Roll Call |
Prayer |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Reading of Journal |
Petitions, Memorials, and Communications |
Senate Bills on Second Reading |
| | SB504 | LUNEAU | TAX/AD VALOREM - Provides relative to the assessment, payment and collection of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note) |
| | SB505 | GREGORY MILLER | TAX/AD VALOREM - Provides relative to the assessment, payment, and allocation of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note) |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading |
| | SCR31 | FOIL | SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Designates May 18 through May 25, 2024, as Safe Boating Week in Louisiana. |
House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred |
| | HB109 | MACK | ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE - Provides relative to the review of agency rules (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB127 | BAYHAM | CRIMINAL/PENALTIES - Provides relative to the penalties for the crime of simple obstruction of a highway of commerce (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB174 | MCMAKIN | HIGHER EDUCATION - Provides relative to disciplinary proceedings for students and student organizations at public postsecondary education institutions |
| | HB266 | AMEDEE | TOPS - Provides relative to core curriculum requirements for initial eligibility for a Taylor Opportunity Program for Students award (RE NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB361 | STAGNI | HEALTH/CANCER - Provides relative to colorectal cancer screening (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB508 | BAGLEY | INSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to medical and surgical treatments of cancer (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB521 | FREEMAN | INSURANCE/LIFE - Prohibits the use of genetic information relative to life and long-term care insurance |
| | HB658 | CHANCE HENRY | ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE - Provides relative to notifications prior to administrative revocation of a license (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB700 | DESHOTEL | UTILITIES - Provides relative to broadband |
| | HB784 | SCHAMERHORN | LIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to liability for damages caused by livestock |
| | HB785 | SCHAMERHORN | LIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to liability for commercial motor vehicles |
| | HB794 | GADBERRY | PUBLIC CONTRACTS - Requires a political subdivision or agency negotiate a fair and reasonable contract with the most highly qualified firm for architectural and engineering professional services (EN SEE FISC NOTE EX) |
| | HB799 | ST. BLANC | GOVERNOR - Provides for the Louisiana Governor's Mansion Advisory Commission |
| | HB829 | LYONS | HEALTH/LDH - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for EarlySteps: Louisiana's Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB830 | EGAN | DRUGS/CONTROLLED - Adds Tianeptine to Schedule I of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law |
| | HB852 | MANDIE LANDRY | CRIME - Increases the penalties for malfeasance in office (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB865 | MYERS | SOCIAL WORKER - Provides relative to virtual social work supervision |
| | HB885 | ILLG | MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "Jefferson Parish Bicentennial" specialty license plate |
House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading |
| | HCR14 | MELERINE | SCHOOLS - Requests that the state Department of Education study the potential effects of alternative school calendar options on student academic achievement |
| | HCR69 | CARRIER | COMMENDATIONS - Commends the McNeese State University men's basketball team and Coach Will Wade on their historic 2023-2024 season |
| | HCR70 | ADAMS | SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes April 14-20, 2024, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Louisiana |
Senate Bills Reported by Committee |
| | SB81 | ALLAIN | FORESTRY - Provides for prescribed burning by non-certified prescribed burn managers. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB185 | SEABAUGH | CIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for legislative continuances or extensions. (8/1/24) |
| | SB420 | HODGES | CRIME/PUNISHMENT - Creates the crime of election fraud or forgery. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | SB421 | LUNEAU | JUVENILE JUSTICE - Creates a renaissance district in certain parishes. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note) |
| | SB430 | JACKSON-ANDREWS | CRIME/PUNISHMENT - Relative to the death penalty. (7/1/24) |
| | SB439 | MIZELL | LAW ENFORCEMENT - Requires in-person trauma-informed training for law enforcement officers. (8/1/24) (EN +$2,000 GF EX See Note) |
| | SB496 | EDMONDS | CHILDREN - Provides for licensure requirements in adoption services. (8/1/24) |
House Bills Reported by Committee |
| | HB12 | JORDAN | CRIME - Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image |
| | HB21 | MELERINE | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier |
| | HB27 | MELERINE | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier |
| | HB55 | CHARLES OWEN | VITAL RECORDS/BIRTH CERT - Designates Act No. 470 of the 2022 Regular Session as "The Jean and Elise Act" |
| | HB58 | BACALA | CRIME - Provides relative to simple burglary |
| | HB100 | CARLSON | COURTS - Provides relative to jurisdiction of city and parish courts over eviction proceedings |
| | HB104 | MUSCARELLO | COURTS - Repeals certain reporting requirements from the district courts to the judicial administrator of the supreme court (EN -$218,000 RV See Note) |
| | HB123 | SCHLEGEL | CONTRACTS - Provides for consent of a legal representative of a minor who contracts with certain parties |
| | HB124 | BEAULLIEU | CHILDREN - Provides for the prospective and retroactive application of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act |
| | HB161 | BAYHAM | CONTRACTS - Provides relative to nondisclosure agreements |
| | HB204 | TURNER | CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Adds substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law |
| | HB208 | VILLIO | DOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides relative to additional penalties for certain domestic violence offenses (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | HB211 | VILLIO | CRIME - Provides relative to the Anti-Skimming Act |
| | HB227 | MUSCARELLO | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides for continuous revisions relative to civil procedure |
| | HB232 | MUSCARELLO | CIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to warranty for negotiable instruments and depository and collecting banks |
| | HB449 | MELERINE | CIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to delivery of judgment of interdiction |
| | HB507 | ZERINGUE | CRIME - Provides relative to the unlawful entry of a critical infrastructure (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB686 | MCFARLAND | PROPERTY/SERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline servitudes |
| | HB792 | BACALA | CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to criminal adjudications (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee |
| | SCR26 | LUNEAU | PRESCRIPTION - Provides relative to legislative intent of certain Acts relating to causes of action for abuse of a minor. |
Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage |
| | SB268 | CATHEY | TAX/TAXATION - Creates a state sales tax rebate for the purchase of equipment, machinery, and other items used in lithium recovery activities. (gov sig) (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note) |
| | SB318 | WOMACK | CAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides relative to the capital outlay process. (7/1/24) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note) |
| | SB368 | BASS | HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for actuarial review of certain state-mandated health insurance benefits. (8/1/24) (RE INCREASE SG EX See Note) |
| | SB404 | CONNICK | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the Major Events Incentive Program. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB405 | KLEINPETER | SHERIFFS PEN/RELIEF FUND - To provide for retirees returning to positions covered by the Sheriffs' Pension and Relief Retirement Fund. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE APV) |
| | SB406 | KLEINPETER | RETIREMENT BENEFITS - Removes the cap on the amount of any permanent benefit increase for recipients whose benefit is based on the record of someone who retired with at least 30 years of service credit. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE APV) |
Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call |
| | SB24 | SEABAUGH | CRIMINAL RECORDS - Removes certain limitations on the release and dissemination of mug shots. (8/1/24) |
| | SB37 | KLEINPETER | HUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for feral hog hunting. (8/1/24) |
| | SB44 | MCMATH | ROADS/HIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 11 in St. Tammany Parish as the "Jimmy Buffett 'Changes in Latitude' Memorial Crossing". (8/1/24) (EN +$1,100 SG EX See Note) |
| | SB62 | FESI | PUBLIC HEALTH - Provides relative to seafood safety. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | SB72 | PRESSLY | STUDENTS - Exempts students with dyslexia from certain literacy examinations and provides for alternative progress monitoring tests. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | SB113 | TALBOT | PROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides the Louisiana Insurance Guaranty Association and the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Cooperation exceptions from liability for certain property insurance claims. |
| | SB127 | CATHEY | HUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for the utilization of unmanned aircraft systems. (8/1/24) |
| | SB131 | GREGORY MILLER | PRIVILEGES/LIENS - Provides for privileges on immovables. (8/1/24) |
| | SB192 | BARROW | CHILDREN/FAMILY SERVICES DEPT - Provides relative to the Empowering Families to Live Well Louisiana Council. (gov sig) |
| | SB193 | PRESSLY | COURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig) |
| | SB217 | MIGUEZ | ELECTION CODE - Defines "deep fake" in the Election Code. (8/1/24) |
| | SB237 | PRESSLY | AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES - Provides relative to industrial and consumable hemp. (8/1/24) (EG SEE FISC NOTE RV See Note) |
| | SB238 | SEABAUGH | SERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline crossings. (8/1/24) |
| | SB250 | ALLAIN | CIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for no right of direct action against insurer. (8/1/24) |
| | SB283 | DUPLESSIS | CRIME/PUNISHMENT - Repeals the crime of crime against nature by solicitation. (8/1/24) |
| | SB320 | KLEINPETER | FISH/FISHING - Provides for largemouth bass bag and size limits. (8/1/24) |
| | SB321 | EDMONDS | SCHOOLS - Creates the Charter School Facilities Fund within the Louisiana Department of Education. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note) |
| | SB331 | SEABAUGH | EMPLOYMENT - Provides relative to authorized payroll withholdings for public employees. (8/1/24) |
| | SB335 | COUSSAN | LOANS - Creates the Louisiana Commercial Financing Disclosure Law. (8/1/24) |
| | SB341 | HARRIS | ECONOMIC DEVELOP DEPT - Provides relative for the Major Events Incentive Fund and Program and the Events Incentive Fund and Program. (gov sig) (EN -$500,000 GF EX See Note) |
| | SB350 | EDMONDS | SCHOOLS - Provides relative to charter schools. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB355 | STINE | CONTRACTS - Provides for regulation of litigation funding by a third party that is a foreign person, state, or wealth fund. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | SB381 | GREGORY MILLER | COURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig) |
| | SB448 | MORRIS | TRESPASS - Provides relative to criminal trespass. (8/1/24) |
| | SB498 | FOIL | TRUSTS - Provides for special charitable trusts. (gov sig) |
| | SB500 | REESE | TAX/TAXATION - Provides relative to the levy of local fees and taxes on certain non-gaming incentives or inducements granted by certain licensees. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note) |
House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee to be adopted |
| | HCR1 | VILLIO | CRIMINAL/SENTENCING - Provides relative to the training of members of the judiciary with respect to diminution of sentence and release dates of offenders and the development of training curriculum relative to parole eligibility |
House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage |
| | HB257 | MANDIE LANDRY | INSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides penalties for failure to comply with certain directives issued by the commissioner of insurance (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note) |
| | HB405 | EMERSON | SUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Revenue (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB64 | STAGNI | DRUGS/CONTROLLED - Prohibits the retail sale of nitrous oxide |
| | HB167 | BRASS | CRIME - Provides relative to penalties for unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft system |
| | HB175 | MCMAKIN | CRIME - Provides relative to the unlawful posting of criminal activity for notoriety and publicity |