Legislative Glossary
(This dictionary of legislative terms provides brief explanations of the listed terms. The cited provisions
of the constitution, laws, and rules may be consulted for additional information.)
A bill that has been finally passed by the House and Senate, enrolled, signed by the legislative presiding
officers, signed by the governor (or allowed to become law without his signature), and assigned an Act number
by the secretary of state. Joint resolutions (proposed constitutional amendments) are bills and are processed
as such, except they are not signed by the governor or subject to the governor's veto.
Actuarial note
Termination of business for a legislative day until a fixed hour on a succeeding day during a legislative session.
The motion for adjournment, except for the motion to adjourn sine die, is always to a fixed time on a succeeding day.
Bills or resolutions not finally passed continue as live legislation in the particular session until final adjournment
(adjournment sine die) of the session after which they are withdrawn from the files of the legislature.
(Const. Art. III, §10,
House Rules 8.2,
9.7, and
9.14A, and
Senate Rules 11.6,
Adjournment sine die
Adjournment sine die ("without a day") is an adjournment without setting a time for another meeting or session.
Neither house can adjourn, during a session, for more than three days or to another place without the consent
of the other house. (Const. Art III, §10(C)).
Adjournment sine die, as distinguished from adjournment to a fixed hour on a succeeding day, terminates the session
for that year. Although the legislature is a continuous body during the term for which its members are elected,
any bill or resolution not finally passed in any session is, upon adjournment sine die, withdrawn from the files of
the legislature. (Joint Rule 2 and
House Rules 7.11 and
8.11, and
Senate Rule 10.9)
The modification of a bill or resolution by adding or deleting language or changing wording.
(House Rules 8.12,
11.5, and
Senate Rules 10.10,
10.12, and
Committee amendment -
Changes in a bill or resolution recommended to the full house by a majority of the committee to which the bill
or resolution was referred. Must be adopted by the full house to become a part of a bill or resolution.
(House Rules 6.11,
14.7, and
14.43, and
Senate Rules 10.12 and
Floor amendment -
Amendments offered by a member of the house having the bill or resolution under consideration,
usually offered when a bill is being considered on the floor on third reading and final passage.
(Joint Rule 4(D), and
House Rules 7.17,
11.5 and
9.13 and
Senate Rules 8.1,
8.2, and
Appropriation bill
A bill to authorize payment of funds from the state treasury to a particular department or agency, sometimes
specifies a particular purpose.
(Const. Art. III, §16 and
Art. VII, §10(D),
Joint Rule 18, and
House Rule 6.6(C))
Ancillary Appropriation Bill -
Appropriation of monies derived from certain fees and self-generated revenues generated by state agencies
providing services for other state agencies (i.e. risk management, state group health coverage) and which
monies are deposited into certain internal service funds, auxiliary funds, or enterprise funds.
Capital Outlay Bill -
Also an appropriation bill; it authorizes expenditures for the capital construction needs of the state.
(Joint Rules 11 and
House Rules 6.6(C),
6.8 and
7.3 and
Senate Rules 7.14 and
General Appropriation Bill -
Comprehensive bill to fund the ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government. Appropriations
are itemized to show the public entity to which the appropriation is made and the treasury fund from which
it is made. The bill is organized in "schedules" applicable to particular departments and agencies
or functions, with "items" within each schedule.
(Const. Art. III, §16,
Joint Rule 19, and
House Rules 6.25,
7.3, and
Legislative and judicial appropriations -
are proposed in separate bills.
Revenue Sharing Bill -
Annual distribution to parishes from the Revenue Sharing Fund in the state treasury based on the population
and number of homesteads in each parish in proportion to population and the number of homesteads throughout
the state. Minimum constitutional allocation is $90 million.
(Const. Art. VII, § 26 and
Joint Rule 18)
Supplemental Appropriations Bill -
provides for unanticipated expenses in the current fiscal year along with other special appropriations.
Author (coauthors)
A legislative instrument proposed by a legislator(s) to change or enact new statutory law or to repeal existing
law (Act), or to propose changes or additions to the constitution (joint resolutions). Statutory law includes
the Louisiana Revised Statutes, various codes, and local or special Acts.
(Const. Art. III, §15 and
House Rule 7.1)
Prefiled bill -
Original bill that is filed by a legislator with the chief clerical officer of the respective house prior to
a legislative session. Such a bill receives a bill number, is printed, and may be assigned to a standing
committee prior to a session. On the opening day of the session, it will be formally introduced.
(Const. Art. III, §2, and
House Rules 7.2 and
7.6(B) and
Senate Rules 9.1,
9.8 and
Original bill -
The bill as introduced into the legislature that is used in the legislative process until engrossed.
(House Rule 7.2 and
Senate Rules 7.4 and
Engrossed bill -
Original bill prepared with amendments adopted upon initial consideration by the house of origin incorporated
into its text. Usually, a bill which incorporates all committee amendments to the original bill adopted during
the second reading in the originating house. (Rarely a bill is amended on the floor at second reading and the
engrossed bill, including these amendments, is referred to committee.) The engrossed bill is ordinarily the
version used on the House floor for debate on third reading and final passage.
(House Rules 7.8,
8.17, and
8.20 and
Senate Rule 7.8)
Reengrossed bill -
Refers to a bill to which additional amendments - usually floor amendments - have been added, after its engrossment.
Usually these are floor amendments adopted when the bill is considered on third reading and final passage in the
house of origin.
(House Rule 7.10 and
Senate Rule 7.9)
Substitute bill -
(see Substitute Bill).
Enrolled bill -
A bill in its final form, including all amendments adopted in both houses, to be submitted (Joint Resolutions
excepted) to the governor for his/her approval or veto.
(House Rules 7.12,
7.14, and
7.15 and
Senate Rule 7.10)
Bill status
The progression and current stage of a legislative instrument from its introduction to passage.
(1) The daily listing, in order of precedence, of resolutions, bills, and other documents on which action may
be taken.
Regular calendar -
Instruments reported by committees and ordered engrossed and passed to third reading on the same day are listed
in numerical order and follow those reported on previous days. Most bills are placed on the regular calendar
and considered in the order listed.
(House Rules 8.8,
8.23 and
8.24 and
Senate Rules 10.7 and
Major state calendar -
This House calendar is comprised of bills and joint resolutions that have a major impact in application
throughout the state and establish or change policy in a major area of government activity. It is a
Wednesday calendar, but remaining bills are carried over to the next legislative day. A committee and the
Speaker must recommend placement on this calendar. Bills on this calendar lie over for not less than two
legislative days prior to consideration on third reading. Removing a bill from this calendar requires filing
an objection no later than the day before, concurrence of 20 other members, and concurrence of the House and
Governmental Affairs Committee.
(House Rules 8.20,
8.24, and
Local and consent calendar -
A locally advertised bill or any instrument reported unanimously by a committee may be placed on the local and
consent House calendar. Placement on this calendar requires that the committee reporting the bill adopt a separate
motion recommending that it be placed on this calendar. This calendar is acted upon every second legislative day
(bi-daily). Upon the second reading of an instrument, the author or sponsor may move that the bill be placed on
this calendar and, unless objection is voiced by 21 members, it will be placed on the local and consent calendar.
If 21 members object to hearing a bill on this calendar when it comes up for consideration on third reading and
final passage, the bill is moved to the regular calendar (the daily calendar) for the next day.
(House Rules 8.20,
8.24, and
Subject to call -
An instrument may be returned to the calendar subject to call upon approval of a majority of the members present
and voting. Instruments so returned are listed in numerical order and may be called from the calendar for further
action or consideration at a later time when the House is in that same order of business. However, members must
give at least a day's notice that they intend to call a bill from this calendar.
(House Rule 8.26 and
Senate Rule 10.17)
(Also see Order of the day)
Involuntary calendar -
A Senate procedure when a legislative instrument is returned to calendar, subject to call, upon the order of the
majority of members present and voting. After such action, the instrument may be called from the calendar only
upon a favorable vote of a majority of members present and voting.
(Senate Rule 10.17)
(2) The Legislative Calendar is the final published compilation of the action on each instrument during a
legislative session. It lists all instruments in numerical order by house with a chronological notation of all action taken
by each house. It includes an author, subject, and journal information index. Interim Legislative Calendars are
prepared periodically during the interim.
(House Rules 12.1 and
12.6 and
Senate Rules 14.1,
14.6 and
(3) The Interim Calendar is a compilation of the action taken on each legislative instrument prior to the
convening of the legislative session.
(House Rule 12.7)
The proclamation by which the governor or the legislature convenes the legislature into extraordinary session. The subject
scope of the session is determined in this written document.
(Const. Art. III, §2)
An informal group of legislators, most often organized on the basis of party affiliation, common interest, or regional
representation. Also, a meeting of such a group. Some groups refer to themselves as a "delegation" rather
than as a caucus.
Expression of legislative tribute of either or both houses by certificate or resolution.
(Joint Rule 9)
A group of legislators of one or both houses which considers legislation, conducts studies, and/or makes recommendations
to the Senate and/or House.
Committee of the whole -
The entire membership of the House, acting in the capacity of committee to consider the general appropriation bill or
other matters. A member other than the Speaker serves as the chairman.
(House Rules 6.18,
8.18, and
Conference committee -
A committee, composed of three members from each house, the purpose of which is to propose to the two houses a means to
resolve differences in a bill when the house of origin refuses to concur in one or more amendments adopted by the opposite house.
(Joint Rule 19 and
House Rules 6.14,
7.11, and
8.27 and
Senate Rule 13.21)
Interim committee -
A special committee created to make a study or investigation during the interim between sessions of the legislature.
(Joint Rule 13 and
House Rule 14.16 and
Senate Rule 13.13)
Joint committee -
A committee composed of members of both houses. May be composed of standing committee members from each house (or certain
members thereof) or may be a special joint committee with members selected without regard to standing committee membership.
Used during the interim.
(House Rule 14.16 and
Joint Rules 8 and
13 and
Senate Rule 13.12)
Select committee -
A committee established by the presiding officer of a chamber composed of members of that chamber for a designated purpose.
(House Rules 15.2 and
15.9 and
Senate Rule 13.20)
Special committee -
A committee of one or both houses appointed for a limited purpose and discharged upon completion of this function.
Standing committee -
A permanent committee of the Senate or House with subject matter jurisdiction defined by rules of its house. Functions
both during and between legislative sessions to conduct public hearings on proposed legislation, review proposed
administrative rules, make its own studies of problems, make reports and recommendations to the house it serves, etc.
(Joint Rules 13 and
House Rules 6.1,
14.16, and
14.17, and
Senate Rules 13.1,
13.16, and
Action by the house of origin of a legislative instrument to agree to amendments to the instrument adopted by the opposite house.
(Senate Rules 12.11 and
A resolution which tenders condolences upon the death of a legislator, a member's relative, former member, or any other
prominent person.
Conference Committee Report
The recommendations of a conference committee to resolve the differences between the two houses when the house of origin
does not concur in amendments adopted in the second house. The report must adopt or reject all second house amendments
and may include other changes. A digest of a conference committee report must be prepared by the staff before a vote on
the report.
(House Rules 6.14,
8.27, and
7.11 and
Senate Rule 13.21 and
The written instrument stating the fundamental principles of a state government. Unlike the federal constitution,
a state constitution's provisions are not grants of power, but, instead, are limitations on the otherwise plenary
power of the people of a state, exercised through its legislature.
Constitutional Amendment -
See Joint Resolution.
A citizen residing within a legislator's district.
The assembling of a legislative body. Usually refers to the initial convening of a legislative session.
A legislative instrument scheduled for hearing by a committee may be voluntarily deferred upon the request of
the author or member handling the instrument. An instrument voluntarily deferred without objection may be rescheduled
for committee hearing. A legislative instrument is involuntarily deferred when so ordered by a vote of a majority
of the committee members present and voting, notwithstanding the request of the author or member handling it to report
the instrument. An involuntarily deferred instrument may be rescheduled for a committee hearing (after opportunity for
hearing all other House instruments requested to be heard) only by the vote of two-thirds of the committee members present
and voting. During a session, the indefinite postponement of a bill usually means that the bill is dead for that legislative
(House Rules 6.9 and
A summary of the substance of a legislative instrument which appears at the end of the text of the instrument. It
explains changes in the law proposed by a bill. Redigests also include a summary of amendments adopted. Digests of
legislation as finally passed comprise the Resume, which is the publication describing all legislation passed
by the legislature in a given session.
(Joint Rule 6,
House Rules 7.9(B) and
7.11 and
Senate Rule 7.6)
(1) A list of all legislative instruments pending before a committee or the full body of the legislature.
(2) A central location for filing of official legislative instruments and publications.
Effective Date
Date upon which enacted bills and constitutional amendments take effect.
(1) Acts from an annual regular session: Unless the Act itself states an earlier or later date, all Acts
become effective on August 1 after the regular legislative session during which they are adopted.
(2) Acts from an extraordinary session: Unless the Act itself states an earlier or later date, all Acts
become effective on the 60th day after final adjournment of the extraordinary session in which they were enacted.
(3) Constitutional amendments: Unless the amendment provides otherwise, constitutional amendments approved
by the voters become effective 20 days after issuance of the governor's proclamation that they have been adopted.
Enacting clause
The language "Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana", which is established by the constitution
as the style of law enacted by the legislature. Without it a bill is unconstitutional.
(Const. Art. III, §14)
End Consideration of Amendments
A motion that, when adopted, prevents the House from adopting any other amendments on the instrument pending,
except the amendment under consideration at the time, an amendment to change coauthors, or technical amendments.
(House Rule 9.13 and
Senate Rule 11.11)
(Also see Previous Question)
Executive Order
A written document issued by the governor to accomplish a purpose over which he has authority, such as
establishment of executive branch policies, the declaration of certain holidays, establishment of a study or
other commission or committee, or other directive within his power as chief executive. Executive branch
agencies may also be created by executive order for a limited period. Termination date varies as specified by law.
(R.S. 49:215)
Executive Session
When considering matters related to confidential communications and confirmation of appointments the Senate
or the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee and when acting upon confidential or executive business, the
Senate may hold closed sessions. However, all votes with respect to confirmation in the Senate or in the Senate
and Governmental Affairs Committee shall be taken in open session.
(House Rule 14.11 and
Senate Rule 16.2 and
Fiscal note
An estimate of the fiscal effect of a bill, joint resolution, simple or concurrent resolution which will affect
the receipt, expenditure, or allocation of state funds or funds of any political subdivision of the state or that
will authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds or other general obligations of the state for capital
outlay purposes. Must be attached prior to consideration by a committee of either house unless a committee decides
otherwise. Not a part of the law proposed by the measure to which it is attached.
(Joint Rule 4,
House Rules 6.8(F)(G) and
7.16 and
Senate Rule 7.14)
Fiscal year
The 12 month period for which appropriations, budgets and financial reports are made. The state's fiscal year
commences on July 1 and ends the following June 30.
(R.S. 39:53)
Figure of speech meaning the floor of the House or Senate while that body is in session. Referred to in
legislative procedure: the bill is "on the floor". Members recognized to speak on debate are said
to "have the floor".
(House Rule 1.2)
Legislation requiring that mandated health insurance benefits or options must be accompanied by an impact report
prior to committee consideration unless the committee decides otherwise. The legislative fiscal officer is
responsible for obtaining, directly or indirectly, this information.
(R.S. 24:603.1)
The interval between annual regular sessions. Committees can conduct studies and can hear, debate, amend, and
determine their reports on pre-filed bills at this time.
(Joint Rule 13,
House Rules 14.16,
14.45, and also
7.2 and
12.7 and
Senate Rules 3.3(14),
13.19 and
Joint Resolutions (Constitutional Amendments)
Proposed amendments to the constitution are proposed by joint resolutions which have a title containing a brief
summary of the changes proposed; be confined to one object; and shall set forth the entire article, sections, or
other subdivisions thereof, proposed to be revised or added. For purposes of procedural handling, joint resolutions
are treated as bills and other legislative instruments by the respective legislative clerical officers, except for
the requirement that enrolled bills be submitted to the governor after enrollment for his signature.
(Const. Arts. XIII, §1 and
III, §15(A) and
House Rules 6.8 and
7.1, and
Senate Rules 7.1,
10.16 and
Joint sessions
A record of daily proceedings of each house: the House Journal, Senate Journal. Also refers to the
final compilation of journals which is published as the end of each session as a set (which also includes the
Legislative Calendar).
(Const. Art. III, §10(B) and
Joint Rule 1 and
House Rules 2.10,
12.4 and
12.5 and
Senate Rules 14.1,
14.6 and
General subject of bill or resolution that appears above the heading ("An Act",
"A Joint Resolution", etc.) Not part of proposed law.
Legislative Bureau
A group composed of two members of the Legislature, one selected by each house, and ex officio, the secretary of
the Senate, the clerk of the House, and unofficially the executive director of the Legislative Bureau. Bills,
joint resolutions, and suspense resolutions are referred to the bureau prior to advancement to third reading in
the second house. The bureau makes an advisory report on the construction of the instrument and any duplication
and may suggest amendments. The bureau also must examine each instrument upon its engrossment and passage to third
reading in the house of origin and make recommendations for floor amendments.
(Joint Rule No. 3 and
House Rules 7.20,
8.19, and
11.4 and
Senate Rule 10.15)
Legislative Day
Legislative Instrument
Legislative Intent
The purpose for which a measure is enacted and the meaning of the measure which the legislature intended,
often determined in reviewing committee proceeding tapes or transcripts and floor proceedings.
Local and Special Laws
A law affecting only one or more particular local areas, such as one or more particular parishes or municipalities
(local law). A law that, because of its restrictions, can operate upon or affect only a portion of citizens or a
fraction of property embraced within a classification (special law).
(Const. Art. III, §§12 and
(Also see Official Journal)
Local Notice
Published notice of intention to introduce a bill which will apply only to a designated area of the state, such as
a single parish or municipality. Must be published in the locality where the matter to be affected is situated.
(Const. Art. III, §13)
The temporary disabling of the voting machine of any member who does not answer a quorum call before a record vote
(House Rule 4.5) (
Also see Quorum Call)
A simple or concurrent resolution which expresses views of one or both houses and requests a course of action be
taken by officials or departments, usually Congress.
Motion to Reconsider
Official Journal
The newspaper of general circulation in which official notices and announcements of the state or units of
local government are published. The official journal of the state is
The Advocate (Baton Rouge).
Notices of intent to introduce retirement bills are published in the official state journal. Notices of intent
to introduce local bills are published in the local official journals.
(Const. Art. III, §13 and
Art. X, §29(C) and
R.S. 43:81 et seq. and
141 et seq.)
A phrase or sentence that describes a bill or resolution. It appears on the bill or resolution after the keyword
and before the heading ("An Act", "A Joint Resolution", etc.). It is not part of the proposed
law and may be referred to as "summary". (Also see Keyword)
Order of the Day
(1) The order of business followed in each house of the legislature in transacting its daily business.
(House Rules 8.1,
8.5, and
8.26 and
Senate Rules 10.2
and Chapter 10 of the Senate Rules generally )
(2) A legislative document prepared daily in each house of the legislature by the office of the House Clerk
and Senate Secretary reflecting expected or proposed action on legislative instruments, organized by the order
of the day in which action may occur. (Also see Calendar)
(House Rule 2.10 and
Senate Rules 3.7 and
Point of Order
The parliamentary device that is used to require a deliberative body to observe its own rules and to follow
established parliamentary practice. A member raises a point of order and asks for a ruling of the chair as to
the correct procedure. If the member disagrees with the chair's ruling, he may appeal the ruling of the chair
to a vote of the entire house.
(House Rules 5.6 and
9.12 and
Senate Rules 6.3 and
Point of Personal Privilege
Parliamentary device by which members gain the floor to comment on matters affecting their rights, reputation,
or conduct in their representative capacity.
Previous question
A motion that, if successful, closes debate and brings the house to a vote on the question under consideration.
A motion in the form of previous question on the entire subject matter, if successful, ends debate on the
main question and requires immediate voting on any subsidiary motion or amendments and then on the main question.
(House Rules 9.10 and
9.14(A)(13) and (14) and
Senate Rule 11.11)
(Also see End consideration of amendments)
Public hearing
The number of members required to conduct business.
(Const. III, §10(A) and
Joint Rule 8 and
House Rules 4.3,
14.39 and
14.40, and
Senate Rules 5.3,
13.84, and
Quorum Call
Reading of a Bill
Constitution requires that each bill must be read at least by title on three separate days in each house.
(Const. Art. III, §15(D) and
House Rules 8.9,
8.17, and
8.18 and
Senate Rules 10.6,
10.13 and
A redrawing of district boundaries for the election of an official in order to provide equality of representation,
based on population.
(Const. Art. III, §6)
The reassignment of legislation to the last committee that considered it or to another committee. House Rules
and Senate Rules require that certain instruments be recommitted to other committees after being reported by
the committee to which initially referred.
(House Rules 6.8 and
8.18 and
Senate Rules 10.14,
13.5.1 and
Permitting a vote to be considered and taken a second time. The initial vote on any question may be reconsidered
whether the question carried in the affirmative or negative, but the motion to reconsider must be made by a member
who voted on the side that prevailed. (Although provided by rule, this rarely occurs in the Senate.)
(House Rules 8.28,
9.14(A)(16) and(17), and
11.5 and
Senate Rules 10.18 and
(Also see Veto)
To delete and nullify a previously established law.
A legislative instrument that generally is used for making declarations, stating policies, and making
decisions where some other form is not required. A bill includes the constitutionally required enacting
clause; a resolution uses the term "resolved". Not subject to a time limit for introduction
nor to governor's veto.
(Const. Art. III, §17(B) and
House Rules 8.11,
6.8, and
7.4 and
Senate Rules 10.9,
13.5 and
Concurrent Resolution - Resolution to be considered by both houses that can be used to express
legislative intent, authorize certain suits, adopt or change joint rules of the legislature, memorialize
Congress, and request or direct a state agency to take a specified action. Can also be used to suspend a law.
Joint Rule 3,
House Rules 7.1,
7.16, and
12.3, and
Senate Rules 7.1,
12.10, and
14.3 (
Also see Suspension of law)
Joint Resolution - A proposal to change (amend) or repeal existing provisions of or to add new
provisions to the constitution. It is designated a House or a Senate bill and requires passage by a
2/3 majority of each house to be placed on the election ballot. The favorable vote of a majority of all
state electors voting on it is required for it to become effective (and a majority of those voting in
the local area if it is local in nature.)
(Const. Arts. XIII, §1 and
III, §15 and
House Rule 7.1)
Simple Resolution - Resolution passed by only one house that expresses an opinion or intent, but does
not have the force of law. It may also be used to change the rules of a house. It takes effect upon adoption.
(House Rules 7.1,
7.2, and
Digest or summary prepared by staff of all legislative instruments finally passed - includes Acts, vetoed bills,
and adopted resolutions and study requests. The digest distinguishes how the new law changes the old. Also includes
statistical information for the session.
Revised Statutes
The Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 is the entire codified body of effective general law aside from
the Constitution, Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Evidence, and
Children's Code. New law of general application is incorporated into the revised statutes by amending,
repealing, or enacting provisions.
Ruling of Chair
The period during which the legislature assembles and carries on its business. The legislature meets annually
in regular session.
(Const. Art. III, §2 and
Regular session - In odd-numbered years a regular session is restricted to not more than
45 legislative days within a period of 60 calendar days; in even-numbered years, it is restricted to not more
than 60 legislative days within 85 days. The subject matter of regular sessions in odd-numbered years is
limited to specified fiscal matters, with certain exceptions.
(Const. Art. III, §2(A))
Extraordinary session - Such a session is limited to not more than 30 days. There is no restriction
on the number of extraordinary sessions that can be held in one year. The governor may call the session; the
presiding officers must call an extraordinary session if a majority of each house petition for an extraordinary
session. The call defines the subject scope. Also called a "special session."
(Const. Art. III, §2(B))
Organizational session - Session held on the day legislators take office for the primary purpose of
judging the members' qualifications and elections, taking the oath of office, organizing the two houses, and
selecting officers.
(Const. Art. III, §2(D) and
House Rules 2.3 and
2.9, and
Senate Rule 2.1)
Veto session - Session required by the constitution to be held on the 40th day following final adjournment
of the most recent session to consider all bills vetoed by the governor. Not held if a majority of either house
declare it unnecessary in writing.
(Const. Art. III, §18)
Special Order
The order of business in which bills or resolutions to be considered at a specifically fixed time rather than their
regular order are placed. Used for controversial or time-consuming bills. A bill is placed on special order by the
favorable vote of a majority of those present and voting, provided the standing committee which reported the bill
recommends such placement.
(House Rules 8.4,
8.5 and
8.6 and
Senate Rule 10.16)
Study Request
A legislative instrument which requests a standing committee or committees to conduct a study of an issue or item
during the interim between legislative sessions. A study request does not go through the traditional approval process
of other legislative instruments, but rather is adopted if, after a specific period of time, there is no objection made
to the proposed study request.
(Joint Rule 13)
Concurrent - A request for a study by a standing committee of each house of the legislature.
Simple - A request for a study by a standing committee of one house of the legislature.
Subject to Call Calendar
Substitute Bill
A new bill included in a committee report to be substituted for the bill referred to and reported by the
committee. Such bills are given a number and processed in the same manner as an original bill except that
no further committee report is necessary in the house of introduction. House bills in the Senate may not
be reported "by substitute," nor may Senate bills in the House be so reported.
(Joint Rule 5 and
House Rule 6.12 and
Senate Rule 13.10)
Suspension of Law
The legislature may suspend a law for a restricted period of time by adoption of a Concurrent Resolution, and,
as such, the Resolution has the effect of law. It is not subject to the governor's veto.
(Const. Art. III, §20 and
Joint Rule 3 and
House Rule 8.11)
Suspension of Rules
Parliamentary procedure whereby actions can be taken which would otherwise be out of order. Suspension of House
Rules requires a 2/3 vote. Suspension of Senate Rules requires a majority vote of the elected members.
(House Rule 13.2 and
Senate Rule 15.2)
A bill is tabled (and usually dead) upon adoption of a motion by majority vote to "lay on the table."
As a parliamentary maneuver, it is an alternate way to kill a bill. It takes a 2/3 vote of those present to call
a bill from the table. In the Senate, a motion once laid on the table shall not again be called from the table.
(House Rules 9.5,
9.11, and
9.14(A)(11) and
Senate Rules 11.9,
11.10, and
(1) A concise statement appearing at the beginning of a bill which is indicative of the object of the bill as
required by the constitution and embraces the significant aspects of the subject content of the bill.
(Const. Art. III, §15(A), and
House Rule 7.4 and
Senate Rules 7.3 and
(2) The largest subdivision of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. The revised statutes are comprised of
Titles 1 through 56.
Governor's disapproval of an enrolled bill. Has the effect of killing the bill unless the legislature subsequently
votes to override the governor's action by a 2/3 vote of each house.
(Const. Art. III, §18 and
Art. IV, §5(G), and
House Rule 8.28 and
Senate Rule 10.18)
(Also see Session, Veto session.)
Item veto - Power exercised by the governor to veto specified items (single appropriations) of an
appropriation bill, although signing the remainder of the bill into law.
(Const. Art. IV, §5(G))
Record vote - A formal roll call of a house or committee of the legislature in which each member's vote (
yea or nay or abstention) on a motion is recorded (manually or electronically). Such vote is also recorded in the
committee records and minutes and, in the case of floor action, in the Journal of the House or
Senate. Certain votes are required to be record votes.
(Const. Art. III, §§10(B) and
15(G), and
House Rules 4.5,
6.22(B), and
14.43 and
Senate Rules 12.1,
12.4, and
Voice vote (Viva Voce) - A vote taken orally or electronically in which the vote of each member
is not permanently recorded. Response is given to the clerk calling the roll (or on the voting machine) in the
form of yea or nay, with only the overall totals being recorded in the House or Senate Journal. (Traditionally,
viva voce meant a pure voice vote, the calling for the vote by the presiding officer, and the often shouted,
concurrent responses by the membership, with the presiding officer judging the outcome.) All roll call votes in committee
are record votes. Election of the Speaker, the Speaker Pro Tempore, and the Clerk is conducted by voice vote.
(House Rule 2.3 and
Senate Rules 3.2,
13.91, and
Vote to Reconsider
One legislator relinquishing the floor to another to speak or ask a question during debate.
(House Rule 5.7)