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Acts of the 2024 Regular Session

  There are 792 Instruments in this List    Show 100 Items
Act 1     SB313     EDMONDS SCHOOLS:  Creates the Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise (LA GATOR) Scholarship Program to provide educational savings accounts for parental choice in K-12 education. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 2     HB114     FARNUM VOTING/REGISTRATION:  Provides for an expanded annual canvass of registered voters (EN +$336,108 GF EX See Note) more...
Act 3     SB323     TALBOT INSURANCE CLAIMS:  Provides for fair claims processing. (7/1/24) more...
Act 4     HB1     MCFARLAND APPROPRIATIONS:  Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 more...
Act 5     HB2     EMERSON CAPITAL OUTLAY:  Provides for the comprehensive Capital Outlay budget more...
Act 6     SB152     MIGUEZ WEAPONS:  Provides relative to the right of law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns lawfully without a permit. (8/1/24) more...
Act 7     SB255     FIELDS COURTS:  Provides relative to the districts of the supreme court. (gov sig) more...
Act 8     HB120     WILLARD INSURANCE:  Repeals the termination date relative to the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 9     HB611     FIRMENT INSURANCE/PROPERTY:  Provides relative to homeowners' insurance and termination of certain policies more...
Act 10     SB295     CLOUD INSURANCE RATES:  Provides for rate filing procedures and requirements for rate making. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 11     HB12     JORDAN CRIME:  Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image more...
Act 12     HB29     BACALA RETIREMENT/CLERKS COURT:  Provides relative to benefits of the Clerks' of Court Retirement and Relief Fund (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 13     HB55     CHARLES OWEN VITAL RECORDS/BIRTH CERT:  Designates Act No. 470 of the 2022 Regular Session as "The Jean and Elise Act" more...
Act 14     HB75     BEAULLIEU INSURANCE:  Provides qualifications for title insurance producers more...
Act 15     HB104     MUSCARELLO COURTS:  Repeals certain reporting requirements from the district courts to the judicial administrator of the supreme court (EN -$218,000 RV See Note) more...
Act 16     HB123     SCHLEGEL CONTRACTS:  Provides for consent of a legal representative of a minor who contracts with certain parties more...
Act 17     HB140     HORTON AIRCRAFT/AIRPORTS:  Provides relative to proof of disability requirements for an airport parking exemption for disabled veterans more...
Act 18     HB151     ORGERON LEVEES/BDS & DISTRICTS:  Provides for the membership of the board of commissioners of the North Lafourche Conservation, Levee and Drainage District more...
Act 19     HB167     BRASS CRIME:  Provides relative to penalties for unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft system more...
Act 20     HB192     DUSTIN MILLER SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Louisiana Department of Health more...
Act 21     HB211     VILLIO CRIME:  Provides relative to the Anti-Skimming Act more...
Act 22     HB297     MCCORMICK PROPERTY:  Provides relative to sale of property in Caddo Parish (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 23     HB298     MCMAHEN PROPERTY/PUBLIC:  Provides for the transfer of certain state property in Webster Parish more...
Act 24     HB405     EMERSON SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Department of Revenue (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 25     HB449     MELERINE CIVIL/LAW:  Provides relative to delivery of judgment of interdiction more...
Act 26     HB514     BRAUD CONTRACTS:  Revises certain bid requirements for applicable projects by the Department of Transportation and Development more...
Act 27     HB538     BOYER PUBLIC LANDS/STATE:  Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in St. Martin parish more...
Act 28     SB2     PRICE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE RET:  Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System. (6/30/24) (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 29     SB4     PRICE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS RET:  Provides relative to retirement allowances of the Registrars of Voters Employees' Retirement System. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 30     SB43     MCMATH WEAPONS:  Provides for carrying of concealed firearms by qualified retired law enforcement officers. (8/1/24) more...
Act 31     SB53     WOMACK ROADS/HIGHWAYS:  Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 15 in Franklin Parish as the "Lainey Wilson Highway". (8/1/24) (EN +$1,100 SG EX See Note) more...
Act 32     SB103     DUPLESSIS COURTS:  Provides for the appointment of interpreters in court proceedings. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 33     SB114     CATHEY AGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT:  Provides relative to meat and poultry inspection. (gov sig) more...
Act 34     SB117     JACKSON-ANDREWS AGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT:  Creates the Agricultural Meteorology Program. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 35     SB204     MIZELL ROADS/HIGHWAYS:  Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 1064 in Tangipahoa Parish as the "Rev. Alfred L. Hart Memorial Highway". (8/1/24) (EN +$1,100 SG EX See Note) more...
Act 36     SB211     LAMBERT FISH/FISHING:  Provides for size limits for spotted sea trout and red drum. (8/1/24) more...
Act 37     SB214     MIGUEZ WEAPONS:  Allows the concealed carrying of firearms in a restaurant that serves alcohol. (8/1/24) more...
Act 38     SB233     MIGUEZ WEAPONS:  Provides for the carrying of concealed firearms by qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired law enforcement officers. (8/1/24) more...
Act 39     HB9     ILLG RETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY:  Provides for survivor benefits of members of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (RE NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 40     HB74     BACALA CLERKS OF COURT:  Provides relative to the jury commission for the parishes of Ascension, Assumption, and St. James more...
Act 41     HB102     FIRMENT INSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS:  Creates an Employee Insurance Fund for the LaSalle Parish Sheriff's Office more...
Act 42     HB163     BOURRIAQUE INSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS:  Provides for an increase in membership to the investment advisory board of the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office more...
Act 43     HB206     VILLIO CRIMINAL/MENTAL CAPACITY:  Provides relative to the commitment of certain persons who are found not guilty by reason of insanity (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 44     HB212     BEAULLIEU CRIMINAL/VICTIMS:  Provides relative to notification procedures in certain circumstances more...
Act 45     HB214     VILLIO CRIME:  Provides relative to monetary instrument abuse (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 46     SB1     PRICE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides relative to transfers of service credit between systems. (6/30/24) (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 47     SB3     PRICE ASSESSORS RETIREMENT:  Provides relative to the deferred retirement of a member of the Louisiana Assessors' Retirement Fund. (gov sig) (EN SEE ACTUARIAL NOTE APV) more...
Act 48     SB36     KLEINPETER SHERIFFS:  Provides for funding of certain insurance costs for retirees of the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Office. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note) more...
Act 49     SB45     MCMATH ROADS/HIGHWAYS:  Designates portions of certain highways. (8/1/24) (EN +$4,460 SG EX See Note) more...
Act 50     SB65     HENSGENS SUNSET LAW:  Recreates Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources. (6/30/24) more...
Act 51     SB67     WHEAT ROADS/HIGHWAYS:  Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Tangipahoa Parish as the "Trooper Hung Le Memorial Highway". (8/1/24) (EN +$3,360 SG EX See Note) more...
Act 52     SB71     CLOUD PUBLIC LANDS:  Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Allen Parish. (8/1/24) more...
Act 53     SB82     ALLAIN AGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT:  Provides relative to the state chemist. (gov sig) more...
Act 54     SB95     WHEAT ANIMALS:  Provides relative to strayed animals. (gov sig) more...
Act 55     SB104     WHEAT ANIMALS:  Provides relative to livestock found at large. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note) more...
Act 56     SB105     SEABAUGH CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Provides relative to the crime of possession of or carrying a concealed weapon by a person convicted of certain felonies. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 57     SB121     COUSSAN COURTS:  Provides for the jurisdictional limits for the city courts located in the 15th judicial district. (8/1/24) more...
Act 58     SB132     GREGORY MILLER CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Provides relative to the crimes of illegal carrying of a firearm and reckless discharge of a firearm at a parade. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 59     SB194     MIGUEZ WEAPONS:  Provides for the preemption of state law for firearms. (8/1/24) more...
Act 60     SB260     CLOUD TRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT:  Provides for amending and transferring commercial truck permits. (8/1/24) (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note) more...
Act 61     SB273     HENSGENS FISH/FISHING:  Provides for bait shrimp. (8/1/24) more...
Act 62     SB375     KLEINPETER MOTOR VEHICLES:  Creates a special prestige license plate for "Telecommunicators" and for the "Special Needs Advocacy, Support and Inclusion of Abilities". (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 63     SB377     KLEINPETER WEAPONS:  Prohibits possession of firearms, ammunition, or electric weapons or devices by certain felons. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 64     HB92     ROMERO CRIMINAL/RECORDS:  Designates Act No. 460 of the 2023 Regular Session as "The Remy Mann Act" more...
Act 65     HB138     SCHLEGEL CRIME:  Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note) more...
Act 66     HB184     MCFARLAND POLICE/MUNICIPAL:  Provides relative to police services in the village of Calvin more...
Act 67     HB202     CARVER CRIME/THEFT:  Creates the crime of theft of USPS mail (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note) more...
Act 68     HB235     COATES PUBLIC CONTRACT/BIDS:  Increases the dollar amount for the exception to public bid law applicable to the purchase of vehicles by local government units more...
Act 69     HB296     GEYMANN SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries more...
Act 70     HB339     CHARLES OWEN PUBLIC FACILITIES:  Provides relative to acceptable payment types at air carrier airports more...
Act 71     HB350     ORGERON SEAFOOD:  Authorizes the use of state property for seafood research more...
Act 72     HB369     LYONS COURTS:  Repeals environmental docket for the 24th JDC more...
Act 73     HB381     BRAUD TRANSPORTATION DEPT:  Provides relative to Department of Transportation and Development spending more...
Act 74     HB385     CHARLES OWEN MILITARY AFFAIRS:  Provides relative to survivors' education benefits (EN DECREASE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 75     HB397     ST. BLANC UTILITIES:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Underground Utilities and Facilities Damage Prevention Law more...
Act 76     HB403     ECHOLS TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL-EXEM:  Adds drugs prescribed for certain ocular conditions to the listing of prescription drugs exempt from local sales and use taxes (EN DECREASE LF RV See Note) more...
Act 77     HB450     SCHAMERHORN SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Department of Public Safety and Corrections more...
Act 78     HB527     EGAN VETERANS:  Provides relative to veterans cemeteries burial fees more...
Act 79     HB537     BOURRIAQUE WILDLIFE & FISHERIES:  Reallocates money received from fur trapping licenses (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note) more...
Act 80     HB540     GEYMANN FISHING/COMMERCIAL:  Provides for eligibility of charter boat fishing guides for the Fisherman's Gear Compensation Fund more...
Act 81     HB576     BRAUD COURTS/JUSTICE OF PEACE:  Provides relative to justices of the peace in Plaquemines Parish more...
Act 82     HB648     ZERINGUE HIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE:  Designates the bridge on Louisiana Highway 648 over Bayou Lafourche as the "Austin Bush Memorial Bridge" more...
Act 83     HB654     HILFERTY PROPERTY/PUBLIC:  Provides relative to the authorized uses and lease of certain public property in Orleans and Jefferson Parish more...
Act 84     HB718     CARVER TAX:  Repeals certain provisions of law referring to inheritance taxes (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note) more...
Act 85     HB720     SCHLEGEL CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES:  Provides relative to distribution of fentanyl under certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 86     HB773     CARPENTER CHILDREN/SUPPORT:  Provides for the schedule of basic child support obligations more...
Act 87     SB7     CONNICK CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES:  Provides for reporting of escapes from juvenile institutions. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 88     SB16     PRESSLY EVIDENCE:  Provides for expert testimony. (8/1/24) more...
Act 89     SB29     GREGORY MILLER DIVORCE:  Provides for the allocation of community property following a petition for divorce. (8/1/24) more...
Act 90     SB32     GREGORY MILLER SUCCESSIONS:  Provides for small succession procedures. (8/1/24) more...
Act 91     SB38     EDMONDS CURRICULA:  Provide with respect to the Course Choice Program. (7/1/25) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 92     SB39     MIZELL CHILDREN'S CODE:  Provides for continuous revisions to the Children's Code. (8/1/24) (EN LF EX See Note) more...
Act 93     SB41     MORRIS CHILDREN'S CODE:  Provides that part of the Children's Code's purpose is to promote public safety. (8/1/24) more...
Act 94     SB49     GREGORY MILLER DIVORCE:  Provides for the revocation of beneficiary designation for certain assets. (8/1/24) more...
Act 95     SB54     WHEAT HEALTH SERVICES:  Requires CPR/AED training for coaches in Louisiana. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note) more...
Act 96     SB77     GREGORY MILLER CHILDREN:  Provides for the filiation of children. (8/1/24) more...
Act 97     SB85     EDMONDS SCHOOLS:  To change the makeup of the board of the Jimmy D. Long School for Math, Science, and the Arts. (gov sig) more...
Act 98     SB188     COUSSAN FAMILY LAW:  Provides for the Uniform Collaborative Family Law Act. (8/1/24) more...
Act 99     SB199     COUSSAN MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides relative to motor vehicle titles. (8/1/24) more...
Act 100     SB236     FOIL MOTOR VEHICLES:  Establishes a driver's license designation and a special identification designation for a person with a seizure disorder. (8/1/24) (EN +$45,000 GF EX See Note) more...
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