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Amendments to the LA Constitution of 1974
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Revised Statutes - Title 23
RS 23:1 Louisiana Workforce Commission established; purpose; definitions
RS 23:2 Domicile of commission
RS 23:3 Employees; performance evaluations; salaries and expenses
RS 23:4 Divisions of the commission
RS 23:5 Right of entry
RS 23:6 Powers and duties
RS 23:7 Access to books, accounts, records, etc.
RS 23:8 Rulemaking power
RS 23:9 Application to the courts for aid
RS 23:10 Court review
RS 23:11 Power of executive director as to witnesses
RS 23:12 Electronic digitized records; microfilm or microfiche records
RS 23:13 Employers' duty as to safety
RS 23:14 Employers to furnish information; keeping of records
RS 23:15 Posting of labor laws
RS 23:16 Penalties
RS 23:17 Integration of workforce development programs
RS 23:18 Client accessibility
RS 23:19 Delegation of functions
RS 23:20 State and local planning process; local workforce development boards
RS 23:33 Administration funding
RS 23:34 Grants to local workforce development areas
RS 23:41 Louisiana state board of boiler inspector examiners
RS 23:42 Membership of board
RS 23:43 Appointment; compensation
RS 23:44 Powers and duties
RS 23:45 Examinations
RS 23:46 Certificate of competency and commission as boiler inspector; identification cards
RS 23:47 Revocation of certificate and commission
RS 23:48 Certificate of competency and commission and valid identification card required
RS 23:49 Violations; penalty
RS 23:61 Purpose
RS 23:62 Definitions
RS 23:63 Community action agency; appointment, responsibilities
RS 23:64 Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 54, 2, eff. August 1, 1994.
RS 23:64.1 Governing board
RS 23:65 Financial assistance
RS 23:66 Louisiana Workforce Commission, administrative rules
RS 23:67 Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 54, 2, eff. August 1, 1994.
RS 23:71 Legislative intent and public policy
RS 23:72 Definitions
RS 23:73 Comprehensive labor market information system
RS 23:74 Consumer information
RS 23:75 Report card; data exchange agreements; data distribution; personal identification prohibited
RS 23:76 Forecasting
RS 23:77 Workforce system information technology; principles and information sharing
RS 23:78 Workforce information systems
RS 23:101 Terms defined
RS 23:102 Employment service exclusions
RS 23:103 Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 713, §4, eff. July 1, 2006
RS 23:104 Application for license
RS 23:105 License fee; renewal
RS 23:106 Bond; conditions
RS 23:106.1 To 106.4 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 732, 4
RS 23:107 Issuance of license; time for granting
RS 23:108 Violations by licensee; revocation or suspension
RS 23:109 Revocation of license; effect
RS 23:110 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 633, 3, EFF. JAN. 1, 1993.
RS 23:111 Regulation; restrictions and prohibitions
RS 23:112 Regulations; public hearings; assistant secretary
RS 23:113 Violations of provisions; penalty
RS 23:114 Disposition of fees collected; expenses
RS 23:115 Enforcement of this Part through court action
RS 23:116 To 121 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 732, 4
RS 23:151 Application of provisions
RS 23:152 Enforcement of provisions
RS 23:153 Regulations
RS 23:161 Minors; prohibited employments
RS 23:162 Minors under fourteen; general prohibition against employment
RS 23:163 Minors under sixteen; prohibited employments
RS 23:164 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:165 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:166 Minors fourteen and fifteen years of age; employments permitted
RS 23:167 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:168 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:168.1 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:169 REPEALED BY ACTS 1976, NO. 624, 5, EFF. AUG. 4, 1976
RS 23:170 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:171 Minors; employment on vessels
RS 23:181 Executive director to furnish forms
RS 23:182 Employers to keep records
RS 23:183 Persons authorized to issue
RS 23:184 Requirements for issuance
RS 23:184.1 Blanket work permits
RS 23:185 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 442, 1.
RS 23:186 REPEALED BY ACTS 1981, NO. 299, 2
RS 23:187 Signing of certificate by minor; return by employer after termination of employment
RS 23:188 Records kept by issuing authority
RS 23:189 Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 671, §2, eff. June 27. 2003.
RS 23:190 REPEALED BY ACTS 1976, NO. 624, 5, EFF. AUG. 4, 1976
RS 23:191 Revocation
RS 23:192 Certificates as evidence of age of minors
RS 23:193 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:194 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:195 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:196 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:197 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:211 Minors; maximum hours in general
RS 23:211.1 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:212 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:213 Recreation or meal period
RS 23:214 Minors under sixteen; maximum hours when school in session
RS 23:215 Minors; minors under sixteen; prohibited hours; maximum work week
RS 23:216 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:217 Records to be kept by employers
RS 23:218 REPEALED BY ACTS 1993, NO. 621, 2, EFF. JUNE 15, 1993.
RS 23:231 Specific violations; penalties; enforcement
RS 23:232 Parents or tutors inducing violations by minors; penalty
RS 23:233 Presence of minor at place of employment; presumption of employment
RS 23:234 Continuing violations; penalty
RS 23:251 Minors under sixteen; prohibited employments or occupations; penalty
RS 23:252 Violations by exhibitor; additional penalties
RS 23:253 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 177, §2.
RS 23:254 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 177, §2.
RS 23:255 Bond as prerequisite to issuance of permit
RS 23:256 REPEALED BY ACTS 1989, NO. 731, 3, EFF. JULY 8, 1989.
RS 23:257 REPEALED BY ACTS 1989, NO. 731, 3, EFF. JULY 8, 1989.
RS 23:258 Travelling theatrical companies; application of provisions
RS 23:271 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 445, 1.
RS 23:272 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 445, 1.
RS 23:273 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 445, 1.
RS 23:274 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 445, 1.
RS 23:291 Disclosure of employment related information; liability for hiring certain employees; presumptions; causes of action; definitions
RS 23:291.1 Certificate of employability
RS 23:291.2 Criminal history; hiring decisions
RS 23:301 Short title
RS 23:302 Definitions
RS 23:303 Civil suits authorized
RS 23:311 Application
RS 23:312 Prohibition of age discrimination; exceptions
RS 23:313 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:314 Notices to be posted
RS 23:315 Reserved]
RS 23:321 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:322 Definitions
RS 23:323 Discrimination
RS 23:324 Defenses
RS 23:325 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:326 Reserved]
RS 23:331 Veterans
RS 23:332 Intentional discrimination in employment
RS 23:333 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:334 Affirmative action programs; applicable definition
RS 23:335 Reserved]
RS 23:341 Application
RS 23:341.1 Definitions
RS 23:342 Unlawful practice by employers prohibited; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition; benefits and leaves of absence; transfer of position
RS 23:351 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:352 Prohibition of sickle cell trait discrimination; exceptions
RS 23:353 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1366, 2.
RS 23:354 Notices to be posted
RS 23:368 Prohibition of genetic discrimination in the workplace; privacy
RS 23:369 Notices to be posted
RS 23:370 Genetic testing and cancer screening leave of absence
RS 23:371 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 446, 1.
RS 23:372 REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 446, 1.
RS 23:381 Purposes
RS 23:382 Apprenticeship council
RS 23:383 Director of apprenticeship
RS 23:384 Powers and duties of director
RS 23:385 Apprenticeship programs; registration and function
RS 23:386 Apprentice defined
RS 23:387 Contents of apprentice agreements
RS 23:388 Approval of apprenticeship agreements; signature
RS 23:389 Rotation of employment
RS 23:390 Settlement of controversies or complaints
RS 23:391 Limitation
RS 23:392 Civil penalties
RS 23:482 Physical examination of workers
RS 23:483 Equipment for decompression
RS 23:484 Shifts; maximum pressure
RS 23:485 Maximum hours
RS 23:486 Minimum rest interval
RS 23:487 Rate of decompression
RS 23:488 Penalty for violations
RS 23:511 Type-casting machines; exhaust fans and flues; penalties
RS 23:531 Assistant secretary of office of state fire marshal, code enforcement and building safety to make rules
RS 23:532 Adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations; effective date
RS 23:533 Printing of laws, rules, and regulations
RS 23:534 Duties of assistant secretary
RS 23:535 Special inspectors
RS 23:536 Annual inspection of boilers
RS 23:537 Certificates of inspection; fees; issuance and suspension
RS 23:538 Operation of boiler without inspection certificate; penalty
RS 23:539 Installation of boilers
RS 23:540 Exemptions from provisions
RS 23:541 Fees for inspection
RS 23:542 Fidelity bonds of employees
RS 23:543 Installation, moving, or reinstallation of power boilers, steam heating, or hot water boilers; licensing; examination; fees
RS 23:544 Application for installation, moving, or reinstallation of a boiler, except in New Orleans; fee
RS 23:545 Penalties
RS 23:546 Disposition of fees
RS 23:631 Discharge or resignation of employees; payment after termination of employment
RS 23:632 Liability of employer for failure to pay; attorney fees; good-faith exception
RS 23:633 Payment twice monthly for certain occupations; penalty for violations
RS 23:634 Contract forfeiting wages on discharge unlawful
RS 23:635 Assessment of fines against employees unlawful; exceptions
RS 23:636 Penalty for violations
RS 23:637 Non-resident plantation owners; suits against for wages, etc.; venue; service of citation
RS 23:638 Payment under retirement or other benefit plans; discharge of insurer, trustee or employee
RS 23:639 Venue in suits for past wages
RS 23:640 Fringe benefits payable under collective bargaining agreements
RS 23:641 Liability of publishers; employing agents' failure to pay wages or commissions of door to door solicitors
RS 23:642 Setting minimum wage or employee benefits; prohibited
RS 23:651 Definitions
RS 23:652 Designation form
RS 23:653 Application
RS 23:661 Short title; citation
RS 23:662 Declaration of public policy
RS 23:663 Definitions
RS 23:664 Prohibited acts
RS 23:665 Complaint procedure
RS 23:666 Damages
RS 23:667 Limitation of actions
RS 23:668 Records to be kept by employers
RS 23:669 Supplemental application
RS 23:691 LOANS
RS 23:731 Assignment of earnings
RS 23:822 Freedom of organization and other activities; declaration of policy
RS 23:823 Labor organizations; contracts in restraint of membership contrary to public policy
RS 23:824 Coercion of employees regarding membership in labor organizations; penalty
RS 23:841 Injunctions; limitation on courts' authority to issue
RS 23:842 Responsibility for unlawful acts
RS 23:843 Injunctive relief; declaration of policy regarding procedure for granting
RS 23:844 Injunctions and restraining orders, grounds for issuance; proof required
RS 23:845 Failure of complainant to attempt settlement of disputes; effect on right to injunctive relief
RS 23:846 Findings of fact as basis for injunctive relief; persons affected
RS 23:847 Appeals from cases involving temporary injunctions; hearing by preference
RS 23:848 Contempt proceedings; rights of accused
RS 23:849 Punishment for contempt
RS 23:861 Pre-dispute arbitration agreements; sexual harassment; prohibited
RS 23:880.1 To 880.18 Repealed by Acts 1972, No. 405, 1
RS 23:881 Definition
RS 23:882 Declaration of public policy
RS 23:883 Membership of agricultural laborers in labor organization as condition of employment, illegality
RS 23:884 Agreements to violate provisions of law; lockouts or other conduct to force violation of law
RS 23:885 Illegal conditions of employment of agricultural laborers
RS 23:886 Damages for denying employment in violation of law
RS 23:887 Injunctive relief
RS 23:888 Right to collective bargaining not impaired
RS 23:889 Application of Part
RS 23:890 Labor policy
RS 23:892 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:893 Volunteer firefighters; leave without loss of pay, benefits, or employment
RS 23:894 Physician employed for employees; election or appointment by employees
RS 23:895 Physician's compensation; amounts collected from employees; penalty for unlawful disposition
RS 23:896 Removal of tenants or laborers or their effects from premises without owner's consent; penalty
RS 23:897 Medical and other examinations, fingerprinting, requiring employee to pay for, prohibited; enforcement of provisions; civil and criminal penalties
RS 23:898 Transportation of strikebreakers prohibited; penalty
RS 23:899 Application of R.S. 23:898
RS 23:900 Definitions
RS 23:901 Persons or firms not directly involved in strike or lockout; hiring or recruiting of replacement workers prohibited; exceptions
RS 23:902 Importation of replacement workers prohibited
RS 23:903 Penalties
RS 23:904 Agricultural pursuits exempt
RS 23:905 Employee access to records
RS 23:921 Restraint of business prohibited; restraint on forum prohibited; competing business; contracts against engaging in; provisions for
RS 23:961 Political rights and freedom; restrictions forbidden; penalty; employees' right to recover damages
RS 23:962 Discharge because of political opinions; attempt to control votes; penalty
RS 23:963 Purchase of merchandise from particular seller; coercion prohibited; penalty
RS 23:964 Discharge of or discrimination against employees for testifying at labor investigation; penalties; enforcement
RS 23:965 Jury duty; dismissal forbidden; uninterrupted compensation; penalties
RS 23:966 Prohibition of smoking discrimination
RS 23:967 Employee protection from reprisal; prohibited practices; remedies
RS 23:968 Whistleblower protection and cause of action
RS 23:971 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:972 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:973 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:974 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:975 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:976 Repealed by Acts 1985, No. 846, 2, eff. July 23, 1985.
RS 23:981 Declaration of public policy
RS 23:982 Labor organization
RS 23:983 Freedom of choice
RS 23:984 Certain agreements declared illegal; governmental interference prohibited; policy
RS 23:985 Penalties
RS 23:986 Injunctive relief
RS 23:987 Duty to investigate
RS 23:991 Purpose, enforcement
RS 23:992 Employment of certain aliens; prohibition
RS 23:992.1 Exemptions
RS 23:992.2 Bar to prosecution
RS 23:993 Penalties
RS 23:994 Private remedy
RS 23:995 Civil penalties
RS 23:996 Cease and desist order; injunctive relief
RS 23:1001 Preference in hiring veterans for private employers
RS 23:1002 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1003 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1004 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1006 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1007 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1008 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1409, 4, eff. Aug. 1, 1997.
RS 23:1011 Employment of Louisiana residents as a condition of receiving a state or local tax exemption; residence requirement
RS 23:1015 Short title; citation
RS 23:1015.1 Definitions
RS 23:1015.2 School and day care conference and activities leave
RS 23:1015.3 Rulemaking authority
RS 23:1016 Workers exposed to toxic substances; rights
RS 23:1017.1 Definitions
RS 23:1017.2 Leave status
RS 23:1017.3 Reemployment
RS 23:1017.4 Benefits
RS 23:1017.5 Pay
RS 23:1017.6 Notice to employers
RS 23:1018.1 Definitions
RS 23:1018.2 Notice to employees of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit
RS 23:1019.1 Definitions
RS 23:1019.2 Employee and independent contractor eligibility verification
RS 23:1019.3 Questionnaire
RS 23:1019.4 Mandatory reporting
RS 23:1019.5 Notices to be posted
RS 23:1019.6 Enforcement; penalties
RS 23:1020 Terminated on June 30, 2006, by Acts 2006, No. 193, eff. June 2, 2006.
RS 23:1020.1 Citation, purpose; legislative intent; construction
RS 23:1021 Terms defined
RS 23:1031 Employee's right of action; joint employers, extent of liability; borrowed employees
RS 23:1031.1 Occupational disease
RS 23:1032 Exclusiveness of rights and remedies; employer's liability to prosecution under other laws
RS 23:1032.1 Failure of employer to secure payment; penalties
RS 23:1033 Contracts against liability prohibited
RS 23:1034 Public employees; exclusiveness of remedies
RS 23:1034.1 Law enforcement officers; coverage
RS 23:1034.2 Reimbursement schedule
RS 23:1035 Employees covered
RS 23:1035.1 Extraterritorial coverage
RS 23:1035.2 Claims covered by certain federal laws
RS 23:1036 Volunteer firefighters
RS 23:1036.1 Volunteer firefighters; coverage for posttraumatic stress injury; presumption of compensability
RS 23:1036.2 Reserve police officers and deputies; coverage
RS 23:1037 Employees of railroads in interstate or foreign commerce; vessels in interstate or foreign commerce
RS 23:1038 To 1043 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 583, 15, eff. Sept. 1, 1975
RS 23:1044 Presumption of employee status
RS 23:1045 Persons exempt from coverage
RS 23:1046 Chapter inapplicable to uncompensated officers and uncompensated members of the board of directors of certain nonprofit organizations
RS 23:1047 Real estate salesmen exempt from coverage
RS 23:1048 Landmen exempt from coverage
RS 23:1061 Principal contractors; liability
RS 23:1062 Sub-contractors; liability
RS 23:1063 Suits against principal contractors; subcontractors as co-defendants
RS 23:1081 Defenses
RS 23:1101 Employee and employer suits against third persons; effect on right to compensation
RS 23:1102 Employee or employer suits against third persons causing injury; notice of filing
RS 23:1103 Damages; apportionment of between employer and employee in suits against third persons; compromise of claims; credit
RS 23:1104 Quantification of employer fault
RS 23:1121 Examination of injured employee
RS 23:1122 Employer's duty to cause examination of employee; rights of employee
RS 23:1123 Disputes as to condition or capacity to work; additional medical opinion regarding an examination under supervision of the director
RS 23:1124 Refusal to submit to an additional medical opinion regarding an examination; effect on right to compensation
RS 23:1124.1 Cumulative medical testimony; medical examination
RS 23:1125 Right of employee to written report of medical examination; penalty for failure to furnish
RS 23:1126 Monitoring procedures of toxic substances in places of employment; access to records; penalties
RS 23:1127 Release of medical records and information
RS 23:1131 Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 261, §1, eff. June 15, 2004.
RS 23:1141 Attorney fees; privilege on compensation awards
RS 23:1142 Approval of health care providers; fees
RS 23:1143 Excessive fees or solicitation of employment; penalty; withholding attorney fees; approval by workers' compensation judge
RS 23:1144 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1014, 2, eff. June 27, 2001.
RS 23:1161 Insurance policies; application of provisions; approval by insurance commissioner; admitted carriers; exceptions
RS 23:1161.1 Workers' compensation claims office or licensed claims adjusters; waiver
RS 23:1162 Contents of insurance contract; enforcement by employee; subrogation of insurer
RS 23:1163 Premiums; contribution by employees prohibited; penalty
RS 23:1164 Insolvency of employer; employee's rights against insurer
RS 23:1165 Additional compensation agreements; insurance
RS 23:1166 Issuance of policies; liability
RS 23:1167 Insolvency of unauthorized ceding insurer; claim against assuming insurer
RS 23:1168 Ways of securing compensation to employees
RS 23:1168.1 Self-insurance
RS 23:1168.3 Grounds for default; forfeiture of security; records of claims
RS 23:1168.4 Duties of the assistant secretary
RS 23:1168.5 Deposit of monies collected
RS 23:1168.6 Appointment of assistants
RS 23:1168.7 Priority of claims
RS 23:1168.8 Time to file claims
RS 23:1168.9 Proof and allowance of claims
RS 23:1168.10 Appeal of a decision of the director
RS 23:1168.11 Confidentiality of certain proceedings and records; immunity of certain staff
RS 23:1168.12 Cooperation of officers, owners, and employees; civil penalties
RS 23:1169 Failure of employer to secure payment; power of executive director
RS 23:1170 Penalty for failure to secure workers' compensation insurance; assessment and collection
RS 23:1171 Civil fine; hearing; appeal
RS 23:1171.1 Discontinuance of business; injunction; procedure
RS 23:1171.2 Default of employer; additional liability
RS 23:1172 Criminal penalties
RS 23:1172.1 Willful misrepresentation by employer; aid or abet; criminal penalties; civil immunity
RS 23:1172.2 Unlawful practices
RS 23:1172.3 Recovery of past payments of workers' compensation premiums prohibited
RS 23:1173 Rules and regulations
RS 23:1174 Certificate of compliance
RS 23:1174.1 Workers' compensation programs; ability to contract
RS 23:1175 Short title; legislative intent
RS 23:1176 Definitions
RS 23:1177 Collection of information; target list
RS 23:1178 Cost containment meeting; incentive discount
RS 23:1179 Occupational safety and health program; incentive discount
RS 23:1180 Evaluation
RS 23:1181 Insured experience information
RS 23:1182 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 349, 2, eff. June 16, 1995.
RS 23:1191 Definitions
RS 23:1192 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 703, 2, eff. June 21, 1995.
RS 23:1193 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 703, 2, eff. June 21, 1995.
RS 23:1194 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 703, 2, eff. June 21, 1995.
RS 23:1195 Authorization; trade or professional association; initial financial requirements
RS 23:1196 Requirements; excess insurance; administrative and service companies; status; liability; refunds
RS 23:1196.1 Investments
RS 23:1197 Authority of Department of Insurance
RS 23:1198 Licensing of agents; claims against insurance agents
RS 23:1199 Rates
RS 23:1200 Review of rate determination
RS 23:1200.1 Rules and regulations
RS 23:1200.2 Prohibited activities and sanctions; duties of group self-insurance funds and others; civil immunity; definitions
RS 23:1200.3 Exclusive use of expirations
RS 23:1200.4 Consecutive net losses
RS 23:1200.5 Insolvencies
RS 23:1200.6 Examination of group self-insurance fund for workers' compensation program
RS 23:1200.7 Examination reports
RS 23:1200.8 Review and examination expense; how paid
RS 23:1200.9 Authority to employ examiners and other assistants
RS 23:1200.10 Group self-insurance fund's right to contest expense
RS 23:1200.11 Failure to pay expenses; penalty
RS 23:1200.12 Scope of examination
RS 23:1200.13 Production of books and records
RS 23:1200.14 Power to examine under oath; subpoena witnesses
RS 23:1200.15 Commissioner of insurance authorized to employ investigators
RS 23:1200.16 Disclosure
RS 23:1200.17 Departmental complaint directives; failure to comply; fines; hearing
RS 23:1201 Time and place of payment; failure to pay timely; failure to authorize; penalties and attorney fees
RS 23:1201.1 Controversion of compensation and medical benefits
RS 23:1201.2 Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 1204, §2.
RS 23:1201.3 Failure to pay compensation; judgment and execution; interest; revocation or suspension of insurer's license
RS 23:1201.4 Forfeiture of benefits while incarcerated; exclusions; medical expenses
RS 23:1202 Maximum and minimum amounts payable
RS 23:1203 Duty to furnish medical and vocational rehabilitation expenses; prosthetic devices; other expenses
RS 23:1203.1 Definitions; medical treatment schedule; medical advisory council
RS 23:1203.1.1 Medical director and associate medical director
RS 23:1203.2 Electronic medical billing and payment
RS 23:1204 Furnishing of medical services or advancing voluntary payments not admission of liability
RS 23:1205 Claim for payments; privilege of employee; non-assignability; exemption from seizure; payment of denied medical expenses
RS 23:1206 Voluntary payments; deductions from benefits
RS 23:1207 Rival claimants; payment; discharge of employer
RS 23:1208 Misrepresentations concerning benefit payments; penalty
RS 23:1208.1 Employer's inquiry into employee's previous injury claims; forfeiture of benefits
RS 23:1208.2 Duty to report fraud; immunity from civil liability
RS 23:1209 Prescription; timeliness of filing; dismissal for want of prosecution
RS 23:1210 Burial expenses; duty to furnish
RS 23:1211 Special compensation benefits for injury or death of member of national guard
RS 23:1212 Medical expense offset
RS 23:1221 Temporary total disability; permanent total disability; supplemental earnings benefits; permanent partial disability; schedule of payments
RS 23:1222 Probable duration of disability not basis for award
RS 23:1223 Deductions from benefits
RS 23:1224 Payments not recoverable for first week; exceptions
RS 23:1225 Reductions when other benefits payable
RS 23:1226 Rehabilitation of injured employees
RS 23:1231 Death of employee; payment to dependents; surviving parents
RS 23:1232 Allocation to dependents; schedule of payments
RS 23:1233 Death or marriage of dependent; age limit of minor dependent
RS 23:1234 Minors and mental incompetents; rights and privileges, by whom exercised; prescriptions applicable
RS 23:1235 Payments to minor dependents; how made
RS 23:1236 Payments to employee before death; effect on payments to dependents
RS 23:1251 Persons conclusively presumed dependents
RS 23:1252 Determination of dependency in other cases
RS 23:1253 Membership in family or relationship
RS 23:1254 Dependency at the time of accident and death
RS 23:1255 Widow or widower; living with spouse at time of injury or death
RS 23:1261 Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 565, 2.
RS 23:1271 Right of parties to settle or compromise
RS 23:1272 Approval of lump sum or compromise settlements by the workers' compensation judge
RS 23:1273 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1274 Lump sum settlements; necessity for approval
RS 23:1291 Creation, powers, and duties of the office of workers' compensation administration
RS 23:1291.1 Annual reports; assessment; collection
RS 23:1291.2 Access to payors' records; fraud identification
RS 23:1292 Statistical data; required reports; penalties
RS 23:1293 Confidentiality of records; exceptions; penalties for violation
RS 23:1294 Workers' Compensation Advisory Council
RS 23:1295 Investigations
RS 23:1296 Administrator; powers
RS 23:1297 Subpoenas
RS 23:1302 Employer's duty to advise employees as to necessity of notice
RS 23:1303 Contents of notice
RS 23:1304 Persons to whom notice given
RS 23:1305 Inaccuracies as to time, nature, place, or cause, of injury; effect of delay or lack of notice
RS 23:1306 Employer reports
RS 23:1307 Information to injured employee
RS 23:1310 Initial filing of claim with office of workers' compensation administration
RS 23:1310.1 Workers' compensation judges; creation; tenure; qualification; presiding officer; rules and regulations; hearings; director
RS 23:1310.2 Duties of assistant secretary
RS 23:1310.3 Initiation of claims; voluntary mediation; procedure
RS 23:1310.4 Place hearings to be held
RS 23:1310.5 Hearing and appellate procedures; reported opinions
RS 23:1310.5.1 Continuances
RS 23:1310.5.2 Stays
RS 23:1310.6 Director; powers and duties
RS 23:1310.7 Orders; subpoenas; judgments; enforcement; contempt
RS 23:1310.8 Jurisdiction continuing; determining as to final settlement
RS 23:1310.9 Costs
RS 23:1310.10 Report to governor, supreme court, and legislature
RS 23:1310.11 Deposit of fees in Workers' Compensation Administration Fund
RS 23:1310.12 Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §1, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 23:1310.13 Expenses of assistant secretary; penalties imposed by Act; payment into special state treasury fund
RS 23:1310.14 Securing information
RS 23:1310.15 Employer's records and books; subject to inspection; self-incriminating evidence
RS 23:1311 Contents of petition
RS 23:1312 Suits against the state; filing; procedure
RS 23:1313 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1314 Necessary allegations; dismissal of premature petition; dispute of benefits
RS 23:1315 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1316 Repealed by Acts 2021, No. 174, §6, eff. Jan. 1, 2022.
RS 23:1316.1 Default judgment
RS 23:1317 Hearing on the merits; rules of procedure; effect of judgment; costs; fees of medical witnesses
RS 23:1317.1 Additional medical opinion regarding medical examinations
RS 23:1318 Assistant secretary and office employees not subject to subpoena
RS 23:1319 Evidence; depositions in advance of hearing
RS 23:1320 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1321 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1331 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1332 Awards in favor of minors or interdicts; tutor's bond and report
RS 23:1333 Employer's insolvency or failure to pay after award; acceleration of payments
RS 23:1351 Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 938, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
RS 23:1361 Unlawful discrimination prohibited
RS 23:1371 Purpose and intent
RS 23:1371.1 Definitions
RS 23:1371.2 Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 314, §1.
RS 23:1372 Louisiana Workers' Compensation Second Injury Board; creation, domicile, membership
RS 23:1373 Meetings; quorum; officers
RS 23:1374 Salary; expenses
RS 23:1375 Personnel
RS 23:1376 Rule making power; reports
RS 23:1377 Workers' Compensation Second Injury Fund
RS 23:1378 Determination of liability of fund
RS 23:1379 Annual report
RS 23:1391 Purpose
RS 23:1392 Definitions
RS 23:1393 Creation of Louisiana Workers' Compensation Corporation
RS 23:1394 Applicability of other laws
RS 23:1395 Exemptions; rate regulation; surplus; reserves; guaranty funds
RS 23:1397 Incurring of debt for operations and cash flow; pledge of full faith and credit of state
RS 23:1398 Board of directors
RS 23:1399 Duties of the board
RS 23:1400 Policy applications; risk classification
RS 23:1401 Discontinuation of Louisiana Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Plan
RS 23:1403 Policy programs
RS 23:1404 Allocation of surplus; full faith and credit; exemptions; sunset
RS 23:1404.1 State reporting
RS 23:1405 Corporation investments
RS 23:1405.1 Conversion to stock corporation; conditions; approval; laws applicable
RS 23:1406 Conflict of interest
RS 23:1407 Sales of policies; agents not liable
RS 23:1407.1 Issuance or renewal of policies not backed by full faith and credit of state; disclosure
RS 23:1409 Denial, cancellation, and termination
RS 23:1410 Fraud division
RS 23:1411 Rates
RS 23:1412 Workplace safety program
RS 23:1413 Workplace accident and injury reduction plan
RS 23:1414 Annual report
RS 23:1415 Appeal to insurance commissioner
RS 23:1472 Definitions
RS 23:1473 Concurrent employment by two or more corporations
RS 23:1474 Administrator; Revenue Estimating Conference; "wages"; weekly benefit amounts
RS 23:1491 Establishment and control
RS 23:1492 Accounts and deposits
RS 23:1493 Use and operation; withdrawals
RS 23:1494 Management of fund upon discontinuance of unemployment trust fund
RS 23:1511 Creation of fund
RS 23:1512 Replacement of funds lost or expended for purposes other than administration
RS 23:1513 Penalty and interest account
RS 23:1513.1 Reed Act account
RS 23:1513.2 Louisiana Workforce Commission administration account
RS 23:1514 Worker training fund; purpose; training programs; eligibility criteria; program administration
RS 23:1515 Employment security administration account
RS 23:1531 Basis of employer contributions; time for payment; computation
RS 23:1531.1 Electronic filing of contribution, occupational information, and wage reports; employer registrations
RS 23:1532 Rate and base of contributions
RS 23:1532.1 Legislative findings and intent; temporary employer special assessment; creation and pledge thereof
RS 23:1533 Experience rating records; administrator's duty to prepare
RS 23:1534 Standard rates
RS 23:1535 Variation from standard rates
RS 23:1536 Determination of rate; ratio of reserves to payroll as a basis
RS 23:1537 Adjustment in rates
RS 23:1538 Payroll reports; failure of employer to file; incorrect reports; determination of rates
RS 23:1539 Merger of employing units; determination of rate
RS 23:1539.1 State unemployment tax avoidance; penalties
RS 23:1540 Appeal of liability or tax rate determination
RS 23:1541 Notice of benefits charged against employer's experience rating record; employer's right to contest; application for review; procedure
RS 23:1541.1 Notice of chargeability of benefits to base-period employers; employer's right to contest; appeals; procedure
RS 23:1542 Definition of terms
RS 23:1543 Delinquent contributions; interest and penalties; jeopardy assessments; bonds; amnesty; forfeiture of right to do business; delinquency of Indian tribes
RS 23:1544 Suit to enforce payment of delinquent contributions; hearing by preference; procedure
RS 23:1545 Failure of employer to file report; determination of contributions recoverable
RS 23:1546 Default in payment of contributions; privilege against property of employer; recordation and rank
RS 23:1547 Proceedings for collection of contributions; burden of proof
RS 23:1548 Costs of proceedings and other fees not required from administrator
RS 23:1549 Priority of contributions in insolvency proceedings
RS 23:1550 Payment of contributions prior to delivery of property or dissolution of partnerships
RS 23:1551 Refunds and adjustments; correction of administrative errors
RS 23:1552 Financing benefits paid to employees of nonprofit organizations and of the state, its instrumentalities and political subdivisions and Indian tribes or tribal units
RS 23:1553 Noncharging of benefits; recoupment; social charge account; social charge tax rate
RS 23:1553.1 Prohibitions of noncharging due to employer fault
RS 23:1554 Rounding of employee wages and total wages
RS 23:1571 Duration of employer status in general
RS 23:1572 Termination of employer status; application for termination of coverage; termination by administrator
RS 23:1573 Election of coverage by unit not subject to law; termination of coverage
RS 23:1574 Election of coverage by unit for service not constituting employment; termination of coverage
RS 23:1575 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 745, 14, eff. Jan. 1, 1978
RS 23:1576 Notice of separation
RS 23:1591 Payment of benefits in general
RS 23:1592 Weekly benefit amount
RS 23:1593 Weekly benefits payable; deduction of earnings
RS 23:1594 Benefits for fractional week
RS 23:1595 Duration of benefits
RS 23:1596 Rounding of benefits to next nearest dollar
RS 23:1597 Benefits due deceased claimant; payment to dependents or representatives
RS 23:1598 Wages earned but unpaid as basis for benefits payable
RS 23:1599 Waiver of certified mail requirement
RS 23:1600 Benefit eligibility conditions
RS 23:1601 Disqualification for benefits
RS 23:1602 Denial of benefits to individuals taking approved training prohibited; ineligibility of certain students; benefits payable to individuals taking approved training not to be charged to experience rating record of base period employers
RS 23:1603 Prohibition against disqualification of individuals in approved training
RS 23:1604 Self-employment assistance program
RS 23:1605 Unemployment insurance integrity program
RS 23:1606 Extended benefits for training; definitions; eligibility; weekly extended benefit amount; total extended benefit amount; termination of extended benefits
RS 23:1611 Definitions
RS 23:1612 Effect of other provisions of this Chapter relating to regular benefits on claims for, and the payment of, extended benefits
RS 23:1613 Eligibility requirements for extended benefits
RS 23:1614 Weekly extended benefit amount
RS 23:1615 Total extended benefit amount
RS 23:1616 Beginning and termination of extended benefit period
RS 23:1617 Cessation of extended benefits when paid under an interstate claim in a state where extended benefit period is not in effect
RS 23:1618 Requirements governing suitable work and search for work
RS 23:1619 Limitation on the amount of combined unemployment insurance and trade readjustment allowance benefits received
RS 23:1621 Posting of information concerning rights and claims; duty of employers
RS 23:1622 Filing of claim
RS 23:1623 Minors' claims; procedure for filing
RS 23:1624 Monetary determination and notice of claim
RS 23:1624.1 Reply to notice of eligibility; enforcement; penalty
RS 23:1625 Notice of determination on claims
RS 23:1625.1 Prompt determination of claims; duty of employers
RS 23:1626 Redetermination; notice
RS 23:1627 Determination in labor dispute cases
RS 23:1628 Appeal referees; appointment and qualification of members
RS 23:1629 Appeals to appeal referee; time for filing; notice of hearing and decision
RS 23:1630 Review of decision by board of review; notice of board's decision
RS 23:1631 Appeals; conduct of hearings; procedure
RS 23:1632 Conclusiveness of determination and decision
RS 23:1633 Rule of decision
RS 23:1634 Judicial review; procedure
RS 23:1635 Prompt payment of claims
RS 23:1636 Hearing officers; effects of findings
RS 23:1651 Office of unemployment insurance administration; creation
RS 23:1652 Board of review; appointment and qualification of members; per diem compensation
RS 23:1653 Duties and powers of administrator in general
RS 23:1654 Regulations; general and special rules; effective date
RS 23:1655 Publication of laws and regulations, etc.
RS 23:1656 Personnel; appointment, compensation, duties and powers
RS 23:1657 Merit system covering department personnel; state civil service laws, applicability of
RS 23:1657.1 Criminal history information; access to federal tax information
RS 23:1658 Local advisory councils
RS 23:1659 Employment stabilization
RS 23:1660 Employment records and reports; inspection by administrator; confidentiality of records; prohibition against subpoena
RS 23:1661 Oaths; witnesses
RS 23:1662 Subpoenas
RS 23:1663 Protection against self-incrimination
RS 23:1664 Federal-state cooperation
RS 23:1665 Reciprocal arrangements with federal and state agencies
RS 23:1665.1 Definitions
RS 23:1665.2 Recovery of state or federal benefit overpayments
RS 23:1665.3 Combined wage claims; recovery of outstanding overpayment in transferring state
RS 23:1666 Cooperation with State and Federal agencies; Wage Combining
RS 23:1667 Reciprocal arrangements with foreign governments
RS 23:1668 State employment service; creation, duties and powers; establishment and financing of employment offices
RS 23:1669 Representation in court; civil and criminal actions
RS 23:1670 Lease-purchase agreements, land and buildings
RS 23:1671 Death reports
RS 23:1691 Waiver of rights to benefits; agreements to pay employer contributions; discrimination against employees; penalty
RS 23:1692 Fees and costs against claimants; limitations; penalty
RS 23:1693 Assignment of benefits; exemption of benefits from levy or execution; deduction for support; deduction for overissuance of food stamps
RS 23:1711 False statements or representations; failure to file reports or maintain records; duties of officers and agents; presumptive proof; penalties
RS 23:1711.1 Independent contractor; rebuttable presumption
RS 23:1712 Violations of provisions, regulations or orders when penalty not otherwise prescribed
RS 23:1713 Waiver of recovery and recovery of benefits improperly received by beneficiary
RS 23:1714 Penalties
RS 23:1721 Alternative remedies for the collection of contributions
RS 23:1722 Determination and notice of liability and contributions due
RS 23:1723 Appeal of determination; procedure; content; delays; hearings
RS 23:1724 Assessment
RS 23:1725 Notice of assessment; reassessment
RS 23:1726 Legal effect of assessments; when collectible
RS 23:1727 Recordation and effect of notice of assessment
RS 23:1728 Appeals; delays; venue; burden of proof
RS 23:1729 Authority for assessments to be made executory by the courts
RS 23:1730 Procedure for making assessment executory and execution thereof
RS 23:1731 Injunction to arrest execution of assessment made executory
RS 23:1732 Prescription of assessments as judgments
RS 23:1733 Offset of assessments against tax refunds
RS 23:1740 Alternative remedies for collection of benefit overpayments
RS 23:1740.1 Costs of proceedings and other fees not required from administrator
RS 23:1741 Assessment
RS 23:1742 Notice of assessment; reassessment
RS 23:1743 Legal effect of assessments; when collectible
RS 23:1744 Recordation and effect of notice of assessment
RS 23:1745 Authority for assessment to be made executory
RS 23:1746 Procedure for making assessment executory and execution thereof
RS 23:1747 Injunction to arrest execution of assessment made executory
RS 23:1748 Prescription of assessments as judgments
RS 23:1749 Offset of assessments against tax refunds
RS 23:1749.1 Definitions
RS 23:1749.2 Notice of overpayment delinquency; suspension of license
RS 23:1749.3 Objection to suspension of license
RS 23:1749.4 Administrative hearing
RS 23:1749.5 Certification of noncompliance
RS 23:1749.6 Suspension of license
RS 23:1749.7 Subsequent compliance with overpayment obligation; compliance releases
RS 23:1749.8 Reissuance of license
RS 23:1750 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.1 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.2 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.3 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.4 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.5 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.6 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.7 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.8 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.9 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1750.10 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 550, §1.
RS 23:1761 Definitions
RS 23:1762 Exemptions and exceptions
RS 23:1763 Rights and responsibilities
RS 23:1764 Registration
RS 23:1765 Application for registration
RS 23:1766 Rejection of application for registration
RS 23:1767 Terms of registration; renewal; revocation
RS 23:1768 Professional employer services agreement requirements
RS 23:1769 Electronic registration; registration through an approved assurance organization
RS 23:1771 Definitions
RS 23:1772 Repealed
RS 23:1773 Louisiana Voluntary Disclosure Program
RS 23:1774 Repealed
RS 23:1775 Voluntary Disclosure Agreements; unemployment tax
RS 23:1776 Repealed
RS 23:1801 Workforce solutions; development; coordination with employers
RS 23:1802 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1803 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1804 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1805 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1806 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1807 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1808 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1809 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1821 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1822 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1823 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1824 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1825 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1826 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1827 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1828 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1829 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1830 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1831 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1832 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1841 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1842 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1843 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1844 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1845 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1846 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1851 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1852 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1853 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1854 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1855 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1861 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1862 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 426, §7.
RS 23:1871 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 534, §4, eff. June 30, 2008.
RS 23:2002 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2003 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2004 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2005 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2006 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2007 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2008 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 23:2021 Equal Pay Commission; creation; purposes
RS 23:2022 Composition of commission
RS 23:2023 Meetings; staff; data
RS 23:2024 Findings and recommendations; termination of commission
RS 23:2041 Legislative declaration
RS 23:2042 Louisiana Workforce Investment Council; creation; purpose
RS 23:2043 Members
RS 23:2044 Qualifications
RS 23:2045 Chairman and vice chairman
RS 23:2046 Terms
RS 23:2047 Vacancies
RS 23:2048 Removal of members
RS 23:2049 Council meetings
RS 23:2050 Domicile
RS 23:2051 Designees
RS 23:2052 Compensation
RS 23:2053 Staff
RS 23:2054 Funding
RS 23:2055 Rulemaking authority
RS 23:2056 Executive organization
RS 23:2061 Definitions
RS 23:2062 Goals
RS 23:2063 Strategic plan
RS 23:2064 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2065 Council duties and functions
RS 23:2066 Job placement information; occupational information
RS 23:2067 Integration of job training programs
RS 23:2068 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2069 Required information; exceptions
RS 23:2070 Authority
RS 23:2071 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 10, eff. July 1, 2002.
RS 23:2091 Transfer of state advisory council responsibilities
RS 23:2092 Organizational structure of standing committees
RS 23:2093 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2094 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2095 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2096 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2097 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2098 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2099 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2008.
RS 23:2100 Federal support and waivers
RS 23:2151 Council recommendations; cooperation with state agencies, departments, and offices
RS 23:2152 Provision of services by state agencies
RS 23:2153 Data; standardization
RS 23:2191 Workforce development boards
RS 23:2192 Designation of workforce development areas
RS 23:2193 Creation of local workforce development boards
RS 23:2194 Training for local workforce development board members
RS 23:2195 Certification of boards
RS 23:2196 Board membership
RS 23:2197 Removal of workforce development board members
RS 23:2198 Presiding officer
RS 23:2199 Responsibility of the board
RS 23:2200 Board duties
RS 23:2201 Board committees
RS 23:2202 Technical advisory groups
RS 23:2203 Components of local workforce development system
RS 23:2204 Local and regional workforce development plans
RS 23:2205 Budget
RS 23:2206 Report
RS 23:2207 Approval of fiscal agent
RS 23:2208 Contracting for service delivery
RS 23:2209 Conflicts of interest
RS 23:2210 Incentives and waivers
RS 23:2211 Nonprofit status; ability to solicit funds
RS 23:2212 Staff
RS 23:2213 Conflict of laws
RS 23:3001 Acceptance of federal act to promote vocational rehabilitation
RS 23:3002 State treasurer as custodian of federal funds
RS 23:3003 Donations; commission's authority to receive
RS 23:3004 Fees for vocational work evaluation services performed by Louisiana Workforce Commission
RS 23:3021 Prevention of blindness, vocational training, and rehabilitation
RS 23:3022 Powers of Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
RS 23:3023 Priority to individuals who are blind in operation of concessions in public buildings
RS 23:3024 Repealed
RS 23:3025 Repealed
RS 23:3031 Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 761, §3, eff. June 19, 2014.
RS 23:3032 Exemption of persons who are blind from license, privilege, or vocational tax; limitation
RS 23:3033 Exemptions; when applicable
RS 23:3041 Purpose
RS 23:3042 Definitions
RS 23:3043 Blind Vendors Trust Fund
RS 23:3044 Blind Vendors Trust Fund Board; creation; membership
RS 23:3045 Expenditures
RS 23:3061 Louisiana Workforce Commission of Federal Independent Living Program

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