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Constitutional Amendments
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2025 Regular Session

There are 20 Instruments in this List       Show 100 Items
Instrument  AuthorCurrent StatusConsidered
SB1 PRICE Pending Senate Retirement more...
STATE POLICE RETIREMENT:  Allows for credit for out-of-state full-time law enforcement service. (gov sig)
SB2 FESI Pending Senate Health and Welfare more...
PUBLIC HEALTH:  Provides relative to water fluoridation. (8/1/25)
SB3 BOUDREAUX Pending Senate Local and Municipal Affairs more...
PUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS:  Authorizes the Hospital Service District No. 2 of St. Martin Parish to name a medical building in honor of a living person. (8/1/25)
SB4 LAMBERT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs more...
ELECTION OFFENSES:  Authorizes political campaign signs to be posted on public school athletic fields and gymnasiums when a political candidate or campaign pays for the posting. (8/1/25)
SB5 WHEAT Pending Senate Judiciary A more...
COURTS:  Provides for the jurisdictional limit for the City Court of Hammond. (8/1/25)
SB6 ABRAHAM Pending Senate Retirement more...
RETIREMENT BENEFITS:  Establishes an exception to suspension of retirement benefits for court reporters who are reemployed by judicial districts or parishes where a critical shortage exists. (gov sig)
SB7 HODGES Pending Senate Retirement more...
RETIREMENT BENEFITS:  Requires fiduciaries of public retirement systems to make investment decisions based solely on financial factors. (6/30/25)
SB8 MORRIS Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs more...
CIVIL SERVICE:  Constitutional amendment to provide for persons in the unclassified service and for appointment of persons on the State Civil Service Commission. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB9 BASS Pending Senate Judiciary C more...
CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Adds federal and state military installations and facilities to the locations over which the use of an unmanned aircraft system is prohibited. (8/1/25)
SB10 BOUDREAUX Pending Senate Health and Welfare more...
OPTOMETRY:  Provides relative to the Louisiana State Board of Optometry Examiners. (8/1/25)
SB11 LUNEAU Pending Senate Transportation, Highways, and Public Works more...
MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provide for penalties for certain traffic offenses. (8/1/25)
SB12 FOIL Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
TAX/INCOME/PERSONAL:  Excludes certain amounts deposited into ABLE accounts for qualified expenses of persons with disabilities from state income tax. (8/1/25)
SB13 FOIL Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Increases the individual income tax exemption for deposits into the START K12 Program accounts. (8/1/25)
SB14 MCMATH Pending Senate Health and Welfare more...
PUBLIC HEALTH:  Provides relative to nutrition. (See Act)
SB15 MORRIS Pending Senate Judiciary C more...
CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Prohibits any act intended to hinder, delay, prevent, or otherwise interfere with or thwart federal immigration enforcement efforts. (8/1/25)
SB16 MCMATH Pending Senate Insurance more...
HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE:  Provides relative to health stop-loss insurance. (gov sig)
SB17 BOUDREAUX Pending Senate Health and Welfare more...
HEALTH SERVICES:  Extends the termination date of the Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council. (gov sig)
SB18 BOUDREAUX Pending Senate Local and Municipal Affairs more...
PUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS:  Provides for naming City Park in Lafayette in honor of a deceased person. (8/1/25)
SB19 FESI Pending Senate Health and Welfare more...
PHARMACEUTICALS:  Provides relative to the dispensing of ivermectin. (8/1/25)
SB20 WHEAT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs more...
LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  Constitutional Amendment to change the number of certain legislative instruments that a legislator may file during regular sessions that occur during odd-numbered years. (2/3-CA13sl(A))
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