RS 39
RS 39:1
RS 39:2
RS 39:3
RS 39:4
RS 39:5
Commissioner of administration; bond
RS 39:6
§6. Duties of commissioner
RS 39:7
Inspection, visitations, and examinations by the governor
RS 39:8
Delegation of authority
RS 39:11
RS 39:12
Powers and duties
RS 39:13
Comprehensive state lands inventory; nonproductive property; annual reporting; sale at public auction
RS 39:14
RS 39:15.1
Office of technology services; scope
RS 39:15.1.1
Criminal history information; access to federal tax information
RS 39:15.1.2
Criminal history information; access to restricted data
RS 39:15.2
Office of technology services; state chief information officer
RS 39:15.3
Office of technology services; offices and staff; duties
RS 39:15.4
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §8(B).
RS 39:15.5
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §8(B).
RS 39:15.6
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §9.
RS 39:15.7
State Cybersecurity and Information Technology Fund
RS 39:15.11
Legislative intent
RS 39:15.12
RS 39:15.13
Louisiana Cybersecurity Commission; creation; membership
RS 39:15.14
Purposes and powers of the commission
RS 39:15.15
Staffing of the commission; reports
RS 39:16.1
RS 39:16.2
Duties of the commissioner relative to the Louisiana Fiscal Transparency Website
RS 39:16.3
Duties of the commissioner relative to the functionality, content, accessibility, reporting of the website.
RS 39:16.4
Duties of the commissioner relative to the expenditure database
RS 39:16.5
Duties of the commissioner relative to the contracts database
RS 39:16.6
Duties of the commissioner relative to the payroll database
RS 39:16.7
Duties of the commissioner relative to the report database
RS 39:16.8
Duties of the commissioner relative to the boards and commission database
RS 39:16.9
Duties of the commissioner relative to the state debt database
RS 39:16.10
Duties of the commissioner relative to the incentives database
RS 39:16.11
Duties of the commissioner relative to the dedicated funds database
RS 39:16.12
Duties of the commissioner relative to the performance database
RS 39:16.13
Compliance auditing
RS 39:16.14
No authority to review, approve or deny expenditures of the legislature or the judiciary
RS 39:17.1
RS 39:17.2
Digitized credentials; authorization; implementation; validity
RS 39:17.3
RS 39:17.4
RS 39:17.5
RS 39:21
State planning; powers, duties, and functions
RS 39:21.1
Consensus estimating conferences; general provisions
RS 39:21.2
Use of official information by state agencies
RS 39:21.3
Consensus estimating conferences; duties and principals
RS 39:21.4
Sessions of consensus estimating conferences; workpapers
RS 39:22
Revenue Estimating Conference
RS 39:23
Official information
RS 39:24
Official forecast
RS 39:24.1
Incentive expenditure programs forecast
RS 39:25
Public meetings
RS 39:26
RS 39:27
Presiding principal; workpapers; participant information
RS 39:28
Forms for the budget request
RS 39:29
Budget guidelines
RS 39:30
Continuous financial planning
RS 39:31
Strategic planning
RS 39:32
Budget request contents
RS 39:32.1
Budget request forms, content, and submission; postsecondary education formula funded agencies
RS 39:33
Agency budget request; time of submission; standing committees
RS 39:33.1
Determination of expenditure limit
RS 39:33.2
Minimum Foundation Program formula; return to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; procedure
RS 39:33.3
Determination of Government Growth Limit
RS 39:34
Executive budget
RS 39:35
Duties of governor in preparing the executive budget
RS 39:36
Contents and format of executive budget; supporting document
RS 39:37
Executive budget to be printed and distributed
RS 39:38
Additional proposals
RS 39:39
Transportation Trust Fund; submission of suggested budget
RS 39:51
General Appropriation Bill; other appropriation bills
RS 39:51.1
General Appropriation Bill and other appropriation bills; nongovernmental entity funding request form; exemptions
RS 39:52
Revenue bills
RS 39:52.1
Change in expenditure limit
RS 39:53
Adoption of financial plan
RS 39:54
Limitations on appropriations
RS 39:55
Legislative summary of appropriations
RS 39:56
State budget to be prepared by governor
RS 39:57
Interpretation of items in appropriation acts or state budget
RS 39:57.1
Allocation of expenditures
RS 39:58
Revolving working capital appropriations
RS 39:71
Monthly allotments from appropriations
RS 39:72
Quarterly review of budget estimates and authorizations of allotments
RS 39:72.1
Compliance with audit requirements
RS 39:73
Allotments to govern expenditures; transfers of allotments
RS 39:74
Avoidance of cash flow deficits
RS 39:75
Avoidance of budget deficits
RS 39:76
Elimination of year-end deficits
RS 39:77
Expenditure of monies in excess of funds appropriated; removal from office
RS 39:78
Uniform systems of accounting
RS 39:79
Sworn statements to be provided; quarterly report of receivables and debts owed the state
RS 39:80
Fiscal reporting
RS 39:81
State and statewide retirement systems; operating budgets
RS 39:82
Remission of cash balances to the state treasurer; authorized withdrawals of state monies after the close of the fiscal year; reports
RS 39:82.1
Reporting on special funds
RS 39:82.2
Reporting on federal and state funds allocated to mental health services
RS 39:83
Automated personnel and position information system
RS 39:84
Budget controls on personnel
RS 39:84.1
Agency position attrition analysis process
RS 39:84.2
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, §8, eff. July 7, 1989 and Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:84.3
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, §8, eff. July 7, 1989 and Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85
Changes in personnel table
RS 39:85.1
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.2
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.3
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.4
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.5
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.6
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:85.7
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:86
Central payroll system
RS 39:87
Ballot proposition polling the legislature
RS 39:87.1
Short title; legislative intent
RS 39:87.2
Performance data; rewards and penalties; modifications to data
RS 39:87.3
Performance progress reports
RS 39:87.4
Performance rewards and penalties
RS 39:87.5
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 612, §22, eff. July 1, 2020.
RS 39:87.6
Gainsharing Program
RS 39:87.7
Evidence-based budget process
RS 39:88.1
Short title; legislative intent
RS 39:88.2
Collection policy and procedure
RS 39:88.3
Collection by sale or securitization; direction to the commissioner
RS 39:88.4
State agencies; compliance
RS 39:88.5
Cash Management Review Board; oversight
RS 39:91
Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund
RS 39:92
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1149, 5, eff. Nov. 5, 1998.
RS 39:93
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1149, 5, eff. Nov. 5, 1998.
RS 39:94
Budget Stabilization Fund
RS 39:95
Annual determination of Budget Stabilization Fund balance
RS 39:97
Mineral Revenue Audit and Settlement Fund
RS 39:97.1
Short title
RS 39:97.2
Declaration of purpose
RS 39:97.3
Louisiana Asbestos Detection and Abatement Fund
RS 39:97.4
Legal counsel; attorney general
RS 39:97.5
Construction of Subpart
RS 39:98.1
Creation of funds
RS 39:98.2
Investment of Millennium Trust
RS 39:98.3
Appropriations from the Health Excellence Fund, the Education Excellence Fund, and the TOPS Fund
RS 39:98.4
Louisiana Fund
RS 39:98.5
Millennium Leverage Fund
RS 39:98.6
Security to be furnished for appeal; Master Settlement Agreement
RS 39:98.7
Tobacco Settlement Enforcement Fund
RS 39:99
Investment contracts; definitions; obligations of state treasurer; obligations of participating school boards; contractual requirements
RS 39:99.1
RS 39:99.2
Legislative findings and intent
RS 39:99.3
RS 39:99.4
Corporation created; domicile; fiscal year
RS 39:99.5
Governing board; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; chairman and vice chairman; quorum; employees, agents; limitation of liability
RS 39:99.6
Purposes and powers of the corporation
RS 39:99.7
Corporate existence; dissolution
RS 39:99.8
Staff; counsel; assistance by state officers, departments and agencies; auditors; consultants
RS 39:99.9
Exemption from taxation
RS 39:99.10
RS 39:99.11
Exclusive jurisdiction and venue; service of process; bond validation actions
RS 39:99.12
Sale of tobacco assets
RS 39:99.13
Ownership of tobacco assets and tobacco settlement payments
RS 39:99.14
Issuance of bonds of the corporation
RS 39:99.15
Security for payment of bonds; provisions of trust indenture or resolution
RS 39:99.16
Ancillary contracts and swaps
RS 39:99.17
Bonds exempt from taxation
RS 39:99.18
Bond and other proceeds received by the state
RS 39:99.19
Pledge and agreement
RS 39:99.20
Construction and effect
RS 39:99.26
RS 39:99.27
RS 39:99.28
Corporation created; domicile; fiscal year
RS 39:99.29
Governing board; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; chairman and vice chairman; quorum; employees, agents; limitation of liability
RS 39:99.30
Purposes and powers
RS 39:99.31
Corporate existence; dissolution
RS 39:99.32
Staff; counsel; assistance by state officers, departments and agencies; auditors; consultants
RS 39:99.33
Exemption from taxation
RS 39:99.34
RS 39:99.35
Exclusive jurisdiction and venue; service of process; bond validation actions
RS 39:99.36
Sale of offshore royalty revenue assets
RS 39:99.37
Ownership of Offshore Royalty Revenue assets and Offshore Royalty Revenue payments
RS 39:99.38
Issuance of bonds of the corporation
RS 39:99.39
Security for payment of bonds; provisions of trust indenture or resolution
RS 39:99.40
Ancillary contracts and derivative instruments
RS 39:99.41
DWH NRD revenue
RS 39:99.42
RESTORE revenue
RS 39:99.43
Bonds exempt from taxation
RS 39:99.44
Bond and other proceeds received by the state
RS 39:99.45
Pledge and agreement
RS 39:99.46
Construction and effect
RS 39:100.1
Sports Facility Assistance Fund
RS 39:100.11
Jean Boudreaux Settlement Compromise Fund; purpose
RS 39:100.12
Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 39:100.21
Overcollections Fund
RS 39:100.26
Louisiana Superdome Fund; purpose
RS 39:100.31
State Emergency Response Fund
RS 39:100.35
Calcasieu River Bridge Fund
RS 39:100.36
Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 39:100.41
Legislative Intent
RS 39:100.42
RS 39:100.43
Coronavirus Local Recovery Allocation Program
RS 39:100.44
Louisiana Main Street Recovery Program
RS 39:100.44.1
Louisiana Main Street Recovery Program; Louisiana Rescue Plan Funds; Loggers Relief; Save Our Screens
RS 39:100.44.2
Port Relief; Small Business and Nonprofit Assistance
RS 39:100.45
State Coronavirus Relief Fund
RS 39:100.46
Changes in federal legislation
RS 39:100.47
Duties of the legislative auditor
RS 39:100.48
Critical Infrastructure Workers Hazard Pay Rebate Fund
RS 39:100.49
2021 Market Adjustments Reduction Fund
RS 39:100.50
2021 Budget Reconciliation Fund
RS 39:100.51
Louisiana Rescue Plan Fund; purpose
RS 39:100.52
Water Sector Fund
RS 39:100.53
Granting Unserved Municipalities Broadband Opportunities Fund
RS 39:100.54
Louisiana Tourism Revival Fund
RS 39:100.55
Louisiana Tourism Revival Program
RS 39:100.56
Water Sector Program
RS 39:100.57
Louisiana Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund
RS 39:100.58
Louisiana Small Business and Nonprofit Assistance Fund
RS 39:100.59
Louisiana Port Relief Fund
RS 39:100.59.1
Southwest Louisiana Hurricane Recovery Fund
RS 39:100.59.2
Capital Outlay Relief Fund
RS 39:100.59.3
Correctional Facility Capital Outlay Fund
RS 39:100.61
New Opportunities Waiver Fund
RS 39:100.62
Community Options Waiver Fund
RS 39:100.65
Special Education Classroom Monitoring Fund
RS 39:100.71
Blue Tarp Fund: purpose
RS 39:100.81
Community Water Enrichment and Other Improvements Fund
RS 39:100.91
Grants for Grads Program; intent, definitions, program
RS 39:100.92
Grants for Grads Prob
RS 39:100.93
Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 39:100.94
Grants for Grads Program; grants; recapture of grant funds under certain circumstances
RS 39:100.95
Grants for Grads Program; rulemaking
RS 39:100.101
Power-Based Fund; purpose
RS 39:100.111
This Subpart shall be known as the "Restrict, Restore, Rebuild Act".
RS 39:100.112
Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund
RS 39:100.113
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §13.
RS 39:100.114
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §13.
RS 39:100.115
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §13.
RS 39:100.116
Dedication of Mineral Revenues
RS 39:100.117
Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §13.
RS 39:100.118
Local Revenue Fund
RS 39:100.121
Capital Outlay Savings Fund
RS 39:100.122
Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Repayment Fund; purpose
RS 39:100.123
Construction Subfund Preservation Account
RS 39:100.124
Matching Funds Fund; creation
RS 39:100.125
Early Childhood Supports and Services Program Fund; creation
RS 39:100.126
Major Events Fund
RS 39:100.136
Specialized Educational Institutions Support Fund
RS 39:100.146
Rural Primary Care Physicians Development Fund; creation
RS 39:100.151
State Land Office Reforestation Fund
RS 39:100.161
Louisiana Unclaimed Property Permanent Trust Fund
RS 39:100.171
Hurricane Ida Recovery Fund
RS 39:100.181
Continuum of Care Fund
RS 39:100.191
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Louisiana Tourism Revival Fund
RS 39:100.201
Political Subdivision Federal Grant Assistance Fund
RS 39:100.211
Court Modernization and Technology Fund
RS 39:100.221
Public Safety and Crime Prevention Fund
RS 39:100.231
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Office of State Fire Marshal, and Office of the State Public Defender Compensation Fund
RS 39:100.241
Criminal Justice Priority Funding Commission Program
RS 39:100.242
Criminal Justice Priority Fund
RS 39:100.251
Criminal Justice and First Responder Fund
RS 39:100.252
Louisiana Transportation Infrastructure Fund
RS 39:100.253
Higher Education Campus Revitalization Fund
RS 39:100.261
Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Fund
RS 39:101
Capital outlay budget request; feasibility studies
RS 39:102
Capital outlay budget request contents
RS 39:103
Standards for capital projects and evaluations
RS 39:104
Capital outlay budget preparation
RS 39:105
Capital Outlay reports to Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
RS 39:111
Capital outlay budget submission
RS 39:112
Capital Outlay Act
RS 39:113
RS 39:114
Revised capital outlay budget
RS 39:115
Notice requirements
RS 39:116
Capital Outlay reporting requirements; projects in any Capital Outlay Budget Act for eight or more years; completed projects
RS 39:121
Division of administration powers, duties, and functions
RS 39:121.1
Timely submission of invoices
RS 39:122
Commencement of work; delays in construction; public statement; allocated funds
RS 39:123
Construction progress report
RS 39:124
Periodic inspections
RS 39:125
Acceptance of project; guarantee period
RS 39:125.1
Disposal of projects which received funding through the capital outlay budget; limitations; requirements
RS 39:126
Change orders
RS 39:127
Allocation of space
RS 39:127.1
Space acquisition; State Capitol Complex and Downtown Development District of the city of Baton Rouge
RS 39:127.2
Utilization of office space in state owned buildings
RS 39:128
RS 39:131
Statement of purpose
RS 39:132
RS 39:133
Receipt and deposit of federal funds
RS 39:134
Legislative appropriation authority
RS 39:134.1
American Jobs Plan Act
RS 39:135
Federal block grants; legislative intent
RS 39:136
§136. Board of Regents Electronic Notification Process
RS 39:137
Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 560, §5, eff. August 15, 2003 (Subsections F and G eff. June 27, 2003).
RS 39:140
Office of telecommunications management; creation and authority
RS 39:141
Duties of the office of telecommunications management
RS 39:142
Duties of state agencies
RS 39:143
RS 39:171
Base-line projection; purpose
RS 39:172
RS 39:173
RS 39:174
Base-line projection report; development; promulgation
RS 39:175
Official five-year base-line budget projection
RS 39:196
Application of Part: responsibility for determining; state chief information officer
RS 39:197
RS 39:198
Types of contracts permitted
RS 39:199
Methods of procurement
RS 39:199.1
Alternative procedures
RS 39:200
General provisions
RS 39:211
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:212
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:213
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:214
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:215
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:216
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §8.
RS 39:231
Commissioner to prescribe rules governing travel and traveling expenses; use of state aircraft and other vehicles by statewide elected officials; minimum prices allowed for meals to state employees
RS 39:232
Authorization of forms to be used in financial and business administration
RS 39:233
Petty cash
RS 39:234
Form and use of treasury pay-in vouchers
RS 39:235
Private funds and contributions
RS 39:236
Special deposits and refunds
RS 39:237
Monthly statements from state depositories
RS 39:238
No exception to provisions of this Chapter to be implied
RS 39:239
Financial requests from board of liquidation of the state debt; initial submission of such requests to commissioner of administration
RS 39:240
Food service facilities; recovery of raw food cost
RS 39:241
Commissioner to adopt uniform schedule for copies of public records of state agencies; waiver of fees
RS 39:242
Imprest funds
RS 39:243
Use of signature machines
RS 39:244
Use of facsimile signatures and seals authorized; penalty for fraudulent use
RS 39:245
Uniform consolidated mailroom
RS 39:246
Fiscal Year 1988-1989 budget surplus; first use payment; unfunded accrued liability
RS 39:247
Direct deposit payroll system
RS 39:248
Government service centers
RS 39:249
Prohibition of pornography on state computers
RS 39:251
Short title
RS 39:252
RS 39:253
Development and coordination of policy
RS 39:254
Implementation of recommendations; funding
RS 39:255
RS 39:256
RS 39:257
Reporting requirements
RS 39:290
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:291
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:292
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:293
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:294
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:295
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:296
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:297
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:298
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 772, 6, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 39:301
Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 815, §5.
RS 39:302
Adaptation for persons with disabilities
RS 39:303
Repealed by Acts 1968, No. 38, 3, eff. July 31, 1968.
RS 39:311
To 316 Terminated by Acts 1976, No. 538, 2, eff. March 10, 1980
RS 39:321
RS 39:322
Appointment of property managers
RS 39:323
Marking of property
RS 39:324
Inventory of property
RS 39:325
Inventory reports; head of agency to furnish information
RS 39:326
Regulations of commissioner governing inventories, inventory reports, other records; sanctions for noncompliance
RS 39:327
Records and documents subject to examination
RS 39:328
Notice to commissioner prior to inventory; supervision by division
RS 39:329
Annual audit by Legislative Auditor
RS 39:330
Responsibility for property; bond for property manager; trade-ins for higher education boards and institutions and vocational-technical schools
RS 39:330.1
Sale of surplus property
RS 39:330.2
Disposal of surplus telecommunications equipment
RS 39:330.3
Sale of damaged property held by the office of risk management
RS 39:331
Application of Part
RS 39:332
Regulations and orders by commissioner
RS 39:332.1
State Buildings and Lands Highest and Best Use Advisory Group; creation
RS 39:333
Scope of part
RS 39:333.1
Office of state comptroller merged and consolidated into the division of administration
RS 39:334
Commissioner as general accountant of state; keeper of records; duties
RS 39:335
Levee districts and duties of commissioner of administration
RS 39:336
Extra compensation for deputy sheriffs
RS 39:337
Settlement of claims on bonds due state
RS 39:338
Compromise of tax claims on property adjudicated to the state
RS 39:339
All claims to be exhibited to commissioner of administration
RS 39:340
Examination of witnesses on oath
RS 39:341
Copy of oath to be transmitted to commissioner of administration
RS 39:342
Execution and recordation of notary bond; filing of certificate of competency
RS 39:343
Accounts, vouchers, and documents to be preserved; copies
RS 39:344
Warrants; form
RS 39:345
No warrant without previous appropriation
RS 39:345.1
Denial of warrants pursuant to resolution of the Joint Legislative Committe on the Budget
RS 39:346
Warrants to be numbered and entered
RS 39:347
Reference of decisions to legislature
RS 39:348
Certificates of payment
RS 39:349
Cancellation of interest warrants and coupons
RS 39:350
Unissued coupons to be destroyed
RS 39:351
Cancellation of erroneous assessments
RS 39:352
Cancellation of unexpended portions of appropriations; exceptions
RS 39:353
Access to books of state offices
RS 39:354
Authority to administer oaths
RS 39:355
Collection of funds for a third party
RS 39:360
Policy for use of state owned aircraft; criteria; maintenance
RS 39:361
Policy for use of state owned vehicles; establishment of fleet management program
RS 39:362
Policies for fleet vehicles; purchase of vehicles; specifications; exceptions
RS 39:362.1
Purchase of certain state owned vehicles for use by a statewide elected official
RS 39:363
Pooling of state owned vehicles; determination of need; exclusions
RS 39:364
Purchase or lease of fleet vehicles; use of alternative fuel vehicles; exceptions
RS 39:364.1
Preservation of choice in vehicle purchases; combustion engine vehicles
RS 39:365
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 532, 2.
RS 39:366.1
Short name
RS 39:366.2
Purpose and goals
RS 39:366.3
RS 39:366.4
Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1162, 2.
RS 39:366.5
Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1162, 2.
RS 39:366.6
Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1162, 2.
RS 39:366.11
Reporting on the progress and status of cooperative endeavors
RS 39:366.21
Reporting on the status and progress of litigation settlements
RS 39:367
Policy formulation
RS 39:371
Cash management review board; creation
RS 39:372
Powers; policies; reports
RS 39:373
RS 39:374
RS 39:401
Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 428, §3, eff. July 31, 1976.
RS 39:408
Surplus funds of legislative auditor; remittance and disbursement
RS 39:409
Daily deposits and investment of funds received by sheriffs
RS 39:410
Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 557, §6.
RS 39:440
Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 428, §3, eff. July 31, 1976.
RS 39:451
Bond Security and Redemption Fund
RS 39:452
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:453
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:454
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:455
Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 24, §7, eff. June 12, 2009.
RS 39:456
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:461
Interim emergency board; creation; officers; quorum; domicile; notification of meeting; public records; per diem
RS 39:461.1
Emergency funds; legislative consent; procedure
RS 39:461.2
Returned ballots
RS 39:461.3
Fiscal information
RS 39:461.4
Capital budget bond projects; priority changes; legislative consent; procedure
RS 39:461.5
Exception to procedure for legislative consent
RS 39:461.6
Transfer of records
RS 39:461.7
Limitation on indebtedness
RS 39:461.8
Allocation from state general fund
RS 39:461.9
Changing capital outlay project descriptions
RS 39:462
Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 428, 3, eff. July 31, 1976
RS 39:462.1
Louisiana Rural Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program; purposes
RS 39:462.2
Louisiana Rural Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program; definitions
RS 39:462.3
Louisiana Rural Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program Fund
RS 39:462.4
Revolving loan fund; eligibility requirements; loans for eligible infrastructure projects; authorizing and issuing debt; security; interest rates; tax exemption
RS 39:462.5
General power to issue and incur debt; guarantees of the debt of other entities
RS 39:462.6
Duties of the legislative auditor
RS 39:462.7
Reports to the legislature
RS 39:462.8
Subject to Appropriation
RS 39:465.1
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.2
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.3
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.4
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.5
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.6
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.7
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:465.8
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.1
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.2
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.3
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.4
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.5
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.6
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.7
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:466.11
Authorization to buildings, structures and facilities
RS 39:466.12
RS 39:466.13
RS 39:467
Sales of services and tangible personal property at a publicly owned domed stadium facility or baseball facility; sales and use tax; exemptions
RS 39:468
Sales of services and tangible personal property at certain public facilities; sales and use tax; exemptions
RS 39:469
Tax rebate; publicly-owned facility activity
RS 39:471
RS 39:471.1
Certain home rule charter parishes
RS 39:472
Interest on default in paying certificates of indebtedness
RS 39:473
Facsimile signatures on securities of state or political subdivisions
RS 39:501
RS 39:502
Purposes, rules of construction
RS 39:503
RS 39:504
Statutory lien
RS 39:505
Authorization, sale, execution, and registration of bonds
RS 39:506
Rights of bondholders
RS 39:507
Validity of bonds; recital of regularity
RS 39:508
Applicability of general bond laws
RS 39:509
RS 39:510
Notice of default
RS 39:511
Exemption from taxation; legal investments
RS 39:512
Bonds negotiable and incontestable
RS 39:513
Application of proceeds
RS 39:514
Bond validation
RS 39:515
Lost, destroyed, or cancelled bonds
RS 39:516
Employment of counsel; fees
RS 39:517
No other statutes applicable
RS 39:521
General obligation bonds
RS 39:522
Limited tax bonds secured by special ad valorem taxes
RS 39:523
Sales tax bonds
RS 39:524
Revenue bonds
RS 39:525
Limited revenue bonds secured by a parcel fee or service charge
RS 39:526
Excess revenue bonds and certificates of indebtedness
RS 39:527
Revenue anticipation notes
RS 39:528
Bond anticipation notes
RS 39:529
Grant anticipation notes
RS 39:530
Assessment certificates
RS 39:531
Refunding bonds
RS 39:551
Subdivisions; power to incur debt and issue bonds
RS 39:551.1
Parish, ward, or municipality; power to incur debt and issue bonds to encourage industrial enterprises
RS 39:551.2
Industrial districts; creation authorized and powers defined
RS 39:551.3
Industrial parks; power of parish or industrial district to incur debt and issue bonds; debt limitations
RS 39:551.4
Caddo Parish Industrial District
RS 39:551.5
North Webster Parish Industrial District
RS 39:551.6
South Webster Parish Industrial District
RS 39:551.7
DeSoto Parish Industrial District
RS 39:551.8
Sabine Parish Industrial District
RS 39:551.9
Lake Borgne Basin Levee District general obligation bonds
RS 39:551.10
RS 39:551.11
Vernon Parish Industrial Development District
RS 39:552
Parish purposes
RS 39:553
Municipal purposes
RS 39:554
School district purposes
RS 39:555
Road district purposes
RS 39:556
Sewerage district purposes
RS 39:557
Waterworks district purposes
RS 39:558
Drainage district purposes
RS 39:559
Hospital district purposes
RS 39:559.1
Hospital service districts; revenue bonds
RS 39:560
Fire protection district; purposes
RS 39:560.1
Gas utility districts
RS 39:561
Issuing bonds; resolution
RS 39:562
Limit of indebtedness
RS 39:562.1
Provisions of R.S. 39:562 inapplicable to certain debts and bonds
RS 39:562.2
Limit of indebtedness of school districts in Beauregard, DeSoto, Sabine and Vernon parishes
RS 39:562.3
Limit of indebtedness of School District No. Ward 1, of Allen Parish
RS 39:563
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:564
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:565
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:566
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:567
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:568
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:569
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:569.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:570
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:570.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:571
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:572
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:573
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:574
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:575
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:576
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:577
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:578
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:611
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:612
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:612.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:613
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:614
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:615
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:615.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:615.2
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021
RS 39:616
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:616.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:617
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:618
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:619
Political subdivisions may not file petitions in federal court for confirmation of readjustment plans without the consent of the state
RS 39:620
Certified copies of petitions or readjustment plans in federal court to be furnished governor and Attorney General
RS 39:621
Enactment declared to be under powers reserved to state by federal constitution and laws
RS 39:622
Provisions retroactive
RS 39:641
RS 39:642
Issuance and sale of bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness
RS 39:643
Continuation of Parish One Cent Gasoline Fund
RS 39:644
Expenditure of proceeds of sale of bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness
RS 39:645
RS 39:661
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:662
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:663
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:664
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:665
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:666
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:667
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:668
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:669
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:670
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:671
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:672
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:681
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:682
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:683
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:684
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:691
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:692
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:693
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:694
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:695
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:696
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:697
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.2
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.3
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.4
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.5
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.6
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.7
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.8
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.9
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.10
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.11
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.12
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:698.13
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:699
Jefferson Parish funding
RS 39:701
Subdivisions; power to levy special taxes
RS 39:702
Special taxes; purposes
RS 39:703
Levy and assessment of special taxes
RS 39:704
Proceeds of special tax
RS 39:705
Issuance of bonds and levy of acreage tax
RS 39:706
Other laws applicable
RS 39:741
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:742
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:742.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:742.2
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:742.3
Fire District No. 8; borrowing limitations; waiver; authorization
RS 39:743
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:744
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:745
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:746
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:747
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:748
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:781
Elections to levy special taxes in aid of specified enterprises
RS 39:782
Time and place of election; persons entitled to vote
RS 39:783
Endorsing name on ballot
RS 39:784
Ordinance levying tax
RS 39:785
Voters shall be registered where election is held
RS 39:786
Levy and collection of tax
RS 39:787
Conduct of election
RS 39:788
Assignment of right to tax
RS 39:791
Blank. See, now, R.S. 33:7726
RS 39:801
Purpose; millage authorization
RS 39:802
Special taxes; limitations
RS 39:803
RS 39:804
Operable date of act
RS 39:811
Local funds for support of elementary and secondary schools
RS 39:812
RS 39:813
Levy of tax; contesting validity
RS 39:814
Election procedure
RS 39:815
Special taxes authorized between January 1, 1975 and February 20, 1975; ratified
RS 39:816
School District Number 3 of Jefferson Davis Parish; imposition of parcel fee, submission to voters; amount; collection; use of proceeds
RS 39:816.1
Consolidated School District Number 1 of Jefferson Davis Parish; imposition of parcel fee, submission to voters; amount; collection; use of proceeds
RS 39:817
School District No. 4 of Cameron Parish; imposition of parcel fee, submission to voters; amount; collection; use of proceeds
RS 39:821
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:822
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:823
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:824
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:825
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:826
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:827
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:828
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:828.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:829
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:830
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:831
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:832
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:833
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:833.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:834
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:835
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:836
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:837
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:838
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:839
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:840
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:841
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:842
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:871
Municipal and parochial corporations and state subdivisions; authority to borrow money
RS 39:911
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:912
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:913
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:914
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:931
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:932
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:933
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:934
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:971
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:972
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:973
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:974
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:991
Authorization to issue revenue bonds
RS 39:991.1
Authorization to issue revenue bonds; South Louisiana Port Commission
RS 39:991.2
Authorization to issue revenue bonds; port commissions and port, harbor, and terminal districts
RS 39:992
Resolution; nature and form of bonds
RS 39:993
Mortgage and pledge; rights of bond holders
RS 39:994
Priority of lien
RS 39:995
Bonds as negotiable instruments
RS 39:996
Lease, sublease, or sale of project prior to issuance of bonds; terms and conditions
RS 39:997
Approval by State Bond Commission; validation; interest rates
RS 39:998
Sale of bonds
RS 39:999
Refunding bonds
RS 39:1000
Publication of resolution; contest validity
RS 39:1001
Part as full authority
RS 39:1002
Payments constitute statutory impositions
RS 39:1011
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1012
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1013
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1014
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1015
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1016
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1017
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1018
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1019
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1020
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1021
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1022
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1023
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1024
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1025
Parish school board bonds
RS 39:1031
Purposes, rules of construction
RS 39:1032
RS 39:1033
General power to issue bonds
RS 39:1034
Authority to issue particular type bonds
RS 39:1034.1
Limitation on increases in the millage rate and collection of resulting taxes for ad valorem taxes of the Board of Liquidation
RS 39:1035
Manner of issuing bonds
RS 39:1036
Interest rates
RS 39:1037
Sales of bonds
RS 39:1038
Defeasance of bonds
RS 39:1039
Fully registered bonds
RS 39:1040
Credit enhancement devices
RS 39:1041
Publication of resolutions; peremption
RS 39:1042
Negotiable instruments
RS 39:1043
Exemption from taxation; eligibility for investment
RS 39:1051
Public Entity Facilities Financing Act
RS 39:1101
RS 39:1102
Governing authorities
RS 39:1103
Parish purposes
RS 39:1104
Municipal purposes
RS 39:1105
Resolution and notice of intention
RS 39:1106
Sworn statement of charges and revenues
RS 39:1107
Taxes required for expenses, charges and other obligations
RS 39:1108
Remainder available to fund into bonds
RS 39:1109
Issuing bonds; resolution
RS 39:1110
Pledge and dedication of tax irrepealable and irrevocable
RS 39:1111
Promulgation of resolution; registry and registration
RS 39:1112
Maximum duration; interest
RS 39:1113
Form of bond; signing
RS 39:1114
Resolution prescribing terms; maturity
RS 39:1115
Registration as to principal only
RS 39:1116
Registration as to interest
RS 39:1117
Recital of regularity
RS 39:1118
Registration by Secretary of State
RS 39:1119
Setting aside of taxes
RS 39:1120
RS 39:1121
No sale less than par; application of premium
RS 39:1122
Saving clause; pending proceedings
RS 39:1123
Exemption from taxation
RS 39:1124
No other statute applicable
RS 39:1125
Bonds negotiable
RS 39:1126
Contesting; time limited
RS 39:1127
Application of proceeds
RS 39:1128
Penalty for violations
RS 39:1129
Terms defined
RS 39:1171
RS 39:1172
Duty of governing authority when certificates are authorized
RS 39:1173
To whom certificates of indebtedness may be issued
RS 39:1174
Supplementary method of paying claims
RS 39:1175
RS 39:1176
Form of certificates
RS 39:1177
Sale of certificates, par; interest
RS 39:1178
Sale of certificates; publication
RS 39:1179
Proceeds of sale of certificates to go into special fund
RS 39:1211
RS 39:1212
Daily deposits
RS 39:1213
Fiscal agencies designated
RS 39:1214
Bids to be invited
RS 39:1215
Depositing authorities located in parishes or municipalities of over one hundred thousand; private contract with banks
RS 39:1216
Depositing authorities located in parishes or municipalities of over one hundred thousand; supplemental private contracts with banks
RS 39:1217
Depositing authorities located in parishes or municipalities of less than one hundred thousand; private contracts with banks
RS 39:1217.1
Depositing authorities located in parishes or municipalities of less than one hundred thousand; exemption
RS 39:1218
Fiscal agent banks and private contract banks; security and service
RS 39:1219
Fiscal agent banks; trust funds and security
RS 39:1220
Selection of depositories
RS 39:1220.1
Local depositing authorities; activity charges
RS 39:1221
Security for deposits; kinds
RS 39:1222
Security of deposits; approval by depositing authority
RS 39:1223
Security for deposits; value of securities
RS 39:1224
Security for deposits; authorized depositories
RS 39:1225
Security for deposits; amount of security
RS 39:1226
Additional security; failure to provide
RS 39:1227
Failure of depository; depositing authority holding own notes; right to set-off
RS 39:1228
Failure of depository; participation in dividends
RS 39:1229
Failure of depository; sale of security
RS 39:1230
Deposit of proceeds of bonds; not subject to foregoing rules
RS 39:1231
Funds in registry of court; deposit
RS 39:1232
Responsibility of depositing officials
RS 39:1233
Bank officer who is member of depositing board not to vote for his bank
RS 39:1233.1
Bank officer, director, or employee who is member of depositing authority; recusal
RS 39:1234
Existing contracts not affected
RS 39:1235
Termination of contracts; set-off by depository
RS 39:1241
Fiscal agent banks for cities over one hundred fifty thousand population
RS 39:1242
Security for deposits
RS 39:1243
Securities under control of depositing authorities
RS 39:1244
Responsibility of depositing authorities for funds deposited; for collateral
RS 39:1245
Depositing authority and fiscal agent bank defined
RS 39:1271
RS 39:1272
Securities purchased may be cashed
RS 39:1273
Federal bonds and debentures as security for public funds
RS 39:1301
RS 39:1302
RS 39:1303
Legislative intent
RS 39:1304
Uniform chart of accounts
RS 39:1305
Budget preparation
RS 39:1306
Completion and submission of the proposed budget
RS 39:1307
Public participation
RS 39:1308
Inspection of the proposed budget
RS 39:1309
RS 39:1310
Amending the adopted budget
RS 39:1311
Budgetary authority and control
RS 39:1312
Governing authority's failure to make appropriation
RS 39:1313
Budget filing
RS 39:1314
RS 39:1315
RS 39:1316
Repealed by Acts 1984, No. 186, 3.
RS 39:1331
Short title
RS 39:1332
RS 39:1333
Legislative intent
RS 39:1334
Preparation of proposed budgets
RS 39:1335
Submission of budget
RS 39:1336
Format of budget submission
RS 39:1337
Review of proposed budgets
RS 39:1338
Adjustments to submitted budget
RS 39:1339
Failure to submit or report
RS 39:1340
RS 39:1341
Staff assistance
RS 39:1342
State agencies, political subdivisions; assistance to committee
RS 39:1351
Appointment of a fiscal administrator
RS 39:1352
Duties of a fiscal administrator
RS 39:1353
Adoption of budget amendments
RS 39:1354
Termination of appointment
RS 39:1355
RS 39:1356
RS 39:1357
Fiscal Administrator Revolving Loan Fund
RS 39:1361
RS 39:1362
RS 39:1363
Incorporation into bond acts
RS 39:1364
Authorization of bonds
RS 39:1364.1
Issuance of bonds secured by the full faith and credit of state by certain political subdivisions prohibited in certain situations
RS 39:1365
Provisions for bond acts
RS 39:1366
Duties of state treasurer
RS 39:1367
State debt; limitations
RS 39:1401
RS 39:1402
General obligation bonds
RS 39:1402.1
Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 279, 2
RS 39:1403
All other state bonds
RS 39:1404
Duties of state treasurer
RS 39:1404.1
Designation and duties of secretary
RS 39:1405
General debt policy and procedures
RS 39:1405.1
Fees to defray expenses of the State Bond Commission
RS 39:1405.2
Payments in lieu of ad valorem taxes for certain bonds
RS 39:1405.3
Local governmental approval of industrial revenue bonds
RS 39:1405.4
Costs of issuance and reporting requirements
RS 39:1406
Applicability of Chapter
RS 39:1407
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:1408
Transfer of functions from State Bond and Tax Board
RS 39:1409
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §15B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 39:1410
Transfer of certain functions of the State Bond Commission to the division of administration
RS 39:1410.1
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.2
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.3
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.4
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.5
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.6
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.7
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.8
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.9
Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 836, §4, eff. July 1, 1989.
RS 39:1410.31
Agreements providing for outlay of funds for capital improvement or expenditure; State Bond Commission approval required; penalties
RS 39:1410.32
Certificate of "impossibility or impracticality"
RS 39:1410.33
Notification to legislators
RS 39:1410.41
Legislative findings
RS 39:1410.42
RS 39:1410.43
Authority to issue and sell notes
RS 39:1410.44
Repealed by Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 14, 3, eff. Mar. 28, 1988.
RS 39:1410.45
Form and terms of notes
RS 39:1410.46
Execution of notes
RS 39:1410.47
Manner of sale of notes
RS 39:1410.48
Contest period
RS 39:1410.49
Investment of proceeds; income therefrom
RS 39:1410.50
No full faith and credit debt created
RS 39:1410.51
Notes as legal investment and eligible collateral
RS 39:1410.52
Exemption from taxes
RS 39:1410.53
Construction with other statutes
RS 39:1410.60
Approval of application; incurring indebtedness
RS 39:1410.61
Approval of application; special fiscal elections
RS 39:1410.62
Delinquent payments or fund transfers on outstanding indebtedness; notification to commission
RS 39:1410.63
Penalties for violation
RS 39:1410.64
Approval of petitions in bankruptcy court
RS 39:1410.65
Applications of provisions
RS 39:1410.66
Filing of bond transcripts
RS 39:1411
RS 39:1412
Effectuation of R.S. 39:1411
RS 39:1421
RS 39:1422
Legislative intent
RS 39:1423
Application of provisions
RS 39:1424
Maximum interest rates for securities
RS 39:1424.1
Variable, adjustable, noninterest bearing, or zero interest rate securities
RS 39:1425
Maximum interest rates for securities previously authorized at an election
RS 39:1426
Advertising for public sale of securities; private sale of securities
RS 39:1427
Form in which securities may be issued
RS 39:1428
Price at which securities may be sold
RS 39:1429
Credit enhancement, purchase and payment; authorization
RS 39:1430
Revenue bonds and security therefor
RS 39:1430.1
Security interests by public entities
RS 39:1431
RS 39:1432
Legislative intent
RS 39:1433
Application of provisions
RS 39:1434
Issuance, execution, and transfer of fully registered securities
RS 39:1435
Contractual services; exemption; payment
RS 39:1436
Pledge and assignment of registered securities
RS 39:1437
Registration requirements
RS 39:1438
Issuers of securities; continuing disclosure requirements; audit requirements
RS 39:1441
RS 39:1442
Defeasance of securities of a public entity
RS 39:1443
Effect of defeasance
RS 39:1444
RS 39:1445
Authorization of refunding bonds
RS 39:1446
Manner of issuance of refunding bonds
RS 39:1447
Security for refunding bonds
RS 39:1448
Additional security
RS 39:1449
Sale of refunding bonds
RS 39:1450
Interest rates of refunding bonds
RS 39:1451
Publication of resolution or ordinance; peremption
RS 39:1452
Status of refunding bonds as negotiable instruments; exemption from taxes; legal investments
RS 39:1453
Use of proceeds of refunding bonds
RS 39:1454
Refunded bonds not considered outstanding
RS 39:1455
Application of provisions
RS 39:1456
General obligation bond debt limitations; advance refunding
RS 39:1460.1
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1460.2
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1461
RS 39:1462
Refunding bonds authorized
RS 39:1463
Status of refunding bonds
RS 39:1464
Issuance of refunding bonds
RS 39:1465
Sale of refunding bonds; interest rate
RS 39:1466
Use of proceeds of refunding bonds
RS 39:1467
Investment in government obligations
RS 39:1468
Refunded bonds not considered outstanding
RS 39:1469
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 1048, 2, eff. July 17, 1986.
RS 39:1470
RS 39:1471
Authorization of short-term revenue notes
RS 39:1472
Application of provisions
RS 39:1481
Legislative intent
RS 39:1482
RS 39:1483
Louisiana Competes Regional Economic Development Program
RS 39:1484
Qualified expenditures
RS 39:1485
Cooperative endeavor agreement; term; public fund matching
RS 39:1486
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1487
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1488
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1489
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1490
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1491
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1492
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1493
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1493.1
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 343, §5.
RS 39:1493.2
Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 3, §1.
RS 39:1493.3
Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 3, §1.
RS 39:1494
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1494.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1495
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1496
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1496.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1496.2
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1497
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1498
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1498.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1498.2
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1499
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1500
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1501
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1502
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1502.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1503
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1503.1
Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 5, §1
RS 39:1504
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1505
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1506
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1507
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1508
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1509
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1510
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1511
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1512
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1513
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1514
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1515
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1515.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1516
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1517
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1517.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1518
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1518.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1519
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1520
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1521
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1521.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1522
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1523
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1524
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1525
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1526
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1527
RS 39:1528
Creation of the office of risk management
RS 39:1529
Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 385, §3.
RS 39:1530
Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 385, §3.
RS 39:1531
Appointment of assistants and other employees
RS 39:1532
Reporting requirements
RS 39:1533
Self-Insurance Fund
RS 39:1533.1
Repealed by Acts 2000, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 20, 3, eff. July 1, 2000.
RS 39:1533.2
Future Medical Care Fund
RS 39:1534
Transfer of personnel and funds
RS 39:1535
Duties and responsibilities
RS 39:1536
Assessment of premiums
RS 39:1536.1
Payment of premiums
RS 39:1537
Annual report
RS 39:1538
Claims against the state
RS 39:1538.1
Certain unclaimed property; presumption of abandonment
RS 39:1539
Medical malpractice
RS 39:1540
RS 39:1541
Professional, consulting, and personal service contracts
RS 39:1542
Worker's compensation
RS 39:1543
Unit of risk analysis and loss prevention
RS 39:1544
Department responsibilities
RS 39:1545
Public officer bonds; notarial bonds
RS 39:1546
Coverage for road hazard liability
RS 39:1547
Return to work program
RS 39:1549
Workers' Compensation programs; discrimination prohibited
RS 39:1551
Short title
RS 39:1552
Purposes; rules of construction
RS 39:1553
RS 39:1554
Application of this Chapter
RS 39:1554.1
Federal block grants
RS 39:1556
RS 39:1557
Public access to procurement information
RS 39:1557.1
Change orders; recordation
RS 39:1558
RS 39:1561
Authority and duties of the commissioner of administration
RS 39:1562
Central purchasing agency; creation
RS 39:1563
Appointment and qualifications
RS 39:1564
Authority of the state director of purchasing
RS 39:1565
Duties of the attorney general
RS 39:1566
Appointment of assistants and other employees; delegation of authority by the state chief procurement officer
RS 39:1567
Reporting requirements
RS 39:1568
Mandatory information requirement for contracts let without competition under the authority of an executive order related to Hurricane Katrina or Rita
RS 39:1568.1
Use of other types of contracts
RS 39:1568.2
The Road Home Program; reporting on certain contract payments, subcontractors, and performance for professional, personal, consulting, or social services contracts
RS 39:1569
Reports of procurement actions related to professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts
RS 39:1569.1
Contract administration
RS 39:1571
Centralization of procurement authority
RS 39:1572
RS 39:1581
State procurement regulations
RS 39:1586
Relationship with using agencies
RS 39:1587
Procurement advisory council; other advisory groups
RS 39:1590
Reporting of certain professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through Fiscal Year 2017-2018
RS 39:1591
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1593
Methods of source selection
RS 39:1593.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1594
Competitive sealed bidding
RS 39:1594.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1594.2
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1594.3
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595
Competitive sealed proposals
RS 39:1595.1
Preference in awarding contracts
RS 39:1595.2
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595.3
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595.4
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595.5
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595.6
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1595.7
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1596
Small purchases
RS 39:1597
Sole source procurements
RS 39:1598
Emergency procurements
RS 39:1598.1
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1599
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1600
Other procurement methods
RS 39:1600.1
Procurement of pharmacy benefit manager services by reverse auction
RS 39:1600.2
Invitation to negotiate
RS 39:1601
Contracts for drugs
RS 39:1602
Right to reject bids from Communist countries
RS 39:1602.1
Prohibition of discriminatory boycotts of Israel in state procurement
RS 39:1602.2
Prohibition on contracts with companies that discriminate against firearm and ammunition industries
RS 39:1603
Limitations on consultants competing for contracts
RS 39:1604
Preference for all types of products produced, manufactured, assembled, grown, or harvested in Louisiana; exceptions
RS 39:1604.1
Preference in awarding contracts
RS 39:1604.2
Preference in letting contracts for public work
RS 39:1604.3
Preference in awarding contracts for certain services
RS 39:1604.4
Preference for goods manufactured, or services performed by individuals with disabilities through supported employment providers; definitions; coordinating council
RS 39:1604.5
Preference for items purchased from Louisiana retailers
RS 39:1604.6
Preference for steel rolled in Louisiana
RS 39:1604.7
Preference for items manufactured in the United States; definitions
RS 39:1605
Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals
RS 39:1606
Responsibility of bidders and proposers
RS 39:1607
Prequalification of bidders and proposers
RS 39:1608
Cost or pricing data
RS 39:1611
Cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost contracts
RS 39:1612
Cost-reimbursement contracts
RS 39:1613
Use of other types of contracts
RS 39:1614
Approval of accounting system
RS 39:1615
Multiyear contracts
RS 39:1616
Installment-purchase contract
RS 39:1617
Professional service contracts
RS 39:1618
Contractual attorney's fees; affidavit
RS 39:1619
Social service contracts
RS 39:1620
Personal service contracts
RS 39:1621
Consulting service contracts
RS 39:1622
Performance-based energy efficiency contracts
RS 39:1623
Certification by using agency
RS 39:1624
Approval of contract; penalties
RS 39:1625
Finality of determinations
RS 39:1626
Professional, personal, and consulting service contracts with state employees
RS 39:1627
Modification of contracts
RS 39:1628
Termination of contracts
RS 39:1629
Right to inspect plant
RS 39:1629.1
Right to audit records
RS 39:1630
Finality of determinations
RS 39:1630.1
Record of certain procurement actions
RS 39:1631
Direct purchase of insurance
RS 39:1632
Splitting of commissions prohibited
RS 39:1633
Authorization constitutes public record
RS 39:1641
Budget for acquisition of housing space and leases by budget units
RS 39:1642
Uniform space standards; inventory and evaluation of budget unit space utilization
RS 39:1643
Advertisement and award of lease bids
RS 39:1644
Amendment of leases
RS 39:1645
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1646
Acquisition of motor vehicles; minimum requirements for fuel efficiency; exceptions
RS 39:1647
Procurement of seats in public seating areas of state buildings; requirements for seats with arms; exceptions
RS 39:1648
Medicaid contracts or subcontracts for pharmacy benefit manager services
RS 39:1651
Duties of the commissioner of administration
RS 39:1651.1
Shrimp specifications
RS 39:1652
Duties of the chief procurement officer
RS 39:1653
Exempted items
RS 39:1654
Relationship with using agencies
RS 39:1655
Maximum practicable competition
RS 39:1656
Escalation clause
RS 39:1657
Specifications prepared by architects and engineers
RS 39:1658
Purchase of prostheses, orthoses, prosthetic services, and orthotic services by a state agency from an accredited facility
RS 39:1659
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1661
Contract clauses; administration
RS 39:1662
Cost principles rules and regulations required
RS 39:1671
Authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards
RS 39:1671.1
Resolution of disputes between the state chief procurement officer and using agencies
RS 39:1672
Authority to debar or suspend
RS 39:1672.1
Applicability of Part
RS 39:1672.2
Authority of the commissioner of administration
RS 39:1672.3
Action on contract claims
RS 39:1672.4
Jurisdiction; actions in certain cases
RS 39:1673
Authority to resolve contract and breach of contract controversies
RS 39:1676
Applicability of this Subpart
RS 39:1677
Remedies prior to an award
RS 39:1678
Remedies after an award
RS 39:1678.1
RS 39:1679
Violations; penalties
RS 39:1681
Authority of the commissioner of administration
RS 39:1682
Exempted departments
RS 39:1683
Protest of solicitations or awards
RS 39:1684
Suspension or debarment proceedings
RS 39:1685
Contract and breach of contract controversies
RS 39:1691
Actions by or against the state in connection with contracts
RS 39:1692
Commencement of actions
RS 39:1695
Late payment to business; penalty paid by state agency
RS 39:1696
Reporting requirements
RS 39:1697
Disputed claims
RS 39:1701
Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 864, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
RS 39:1702
Cooperative purchasing authorized; participation in federal General Services Administration vendor list
RS 39:1703
Sale, acquisition, or use of supplies by a public procurement unit
RS 39:1704
Cooperative use of supplies or services
RS 39:1705
Joint use of facilities
RS 39:1706
Supply of personnel, information, and technical services
RS 39:1707
Use of payments received by a supplying public procurement unit
RS 39:1708
Public procurement units in compliance with code requirements
RS 39:1709
Review of procurement requirements
RS 39:1710
Local governing authorities; purchases from local vendors, payment of certain costs
RS 39:1716
Contract controversies
RS 39:1731
Short title
RS 39:1732
Definitions of terms used in this Part
RS 39:1733
Procurement from small businesses
RS 39:1734
Assistance to small businesses
RS 39:1735
Determination of disadvantaged
RS 39:1736
RS 39:1737
Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 797, §3, eff. July 1, 1992.
RS 39:1738
Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 797, §3, eff. July 1, 1992.
RS 39:1751
RS 39:1752
RS 39:1753
Types of contracts permitted
RS 39:1753.1
Procurement of telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services by state agencies and certain educational entities
RS 39:1754
Methods of procurement
RS 39:1755
General provisions
RS 39:1758
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 343, §5.
RS 39:1761
Short title - Chapter 17-A. State Equipment-Lease-Purchase
RS 39:1762
Legislative findings and intent
RS 39:1763
RS 39:1764
Equipment-lease-purchase contracts with nonprofit lessors authorized; term
RS 39:1765
Procurement of equipment; general law applicable
RS 39:1766
Selection of nonprofit lessor; award of lease
RS 39:1767
Appropriation dependency
RS 39:1768
Purchase option
RS 39:1769
Lease status
RS 39:1770
Equipment warranty; pursuit of actions
RS 39:1771
Approval by the legislature, State Bond Commission; rules and regulations by the Division of Administration
RS 39:1780
RS 39:1781
Construction of Chapter; supplemental and additional nature
RS 39:1782
Construction of Chapter; controlling law
RS 39:1783
Formation of corporation
RS 39:1784
Membership of board of directors; vacancies; compensation; expenses
RS 39:1785
Applicable laws to corporation
RS 39:1786
RS 39:1787
RS 39:1788
Bonds; security; trust agreement; indenture
RS 39:1789
Bonds and certificates; payment; no liability of state or political subdivision
RS 39:1790
Refunding bonds
RS 39:1791
Bonds and certificates as legal investments
RS 39:1792
Bonds and certificates; freedom from taxation
RS 39:1793
Bonds; maximum amount outstanding
RS 39:1794
Excess earnings
RS 39:1795
Dissolution of corporation; title to property to vest in successor
RS 39:1796
Lease-purchase contracts for state buildings
RS 39:1797
Sale, sale-back, lease or sublease transactions by the state
RS 39:1797.1
Limitations of actions against the corporation
RS 39:1798
RS 39:1798.1
Construction of Chapter; supplemental and additional nature
RS 39:1798.2
Construction of Chapter; controlling law
RS 39:1798.3
Functions of corporation
RS 39:1798.4
Membership of board of directors; vacancies; compensation; expenses
RS 39:1798.5
Applicable laws to corporation
RS 39:1798.6
RS 39:1798.7
RS 39:1798.8
Bonds; security; trust agreement; indenture
RS 39:1798.9
Bonds and certificates; payment; no liability of state or political subdivision
RS 39:1798.10
Refunding bonds
RS 39:1798.11
Bonds and certificates as legal investments
RS 39:1798.12
Bonds and certificates; freedom from taxation
RS 39:1798.13
Excess earnings
RS 39:1798.14
Dissolution of corporation; title to the property to vest in successor
RS 39:1800.1
RS 39:1800.2
Legislative findings and determinations
RS 39:1800.3
RS 39:1800.4
State and local corrections facilities; private contracts
RS 39:1800.5
Powers and duties not delegable to contractor
RS 39:1800.6
Hiring preference
RS 39:1800.7
Miscellaneous provisions
RS 39:1800.21
RS 39:1800.22
RS 39:1800.23
Construction of Chapter
RS 39:1800.24
Functions of corporation
RS 39:1800.25
Membership of board of directors; vacancies; compensation; expenses
RS 39:1800.26
Applicable laws to corporation
RS 39:1800.27
RS 39:1800.28
RS 39:1800.29
Bonds; security; trust agreement; indenture; ancillary contracts; interest rate swap agreements
RS 39:1800.30
Bonds and certificates; payment; no liability of state or political subdivision
RS 39:1800.31
Refunding bonds
RS 39:1800.32
Bonds and certificates as legal investments
RS 39:1800.33
Bonds and certificates; freedom from taxation
RS 39:1800.34
Excess earnings
RS 39:1800.35
Dissolution of corporation; title to the property to vest in successor
RS 39:1801
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1802
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1803
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1804
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1805
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1806
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1807
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1808
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1809
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1810
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1811
Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 569, §2, eff. July 1, 2021.
RS 39:1951
RS 39:1952
RS 39:1953
Division of minority and women's business enterprise; creation; appointment of executive director; duties
RS 39:1954
Application of Chapter; standard contract clause
RS 39:1955
Procedure for setting overall annual goals
RS 39:1956
Responsibilities of agencies and institutions; plans; contents
RS 39:1957
Attainment of goals; affidavit of uncertified business; penalty; waiver
RS 39:1958
Reporting enterprise participation
RS 39:1959
Monitoring of compliance
RS 39:1960
Criteria for bid specifications; goods and services
RS 39:1961
Criteria for requests for proposals; consulting services
RS 39:1962
Construction of public works; two hundred thousand dollars or more
RS 39:1963
Construction of public works under one million dollars
RS 39:1964
Interference; penalty
RS 39:1965
Noncompliance; penalty
RS 39:1966
Report of violations; enforcement of penalties
RS 39:1967
Conflict with federal law
RS 39:1968
Noncompliance with Chapter by division
RS 39:1981
Eligibility; federally funded projects
RS 39:1982
Proof of ownership of business
RS 39:1983
Factors considered in determining control
RS 39:1984
Size and length of time in business; interim certification
RS 39:1985
Applications; form; submission; processing; investigation; notification
RS 39:1986
Effect of certification; duration; revocation
RS 39:1987
Directory of enterprises
RS 39:1988
RS 39:1989
Denial of certification; reconsideration
RS 39:1990
Resubmission of applications
RS 39:1991
Change in ownership
RS 39:1992
Alternative certification procedure
RS 39:1993
Deception relating to certification of minority business enterprise or women's business enterprise
RS 39:2001
Louisiana Initiative for Small Entrepreneurships; intent
RS 39:2002
RS 39:2003
Application of Chapter
RS 39:2004
State goals for procurements and public contracts
RS 39:2005
Competitive source selection
RS 39:2006
Certification of businesses by Louisiana Economic Development; listing of small entrepreneurships; reporting
RS 39:2007
Responsibilities of the commissioner of administration; training; reporting
RS 39:2008
State agency initiative coordinators and reporting
RS 39:2101
Food service facilities; use of certified meat, poultry, and seafood products
RS 39:2151
Short title
RS 39:2152
Legislative intent and purpose
RS 39:2153
RS 39:2154
False or fraudulent claim; misrepresentation
RS 39:2155
Civil actions authorized
RS 39:2156
Damages; fines; penalties; interest
RS 39:2157
Qui tam action; civil action filed by private person
RS 39:2158
Qui tam action procedures
RS 39:2159
Administrative or civil action
RS 39:2160
Recovery awarded to a qui tam plaintiff
RS 39:2161
Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 39:2162
Rewards for fraud and abuse information
RS 39:2163
Whistleblower protection and cause of action
RS 39:2165
Short title
RS 39:2165.1
Legislative intent and purpose
RS 39:2165.2
RS 39:2165.3
False or fraudulent claim; misrepresentation
RS 39:2165.4
Civil actions authorized
RS 39:2165.5
Damages; fines; penalties; interest
RS 39:2165.6
Qui tam action; civil action filed by private person
RS 39:2165.7
Qui tam action procedures
RS 39:2165.8
Administrative or civil action
RS 39:2165.9
Recovery awarded to a qui tam plaintiff
RS 39:2165.10
Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
RS 39:2165.11
Rewards for fraud and abuse information
RS 39:2165.12
Whistleblower protection and cause of action
RS 39:2171
Louisiana Initiative for Veteran and Service-Connected Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Entrepreneurships; intent
RS 39:2172
RS 39:2173
Application of Chapter
RS 39:2174
State goals for procurements and public contracts
RS 39:2175
Competitive source selection
RS 39:2176
Certification of businesses by Louisiana Economic Development; listing of veteran and service-connected disabled veteran-owned small entrepreneurships; reporting
RS 39:2177
Responsibilities of the commissioner of administration; training; reporting
RS 39:2178
State agency initiative coordinators and reporting
RS 39:2179
Responsibilities of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs
RS 39:2181
Applicability; definitions
RS 39:2182
Prohibition of bids from or contracts with unlicensed dealers
RS 39:2191
Applicability; definitions
RS 39:2192
Right to prohibit awards or procurement with individuals convicted of certain felony crimes
RS 39:2201
RS 39:2202
RS 39:2203
Application of Chapter
RS 39:2204
Contracts for public work