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2024 Regular Session

There are 20 Instruments in this List       Show 100 Items
Instrument  AuthorCurrent StatusConsidered
SB23 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 158 more...
IMMOVABLE PROPERTY:  Provides for the Planned Community Act. (See Act)
SB29 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 89 more...
DIVORCE:  Provides for the allocation of community property following a petition for divorce. (8/1/24)
SB30 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 282 more...
ETHICS:  Provides relative to annual financial disclosure statements by certain elected officials and public servants. (8/1/24)
SB32 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 90 more...
SUCCESSIONS:  Provides for small succession procedures. (8/1/24)
SB49 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 94 more...
DIVORCE:  Provides for the revocation of beneficiary designation for certain assets. (8/1/24)
SB52 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 285 more...
CAMPAIGN FINANCE:  Provides relative to filing financial disclosure statements after qualifying for office. (8/1/24)
SB77 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 96 more...
CHILDREN:  Provides for the filiation of children. (8/1/24)
SB119 GREGORY MILLER Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 409 more...
TAX/AD VALOREM:  Constitutional amendment that provides relative to tax sales. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
SB128 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 294 more...
HOUSING:  Provides for the civil service status of a housing authority. (gov sig)
SB131 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 758 more...
PRIVILEGES/LIENS:  Provides for privileges on immovables. (8/1/24)
SB132 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 58 more...
CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Provides relative to the crimes of illegal carrying of a firearm and reckless discharge of a firearm at a parade. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
SB137 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 759 more...
BANKS/BANKING:  Provides relative to deposits for customers who expire while domiciled out of state. (8/1/24)
SB381 GREGORY MILLER Subject to call - Senate final passage more...
COURTS:  Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig)
SB393 GREGORY MILLER Substitute adopted on the Senate floor. Became SB505 more...
TAX/SALES:  Provides relative to the assessment, payment, and allocation of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
SB413 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 648 more...
CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Prohibits early termination of probation and parole for certain offenses. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
SB438 GREGORY MILLER Became law without the Governor's signature - Act 484 more...
LEVEES:  Establishes minimum requirements for a levee commissioner. (8/1/24)
SB450 GREGORY MILLER Subject to call - Senate final passage more...
CAMPAIGN FINANCE:  Provides relative to expenditure of campaign funds. (8/1/24)
SB505 GREGORY MILLER Signed by the Governor - Act 774 more...
TAX/AD VALOREM:  Provides relative to the assessment, payment, and allocation of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
SR49 GREGORY MILLER Sent to the Secretary of State more...
COMMENDATIONS:  Commends Gerald L. Vinnett Sr., on his thirtieth anniversary as pastor of the Fifth African Baptist Church of St. Rose, Louisiana.
SR80 GREGORY MILLER Sent to the Secretary of State more...
SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH:  Recognizes Wednesday, May 8, 2024, as "St. John the Baptist Parish Day" at the Louisiana State Capitol and to acknowledge Economic Development week in St. John the Baptist Parish.
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