Roll Call |
Prayer |
Pledge of Allegiance |
Reading of Journal |
Petitions, Memorials, and Communications |
Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading |
| | SR96 | BASS | CONDOLENCES - Expresses sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Tommy Lance Russell on the occasion of his passing. |
| | SR97 | DUPLESSIS | COMMENDATIONS - Commends and congratulates Iam Tucker for being named the U.S. Small Business Administration's 2024 Louisiana Small Business Person of the Year. |
| | SR99 | BASS | CONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences to the family of Zachary Funderburk. |
House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred |
| | HB556 | GLORIOSO | WORKERS COMPENSATION - Provides relative to an injury producing the permanent total disability of an employee (RE SEE FISC NOTE EX See Note) |
| | HB598 | VENTRELLA | PSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides relative to psychologists |
| | HB618 | BEAULLIEU | WORKERS COMPENSATION - Provides relative to accident reporting and access to medical records and information related to claims |
| | HB761 | LACOMBE | TAX INCREMENT FINANCING - Authorizes certain municipalities to create tax increment financing districts |
| | HB868 | EGAN | MENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to standards for psychiatric hospitals and residential substance abuse facilities (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading |
| | HCR73 | DUSTIN MILLER | MEDICAID - Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to develop a professional consulting nursing service code for reimbursement of certain services for individuals with developmental disabilities |
| | HCR78 | CHARLES OWEN | HIGHER EDUCATION - Requests that Board of Regents and public postsecondary education management boards report to House and Senate education committees and Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget on actions related to environmental, social, and governance criteria |
| | HCR87 | DUSTIN MILLER | HEALTH CARE - Continues the Health Disparities in Rural Areas Task Force |
| | HCR130 | MENA | COMMENDATIONS - Commends Reverend Marc A. Napoleon, Jr., on the occasion of his twenty-fifth pastoral anniversary |
| | HCR131 | GADBERRY | COMMENDATIONS - Commends the West Monroe High School baseball team on winning the Louisiana High School Athletic Association 2024 Division I Non-Select state championship |
House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call |
| | HCR122 | GADBERRY | SPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes May 15, 2024, as LMA Municipal Day at the state capitol |
House Bills Reported by Committee |
| | HB128 | FONTENOT | WEAPONS/FIREARMS - Provides relative to possession of a firearm by a felon (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | HB165 | BOYD | CRIME - Provides relative to marijuana paraphernalia (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note) |
| | HB326 | HORTON | POLICE/STATE - Provides relative to occupational diseases for the division of state police (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note) |
| | HB358 | BACALA | JUDGES - Creates an additional judgeship for the 23rd Judicial District Court (EN +$462,884 EX See Note) |
| | HB373 | DICKERSON | VETERANS - Provides relative to veterans' service offices (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB383 | GALLE | LIABILITY/CIVIL - Limits liability of operators of motor vehicles for harm caused to certain persons who are injured while illegally blocking a road or highway |
| | HB398 | HILFERTY | LAW ENFORCEMENT - Provides relative to the New Orleans City Park Improvement Association and New Orleans City Park Police |
| | HB541 | LYONS | CRIME/SEX OFFENSES - Amends the elements of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image |
| | HB578 | LYONS | CORRECTIONS - Creates the Back on Track Youth Pilot Program (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB669 | BOYD | COURTS - Provides relative to judicial security (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note) |
| | HB737 | DICKERSON | CRIME/MISDEMEANOR - Prohibits a person from engaging in picketing at the residence or dwelling of an individual (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note) |
| | HB766 | KNOX | VETERANS - Provides relative to educational benefits for beneficiaries of qualified veterans (EN +$100,000 GF EX See Note) |
| | HB776 | BRYANT | DWI - Provides relative to operating a vehicle while intoxicated |
| | HB785 | SCHAMERHORN | LIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to liability for commercial motor vehicles |
| | HB816 | WILFORD CARTER | CRIME - Provides relative to residential contractor fraud (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB819 | VENTRELLA | EVIDENCE - Provides relative to the burden of proof when the justification of self-defense is raised |
| | HB830 | EGAN | DRUGS/CONTROLLED - Adds Tianeptine to Schedule I of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law |
| | HB833 | DAVIS | CIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to in vitro fertilization |
| | HB851 | PHELPS | CRIME - Creates the crime of tax lien property fraud (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB852 | MANDIE LANDRY | CRIME - Increases the penalties for malfeasance in office (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB882 | LACOMBE | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides with respect to microbreweries |
| | HB901 | MANDIE LANDRY | PARDON - Provides relative to the Crime Victims Services Bureau within the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB961 | MUSCARELLO | CORRECTIONS/PRISONERS - Provides relative to the creation of a mental health transition pilot program (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB969 | GREEN | COURTS - Provides relative to certain judicial proceedings conducted by remote technology (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB970 | BEAULLIEU | TOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides relative to the vapor product and alternative nicotine product directory |
Senate Bills Returned from House with Amendments |
| | SB6 | CONNICK | CRIME/PUNISHMENT - Creates the crime of unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another created by artificial intelligence. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | SB46 | MCMATH | HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Creates the Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council within the Louisiana Department of Health. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | SB56 | WHEAT | STUDENTS - Provides for the administration of medication to students by certain practitioners. (gov sig) |
| | SB73 | WOMACK | WATER QUALITY - Creates and provides for the Community Sewerage System Infrastructure Sustainability Act. (1/1/25) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | SB92 | DUPLESSIS | CHILDREN'S CODE - Provides relative to the Safe Haven Law. (8/1/24) |
| | SB108 | SEABAUGH | EXPROPRIATION - Provides relative to expropriation. (8/1/24) |
| | SB137 | GREGORY MILLER | BANKS/BANKING - Provides relative to deposits for customers who expire while domiciled out of state. (8/1/24) |
| | SB165 | MCMATH | CONTRACTS - Provides relative to noncompetition agreements. (8/1/24) |
| | SB166 | CONNICK | PUBLIC HEALTH - Provides relative to seafood safety. (1/1/25) (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note) |
| | SB183 | GARY CARTER | JUVENILE JUSTICE - Provides relative to academic plans for children committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB219 | MCMATH | HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to conversion requirements for health insurers. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB242 | BOUIE | INSURANCE POLICIES - Provides for the use of satellite photos when inspecting a property that has been issued an insurance policy. (gov sig) |
| | SB251 | BARROW | CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES - Provides relative to educational programs provided by correctional facilities. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB296 | BOUDREAUX | HEALTH CARE - Provides relative to emergency medical services. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB316 | MIGUEZ | SCHOOLS - Provides relative to charter schools. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB337 | BOUDREAUX | INSURANCE PREMIUMS - Provides for a premium discount for certain military personnel. (8/1/24) |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee |
| | SCR30 | FIELDS | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - To urge and request the Department of Environmental Quality to study implementation of real-time community air monitoring and notification systems. |
| | SCR45 | FOIL | AGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT - Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry to study and make recommendations on ways to increase urban forestry in the state. |
| | SCR57 | FESI | CONGRESS - Memorializes Congress to help all residents of Louisiana who are displaced by hurricanes. |
Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage |
| | SB265 | WOMACK | CONTRACTS - Provides relative to public contracts and public works. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB508 | MCMATH | SCHOOLS - Provides relative to required high-dosage tutoring for certain students. (8/1/24) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | SB509 | DUPLESSIS | PUBLIC HEALTH - Provides for violence prevention. (8/1/24) (EN +$95,613 GF EX See Note) |
Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call |
| | SB14 | SEABAUGH | CAMPAIGN FINANCE - Allows legislators to receive campaign contributions during a regular session in an election year. (8/1/24) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV) |
| | SB37 | KLEINPETER | HUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for feral hog hunting. (8/1/24) |
| | SB66 | MIZELL | SCHOOLS - Provides for a five-day school week for public schools with exceptions.
(gov sig) (EG NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB127 | CATHEY | HUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for the utilization of unmanned aircraft systems. (8/1/24) |
| | SB131 | GREGORY MILLER | PRIVILEGES/LIENS - Provides for privileges on immovables. (8/1/24) |
| | SB158 | ROBERT OWEN | PHARMACEUTICALS - Provides relative to marijuana for therapeutic use. (gov sig) |
| | SB193 | PRESSLY | COURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig) |
| | SB217 | MIGUEZ | ELECTION CODE - Defines "deep fake" in the Election Code. (8/1/24) |
| | SB238 | SEABAUGH | SERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline crossings. (8/1/24) |
| | SB250 | ALLAIN | CIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for no right of direct action against insurer. (8/1/24) |
| | SB313 | EDMONDS | SCHOOLS - Creates the Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise (LA GATOR) Scholarship Program to provide educational savings accounts for parental choice in K-12 education. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | SB320 | KLEINPETER | FISH/FISHING - Provides for largemouth bass bag and size limits. (8/1/24) |
| | SB321 | EDMONDS | SCHOOLS - Creates the Charter School Facilities Fund within the Louisiana Department of Education. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note) |
| | SB331 | SEABAUGH | EMPLOYMENT - Provides relative to authorized payroll withholdings for public employees. (8/1/24) |
| | SB335 | COUSSAN | LOANS - Creates the Louisiana Commercial Financing Disclosure Law. (8/1/24) |
| | SB347 | HARRIS | HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to ensuring fairness in certain cost-sharing practices. (gov sig) (EG NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | SB368 | BASS | HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for actuarial review of certain state-mandated health insurance benefits. (8/1/24) (RE INCREASE SG EX See Note) |
| | SB381 | GREGORY MILLER | COURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig) |
| | SB399 | FIELDS | COURTS - Provides relative to the election sections for judgeship of the second district of the First Circuit Court of Appeal. (2/3 - CA5s9) (gov sig) |
| | SB435 | MCMATH | POLITICAL PARTIES - Provides relative to the composition of the parish executive committee of the Republican Party in St. Tammany Parish. (8/1/24) |
| | SB448 | MORRIS | TRESPASS - Provides relative to criminal trespass. (8/1/24) |
| | SB450 | GREGORY MILLER | CAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides relative to expenditure of campaign funds. (8/1/24) |
| | SB454 | MCMATH | MALPRACTICE - Provides relative to medical malpractice. (8/1/24) |
| | SB459 | SEABAUGH | MINERALS - Provides relative to remediation of oilfield sites and exploration. (8/1/24) |
| | SB482 | CLOUD | PUBLIC RECORDS - Provides for public records involving the security of the governor or his family and recommendations by which governmental decisions and policies are formulated. (8/1/24) |
| | SB502 | MIGUEZ | PUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to public records requests. (8/1/24) |
| | SB504 | LUNEAU | TAX/AD VALOREM - Provides relative to the assessment, payment and collection of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note) |
House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee Subject to Call |
| | HCR29 | ZERINGUE | COASTAL RESOURCES - Reaffirms support for the annual Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Mapping Cruise conducted by Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and memorializes Congress to provide continued funding |
| | HCR35 | WRIGHT | LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT - Provides for a special joint committee to review the Administrative Procedure Act, the Louisiana Administrative Code, the public's involvement in proposed rulemaking, and comparisons of other states' regulatory environments |
House Concurrent Resolutions 3rd Reading and Final Passage |
| | HCR25 | BOURRIAQUE | COASTAL RESOURCES - Approves the annual state integrated coastal protection plan for Fiscal Year 2025, as adopted by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board |
House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage |
| | HB226 | MANDIE LANDRY | CRIME - Increases the penalties for public bribery (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB328 | MCFARLAND | DISTRICT ATTORNEYS/ASST - Provides relative to the salaries of assistant district attorneys |
| | HB451 | SCHLEGEL | CRIME/THEFT - Provides relative to the crime of theft (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB463 | EGAN | SUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Justice |
| | HB505 | FONTENOT | CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to electronic bonds |
| | HB534 | FREEMAN | MTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides relative to the booting of motor vehicles parked on private property |
| | HB580 | MUSCARELLO | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to bankruptcy |
| | HB723 | SCHLEGEL | PARDON/PAROLE - Provides relative to clemency procedures (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB752 | CARRIER | RETIREMENT/SHERIFFS FUND - Provides relative to membership in the Sheriffs' Pension and Relief Fund (EN DECREASE APV) |
| | HB20 | RISER | LIBRARIES - Provides relative to administration of funds of the Catahoula Parish Library |
| | HB50 | BUTLER | POLICE/LOCAL - Provides for the qualifications for the office of police chief in the village of Pine Prairie |
| | HB78 | CARVER | SCHOOLS/CHARTER - Authorizes initial proposals for charter schools with corporate partners to be made to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education as Type 2 charter school proposals (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV) |
| | HB83 | MOORE | HEALTH/LDH - Requires the state health officer to require commercial body art facilities to disclose regulatory status and health risks posed by certain body art products and services |
| | HB93 | WILLARD | VITAL RECORDS/BIRTH CERT - Provides relative to access to birth certificates (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB143 | BACALA | SCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP - Authorizes the state superintendent to provide for a chief operating officer to make recommendations relative to the financial practices of local school systems failing to comply with the MFP's minimum instructional expenditure requirement (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB144 | GLORIOSO | INSURERS - Prohibits issuance of property insurance policies relative to unimproved land and replacement costs of improvements on immovable property |
| | HB148 | GLORIOSO | PROPERTY/IMMOVABLE - Removes certain restrictions on the disposal of immovable property by the governing authority of Slidell |
| | HB153 | BACALA | EDUCATION/SPECIAL - Provides relative to special education (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB155 | THOMAS | REAL ESTATE/COMMISSION - Provides for expired and inactive real estate license requirements |
| | HB182 | TRAVIS JOHNSON | DISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Creates the Ferriday Downtown Entertainment District |
| | HB183 | LACOMBE | HOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of New Roads Public Housing Authority |
| | HB197 | CARVER | SUNSET LAW - Provides relative to the re-creation of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism |
| | HB281 | CREWS | AIRCRAFT/AIRPORTS - Removes the ten year lease provision and the associated exceptions for airport facilities |
| | HB301 | AMEDEE | COSMETOLOGY - Provides relative to cosmetology licensing requirements |
| | HB308 | ADAMS | TELEVISION/CABLE - Prohibits discontinuation of cable service without prior notice |
| | HB375 | MANDIE LANDRY | INSURERS - Requires disclosure of available discounts relative to homeowners' and motor vehicle liability insurance policies |
| | HB376 | RISER | MEDICAL MARIJUANA - Provides relative to the regulation of medical marijuana |
| | HB407 | STAGNI | ANIMALS - Provides relative to support and service animals |
| | HB430 | CHARLES OWEN | MTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Requires the office of motor vehicles to accept proof of vehicle insurance from another state |
| | HB494 | WILLARD | MTR VEHICLE/OFFICE - Provides relative to special identification cards for children |
| | HB510 | GLORIOSO | INSURANCE/PROPERTY - Provides relative to mandatory binding arbitration with respect to property insurance policies |
| | HB515 | HORTON | CONSUMERS - Prohibits government restriction of choice regarding vehicles |
| | HB525 | WILLARD | SEWERAGE/N O WATER BD - Provides relative to billing for services by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board |
| | HB588 | CREWS | WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the membership of the Louisiana Workforce Investment Council |
| | HB607 | CHARLES OWEN | LICENSING - Provides relative to locksmith licensing |
| | HB617 | DESHOTEL | UTILITIES - Provides relative to broadband |
| | HB620 | RISER | LICENSING - Provides with respect to geoscientist license fees (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note) |
| | HB623 | ROMERO | CONTRACTORS - Provides relative to the membership of the State Licensing Board for Contractors |
| | HB646 | THOMPSON | CONTRACTS - Provides for a contract limit for public work projects by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism |
| | HB655 | DUSTIN MILLER | MEDICAID - Provides relative to third-party liability requirements arising for prior authorizations and state claim inquiries |
| | HB694 | BOYD | CULTURE/REC/TOUR - Establishes the Louisiana Music Commission within the Department of Culture Recreation and Tourism (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB695 | FONTENOT | TRANSPORTATION - Creates an overweight permit to transport earthen material for government funded levee projects (EN +$50,000 SD EX See Note) |
| | HB753 | DESHOTEL | PLUMBERS - Provides relative to licensure of plumbers |
| | HB791 | BRAUD | INSURANCE - Repeals the termination provision of the Sledge Jeansonne Louisiana Insurance Fraud Prevention Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB922 | CHARLES OWEN | HIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates a portion of Louisiana Highway 171 as the "Claude 'Buddy' Leach Memorial Highway" |
| | HB659 | PHELPS | TAX/PROPERTY - Increases certain penalties relative to certain prohibited actions regarding tax sale property (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note) |
| | HB921 | HILFERTY | TAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Limits the determination of fair market value of certain real property by an assessor under certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note) |
| | HB23 | MELERINE | PRESCRIPTION - Provides relative to the prescription of actions for violation of building restrictions |
| | HB65 | HILFERTY | LAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides for the certification by the Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training of the New Orleans inspector general and his investigators |
| | HB67 | DOMANGUE | WEAPONS/FIREARMS - Provides an exception to the crime of illegal carrying of weapons for certain persons |
| | HB150 | TRAVIS JOHNSON | DISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the Delta Agriculture Research and Sustainability District |
| | HB213 | HILFERTY | CRIME - Provides relative to the crime of negligent homicide (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB236 | MCMAKIN | CHILDREN/CUSTODY - Provides for evaluations in child custody proceedings (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB269 | MUSCARELLO | CRIME - Provides relative to the crime of simple escape while participating in a home incarceration program |
| | HB309 | COX | GAMBLING/CHARITABLE - Provides with respect to compensation of personnel running charitable gaming events |
| | HB315 | MIKE JOHNSON | PRESCRIPTION - Extends prescription on tort actions |
| | HB416 | JORDAN | CRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides relative to expungement of criminal records (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB423 | MELERINE | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides for payment of recoverable medical expenses from collateral sources |
| | HB433 | ZERINGUE | JUDGES - Provides with respect to annual financial reports on state and local court funding and expenses |
| | HB553 | BRYANT | CRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides relative to the disposition of certain records for seventeen year old offenders |
| | HB573 | DAVIS | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to container sizes for beverages of high alcohol content |
| | HB621 | STAGNI | TOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides relative to vapor products (EN NO IMPACT SG RV See Note) |
| | HB639 | FONTENOT | CRIME - Provides relative to the refusal of an operator of a motor vehicle to provide identification to an officer |
| | HB642 | ORGERON | SURVEYORS - Updates standards for surveying and mapping |
| | HB670 | JORDAN | HEALTH - Provides relative to the Healthy Food Retail Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB772 | ZERINGUE | EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - Provides relative to cemetery emergency assistance and disaster relief |
| | HB784 | SCHAMERHORN | LIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides relative to liability for damages caused by livestock |
| | HB824 | MARCELLE | CRIMINAL/PENALTIES - Provides relative to penalties for the unlawful disruption of the operation of a school (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB8 | MELERINE | SCHOOLS/HIGH SCHOOL - Prohibits the use of an appeals process for certain students who fail to pass state-administered tests required for high school graduation |
| | HB71 | HORTON | SCHOOLS - Requires the display of the Ten Commandments in schools |
| | HB72 | JACKSON | CAMPAIGN FINANCE DISCLOS - Provides relative to filing financial disclosure statements after qualifying for office |
| | HB82 | STAGNI | CHIROPRACTORS - Provides relative to fees collected by the Louisiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners (EN +$138,250 SG RV See Note) |
| | HB88 | MELERINE | CIVIL/VENUE - Provides for venue for actions involving certain insurers |
| | HB106 | JACKSON | LOBBYING - Provides relative to the assessment of penalties on lobbyists for failure to timely file required reports (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note) |
| | HB112 | WYBLE | SCHOOLS/LOCAL SUPERINTDT - Provides for the consideration of student achievement in literacy and math in the evaluation of local school superintendents |
| | HB137 | BRASS | CHILDREN - Provides relative to the Children's Cabinet Advisory Board |
| | HB154 | MANDIE LANDRY | ELECTIONS/CANDIDATES - Provides for prohibited political materials and applicable criminal penalties (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB185 | NEWELL | DISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Provides for creation of Castle Manor Security and Improvement District in New Orleans |
| | HB186 | VILLIO | PARISH/ORDINANCES - Provides relative to maximum penalties for violations of ordinances in Jefferson Parish |
| | HB188 | WYBLE | SCHOOLS/BOARDS - Requires local elected school board members to meet certain criteria prior to qualifying |
| | HB190 | FREIBERG | EARLY CHILDHOOD - Provides relative to the Early Childhood Care and Education Commission |
| | HB322 | STAGNI | STUDENT/DISCIPLINE - Provides relative to student discipline |
| | HB362 | KERNER | EDUCATION/SPECIAL - Requires schools to provide information regarding tutorship to the parents of certain students at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB392 | FREEMAN | MEDICAID - Provides relative to Medicaid and private insurance coverage for perimenopausal and menopausal care (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB429 | BRYANT | SCHOOLS/FOOD PROGRAMS - Prohibits the use of imported seafood in food served at schools (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB458 | FONTENOT | WILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to the regulation window tinting for patrol vehicles owned by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries |
| | HB476 | CARLSON | ELECTIONS/ABSENTEE VOTE - Provides for the delivery of absentee ballots by a person other than the voter |
| | HB492 | GEYMANN | PROPERTY/EXPROPRIATION - Provides relative to eminent domain |
| | HB503 | CARLSON | ETHICS/CODE - Provides relative to prohibited transactions with the agency of a legislator and of an appointed board or commission member |
| | HB521 | FREEMAN | INSURANCE/LIFE - Prohibits the use of genetic information relative to life and long-term care insurance |
| | HB542 | COX | MTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides for increased penalties for certain traffic-control signal violations |
| | HB579 | MCMAHEN | PHARMACISTS - Provides relative to pharmacist authorization to dispense HIV pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis |
| | HB589 | GALLE | MTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Prohibits a commercial learner's permit or driver's license if not cleared by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse |
| | HB593 | HILFERTY | SEWERAGE/N O WATER BD - Provides relative to residency requirements for employees of the New Orleans sewerage and water board (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note) |
| | HB603 | FIRMENT | INSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to claims of pharmacies and pharmacists |
| | HB609 | FIRMENT | INSURANCE - Provides for the appraisal process and employment of umpires |
| | HB616 | GREEN | INSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to actuarial reviews of healthcare legislation (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note) |
| | HB672 | JORDAN | INSURERS/AGENTS - Provides relative to managing general agents |
| | HB679 | RISER | LICENSING - Provides relative to auctioneers |
| | HB708 | FREIBERG | SCHOOLS/CHARTER - Removes requirements that charter schools meet a certain threshold with respect to the number of students with exceptionalities and economically disadvantaged students relative to its total student enrollment |
| | HB716 | CHARLES OWEN | LICENSING - Provides for universal recognition of occupational licenses |
| | HB778 | BAYHAM | TRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Prohibits the imposition of penalties via unmanned automated speed enforcement devices in a school zone in certain circumstances |
| | HB794 | GADBERRY | PUBLIC CONTRACTS - Requires a political subdivision or agency negotiate a fair and reasonable contract with the most highly qualified firm for architectural and engineering professional services (EN SEE FISC NOTE EX) |
| | HB802 | DEWITT | WILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Authorizes the use of dogs to retrieve mortally wounded deer |
| | HB828 | DUSTIN MILLER | BOARDS/COMMISSIONS - Provides relative to the professional organization of medical psychologists |
| | HB861 | FONTENOT | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to regional economic development organizations |
| | HB880 | SCHAMERHORN | MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Provides with respect to the renewal of truck registrations |
| | HB913 | SELDERS | UTILITIES - Provides for transparency for utility bills |
| | HB937 | GEYMANN | ENERGY/CONSERVATION - Provides relative to landowner liability for carbon dioxide sequestration |
| | HB965 | HILFERTY | SEWERAGE/N O WATER BD - Provides relative to billing for services provided by the sewerage and water board of New Orleans |
| | HB966 | GEYMANN | ENERGY/CONSERVATION - Authorizes unitization for carbon dioxide sequestration |
| | HB39 | MCCORMICK | RETIREMENT/STATE EMPS - Provides relative to the reemployment of retired bus drivers of the Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV) |
| | HB788 | ZERINGUE | FUNDS/FUNDING - Relative to the Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB846 | KNOX | FISCAL CONTROLS - Provides relative to reporting on federal and state funding of mental health services (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB967 | RISER | RETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in critical shortage positions (EN INCREASE APV) |
| | HB59 | BROWN | LAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides relative to the Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training |
| | HB60 | EDMONSTON | CRIME - Provides relative to the unauthorized use of sperm, ovum, or embryo |
| | HB94 | WILLARD | JUVENILES - Provides relative to birth certificates and state identification for children leaving custody of the office of juvenile justice (EN +$7,001 GF EX See Note) |
| | HB125 | BAYHAM | CRIMINAL/PENALTIES - Provides relative to the penalties for battery of a bus operator (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB127 | BAYHAM | CRIMINAL/PENALTIES - Provides relative to the penalties for the crime of simple obstruction of a highway of commerce (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX) |
| | HB145 | BAGLEY | INSURANCE/GROUP - Provides relative to group health insurance coverage for retired employees of the Sabine Parish District Attorney's Office (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note) |
| | HB173 | FONTENOT | CRIME/MISDEMEANOR - Creates the crime of approaching a peace officer lawfully engaged in law enforcement duties (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |
| | HB189 | WILLARD | CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides for civilian investigators to oversee taped statements of protected persons |
| | HB391 | BOYD | PARDON/PAROLE - Provides relative to pardons |
| | HB445 | FONTENOT | BAIL - Provides relative to bond forfeiture |
| | HB497 | FONTENOT | BAIL - Provides relative to constructive surrender |
| | HB608 | WILDER | CIVIL/LAW - Creates the Women's Safety and Protection Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB803 | MUSCARELLO | CIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to interruption of prescription and venue |
| | HB823 | BACALA | WEAPONS/FIREARMS - Provides relative to the illegal carrying of weapons |
| | HB874 | KERNER | CORRECTIONS - Provides relative to electronic monitoring |
| | HB5 | CHARLES OWEN | PUBLIC FACILITIES - Provides relative to types of payment accepted at public events at public postsecondary education institutions (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV) |
| | HB7 | BOURRIAQUE | DISTRICTS/WATERWORKS - Provides relative to the board of the South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 in Cameron Parish |
| | HB47 | EDMONSTON | VACCINES/VACCINATION - Requires that communication issued about immunization requirements include exemption information and applies exemptions not only to students seeking to enter school but also to students attending school |
| | HB95 | MIKE JOHNSON | PUBLIC MEETINGS - Provides for the use of a consent agenda by certain school boards and parish governing authorities |
| | HB103 | MIKE JOHNSON | PUBLIC MEETINGS - Requires certain public bodies to broadcast meetings live via television or the internet (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note) |
| | HB119 | ROMERO | UNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Provides relative to the duration of unemployment compensation benefits and provides for extended benefits (EN +$81,550 FF EX See Note) |
| | HB146 | FARNUM | SABINE RIVER AUTHORITY - Provides relative to board appointments for the Sabine River Authority |
| | HB156 | WILDER | EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS - Requires a recreation or meal period for minors under sixteen years of age |
| | HB225 | BOYD | DISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Creates the Tall Timbers Crime Prevention and Improvement District in New Orleans |
| | HB247 | ECHOLS | UNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Provides relative to criminal penalties for accepting overpayment of unemployment benefits |
| | HB255 | CHARLES OWEN | CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the classified police service in the city of Leesville |
| | HB268 | MIKE JOHNSON | PUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to the confidentiality of certain records |
| | HB270 | BOYD | ASSESSORS - Provides relative to the application and fee required by the Orleans Parish assessor for a tax exemption |
| | HB271 | HUGHES | DISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the parish hospital service district in New Orleans |
| | HB272 | HUGHES | DISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the Pressburg East Neighborhood Improvement and Security District in New Orleans |
| | HB285 | WRIGHT | STATE DEPARTMENT - Provides for the division of election integrity within the Department of State (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB303 | BOYER | SNAP/FOOD STAMPS - Requires the office of juvenile justice to report if a juvenile is placed in custody for the adjustment of SNAP benefits (EN SEE FISC NOTE) |
| | HB323 | FREIBERG | PARISH/GOVERN AUTHORITY - Provides relative to a travel allowance for members of the governing authority of East Baton Rouge Parish |
| | HB331 | KNOX | TAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Requires the Orleans Parish School Board to be notified of certain agreements that affect property taxes levied in Orleans Parish |
| | HB340 | PHELPS | SCHOOLS - Requires public school governing authorities to provide for a tracking system for parental complaints |
| | HB353 | GEYMANN | HIGHWAYS - Provides for the use of golf carts on certain highways in the municipalities of Church Point, Lake Arthur, and Westlake |
| | HB357 | AMEDEE | BANKS/BANKING - Provides relative to central bank digital currency |
| | HB363 | PHELPS | SCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Requires in-service training for school nurses on caring for students with sickle cell disease (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB382 | DEWITT | HUNTING/LICENSES - Repeals obsolete hunting license provisions |
| | HB390 | CARRIER | LIBRARIES - Provides relative to compensation for members of the Allen Parish Libraries Board of Control |
| | HB393 | LYONS | MENTAL HEALTH - Requires support services for individuals with dementia (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB400 | RISER | HUNTING/LICENSES - Provides relative to lifetime combination hunting and fishing licenses (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV) |
| | HB426 | MELERINE | ETHICS/CODE - Provides exceptions to the Code of Governmental Ethics |
| | HB428 | BOYD | INSURANCE/PROPERTY - Provides relative to the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation |
| | HB456 | DAVIS | EDUCATION - Provides relative to the administration of medication at school |
| | HB461 | JACKSON | PUBLIC RECORDS - Provides for the confidentiality of documents related to local and parish economic development projects |
| | HB488 | WRIGHT | COMMERCE - Provides relative to blockchain and digital asset regulation |
| | HB493 | RISER | CEMETERIES - Provides for the merger of cemetery trust funds |
| | HB555 | DESHOTEL | PUBLIC CONTRACT/BIDS - Provides relative to contracts for garbage collection in parishes and municipalities |
| | HB558 | TURNER | MEDICAID - Provides relative to the Local Healthcare Provider Participation Program (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV) |
| | HB560 | HUGHES | DISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to the New Orleans Regional Business Park |
| | HB561 | KNOX | DISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides for a Lafitte Greenway Economic Development District |
| | HB562 | KNOX | DISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides relative to the boundaries of the New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority Economic Growth and Development District |
| | HB596 | DESHOTEL | LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Provides relative to the election of home rule charter commissions |
| | HB602 | DAVIS | HEALTH - Provides relative to stock emergency medications |
| | HB629 | PHELPS | STUDENT/SCH ATTENDANCE - Provides relative to responsibilities of parents and schools with respect to truant children |
| | HB634 | FREIBERG | TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL - Authorizes the governing authority of certain parishes to distribute sales and use tax revenue collected on the sale of admission tickets to certain events |
| | HB635 | BAGLEY | DISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Six to levy a sales and use tax |
| | HB638 | MUSCARELLO | PRIVATE SECURITY - Provides relative to entities practicing as licensed private security businesses |
| | HB643 | HUGHES | HOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides relative to the membership of the Housing Authority of New Orleans |
| | HB660 | BAYHAM | FLOODING/CONTROL - Names the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier after President George W. Bush |
| | HB677 | BEAULLIEU | ELECTION CODE - Makes revisions to the system of laws providing for elections (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB684 | RISER | HUNTING - Provides relative to bear hunting |
| | HB713 | GADBERRY | SURVEYORS - Provides relative to the practice of land surveying and the practice of engineering |
| | HB739 | FONTENOT | CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to certain officers, employees, and positions in the classified fire and police civil service (EN DECREASE SG EX See Note) |
| | HB763 | BEAULLIEU | ELECTIONS - Provides relative to federal election guidance and funding |
| | HB768 | FARNUM | PUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to custodian liability for public records requests |
| | HB795 | ZERINGUE | FUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for revenue reductions from free and discounted recreational hunting and fishing licenses (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | HB799 | ST. BLANC | GOVERNOR - Provides for the Louisiana Governor's Mansion Advisory Commission |
| | HB806 | GEYMANN | COASTAL RESOURCES - Provides for membership on the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board |
| | HB807 | FONTENOT | FIRE PROTECT/FIRE DEPTS - Establishes service award eligibility for all qualified firefighters |
| | HB810 | GEYMANN | NATURAL RESOURCES DEPT - Provides for the organization, duties, and responsibilities of the Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX) |
| | HB829 | LYONS | HEALTH/LDH - Provides relative to the Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for EarlySteps: Louisiana's Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families (EN NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB835 | MCFARLAND | COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to electric vehicle charging technology and equipment networks |
| | HB839 | HEBERT | INSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to step therapy or fail first protocols (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note) |
| | HB847 | ORGERON | FISHING/FINFISH - Provides for the creation and use of the Marine Finfish Stock Enhancement Fund |
| | HB849 | ILLG | HEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Provides relative to healthcare outcomes for patient's suffering with behavioral health issues |
| | HB856 | MIKE JOHNSON | VOTING/MACHINES - Provides that the secretary of state shall be responsible for voting system maintenance and repair (EGF NO IMPACT See Note) |
| | HB869 | PHELPS | HEALTH/SICKLE CELL ANEM - Requires continuing education for the treatment of sickle cell disease for physicians and physician assistants |
| | HB881 | BEAULLIEU | CULTURE/FRENCH - Provides relative to the membership of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana |
| | HB883 | PHELPS | HEALTH CARE/FACILITIES - Allows the provision of data relative to sickle cell disease (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) |
| | HB888 | STAGNI | SOCIAL WORKER - Provides relative to the Social Work Licensure Compact (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX See Note) |
| | HB903 | NEWELL | MUSEUMS/STATE MUSEUM - Provides relative to the position of museum director for the Louisiana State Museum |
| | HB908 | AMEDEE | VACCINES/VACCINATION - Prohibits discrimination against students on the basis of vaccination status |
| | HB917 | PHELPS | EARLY CHILDHOOD - Provides that Act No. 84 of the 2023 Regular Session of the Legislature shall be known and may be cited as "Armani's Law" |
| | HB923 | BOYER | MTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides relative to requirements for private training and driving instructor schools |
| | HB934 | LACOMBE | ENERGY/CONSERVATION - Provides for the dedication of revenue from carbon dioxide sequestration on state lands and water bottoms (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note) |
| | HB974 | CARLSON | LIBRARIES - Provides relative to qualifications for library directors |
House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call |
| | HB13 | EMERSON | RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN +$16,600 FC SG EX) |
| | HB97 | MCMAKIN | CRIME - Provides relative to the crime of solicitation on certain highways and streets |
| | HB612 | MCFARLAND | ENERGY/PIPELINES - Provides a voluntary process for pipeline crossing disputes |
| | HB613 | FIRMENT | INSURANCE/RATES - Provides relative to the ratemaking system utilized by insurers and rating organizations relative to rate filings |
| | HB686 | MCFARLAND | PROPERTY/SERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline servitudes |
Instruments Pending Senate Conference |
| | HB792 | BACALA | CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to criminal adjudications (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX) |