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2025 Regular Session

There are 58 Instruments in this List       Show 100 Items
Instrument  AuthorCurrent StatusConsidered
HB4 CHARLES OWEN Pending House Natural Resources more...
ENERGY/CONSERVATION:  Authorizes a parish governing authority to determine whether Class VI carbon dioxide injection wells may be permitted within its parish
HB5 JACKSON Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIME/PROSTITUTION:  Provides relative to the crime of soliciting for prostitutes
HB6 JACKSON Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIME/THEFT:  Creates the crime of misappropriation of funds in connection with the payment of utility services
HB7 DEWITT Withdrawn from the files of the House - prior to introduction more...
RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to the funding deposit account for the Firefighters' Retirement system
HB8 GLORIOSO Pending House introduction more...
RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides relative to membership in the Municipal Employees' Retirement System
HB9 BAGLEY Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/STATE EMPS:  Provides relative to retirement eligibility in the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System
HB10 BOYER Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/STATE EMPS:  Provides for the reemployment of retirees under certain circumstances in the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System
HB11 BOYER Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIMINAL/SENTENCING:  Provides relative to sentencing for certain offenses
HB12 SCHLEGEL Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIME/MISDEMEANOR:  Provides relative to the sale of consumable hemp products
HB13 MELERINE Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL:  Authorizes the Caddo Parish School Board to levy an additional sales and use tax
HB14 COX Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIME/HOMICIDE:  Provides relative to homicide when the victim is a person with infirmities
HB15 MACK Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES:  Adds certain substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law
HB16 SCHLEGEL Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
LIABILITY/CIVIL:  Provides relative to the limitation of civil liability for nonprofits that donate medical supplies
HB17 PHILLIP TARVER Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL:  Provides relative to the deferred retirement option plan of the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System
HB18 KERNER Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to the funding of supplemental benefits for members of the Firefighters' Retirement System
HB19 KERNER Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to the administration and participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan for the Firefighters' Retirement System
HB20 MOORE Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides relative to the reemployment of retired teachers in the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana
HB21 JACKSON Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
ETHICS/BOARD:  Provides for the broadcast and recordation of meetings of the Board of Ethics
HB22 TRAVIS JOHNSON Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
GAMBLING/VIDEO POKER:  Provides for a local option gaming election on the operation of video draw poker devices in Concordia Parish
HB23 MUSCARELLO Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE:  Provides relative to post-sentence statements and documents
HB24 BACALA Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides relative to the optional retirement plan in the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana
HB25 WILDER Pending House Judiciary more...
COURTS/JUVENILE:  Provides exclusive original juvenile jurisdiction for Livingston Parish juvenile court
HB26 WYBLE Pending House Judiciary more...
HOLIDAYS:  Provides relative to legal holidays in recognition of the Washington Parish Free Fair
HB27 GALLE Pending House Judiciary more...
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS:  Provides relative to the release of inmates during a declared disaster
HB28 KERNER Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to the Firefighters' Retirement System
HB29 HILFERTY Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/LOCAL:  Provides relative to the minimum pension for the New Orleans Firefighters' Pension and Relief Fund
HB30 TAYLOR Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL:  Provides relative to membership in the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System
HB31 HILFERTY Pending House Retirement more...
RETIREMENT/LOCAL:  Provides relative to retirement for all hires in the Firefighters' Pension and Relief Fund in the city of New Orleans
HB32 BAYHAM Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
MUNICIPAL/ORDINANCES:  Provides relative to maximum penalties for violations of ordinances in St. Bernard Parish
HB33 MIKE JOHNSON Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
CIVIL SERVICE/MUNICIPAL:  Provides relative to the municipal civil service system for the city of Alexandria
HB34 GLORIOSO Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
CIVIL/LAW:  Provides for transparency in medical expenses
HB35 ROMERO Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
CRIME:  Provides for a minimum mandatory sentence for certain hit and run driving offenses
HB36 SCHLEGEL Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
LIABILITY/CIVIL:  Provides relative to consumable hemp
HB37 SCHLEGEL Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
CONTRACTS:  Establishes a duty of care for online platforms who contract with minors
HB38 BACALA Pending House and Governmental Affairs more...
PUBLIC RECORDS:  Provides relative to records of prosecutive, investigative, and law enforcement agencies and communications districts
HB39 AMEDEE Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
HOUSING/AUTHORITIES:  Provides relative to the Houma-Terrebonne Housing Authority
HB40 CHANCE HENRY Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
PARISHES:  Provides relative to the office of parish secretary-treasurer in Acadia Parish
HB41 MIKE JOHNSON Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of the consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled Brunet et al. v. State of Louisiana et al.
HB42 DESHOTEL Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of the consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled Landon Howard Powell, et al v. State of Louisiana, et al
HB43 JACKSON Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of certain consent judgments against the state in the suit entitled William Mangum, individually and as surviving father of Hayden Lane Mangum v. La. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries et al. consolidated with Jacke Shaw Mangum v. State of La. et al.
HB44 MCMAKIN Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of a consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled State of La., through the Dept. of Transportation and Development v. Martin T. Frey et al.
HB45 VILLIO Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of a consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. v. Oliver et al.
HB46 VILLIO Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of the consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled Singleton v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Ins. Co. et al.
HB47 DEWITT Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL:  Provides relative to the classified police service in the city of Alexandria
HB48 GLORIOSO Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
TAX/HOTEL OCCUPANCY:  Authorizes the city of Slidell to levy a hotel occupancy tax
HB49 MELERINE Pending House Administration of Criminal Justice more...
PARDON/PAROLE:  Provides relative to the confidentiality of records from certain hearings of the Board of Pardons and committee on parole
HB50 HILFERTY Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
DISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT:  Provides relative to the Lake Vista Crime Prevention District in Orleans Parish
HB51 YOUNG Pending House Education more...
SCHOOLS/CHARTER:  Provides relative to the assets of certain charter schools
HB52 WILLARD Pending House Education more...
CURRICULA:  Provides relative to required instruction in financial literacy for high school students
HB53 FREEMAN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
DISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD:  Provides relative to the Upper Audubon Security District in Orleans Parish
HB54 HORTON Pending House Education more...
COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES:  Provides for the designation of a postsecondary education institution as a "Purple Star Campus"
HB55 DAVIS Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
DISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT:  Creates the Cross Gates Subdivision Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District in East Baton Rouge Parish
HB56 HORTON Pending House Civil Law and Procedure more...
CIVIL/LAW:  Provides relative to the freedom to display the flag of the United States
HB57 ROMERO Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL:  Authorizes the Jefferson Davis Parish School Board to levy an additional sales and use tax
HB58 FISHER Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of a consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled Direct General Ins. Co., of La. v Tonia Boggs et al. consolidated with William Tyler Walker et al. v. FCCI Ins. Co. et al.
HB59 FISHER Pending House Appropriations more...
APPROPRIATIONS/JUDGMENT:  Appropriates funds for payment of a consent judgment against the state in the suit entitled Randall Clint Lewis v. State of La. et al.
HB60 GALLE Pending House Judiciary more...
VETERANS:  Provides relative to healthcare facilities operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs for war veterans
HB61 MCMAHEN Pending House Municipal, Parochial, and Cultural Affairs more...
TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL:  Authorizes the Webster Parish School Board to levy an additional sales and use tax
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