiums for retired sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of the Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office. (gov sig)
 SB332MORRISHPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides bidding documents prior to opening bids are not subject to public records requirements. (gov sig)
 SB333JOHNSCRIMINAL RECORDS - Provides relative to crime against nature and incest. (gov sig)
 SB334PETERSONEMPLOYMENT - Provides that the Louisiana Equal Pay for Women Act be applicable to men, private employers and requires government contractors to verify equal pay practices. (8/1/14) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB335DONAHUEFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the transfer, deposit, and use of certain state funds. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT RV See Note)
 SB336APPELTEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS - Revises the textbook adoption process. (gov sig) (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB337APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides for the development of an outcomes-based funding formula for postsecondary education. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB338DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides relative to economic and financial reports for projects submitted in conjunction with the request for the review or approval of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget. (7/1/14) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB339DONAHUEEMPLOYMENT - Limits the liability of employers and premises owners for the conduct of certain employees who have been convicted of certain crimes. (8/1/14)
 SB340DONAHUETOPS - Provides relative to TOPS award amounts. (gov sig) (EG -$24,600,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB341DONAHUESANITARY CODE - Provides rules requiring modification of certain existing community water systems by the Louisiana Standards for Water Works Construction, Operation and Maintenance Committee. (gov sig)
 SB342DONAHUELEVEES - Provides relative to the St. Tammany Levee, Drainage, and Conservation District. (gov sig)
 SB343DONAHUETUITION - Constitutional amendment to authorize the postsecondary education management boards to establish tuition and fee amounts charged by institutions under their supervision and management. (2/3-CA13sl(A)) (EG INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 SB344BRET ALLAINFISH/FISHING - Provides for the Louisiana Catch and Cook Program within the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
 SB345CROWEFUNDS/FUNDING - Dedicates certain Deepwater Horizon oil spill fines to provide public elementary and secondary schools with full wireless digital technology capabilities for the classroom. (7/1/14) (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 SB346RISERCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides criminal penalties for claiming a tax credit when a contractor has failed to meet contractual obligations relative to installation and maintenance of solar electric or thermal systems. (gov sig)
 SB347RISERCONTRACTORS - Provides criminal penalties when a contractor defrauds a consumer based on a solar electric system or a solar thermal system contract. (gov sig)
 SB348RISERFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Provides relative to operation of dual-purpose farm and construction equipment on highways. (8/1/14)
 SB349MORRELLMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid managed long term care support and services. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB350MORRELLCOURTS - Exempts state and its political subdivisions from paying recordation fees in Orleans Parish courts. (gov sig) (OR DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB351THOMPSONCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to burn injury reports. (8/1/14)
 SB352FRED MILLSCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to mandatory minimum sentences. (8/1/14)
 SB353PEACOCKPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides that certain records relative to jury selection and jurors are not public records. (8/1/14)
 SB354BODI WHITESCHOOLS - Constitutional Amendment to provide that any public school system created by the legislature shall have the authority granted parish school boards. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
 SB355FRED MILLSFUNDS/FUNDING - Constitutional amendment to establish a budget stabilization program for Medicaid programs, certain elderly services, rehabilitation services, and other health care services. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB356BODI WHITECRIME/PUNISHMENT - Prohibits "drones" from flying over chemical plants or water facilities. (gov sig)
 SB357CHABERTANIMALS - Bans the importation or private possession of certain constrictor and venomous snakes. (8/1/14)
 SB358DONAHUECOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Provides relative to the Louisiana Granting Resources and Autonomy for Diplomas Act to provide that certain high level autonomies relative to procurement apply to certain institutions under a shared service model. (8/1/14)
 SB359DONAHUEEMPLOYMENT - Limits penalty for failure to pay wages and employment discrimination. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB360RISERTAX/TAXATION - Provides relative to reimbursement of expenses for defending assessments. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB361RISERLAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides for the carrying of concealed weapons by certain law enforcement officers in all public places. (8/1/14)
 SB362CORTEZCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to licensing renewal dates for currency exchange services through use of an electronic system. (gov sig)
 SB363RISERTAX/TAXATION - Provides for payment of taxes that are not in dispute. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 SB364NEVERSTEACHERS - Provides relative to the evaluation of teachers and administrators. (gov sig) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB365APPELTEACHERS - Provides relative to tenure and the removal of teachers. (gov sig)
 SB366CROWEBESE - Requires BESE to develop a master plan for K-12 education. (8/1/14)
 SB367CROWETOPS - Creates the TOPS-Tech Plus award. (8/1/14)
 SB368MORRELLLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides relative to the New Orleans Regional Business Park. (8/15/14)
 SB369WALSWORTHFISH/FISHING - Provides for the possession limits of crappie on Lake D'Arbonne. (8/1/14)
 SB370MORRELLEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Provides for the documentation, notification, and reporting of incidents of bullying in schools, and provides for the training of certain school employees with respect to bullying. (8/1/14)
 SB371MORRELLEXPROPRIATION - Provides relative to procedures in certain expropriation proceedings. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB372MARTINYUNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Provides for auditing of employer records for unemployment compensation. (2/3-CA7s2.1) (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 SB373JOHNSCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to motions for summary judgments. (8/1/14) (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB374MARTINYWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Provides for workers compensation rules and regulations relative to medical benefits. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB375CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to Statewide Flood-Control Program. (8/1/14)
 SB376PEACOCKFAMILY LAW - Provides relative to certain testamentary revocations. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB377MARTINYUNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Provides relative to reciprocal agreements with federal and state agencies regarding unemployment compensation. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB378CLAITORCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to the sale, purchase, and use of caskets sold to the public by vendors other than funeral directors or funeral establishments. (gov sig)
 SB379ERIC LAFLEURSCHOOLS - Provides relative to the size of secondary school classes. (8/1/14) (OR INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB380ERIC LAFLEURCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to mandatory minimum sentences. (8/1/14)
 SB381ERIC LAFLEURALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides with respect to operating without a permit. (8/1/14)
 SB382ERIC LAFLEURPRIVILEGES/LIENS - Provides with respect to privileges for health care providers. (8/1/14) (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB383ERIC LAFLEURPROBATION/PAROLE - Provides with respect to parole eligibility. (8/1/14)
 SB384ERIC LAFLEURBONDS - Requires issuers of state municipal securities to comply with certain continuing disclosure rules of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB385ERIC LAFLEURSCHOOLS - Provides for empowered community schools. (7/1/14)
 SB386ERIC LAFLEURFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides relative to audits by the legislative auditor. (8/1/14)
 SB387ERIC LAFLEURMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to actions of special districts by a local governmental subdivision when the district and the subdivision have the same governing authority. (gov sig)
 SB388THOMPSONARSON - Provides relative to the registration of arson offenders. (8/1/14)
 SB389CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to jurisdiction and authority over, and administration of, state multimodal transportation. (8/1/14)
 SB390CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to the administration of multimodal transportation by the state. (8/1/14)
 SB391CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to Statewide Flood-Control Program. (8/1/14)
 SB392CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to the powers, functions, and organization of the Department of Transportation and Development. (8/1/14)
 SB393CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to the composition, purposes, and functions of the Department of Transportation and Development. (8/1/14)
 SB394MORRELLETHICS - Prohibits persons having outstanding fines, fees, or penalties pursuant to Code of Governmental Ethics from serving on any boards and commissions. (8/1/14)
 SB395BRET ALLAINFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides relative to the Fishermen's Gear Compensation Fund. (7/1/14) (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note)
 SB396FRED MILLSCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides for judge's discretion in sentencing nonviolent offenders. (gov sig)
 SB397FRED MILLSCONDOMINIUMS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Condominium Act. (8/1/14)
 SB398FRED MILLSCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Provides relative to eligibility for a drug division probation program. (8/1/14)
 SB399FRED MILLSPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provides with respect to the parole eligibility. (8/1/14)
 SB400FRED MILLSMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid recovery audit contractors. (8/1/14)
 SB401FRED MILLSPHARMACISTS - Provides for third party contracts with pharmacies. (8/1/14)
 SB402FRED MILLSCORONERS - Provide relative to coroners. (8/1/14)
 SB403FRED MILLSHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to third party payments of health insurance premiums of individuals with HIV/AIDS. (8/1/14)
 SB404WALSWORTHHEALTH CARE - Provides exemption from licensing for medical personnel traveling with out-of-state sports teams while in Louisiana. (8/1/14)
 SB405WALSWORTHEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Provides relative to the La. Competency-Based Education Program. (8/1/14)
 SB406WALSWORTHMOTOR VEHICLES - Exempts certain persons twenty-one years of age or older from the requirement of wearing a motorcycle helmet. (gov sig)
 SB407WALSWORTHENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - Provides for preemption under the Right-to-Know Law. (gov sig)
 SB408WALSWORTHENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL - Establishes a recycling program in certain stores for plastic carryout bags. (2/3-CA7s2.1(A)) (8/1/14)
 SB409FRED MILLSPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides for lowest available price for certain software procurement contracts. (7/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB410FRED MILLSHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for the transparency of Maximum Allowable Cost Lists for prescription drugs. (8/1/14)
 SB411MORRELLFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for state supplemental pay for certain EMS practitioners. (EG +$3,960,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB412MORRELLEMPLOYMENT - Provides with respect to employment discrimination. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB413CROWEROADS/HIGHWAYS - Names I-10 Bridge over Lake Pontchartain as the Frank Davis "Naturally N'Awlins" Memorial Bridge. (8/1/14)
 SB414MURRAYLOANS - Provides relative to consumer litigation loans. (gov sig)
 SB415CLAITORJUDGES - Provides a framework for decreasing the number of judges. (8/1/14)
 SB416SMITHENGINEERS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board. (8/1/14)
 SB417SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to a water damaged vehicle. (8/1/14)
 SB418SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to required credentials for registration of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, or other vehicle to be operated on public highways. (8/1/14)
 SB419SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to novelty or unofficial credentials and international driver's licenses. (8/1/14)
 SB420CLAITORCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Eliminates the Tulane legislative scholarships. (See Act)
 SB421CORTEZSANITARY CODE - Provides that DHH shall set standards limiting certain contaminants in water from community water systems. (gov sig)
 SB422BROOMELIABILITY - Provides immunity for rendering assistance in medical emergencies involving alcohol consumption or drug overdose. (8/1/14)
 SB423BRET ALLAINMINERALS - Provides relative to alternative dispute resolution in suits involving oilfield sites and exploration and production sites. (8/1/14)
 SB424MORRELLHOUSING - Prohibits discriminatory housing practices based on certain criteria. (8/1/14)
 SB425CORTEZWATER/SEWER OPERATORS - Provides relative to privately owned public water supply or sewer system providers and requires office of public health to adopt rules to implement iron and manganese control requirements. (8/1/14)
 SB426ERIC LAFLEURCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Prohibits required use of settlement service providers in residential real estate transactions. (8/1/14)
 SB427BUFFINGTONHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. (8/1/14)
 SB428BUFFINGTONOPTOMETRISTS - Provides relative to the practice of optometry and the regulation of such profession. (gov sig)
 SB429BUFFINGTONHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to the Health Education Authority of Louisiana. (8/1/14)
 SB430WALSWORTHPUBLIC LANDS - Authorizes the transfer of certain state land in Union Parish. (gov sig)
 SB431BUFFINGTONCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Provides relative to postsecondary education management boards. (gov sig)
 SB432BUFFINGTONHEALTH SERVICES - Provides relative to persons with disabilities and service dogs. (8/1/14)
 SB433BODI WHITEPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the transfer of certain state properties in East Baton Rouge Parish. (gov sig)
 SB434ERIC LAFLEURCLERKS OF COURT - Provides for automobile expense allowance for certain clerks of court. (8/1/14)
 SB435PERRYMUNICIPALITIES - Authorizes the city of Scott to levy a hotel occupancy tax not to exceed five percent of the rent or fee charged for such occupancy. (gov sig)
 SB436MORRISHINSURANCE CLAIMS - Changes the sunset date of the "Sledge Jeansonne Louisiana Insurance Fraud Prevention Act". (8/1/14)
 SB437MORRELLSCHOOLS - Requires BESE to create a performance review commission in any public school district in which the Recovery School District has initiated a takeover of schools for more than 5 years. (8/1/14)
 SB438GALLOTPOSTSECONDARY ED - Requires postsecondary education management boards to establish criteria for waiving nonresident tuition or mandatory fee increases in cases of financial hardship. (8/1/14)
 SB439CLAITORCRIMINAL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to bail. (1/1/15)
 SB440MARTINYPUBLIC EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to authorized payroll withholdings for public employees. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB441MORRELLFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides procedures for recovery of funds by the office of community development disaster recovery unit. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE FF EX See Note)
 SB442MARTINYMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to investments by political subdivisions. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB443MURRAYEMPLOYMENT - Requires the "Equal Pay for Women Act" to apply to local governments and political subdivisions. (8/1/14)
 SB444MORRELLTAX/TAXATION - Authorizes certain tax collection methods and regulations with respect to recapture of credits determined to have been illegally granted or received. (gov sig)
 SB445CROWEJUDGES - Provides for the elimination of two judges from the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court. (See Act) (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB446BUFFINGTONPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to public records. (gov sig)
 SB447MORRELLCONTRACTORS - Requires the State Licensing Board for Contractors to provide testing specifically for solar installers. (8/1/14)
 SB448MORRELLDOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Authorizes exemplary damages in certain suits arising from domestic abuse. (8/1/14)
 SB449APPELSTUDENTS - Provides relative to the privacy and protection of student data for students enrolled in public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary educational institutions. (gov sig)
 SB450HEITMEIERACCOUNTANTS - Repeals an exemption to the accountant client privilege. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB451MORRELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to domestic abuse battery and other offenses involving domestic abuse. (8/1/14)
 SB452CHABERTSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides relative to multi-parish fresh water districts. (8/1/14)
 SB453CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to the composition of Department of Transportation and Development. (8/1/14)
 SB454SMITHCRIMINAL PROCEDURE - Provides with respect to bail procedures and requirements. (8/1/14)
 SB455SMITHSTUDENTS - Provides for limitations and prohibitions on the collection and sharing of student information. (8/1/14)
 SB456BRET ALLAINETHICS - Provides relative to application of nepotism provisions to certain hospital service districts. (gov sig)
 SB457CHABERTTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides relative to the structure of the Department of Transportation and Development. (8/1/14)
 SB458THOMPSONSCHOOLS - Provides for the threshold allowed for small purchase procurements under food and nutrition programs. (8/1/14)
 SB459CLAITORATTORNEYS - Provides that contingency fee contracts for private attorneys handling civil actions under the Medical Assistance Programs Integrity Law shall be public records. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB460ADLEYLEGISLATIVE AUDITOR - Requires schools receiving certain state scholarship funds to maintain funds in a separate account or use certain accounting procedures established for the legislative auditor. (8/1/14)
 SB461PEACOCKSUCCESSIONS - Provides relative to electronic assets of a decedent. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB462ADLEYCONSERVATION - Creates the Cross-Unit Well Study Commission. (8/1/14)
 SB463ADLEYFUNDS/FUNDING - Dedicates to the Better Highways and Higher Education Fund state sales tax proceeds collected each fiscal year as a result of a federal law which will require vendors located out-of-state to collect sales tax on their Internet and mail order sales. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 SB464ADLEYUTILITIES - Requires approval from the Louisiana Public Service Commission to shut off a natural gas pipeline. (gov sig)
 SB465ADLEYMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to military honor license plates for certain disabled veterans. (8/1/14)
 SB466ADLEYPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to the records of the governor. (gov sig)
 SB467ADLEYMINERALS - Requires the court to stay proceedings under certain conditions in a lawsuit involving the remediation of oilfield sites and exploration and production sites. (8/1/14)
 SB468ADLEYPUBLIC WORKS - Provides relative to contracts for public works. (8/1/14)
 SB469BRET ALLAINCOASTAL RESOURCES - Provides relative to the enforcement of the State and Local Coastal Resources Management Act of 1978. (gov sig)
 SB470MARTINYCONFIRMATION - Provides for time of reconfirmation for persons appointed to certain boards and commissions. (gov sig)
 SB471J.SMITHCORONERS - Provides relative to the office and duties of the coroner. (8/1/14)
 SB472FRED MILLSPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provides with respect to the Board of Pardons. (8/1/14)
 SB473FRED MILLSPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Provides with respect to the committee on parole. (8/1/14)
 SB474FRED MILLSFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides for deficit avoidance procedures for certain Medicaid, other non-Medicaid health care, and rehabilitation programs. (7/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB475KOSTELKACOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to scrap metal. (gov sig)
 SB476SMITHCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to driving school bond requirement and cease and desist orders. (8/1/14)
 SB477WALSWORTHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to a special prestige license plate for the Delta Waterfowl Foundation. (8/1/14)
 SB478CLAITORCOURTS - Authorizes the levy of a warrant recall fee in all courts in East Baton Rouge Parish to fund a misdemeanor jail. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB479SMITHFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides for the process of insurance settlement payments on claims arising under homeowners' insurance policies. (8/1/14)
 SB480WALSWORTHPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides relative to the merging of the Professional, Personal, Consulting and Social Services Procurement Code with the Louisiana Procurement Code. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB481DONAHUETECHNOLOGY - Provides with respect to technology services and technology procurement. (7/1/14) (EN -$24,700,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB482HEITMEIERVOCATIONAL REHAB - Provides relative to the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT SG RV See Note)
 SB483BODI WHITELOANS - Repeals certain outdated information collection and reporting requirements of the Louisiana Deferred Presentment and Small Loan Act. (8/1/14)
 SB484BODI WHITESCHOOLS - Provides relative to the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and school system. (8/1/14)
 SB485PEACOCKEMPLOYMENT - Preempts local government authorities from adopting different employment standards and conditions. (8/1/14)
 SB486PEACOCKSANITARY CODE - Provides with respect to drinking fountains at places of business. (gov sig)
 SB487FRED MILLSMEDICAID - Provides for certain requirements regarding a Medicaid managed care program. (8/1/14)
 SB488HEITMEIERMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid. (8/1/14)
 SB489HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to the diabetes annual action plan. (8/1/14)
 SB490HEITMEIERHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to balance billing by and reimbursement of noncontracted facility-based physicians for covered health care services rendered in an in-network health care facility. (8/1/14)
 SB491HEITMEIERENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to the Louisiana Smokefree Air Act. (8/1/14)
 SB492HEITMEIERENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Provides for smoking and tobacco products. (8/1/14)
 SB493HEITMEIERMEDICAID - Provides for prohibitions within a Medicaid managed care program. (8/1/14)
 SB494HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for the scope of practice of certain health care professionals. (8/1/14)
 SB495HEITMEIERHOSPITALS - Provides for a public benefit assessment by the Department of Health and Hospitals. (8/1/14)
 SB496HEITMEIERCONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE - Provides for limits on certain medical prescriptions. (8/1/14)
 SB497HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for the payment of health care services. (8/1/14)
 SB498HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for personal care assistance services. (gov sig)
 SB499HEITMEIERHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for authorized procedures provided by direct service workers. (gov sig)
 SB500HEITMEIERROADS/HIGHWAYS - Provides for refund of certain collections in the amnesty program for the Crescent City Connection Bridge. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE SD EX See Note)
 SB501HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for telemedicine. (gov sig)
 SB502HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Provides for the licensure of pain management clinics. (gov sig)
 SB503HEITMEIERHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - Provides for the Department of Health and Hospitals to create an upper payment limit mechanism for ambulatory surgical centers. (gov sig)
 SB504HEITMEIERTAX/LOCAL - Exempts intraocular implants from local sales tax. (7/1/14)
 SB505HEITMEIERPHYSICIANS - Provides for an automatic suspension of a physician's license. (gov sig)
 SB506CROWEIDENTITY DATA - Provides relative to nondisclosure of personal identifying information. (8/1/14)
 SB507MARTINYDENTISTRY - Provides relative to the practice of dentistry and the regulation of the profession. (See Act)
 SB508HEITMEIERTAX/SALES - Changes the exemptions from local sales tax for Medicare-related transactions. (7/1/14)
 SB509NEVERSOPTOMETRISTS - Provides relative to the practice of optometry and the regulation of such profession. (gov sig)
 SB510HEITMEIERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Veterans Affairs. (6/30/14)
 SB511HEITMEIERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Children and Family Services. (6/30/14)
 SB512HEITMEIERPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides for chain restaurant menu labeling. (1/1/15)
 SB513HEITMEIERHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for the Louisiana Obesity Prevention and Management Commission. (gov sig)
 SB514HEITMEIERSCHOOLS - Prohibits smoking near public and private elementary and secondary school property. (gov sig)
 SB515CORTEZTAX/LOCAL - Prohibits rebates of local sales tax for activities in certain state-owned "public facilities" if any of the contracts entered into for such activity operate to prevent the contracted person from participating in any activity conducted in any other type of public facility. (See Act) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 SB516BUFFINGTONHEALTH CARE - Provides for direct primary care. (8/1/14)
 SB517BRET ALLAINLOCAL AGENCIES - Prohibits the state bond commission from approving any tax exempt indebtedness if the proposition to incur such indebtedness was approved in an election in which turnout was less than 20% of registered voters. (gov sig) (OR NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB518MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to indemnification of motor carrier transportation contracts and construction contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB519MARTINYINSURANCE POLICIES - Provides with respect to service provider contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB520DONAHUEPOSTSECONDARY ED - Revises academic requirements for initial eligibility to receive certain TOPS awards and allocates additional funding to the La. GO Grant program. (gov sig) (EG -$24,000,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB521WARDCHILDREN - Provides relative to commercial surrogacy. (8/1/14)
 SB522WARDPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Authorizes the state to enter into consulting services contracts with licensed insurance producers for the procurement of insurance for risk management. (8/1/14) (EN DECREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB523MORRELLCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Provides relative to the crime of cockfighting. (8/1/14)
 SB524WALSWORTHEARLY CHILDHOOD ED - Provides for transfer of the lead agency for the Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant and the transfer of oversight and administration of licensing and regulation of early learning centers from the Department of Children and Family Services to the Department of Education. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB525ADLEYUTILITIES - Provides that abandonment of interstate pipeline segments located wholly in Louisiana are considered intrastate pipelines and are handled under the regulations of the Louisiana Public Service Commission. (gov sig)
 SB526ALARIOFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for enactment of the Workforce and Innovation for a Stronger Economy (WISE) Fund. (gov sig) (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 SB527HEITMEIERTRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Provides for a Complete Streets Policy and creates the Complete Streets Advisory Council. (gov sig)
 SB528CROWEPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. (gov sig)
 SB529MORRELLDOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Provides relative to restraining orders, protective orders, and injunctions issued in conjunction with domestic abuse cases. (gov sig)
 SB530BROOMEPARISHES - Requires parishes to establish and maintain a registry of foreclosed properties. (gov sig)
 SB531BRET ALLAINFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Provides relative to the authority of certain state and local government entities to bring causes of action arising from or related to certain permits issued in the coastal area. (gov sig) (OR See Note)
 SB532E.GUILLORYCOURTS - Provides for the creation of the Veterans Court Program. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB533ERIC LAFLEUREDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Provides for a local enrollment coordination process for publicly funded early childhood care and education. (gov sig)
 SB534HEITMEIERMEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid. (8/1/14)
 SB535ADLEYLEGISLATIVE AGENCIES - Establishes the Chief Legislative Security Officer and the Joint Legislative Security Council. (gov sig) (RE INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB536ERIC LAFLEURSCHOOLS - Provides for K-12 student data privacy. (8/1/14) (OR +$651,000 SD EX See Note)
 SB537MARTINYHAZARD MITIGATION - Provides for the electronic or telephonic notification of hazardous materials incidents. (8/1/14)
 SB538J.SMITHMILITARY AFFAIRS - Establishes the Military Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB539NEVERSMENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to suicide assessment, intervention, treatment, and management training for certain professions. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX See Note)
 SB540FRED MILLSCOURTS - Authorizes the constable's office of Ward 3 of St. Martin Parish to charge a "stand by" fee in certain instances. (8/1/14)
 SB541FRED MILLSHEALTH CARE - Provides for the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. (8/1/14)
 SB542MORRELLGAMING - Requires annual report from the Gaming Control Board on impact of technology advances on gaming industry. (8/1/14)
 SB543DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides with respect to the state budget. (7/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 SB544HEITMEIERCOURTS - Provides relative to office of clerk of the Second City Court of the city of New Orleans. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 SB545FRED MILLSHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to third party initiated medication substitutions. (1/1/15)
 SB546ADLEYCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides relative to preemption of civil actions against certain permittees of the state. (gov sig)
 SB547ADLEYPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides relative to certain governmental agreements with private parties. (gov sig) (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB548BROOMEPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Requires verification of equal pay practices in public contracts. (8/1/14) (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB549GALLOTLOCAL EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to firefighters including minimum wages and the reinstatement, reemployment, and seniority of firefighters who retire due to injury. (8/1/14)
 SB550TROY BROWNECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Creates the Southeast Louisiana Authority for Growth and Opportunity. (8/1/14)
 SB551PEACOCKLABOR DISPUTES - Provides relative to labor organizations and labor disputes. (8/1/14) (OR SEE FISC NOTE)
 SB552ADLEYPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provide relative to early contractor involvement (ECI) method for public contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB553ADLEYFLOOD PROTECTION AUTH - Provides relative to special attorneys for flood protection authorities. (gov sig)
 SB554SMITHINSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides relative to insurance rate review. (gov sig)

Introduction of Senate Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions
 SCR1FRED MILLSPUBLIC HEALTH - Amends the communicable diseases reporting rules.