House Committee on Education
April 27, 2022
9:00 a.m.
Room 1


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HCR23LANCE HARRISSCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP - Provides for legislative approval of the MFP formula for FY 2022-2023 (EN +$108,165,219 EX See Note)
 HCR81MINCEYEDUCATION - Creates the Workforce Opportunity and Readiness Task Force to study and report relative to workforce readiness programs and activities in public schools
 HB47EDMONSTONVACCINES/VACCINATION - Requires that any communication issued to students or their parents or guardians relative to immunization requirements include exemption information
 HB195FREEMANSCHOOLS - Requires public schools to provide free menstrual products in easily accessible locations (EG INCREASE LF EX See Note) (RE INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB214NELSONTEACHERS/CERTIFICATION - Requires passage of a reading instruction test as a condition of teacher certification in elementary education (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB222MARCELLESTUDENT/DISCIPLINE - Provides relative to out-of-school suspensions and expulsions of public school students (EGF INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB244MINCEYSCHOOLS - Provides relative to public school calendar requirements
 HB269NELSONSTUDENTS - Prohibits promotion to the fourth grade of certain students whose reading deficiencies have not been remedied by the end of the third grade (RE1 INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB364MCKNIGHTHIGHER EDUCATION - Provides relative to disciplinary proceedings for students enrolled in public postsecondary education institutions and student-led organizations
 HB367BRASSSCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Requires teachers or other school employees placed on administrative leave during a law enforcement investigation to remain on leave at least until the completion of the investigation by the law enforcement agency
 HB423MINCEYVOTING/REGISTRATION - Requires public school governing authorities to provide high school seniors the opportunity to register to vote
 HB516MANDIE LANDRYEDUCATION - Requires each governing authority of a public high school to adopt policies regarding attendance, breastfeeding, and child care for students who are pregnant or parenting
 HB526EDMONDSSCHOOLS/FINANCE - Requires school boards to post certain fiscal information on their websites (RE +$232,710 GF EX See Note)
 HB617MINCEYEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Creates the Reimagine Accountability Commission to study and report findings and recommendations relative to the school and district accountability system
 HB649HILFERTYSTUDENT/DISCIPLINE - Provides relative to corporal punishment in elementary and secondary schools
 HB688PHELPSSCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to sabbatical leave for teachers
 HB865NELSONCURRICULA - Provides relative to textbooks and instructional materials used in reading instruction
 HB911HUGHESEDUCATION - Provides relative to early literacy (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB927SELDERSSCHOOLS - Authorizes a tuition increase at Louisiana State University Laboratory School and Southern University Laboratory School
 HB970MALINDA WHITEEARLY CHILDHOOD - Creates an early childhood literacy program for the purpose of delivering an age-appropriate book monthly to eligible children under the age of five (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB1025MINCEYEDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY - Provides relative to the administration of the ACT and the school and district accountability system



Any person who does not feel comfortable giving testimony in person may submit a prepared statement in accordance with House Rule 14.33 in lieu of appearing before the committee:

A. Any interested person or any committee member may file with the committee a prepared statement concerning a specific instrument or matter under consideration by the committee or concerning any matter within the committee's scope of authority, and the committee records shall reflect receipt of such statement and the date and time thereof.

B. Any person who files a prepared statement which contains data or statistical information shall include in such prepared statement sufficient information to identify the source of the data or statistical information. For the purposes of this Paragraph, the term "source" shall mean a publication, website, person, or other source from which the data or statistical information contained in the prepared statement was obtained by the person or persons who prepared the statement.

NOTE: Statements emailed to and received prior to noon on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, will be distributed to the committee members prior to the meeting.