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Constitutional Amendments
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Constitutional Amendments / Joint Resolutions
of the 2024 Regular Session

  There are 43 Instruments in this List    Show 100 Items
Instrument  Author         Status         Considered
HB6 CHENEVERT Subject to call - House final passage more...
    SCHOOLS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Grants any legislatively created public school system the same treatment and authority granted to parishes for purposes of minimum foundation program funding and local taxing authority (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
HB28 MELERINE Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
    JUDGES/SUPREME COURT:  (Constitutional Amendment) Increases the number of associate supreme court justices (OR +$1,145,641 GF EX See Note)
HB48 BACALA Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 406 more...
    LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to requirements for enactment of appropriations
HB49 BACALA Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 407 more...
    LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the limited extension of regular sessions for specific purposes (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
HB84 BAGLEY Pending House Appropriations Considered 4/2/24 more...
    SUPPLEMENTAL PAY:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides state supplemental pay to local emergency medical services practitioners (OR +$4,860,000 GF EX See Note)
HB98 MANDIE LANDRY Pending House Civil Law and Procedure Considered 4/8/24 more...
    MARRIAGE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the recognition of marriages contracted in other states
HB111 BAYHAM Pending House and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/7/24 more...
    GOVERNOR:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for gubernatorial term limits
HB157 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Considered 4/17/24 more...
    STATE OFFICIALS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for a term limitation on all statewide elected officials
HB158 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
    GOVERNOR/SUCCESSION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for gubernatorial succession
HB203 VILLIO Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
    JUVENILE PROCEDURE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to offenses to which special juvenile procedures are not applicable
HB219 BAYHAM Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
    LEGISLATORS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for legislative term limits
HB241 SCHAMERHORN Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
    PUBLIC OFFICIALS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Requires voter approval of compensation increases for certain local officials (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
HB245 FREEMAN Involuntarily deferred in House Civil Law & Procedure Considered 3/25/24 more...
    ABORTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to decisionmaking in reproductive healthcare
HB248 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Sched. for 4/17/24 more...
    ELECTED OFFICIALS/COMP:  (Constitutional Amendment) Creates a compensation commission to provide for the salary and other compensation of elected officials and further provides for an automatic adjustment at the beginning of each new term of office based upon increases in the consumer price index (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
HB250 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Sched. for 4/17/24 more...
    LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides that the timing and duration of regular sessions of the legislature may be set by joint rule of the legislature (OR +$1,288,800 GF EX See Note)
HB251 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Sched. for 4/17/24 more...
    ELECTIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the time at which certain officials are elected (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
HB273 SCHAMERHORN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Considered 4/17/24 more...
    LOCAL GOVERNMENT:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for term limits for certain parish and municipal officials
HB275 GREEN Pending House and Governmental Affairs Sched. for 4/17/24 more...
    ELECTED OFFICIALS/STATEW:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides that the governor and lieutenant governor are elected jointly
HB300 ORGERON Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 408 more...
    COASTAL RESOURCES:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the disposition of funds derived from alternative energy production in the coastal area (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
HB365 HILFERTY Pending House Ways and Means Sched. for 3/25/24 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Limits the frequency of the reappraisal and valuation of certain property for purposes of ad valorem property taxes (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
HB402 GALLE Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the calculation of certain persons' income for purposes of determining eligibility for the special assessment level for property receiving the homestead exemption (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
HB465 JORDAN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs Considered 4/11/24 more...
    CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL:  (Constitutional Amendment) Removes the Baton Rouge Police Department from the municipal fire and police civil service system
HB466 JORDAN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
    CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL:  (Constitutional Amendment) Removes municipal police departments from the municipal fire and police civil service
HB472 ZERINGUE Pending House Judiciary Considered 4/11/24 more...
    JUDGES:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to discipline of judges
HB502 GEYMANN Pending House Appropriations Sched. for 4/2/24 more...
    APPROPRIATIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Limits the amount of monies that may be appropriated in a fiscal year (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
HB526 BEAULLIEU Pending House Appropriations Sched. for 4/2/24 more...
    BUDGETARY CONTROLS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the expenditure limit (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
HB533 WRIGHT Pending House Judiciary Sched. for 5/1/24 more...
    JUDGES/SUPREME COURT:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the appointment of justices of the supreme court
HB567 GALLE Pending House Judiciary more...
    GOVERNOR:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the powers and duties of the governor
HB666 JORDAN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
    CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL:  Removes the Baton Rouge Police Department from the municipal fire and police civil service system
HB667 JORDAN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
    CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL:  Removes municipal police departments from their respective fire and police civil service systems (OR DECREASE SG EX See Note)
SB78 MORRIS Failed House final passage more...
    COURTS:  Constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature, by law, to establish additional courts enacted by a two-thirds vote. (2/3 - CA12s1(A)) (EG1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
SB79 MORRIS Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
    CRIMINAL PROCEDURE:  Constitutional amendment to eliminate judge's discretion to grant bail for certain offenses after conviction. (2/3 - CA12s1(A))
SB119 GREGORY MILLER Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 409 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM:  Constitutional amendment that provides relative to tax sales. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
SB122 MORRIS Pending Senate Judiciary C more...
    ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Constitutional amendment to provide for powers and duties of the attorney general. (2/3 - CA12s1(A))
SB157 STINE Pending Senate Finance Considered 4/8/24 more...
    WILD REFUGES/PRESERVES:  Renames the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge and Game Preserve Fund and the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Trust and Protection Fund. (2/3 - C13s1(A) (OR +$39,230 SD EX See Note)
SB175 LUNEAU Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Considered 4/8/24 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM:  Constitutional amendment that provides relative to tax sales (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
SB176 WHEAT Pending Senate Judiciary B more...
    LOTTERIES:  Constitutional amendment to provide relative to certain lotteries and certain disbursement of proceeds. (2/3 - CA13s1) (OR SEE FISC NOTE)
SB177 MORRIS Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 405 more...
    COURTS:  Constitutional amendment to increase the non-lawyer membership of and provide for the selection judiciary commission members and to require investigations be conducted by directive of the supreme court. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (EN +$7,115 GF EX See Note)
SB178 SEABAUGH Pending Senate Judiciary A Considered 3/26/24 more...
    COURTS:  Constitutional amendment to provide for statewide districts and election of the chief justice for the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
SB179 JACKSON-ANDREWS Pending Senate Judiciary C Considered 3/26/24 more...
    JUVENILES:  Constitutional amendment to provide for dual sentencing of juveniles. (2/3 - CA5s19) (OR SEE FISC NOTE)
SB180 BARROW Pending Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Considered 4/24/24 more...
    EMPLOYMENT:  Constitutional amendment to establish a state minimum wage. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB181 MORRIS Failed House final passage more...
    CIVIL SERVICE:  Constitutional amendment to provide for membership of the State Civil Service Commission. (2/3 - CA12s1)
SB182 SEABAUGH Pending Senate Judiciary B more...
    ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Constitutional amendment to authorize the attorney general to institute, prosecute, or intervene in any criminal action or proceeding concerning a felony election offense. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
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