Senate Daily Digest
April 30, 2024
2:00 PM
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Roll Call


Pledge of Allegiance

Reading of Journal

Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR68BARROWCOMMENDATIONS - Congratulates Lucy Victoria Pittman Virdure "Miss Lucy" on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
 SR69BOUDREAUXSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes May 1, 2024 as Nurses Day at the Louisiana State Capitol and May 6 through May 12, 2024, as National Nurses Week in Louisiana.
 SR70WHEATCONDOLENCES - Expresses sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Lt. Carl Malcolm Bennett Jr. on the occasion of his passing.
 SR72MIZELLSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Designates Wednesday, May 1, 2024, as Literacy Day at the Louisiana State Capitol.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR38BASSCONDOLENCES - Expresses sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Henry "Richey" Jackson on the occasion of his passing.
 SCR39CATHEYTAX/AD VALOREM - Provides for a study on the distribution of certain ad valorem taxes. (EN NO IMPACT See Note)

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB1MCFARLANDAPPROPRIATIONS - Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
 HB2EMERSONCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides for the comprehensive Capital Outlay budget
 HB3EMERSONCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides for the Omnibus Bond Act
 HB291MCFARLANDREVENUE SHARING - Provides for the Revenue Sharing Distribution for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
 HB314MCFARLANDAPPROPRIATIONS/ANCILLARY - Provides for the ancillary expenses of state government
 HB635BAGLEYDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Six to levy a sales and use tax
 HB690MARCELLEDISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the Melrose East Crime Prevention District in East Baton Rouge Parish
 HB754LAFLEURCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to filing fees for the Complex Litigation Section Pilot Program in the 19th JDC (EN +$120,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB757LAFLEURCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides relative to the judicial expense fund for the 19th JDC
 HB781MCFARLANDAPPROPRIATIONS - Appropriates funds for the expenses of the judiciary for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
 HB782MCFARLANDAPPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML - Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
 HB786MCFARLANDFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the transfer, deposit, and use of monies among state funds
 HB807FONTENOTFIRE PROTECT/FIRE DEPTS - Establishes service award eligibility for all qualified firefighters
 HB835MCFARLANDCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to electric vehicle charging technology and equipment networks
 HB843MCFARLANDLEGISLATIVE EXPENSES - Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
 HB881BEAULLIEUCULTURE/FRENCH - Provides relative to the membership of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana
 HB903NEWELLMUSEUMS/STATE MUSEUM - Provides relative to the position of museum director for the Louisiana State Museum
 HB926LYONSREAPPORTIONMENT/JUDGES - Provides for the election of judges of the first district of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR3MCFARLANDHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula (EN +$314,552,060 SD RV See Note)
 HCR21SCHLEGELSCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP - Provides for legislative approval of the MFP formula for FY 2024-2025 (EG +$71,300,000 GF EX See Note)
 HCR90WYBLECOMMENDATIONS - Commends Don Spiers on a lifetime of public and community service to Bogalusa, Washington Parish, and the state of Louisiana

Senate Bills Reported by Committee
 SB26FIELDSSCHOOLS - Requires heating and air conditioning on school buses. (gov sig) (RE1 INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB31WHEATPUBLIC EMPLOYEES - Increases survivor benefits for dependent children of firemen and law enforcement officers. (8/1/24) (EN +$200,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB64REESEFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for changes to the Water Sector Program. (gov sig) (EN +$1,523,090 GF EX See Note)
 SB164ABRAHAMGROUP BENEFITS PROGRAM - Provides relative to Office of Group Benefits health coverage programs for certain employees. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB190BOUDREAUXMEDICAID - Provides for Medicaid reimbursement rate increases. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB205MIGUEZSCHOOLS - Requires additional compensation for teachers and other school employees under certain circumstances. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB234MIGUEZCONTRACTS - Provides relative to prohibition on certain governmental entity contracts with companies that discriminate against firearm and ammunition industries. (8/1/24) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB235HENSGENSGAMING - Provides relative to the regulation of sports wagering. (8/1/24) (EN -$500,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB280PRICESUPPLEMENTAL PAY - Provides for supplemental pay for fire protection officers of the Port of South Louisiana. (7/1/24) (EN +$86,400 GF EX See Note)
 SB300DUPLESSISINSURANCE POLICIES - Provides for health insurance coverage of pregnancy-related and postpartum healthcare services. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB328REESEAGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT - Provides relative to training for volunteer firefighters on forest fire and wildfire suppression. (gov sig) (EN +$420,000 FF EX See Note)
 SB417PRESSLYFUNDS/FUNDING - Creates the Oil and Gas Severance Subfund in the Parish Transportation Fund. (7/1/24) (EG -$31,800,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB431CLOUDFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides with respect to the creation of the Juvenile Detention Commission for the purpose of reviewing and recommending funding for juvenile detention centers. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB440PRESSLYFUNDS/FUNDING - Creates a Dyslexia Fund for the purpose of funding the testing of students for dyslexia. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG EX)

House Bills Reported by Committee
 HB15FONTENOTRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL - Provides for the reemployment of retired police officers of the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB31FREIBERGRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides relative to the optional retirement plan and defined benefit plan for the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (EN SEE ACTUARIAL NOTE APV)
 HB39MCCORMICKRETIREMENT/STATE EMPS - Provides relative to the reemployment of retired bus drivers of the Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB480MYERSTAX/INCOME TAX - Provides relative to income tax withholding on gaming winnings (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB659PHELPSTAX/PROPERTY - Increases certain penalties relative to certain prohibited actions regarding tax sale property (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB837EMERSONTAX APPEALS/BOARD - Raises the limit on the value of claims approved by the Board of Tax Appeals that are to be paid from current tax collections (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB921HILFERTYTAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Limits the determination of fair market value of certain real property by an assessor under certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB963DEWITTRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL - Provides relative to reemployment of retirees in the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB967RISERRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in critical shortage positions (EN INCREASE APV)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 SB13SEABAUGHELECTION CODE - Prohibits an elected official who has been removed from office from filling the vacancy created by the removal. (8/1/24) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB14SEABAUGHCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Allows legislators to receive campaign contributions during a regular session in an election year. (8/1/24) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
 SB138ROBERT OWENDENTISTRY - Provides relative to dentistry. (gov sig)
 SB158ROBERT OWENPHARMACEUTICALS - Provides relative to marijuana for therapeutic use. (gov sig)
 SB213JENKINSSCHOOLS - Provides sick leave for school employees under certain circumstances. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 SB261HODGESELECTION CODE - Provides for additional poll watchers at polling places for elections. (8/1/24) (EN +$67,150 GF EX See Note)
 SB347HARRISHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides relative to ensuring fairness in certain cost-sharing practices. (gov sig) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB357SEABAUGHEMERGENCY POWERS - Provides relative to termination of a public health emergency. (gov sig)
 SB407PRESSLYCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Changes the definition of "expenditure" in the Election Code. (8/1/24)
 SB423MORRISPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides for access to public records by certain persons. (gov sig)
 SB435MCMATHPOLITICAL PARTIES - Provides relative to the composition of the parish executive committee of the Republican Party in St. Tammany Parish. (8/1/24)
 SB444JACKSON-ANDREWSPHARMACEUTICALS - Provides relative to pharmaceutical reimbursements. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB449SEABAUGHELECTION CODE - Defines certain terms in the election code. (8/1/24)
 SB462HODGESAPPOINTED OFFICIALS - Provides for gubernatorial appointments. (gov sig)
 SB475ROBERT OWENSCHOOLS - Allows the Health Education course to be offered virtually under certain circumstances. (gov sig)
 SB484DUPLESSISPROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides for changes to the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program. (gov sig)
 SB487CATHEYHOSPITALS - Provides for hospital drug screenings. (8/1/24)
 SB489CATHEYSTATE OFFICIALS - Provides for duties of the State Fire Marshal. (1/1/26)
 SB490CATHEYUTILITIES - Provides relative to underground utilities and facilities. (8/1/24)
 SB497MIGUEZETHICS - Amends provisions concerning selection of members of the Board of Ethics. (8/1/24)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB37KLEINPETERHUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for feral hog hunting. (8/1/24)
 SB62FESIPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides relative to seafood safety. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB66MIZELLSCHOOLS - Provides for a five-day school week for public schools with exceptions. (gov sig) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB113TALBOTPROPERTY INSURANCE - Provides the Louisiana Insurance Guaranty Association and the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Cooperation exceptions from liability for certain property insurance claims.
 SB127CATHEYHUNTERS/HUNTING - Provides for the utilization of unmanned aircraft systems. (8/1/24)
 SB131GREGORY MILLERPRIVILEGES/LIENS - Provides for privileges on immovables. (8/1/24)
 SB192BARROWCHILDREN/FAMILY SERVICES DEPT - Provides relative to the Empowering Families to Live Well Louisiana Council. (gov sig)
 SB193PRESSLYCOURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig)
 SB217MIGUEZELECTION CODE - Defines "deep fake" in the Election Code. (8/1/24)
 SB238SEABAUGHSERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline crossings. (8/1/24)
 SB250ALLAINCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for no right of direct action against insurer. (8/1/24)
 SB281EDMONDSPHARMACISTS - Provides for pharmacy record audits. (8/1/24)
 SB320KLEINPETERFISH/FISHING - Provides for largemouth bass bag and size limits. (8/1/24)
 SB321EDMONDSSCHOOLS - Creates the Charter School Facilities Fund within the Louisiana Department of Education. (gov sig) (EG SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 SB331SEABAUGHEMPLOYMENT - Provides relative to authorized payroll withholdings for public employees. (8/1/24)
 SB335COUSSANLOANS - Creates the Louisiana Commercial Financing Disclosure Law. (8/1/24)
 SB341HARRISECONOMIC DEVELOP DEPT - Provides relative for the Major Events Incentive Fund and Program and the Events Incentive Fund and Program. (gov sig) (EN -$500,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB368BASSHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for actuarial review of certain state-mandated health insurance benefits. (8/1/24) (RE INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 SB381GREGORY MILLERCOURTS - Provides for the redistricting of the Louisiana Supreme Court. (2/3 - CA5s4) (gov sig)
 SB399FIELDSCOURTS - Provides relative to the election sections for judgeship of the second district of the First Circuit Court of Appeal. (2/3 - CA5s9) (gov sig)
 SB448MORRISTRESPASS - Provides relative to criminal trespass. (8/1/24)
 SB450GREGORY MILLERCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides relative to expenditure of campaign funds. (8/1/24)
 SB482CLOUDPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides for public records involving the security of the governor or his family and recommendations by which governmental decisions and policies are formulated. (8/1/24)
 SB500REESETAX/TAXATION - Provides relative to the levy of local fees and taxes on certain non-gaming incentives or inducements granted by certain licensees. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB502MIGUEZPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to public records requests. (8/1/24)
 SB504LUNEAUTAX/AD VALOREM - Provides relative to the assessment, payment and collection of ad valorem taxes. (See Act) (EG SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee to be adopted
 HCR20MIKE JOHNSONCONGRESS - Provides relative to the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 HB257MANDIE LANDRYINSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides penalties for failure to comply with certain directives issued by the commissioner of insurance (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB64STAGNIDRUGS/CONTROLLED - Prohibits the retail sale of nitrous oxide
 HB175MCMAKINCRIME - Provides relative to the unlawful posting of criminal activity for notoriety and publicity
 HB10ILLGRETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY - Provides relative to interest on investment accounts maintained by the board of trustees of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB13EMERSONRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN +$16,600 FC SG EX)
 HB162BEAULLIEUCAPITAL OUTLAY - Limits the withdrawal of monies from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund for capital outlay projects (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB12JORDANCRIME - Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image
 HB21MELERINECIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier
 HB27MELERINECIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier
 HB55CHARLES OWENVITAL RECORDS/BIRTH CERT - Designates Act No. 470 of the 2022 Regular Session as "The Jean and Elise Act"
 HB58BACALACRIME - Provides relative to simple burglary
 HB100CARLSONCOURTS - Provides relative to jurisdiction of city and parish courts over eviction proceedings
 HB104MUSCARELLOCOURTS - Repeals certain reporting requirements from the district courts to the judicial administrator of the supreme court (EN -$218,000 RV See Note)
 HB123SCHLEGELCONTRACTS - Provides for consent of a legal representative of a minor who contracts with certain parties
 HB124BEAULLIEUCHILDREN - Provides for the prospective and retroactive application of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
 HB161BAYHAMCONTRACTS - Provides relative to nondisclosure agreements
 HB204TURNERCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Adds substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law
 HB208VILLIODOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides relative to additional penalties for certain domestic violence offenses (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB211VILLIOCRIME - Provides relative to the Anti-Skimming Act
 HB227MUSCARELLOCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides for continuous revisions relative to civil procedure
 HB232MUSCARELLOCIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to warranty for negotiable instruments and depository and collecting banks
 HB449MELERINECIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to delivery of judgment of interdiction
 HB507ZERINGUECRIME - Provides relative to the unlawful entry of a critical infrastructure (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB686MCFARLANDPROPERTY/SERVITUDES - Provides relative to pipeline servitudes
 HB792BACALACRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to criminal adjudications (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB75BEAULLIEUINSURANCE - Provides qualifications for title insurance producers
 HB117GREENMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale" specialty license plate
 HB136JACKSONHIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Highway 175 in Mansfield, Louisiana, in DeSoto Parish as the "Jerius Marshall Highway" and a portion of Highway 133 in Start, Louisiana, in Richland Parish as the "Luke Letlow Memorial Highway"
 HB140HORTONAIRCRAFT/AIRPORTS - Provides relative to proof of disability requirements for an airport parking exemption for disabled veterans
 HB151ORGERONLEVEES/BDS & DISTRICTS - Provides for the membership of the board of commissioners of the North Lafourche Conservation, Levee and Drainage District
 HB192DUSTIN MILLERSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Louisiana Department of Health
 HB235COATESPUBLIC CONTRACT/BIDS - Increases the dollar amount for the exception to public bid law applicable to the purchase of vehicles by local government units
 HB278ROMEROHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates a certain portion of Louisiana Highway 383
 HB297MCCORMICKPROPERTY - Provides relative to sale of property in Caddo Parish (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB298MCMAHENPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Provides for the transfer of certain state property in Webster Parish
 HB311HEBERTINSURANCE - Provides relative to examinations and certain adopted handbooks
 HB348HORTONMTR VEHICLE/MOTORCYCLES - Authorizes drivers of certain two-wheeled vehicles to proceed through a red light under certain circumstances
 HB381BRAUDTRANSPORTATION DEPT - Provides relative to Department of Transportation and Development spending
 HB399CHANCE HENRYINSURANCE - Provides for transmission of information relative to the Department of Insurance
 HB432ILLGMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "LSU Baseball National Champions" specialty license plate
 HB511ILLGINSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE - Provides relative to uninsured motorists and certain policy forms
 HB514BRAUDCONTRACTS - Revises certain bid requirements for applicable projects by the Department of Transportation and Development
 HB520FIRMENTINSURANCE - Provides for unfair or deceptive trade practices relative to reports of adjusters
 HB538BOYERPUBLIC LANDS/STATE - Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in St. Martin parish
 HB592DUSTIN MILLERHEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS - Provides relative to workplace violence in healthcare settings
 HB605CHANCE HENRYINSURANCE - Provides relative to hearings and delivery of notices
 HB612MCFARLANDENERGY/PIPELINES - Provides a voluntary process for pipeline crossing disputes
 HB613FIRMENTINSURANCE/RATES - Provides relative to the ratemaking system utilized by insurers and rating organizations relative to rate filings
 HB645FREIBERGTRANSPORTATION DEPT - Moves responsibility for the collection of the electric and hybrid vehicle fee from the Department of Revenue to the office of motor vehicles
 HB648ZERINGUEHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates the bridge on Louisiana Highway 648 over Bayou Lafourche as the "Austin Bush Memorial Bridge"
 HB654HILFERTYPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Provides relative to the authorized uses and lease of certain public property in Orleans and Jefferson Parish
 HB732JACKSONMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the Grambling State University World Famed Tiger Marching Band specialty license plate
 HB755ZERINGUEPOLICE/LOCAL - Authorizes the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission to appoint and commission peace officers
 HB9ILLGRETIREMENT/DISTRICT ATTY - Provides for survivor benefits of members of the District Attorneys' Retirement System (RE NO IMPACT APV)
 HB40HORTONRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN +$21,235 FC SG EX)
 HB42FIRMENTRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL - Provides relative to membership in the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System (EN SEE ACTUARIAL NOTE APV)
 HB77LACOMBETAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL - Provides for the disposition of certain local sales and use taxes at the Angola State Penitentiary Prison Rodeo (EN -$23,460 LF RV See Note)
 HB403ECHOLSTAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL-EXEM - Adds drugs prescribed for certain ocular conditions to the listing of prescription drugs exempt from local sales and use taxes (EN DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB418BEAULLIEUTAX/SEVERANCE TAX - Reduces severance tax rates on oil and gas produced from inactive wells and orphan wells (EN -$900,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB475BOURRIAQUEREVENUE/TAXATION DEPT - Provides for digital transaction providers (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB718CARVERTAX - Repeals certain provisions of law referring to inheritance taxes (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB74BACALACLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to the jury commission for the parishes of Ascension, Assumption, and St. James
 HB92ROMEROCRIMINAL/RECORDS - Designates Act No. 460 of the 2023 Regular Session as "The Remy Mann Act"
 HB97MCMAKINCRIME - Provides relative to the crime of solicitation on certain highways and streets
 HB102FIRMENTINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Creates an Employee Insurance Fund for the LaSalle Parish Sheriff's Office
 HB138SCHLEGELCRIME - Provides relative to the crime of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB163BOURRIAQUEINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides for an increase in membership to the investment advisory board of the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office
 HB202CARVERCRIME/THEFT - Creates the crime of theft of USPS mail (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB205GLORIOSOCRIME/RACKETEERING - Provides for the definition of the crime of racketeering (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB206VILLIOCRIMINAL/MENTAL CAPACITY - Provides relative to the commitment of certain persons who are found not guilty by reason of insanity (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
 HB212BEAULLIEUCRIMINAL/VICTIMS - Provides relative to notification procedures in certain circumstances
 HB214VILLIOCRIME - Provides relative to monetary instrument abuse (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB226MANDIE LANDRYCRIME - Increases the penalties for public bribery (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB328MCFARLANDDISTRICT ATTORNEYS/ASST - Provides relative to the salaries of assistant district attorneys
 HB369LYONSCOURTS - Repeals environmental docket for the 24th JDC
 HB385CHARLES OWENMILITARY AFFAIRS - Provides relative to survivors' education benefits (EN DECREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB450SCHAMERHORNSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Public Safety and Corrections
 HB451SCHLEGELCRIME/THEFT - Provides relative to the crime of theft (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB463EGANSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Justice
 HB505FONTENOTCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to electronic bonds
 HB519FARNUMCOURTS - Provides relative to marshals and constables
 HB527EGANVETERANS - Provides relative to veterans cemeteries burial fees
 HB534FREEMANMTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides relative to the booting of motor vehicles parked on private property
 HB576BRAUDCOURTS/JUSTICE OF PEACE - Provides relative to justices of the peace in Plaquemines Parish
 HB580MUSCARELLOCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to bankruptcy
 HB720SCHLEGELCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides relative to distribution of fentanyl under certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB723SCHLEGELPARDON/PAROLE - Provides relative to clemency procedures (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HB734VILLIOCRIMINAL/VICTIMS - Provides relative to victim notification (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB752CARRIERRETIREMENT/SHERIFFS FUND - Provides relative to membership in the Sheriffs' Pension and Relief Fund (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB770CARPENTERCHILDREN/SUPPORT - Provides relative to child support guidelines
 HB773CARPENTERCHILDREN/SUPPORT - Provides for the schedule of basic child support obligations