RS 34
RS 34:1
Continuation; qualifications; appointments; terms; vacancies
RS 34:2
Confirmation not required; removal; procedure
RS 34:3
Officers of board; meetings
RS 34:4
Managerial powers
RS 34:21
Rights and powers of board in general
RS 34:22
Construction of private wharves; consent of board; administration and maintenance
RS 34:23
Acquisition of wharves and landings; expropriation
RS 34:24
Statistical and financial reports
RS 34:25
Ordinances of New Orleans; force and effect; enforcement of ordinances of board
RS 34:26
Port and harbor police
RS 34:27
Dedication of property to United States
RS 34:28
Danziger Bridge and others to be open during certain hours
RS 34:29
Borrowing power; issuance of notes and bonds
RS 34:30
RS 34:41
Contracts for necessary improvements
RS 34:42
Certificates of indebtedness
RS 34:43
Other powers of board, effect on
RS 34:44
Powers granted continuing
RS 34:45
Lease of lands; construction of improvements; payment of improvements
RS 34:46
Organization of industrial districts
RS 34:47
RS 34:201
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:202
Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District; ratification; board of commissioners; members; officers; agents; and employees
RS 34:203
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:203.1
Sale of property
RS 34:203.2
Transfer of property to the United States Navy
RS 34:204
Officers of board; meetings; offices; agents and employees; travel
RS 34:204.1
Port director
RS 34:205
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:206
Acquisition of lands
RS 34:207
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:208
Letting contracts; exceptions
RS 34:209
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:210
Bond issues
RS 34:211
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:212
Collection of taxes
RS 34:213
Transfer of state lands to board of commissioner; certificate
RS 34:214
Refunding bonds; issuance
RS 34:215
Powers and authority of district
RS 34:216
Authority for issuance of bonds
RS 34:217
Contestment of the legality of bonds
RS 34:218
Calcasieu River and Pass Project
RS 34:221
RS 34:222
Calcasieu Ship Channel Funding Management Board
RS 34:223
RS 34:224
The Calcasieu Ship Channel Advisory Committee
RS 34:241
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:242
Board of commissioners; members, officers, agents and employees
RS 34:242.1
RS 34:243
Powers of board
RS 34:244
Officers of board; meetings; agents and employees
RS 34:245
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual report
RS 34:246
Acquisition of lands; receipt of money, aid or assistance
RS 34:247
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:248
Letting contracts; emergency procedures
RS 34:249
RS 34:250
Special taxes and bond issues
RS 34:251
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:252
Collection of taxes
RS 34:291
Creation; territorial limits and jurisdiction
RS 34:291.1
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 771, §3, eff. June 18, 2022.
RS 34:292
Board of commissioners
RS 34:293
Powers of board; title to structures
RS 34:293.1
Additional powers; industrial development
RS 34:293.2
Additional powers; redevelopment
RS 34:294
Officers of board; meetings; offices; agents and employees
RS 34:295
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 771, §3, eff. June 18, 2022.
RS 34:296
Acquisition of lands
RS 34:297
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:298
Letting contracts; doing work with own force and equipment
RS 34:299
Fees and ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:300
Bond issues
RS 34:301
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:302
Collection of taxes
RS 34:321
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:322
Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 48, §2.
RS 34:322.1
Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; compensation; officers, agents, and employees
RS 34:323
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:323.1
Additional powers of the board; industrial development
RS 34:324
Officers of board; meetings; offices; agents and employees
RS 34:325
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:326
Acquisition of lands; public aid
RS 34:327
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:328
Contracts; bids; bond
RS 34:329
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:330
Bond issues
RS 34:331
Annual taxes
RS 34:332
Collection of taxes
RS 34:333.1
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:333.2
Board of commissioners; appointment and qualifications of members; terms of office; compensation
RS 34:333.3
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:333.4
Officers and employees of board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:333.5
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:333.6
Acquisition of lands; public aid
RS 34:333.7
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:333.8
Contracts; bids; bonds
RS 34:333.9
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:333.10
Bond issues
RS 34:333.11
Annual taxes
RS 34:333.12
Collection of taxes
RS 34:334.1
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:334.2
Board of commissioners; appointment and qualifications of members; terms of office; compensation
RS 34:334.3
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:334.4
Officers and employees of board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:334.5
Examinations and investigations; control and regulations; annual reports
RS 34:334.6
Acquisition of lands; public aid; construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:334.7
Contracts; bids; bond
RS 34:334.8
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:334.9
Bond issues; taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:334.10
Collection of taxes
RS 34:334.11
Transfer of functions and privileges of Gravity Drainage District No. 2
RS 34:334.12
Per diem of commissioners
RS 34:334.31
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:334.32
Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; composition; officers; agents and employees
RS 34:334.33
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:334.34
Officers and employees of board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:334.35
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:334.36
Acquisition of lands; public aid; construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:334.37
Contracts; bids
RS 34:334.38
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:334.39
RS 34:334.40
Annual taxes
RS 34:334.41
Collection of taxes
RS 34:335.1
Creation and territorial limits
RS 34:335.2
Board of commissioners; membership; officers; meetings
RS 34:335.3
Authority, powers, and duties of board; officers; agents
RS 34:335.4
Authority to levy and collect taxes; issuance of bonds
RS 34:335.5
Testing validity of bonds; prescription; sale of bonds
RS 34:335.6
RS 34:338.1
Special tax; bonding; election
RS 34:338.2
Collection of special tax
RS 34:338.3
Issuance of bonds
RS 34:338.4
Refunding bonds
RS 34:340.1
Revenue producing structures
RS 34:340.2
Authority to issue bonds; security
RS 34:340.3
Bonds, procedures
RS 34:340.4
Bonds; contestability
RS 34:340.5
Bonds; character
RS 34:340.6
Nothing to affect Port of New Orleans
RS 34:340.11
Title to property
RS 34:340.12
RS 34:340.13
Control, testing, and monitoring center; establishment
RS 34:340.14
RS 34:340.15
Employment of personnel or contractors
RS 34:340.16
Short title
RS 34:340.21
Port security and safety plan; statewide
RS 34:340.31
Samuel B. "Sammy" Nunez, Jr., Building
RS 34:341
RS 34:342
Acquisition of same by expropriation
RS 34:343
Purpose of law
RS 34:344
Navigation locks in Mississippi River; operation and maintenance
RS 34:345
Private canals; charges for vessels publicly owned
RS 34:346
Canal companies; right of way through state lands
RS 34:361
Navigation canals and improvement of water courses by municipalities and parishes; title to vest in the public
RS 34:362
Acquisition of property and construction of works; authority
RS 34:363
Co-operation with state or federal government; financial aid
RS 34:364
Acquisition of property and donation to federal government
RS 34:365
Bond issues; special taxes
RS 34:366
Board of advisors
RS 34:367
Letting contracts; executing work with own force and equipment; contractor's bond
RS 34:368
Special taxes; annual levy
RS 34:369
Collection of special taxes; duties of parish collector
RS 34:370
Parish of Orleans, provisions inapplicable
RS 34:381
Duty of agency to construct facility
RS 34:382
Areas requiring facility; connection to public road
RS 34:383
Number of access sites
RS 34:401
RS 34:402
Corporate status and powers; suits and service of citation
RS 34:403
Board of commissioners as governing authority; terms and compensation; vacancies; meetings; quorum
RS 34:404
Officers and employees of board
RS 34:405
Bond of secretary of board
RS 34:406
General powers
RS 34:407
Improvement and maintenance of navigation; advice of department of public works; cooperation with federal and state agencies
RS 34:408
Cooperation with federal government or other agencies
RS 34:409
Elections to levy special tax
RS 34:410
To 421 Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 56, 3
RS 34:422
Assessment and collection of tax; procedure
RS 34:423
Levee boards, provisions not to affect
RS 34:441
Creation of district; purpose
RS 34:442
RS 34:443
Incidental powers of district
RS 34:444
Board of commissioners; members
RS 34:445
Powers and duties of board; duties of secretary
RS 34:446
Anticipation of revenues; certificates of indebtedness
RS 34:461
Creation of district; purpose
RS 34:462
RS 34:463
Incidental powers of district
RS 34:464
Board of commissioners; appointment and qualification of members
RS 34:465
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:466
Canal system; canal to Jennings
RS 34:467
Officers and employees of board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:468
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:469
Acquisition of lands; public aid; construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:470
RS 34:471
Fee; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:472
RS 34:481
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:482
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:483
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:484
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:485
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:486
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:487
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:488
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:489
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:490
Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 755, §1.
RS 34:801
RS 34:802
Injury or damage by careless navigation; privilege on vessels
RS 34:803
Proceedings in rem
RS 34:804
Venue of actions
RS 34:805
Petition and bond
RS 34:806
Provisional seizure of vessel
RS 34:807
Stay of execution; release bonds
RS 34:808
Intervention of interested parties
RS 34:809
Ex parte proceedings upon claimant's failure to answer
RS 34:810
Procedure when offending vessel not claimed
RS 34:811
Sale of vessel, procedure
RS 34:812
Suits in personam; joinder
RS 34:813
Rules of procedure; time for appeal
RS 34:814
Sale of vessel when damaged or subject to deterioration
RS 34:815
Costs; stipulation for payment; insufficiency of release bond
RS 34:816
Time for seizure of vessel; peremption of privilege
RS 34:817
Waiver of provisions
RS 34:831
Pleasure craft; tolls; wharfage
RS 34:832
Wood taken by commander of vessel; payment
RS 34:833
Proof by owner of wood taken; penalty for false affidavit
RS 34:834
Lights on steamboats; penalty for failure to have
RS 34:835
Vessels in Atchafalaya bay; discharge of ballast; penalty for unlawful discharge
RS 34:836
Atchafalaya pilots as ballast masters; duties; penalty for failure to perform
RS 34:837
Vessels entering Atchafalaya bay; place of taking pilot; duty of pilot
RS 34:838
Vessels going into Atchafalaya River; discharge of ballast; penalty for unlawful discharge
RS 34:839
Proceedings before justices of the peace for violations
RS 34:840
Discharge of grading material into Mississippi River; penalty
RS 34:841
Blowing the stacks prohibited
RS 34:842
Captains and/or helmsmen of barge towing vessels on Lake Pontchartrain; penalty
RS 34:843
Objects; removal; disposition
RS 34:844
Water intake zone restrictions
RS 34:850.1
To 850.26 Repealed by Acts 1984, No. 288, 2.
RS 34:851.1
Declaration of policy
RS 34:851.2
RS 34:851.3
Application and justification
RS 34:851.4
Careless operation of a watercraft
RS 34:851.5
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 264, §3.
RS 34:851.6
Negligent homicide
RS 34:851.7
Interference with navigation
RS 34:851.8
Operating a watercraft during suspension
RS 34:851.9
Incapacity of operator
RS 34:851.10
Collisions, accidents, and casualties; theft, reporting
RS 34:851.11
RS 34:851.12
RS 34:851.13
Riding on decks and gunwales
RS 34:851.14
Restricted areas
RS 34:851.14.1
Closure of waterways
RS 34:851.14.2
Safety and security zones
RS 34:851.15
RS 34:851.16
RS 34:851.17
RS 34:851.18
Owner's responsibility; presumption of owner's consent to operate
RS 34:851.19
Operation of unnumbered motorboats, houseboats, or sailboats prohibited; exception
RS 34:851.20
Identification number
RS 34:851.21
Numbering system
RS 34:851.22
Exemption from numbering system
RS 34:851.23
Boat liveries; numbering of manufacturer's and dealer's boats
RS 34:851.24
Classification and required equipment
RS 34:851.25
Prohibited operation
RS 34:851.26
Transmittal of information
RS 34:851.27
Local regulations prohibited; exceptions; speed limits
RS 34:851.28
Filing of regulations
RS 34:851.29
RS 34:851.30
Visual distress
RS 34:851.31
RS 34:851.32
Disposition of funds
RS 34:851.33
Possession of outboard motor with serial number removed prohibited
RS 34:851.34
Powers not affected
RS 34:851.35
Filing false applications
RS 34:851.36
Boating safety education required
RS 34:851.37
Special certificate agents; rules and regulations
RS 34:852.1
Short title
RS 34:852.2
RS 34:852.3
Certificate of title authorized
RS 34:852.4
Application for certificate of title; form; content
RS 34:852.5
Acquisition of vessel by dealer
RS 34:852.6
Prohibition of vessel sale, assignment, or transfer without certificate of title or documentation
RS 34:852.7
Certificate of title; form and content
RS 34:852.8
Retention of records of title
RS 34:852.9
Duplicate certificate of title
RS 34:852.10
Manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin required
RS 34:852.11
Manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin; form and content
RS 34:852.12
Dealer's record of vessels bought, sold, or transferred
RS 34:852.13
Hull identification number requirement; prohibitions
RS 34:852.14
Transfer or repossession of vessel by operation of law or court order
RS 34:852.15
Transfer of title; absence of executor or administrator of estate
RS 34:852.16
Security interest in vessels; certificate of title to show interest; notice; exemptions
RS 34:852.17
Certificate of origin; evidence of ownership; rebuttal
RS 34:852.18
Forms; investigations
RS 34:852.19
Adoption of rules and regulations
RS 34:852.20
Electronic media system for lien recordation and title information
RS 34:852.21
RS 34:852.22
Violations; penalties
RS 34:852.23
Titling abandoned and salvaged vessels and outboard motors
RS 34:855.1
Short title
RS 34:855.2
RS 34:855.3
Regulation of personal watercraft
RS 34:855.4
Regulation of liveries
RS 34:855.5
RS 34:861
RS 34:862
Detaining effects of seamen for debt
RS 34:863
Crews of foreign vessels working beyond ship's tackle; prohibition; penalty
RS 34:864
Certificate of discharge; master's duty to give
RS 34:865
Shipping seamen without discharges; penalty
RS 34:866
Proceedings when discharge refused
RS 34:867
Advertisement of deserters
RS 34:868
Innkeepers harboring or concealing deserters; penalty
RS 34:869
Causing desertion or interfering with authority of master; penalty
RS 34:870
Place of arrest or trial
RS 34:871
Arrest by master or person in charge
RS 34:872
Evidence; burden of proof
RS 34:873
Taking testimony of master, officer or transient person
RS 34:874
Harboring or secreting seamen; penalty
RS 34:875
Search warrant for secreted seamen
RS 34:876
Shipping articles as evidence
RS 34:877
Abandonment of ship or refusal to perform duty; forfeiture and damages
RS 34:941
RS 34:942
Board of examiners; appointment, terms and compensation of members
RS 34:943
Associated branch pilots; number
RS 34:944
Confirmation of branch pilots as bar pilots
RS 34:945
Additional pilots; examination; procedure for appointment
RS 34:946
Members of board of examiners failing to perform duties; removal from office
RS 34:947
Misconduct of pilots, board of examiners' duty to report
RS 34:948
Qualifications of pilots; bond
RS 34:949
RS 34:950
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 111, §2.
RS 34:951
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 111, §2.
RS 34:952
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 111, §2.
RS 34:953
Ships required to take pilots
RS 34:954
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 111, §2.
RS 34:955
Pilots' duty to remain on board ship until crossing bar; additional fees for late sailing
RS 34:956
Carrying pilot out to sea; liability of master or owner of vessel
RS 34:957
Extra services to vessels in distress
RS 34:958
Refusal of pilot to act when called; penalty
RS 34:959
Acting as pilot without license; penalty
RS 34:960
Pilot's duty to exhibit license
RS 34:961
Employing pilot without license; liability of vessel, master or owner
RS 34:961.1
Employing pilot without a state commission; penalties
RS 34:961.2
Offering of services
RS 34:962
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:963
Pilot associations
RS 34:964
Privilege of pilots on vessels
RS 34:965
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 111, §2.
RS 34:966
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:991
Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners; duties, appointment, qualification, and removal of members
RS 34:991.1
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:992
River port pilots; duties; appointment
RS 34:993
Examinations for appointment; qualifications
RS 34:994
Oath; bond
RS 34:995
Association of river port pilots
RS 34:996
Operating territory
RS 34:997
Pilotage fees; vessel subject to pilotage
RS 34:998
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 960, 2.
RS 34:999
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 960, 2.
RS 34:1000
Privilege for charges and attorney's fees
RS 34:1001
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:1002
Violations and penalties
RS 34:1002.1
Employing pilot without a state commission; penalties
RS 34:1003
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 960, 2.
RS 34:1004
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 960, 2.
RS 34:1005
Privilege; communications between river port pilot and Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners
RS 34:1006
RS 34:1007
Repealed by Acts 1968, No. 579, 8
RS 34:1008
Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 960, 2.
RS 34:1009
Employing pilot without a commission; liability of vessel, master, and owner
RS 34:1041
RS 34:1042
Board of steamship pilot examiners; members; appointment; oath of office; powers and duties
RS 34:1043
Body of pilots; duty
RS 34:1044
Appointment of pilots
RS 34:1045
Examination of pilots; qualifications
RS 34:1046
Oath of office and bond
RS 34:1047
Association of pilots
RS 34:1048
Pilotage fees; exceptions
RS 34:1049
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:1050
Solicitation of business or employment
RS 34:1051
Acting as a pilot without a commission; penalty
RS 34:1052
Employing pilot without a commission; liability of vessel, master, and owner
RS 34:1053
Employing a pilot without a commission; penalties
RS 34:1054
Offering of services
RS 34:1055
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:1071
RS 34:1072
Board of commissioners and examiners; members; appointment; duties; enforcement of regulations
RS 34:1073
Body of pilots; name; duty
RS 34:1074
Oath of office and bond of pilots
RS 34:1075
Associations of river port pilots
RS 34:1076
Pilotage fees; exceptions
RS 34:1076.1
Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 902, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
RS 34:1077
Report of incompetency, carelessness, etc. of pilots; removal, suspension or reprimand; attempt to exercise functions without commission
RS 34:1078
Solicitation of business or employment
RS 34:1079
Application of provisions
RS 34:1101
RS 34:1102
RS 34:1103
RS 34:1104
RS 34:1105
RS 34:1106
RS 34:1121
Pilotage Fee Commission; composition
RS 34:1122
Fees and charges; adjudication of disputes
RS 34:1123
RS 34:1124
Fees and charges to remain in effect until changed
RS 34:1125
Operation of commission; rules
RS 34:1126
Existing laws as to services not modified or repealed
RS 34:1127
Contesting validity of commission decisions
RS 34:1131
RS 34:1132
RS 34:1133
Board of Louisiana River Pilot Review and Oversight; creation; membership
RS 34:1134
Meetings; quorum
RS 34:1135
Powers; functions; duties; responsibilities
RS 34:1136
Expenditures; funding
RS 34:1137
RS 34:1138
Judicial review
RS 34:1221
Creation of Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission; members
RS 34:1222
Officers of the board; meetings; quorum; per diem
RS 34:1223
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:1224
Authority for issuance of bonds; ad valorem tax
RS 34:1225
Prescriptive period
RS 34:1226
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1351
RS 34:1352
Governing authority and jurisdiction
RS 34:1353
Acquisition of lands, public aid
RS 34:1354
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:1355
Contracts; bids; bond
RS 34:1356
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:1357
Ad valorem tax bonds
RS 34:1358
Annual taxes
RS 34:1359
Collection of taxes
RS 34:1360
Powers of district; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:1361
Construction of private wharves; consent of district; administration and maintenance
RS 34:1362
Present rights of Plaquemines Parish
RS 34:1363
Revenue and mortgage revenue bonds
RS 34:1364
Bonds secured by general revenues
RS 34:1365
Annual report
RS 34:1401
Creation of commission; membership; qualifications; vacancy
RS 34:1402
Officers; meetings; quorum; removal
RS 34:1403
Rights and powers of commission
RS 34:1404
Authority for issuance of bonds; special taxes; pledge of revenues; mortgage; donation
RS 34:1405
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1406
RS 34:1451
Creation of Greater Krotz Springs Port Commission
RS 34:1452
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:1453
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:1454
Authority for general obligation bonds
RS 34:1455
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1456
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1457
Repealed by Acts 1970, No. 613, 2
RS 34:1501
RS 34:1502
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:1503
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:1504
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:1505
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1506
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1507
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:1508
Industrial properties; authority to acquire, etc.
RS 34:1601
RS 34:1602
Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; composition; officers; agents and employees
RS 34:1603
Rights and powers of board
RS 34:1603.1
RS 34:1603.2
Port and harbor police
RS 34:1604
Authority to levy and collect taxes; issuance of bonds
RS 34:1605
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1651
Greater Lafourche Port Commission; creation; members; election by divisions; vacancies; qualifications; officers; meetings; per diem; removal for excessive absences
RS 34:1652
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:1652.1
Port and harbor police
RS 34:1652.2
RS 34:1652.3
Private wharves; administration and maintenance
RS 34:1652.4
Advertisement; exemption
RS 34:1652.5
Authority to enter into agreements with United States
RS 34:1652.6
Additional powers; industrial development
RS 34:1653
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes
RS 34:1654
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds; limitation on interest rates
RS 34:1655
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1656
Refunding bonds; issuance
RS 34:1657
Fees; ad valorem tax, borrowing money
RS 34:1658
Bond issues; voted bonds
RS 34:1659
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:1660
Collection of taxes
RS 34:1661
Ad valorem tax
RS 34:1662
Transportation development
RS 34:1701
RS 34:1702
Board of commissioners, members; vacancy; compensation; officers, agents and employees
RS 34:1703
Powers of the board
RS 34:1704
Acquisition of private property for levees and drainage
RS 34:1705
Rights of the board of commissioners
RS 34:1706
Officers of board; meetings; offices, agents and employees
RS 34:1707
Annual report
RS 34:1708
Acquisition of lands; public aid
RS 34:1709
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:1710
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:1711
Revenue and mortgage revenue bonds
RS 34:1712
Ad valorem tax bonds
RS 34:1713
Bonds secured by general revenues
RS 34:1714
Annual taxes
RS 34:1715
Collection of taxes
RS 34:1801
Creation of Avoyelles Parish Port Commission
RS 34:1802
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:1803
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:1804
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:1805
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1806
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1807
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:1851
RS 34:1852
RS 34:1853
RS 34:1854
RS 34:1855
RS 34:1856
RS 34:1857
RS 34:1861
Creation of Vidalia Port Commission
RS 34:1862
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:1863
Limits of the district
RS 34:1864
Transitional provisions
RS 34:1865
Officers of the board; meetings
RS 34:1866
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:1867
Testing validity of bonds; prescription; sale of bonds
RS 34:1901
RS 34:1902
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:1903
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:1904
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:1905
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1906
Right to expropriate denied
RS 34:1907
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:1951
Creation of South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission
RS 34:1952
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:1952.1
Meetings; advance notice
RS 34:1953
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:1954
Authority for issuance of bonds
RS 34:1955
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:1956
Right to expropriate
RS 34:1957
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:1958
Refunding bonds; issuance
RS 34:1959
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:1959.1
Ad valorem taxes; special taxes; special election
RS 34:1960
Bond issues; voted bonds
RS 34:1961
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:1962
Collection of taxes
RS 34:1963
RS 34:2001
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2002
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2003
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2004
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2005
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2006
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:2007
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 116, 2.
RS 34:2021
Jefferson Parish Economic Development and Port District
RS 34:2022
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:2023
Additional powers
RS 34:2024
Tax increment finance
RS 34:2025
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes
RS 34:2026
Fees and ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:2027
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:2028
Right to expropriate
RS 34:2029
Obligations of the district
RS 34:2030
RS 34:2031
Exemption from taxation
RS 34:2032
General compliances; enhancement
RS 34:2033
Additional economic development functions
RS 34:2034
Additional powers; industrial and economic development; prescription; definitions
RS 34:2035
Revenue bonds for authorized functions and purposes, prescription
RS 34:2036
No conflict
RS 34:2101
Creation of the West Calcasieu Port
RS 34:2102
Officers of the commission; meetings; per diem
RS 34:2103
Territorial limits
RS 34:2104
Powers of commission; title to structures
RS 34:2104.1
Additional powers
RS 34:2105
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:2106
Acquisition of lands
RS 34:2107
Construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:2108
Letting contracts; doing work with own force and equipment
RS 34:2109
Fees; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:2110
Bond issues
RS 34:2111
Taxes for payment of bonds
RS 34:2112
Collection of taxes
RS 34:2151
RS 34:2152
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2153
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2154
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2155
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2156
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2157
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:2201
RS 34:2202
Officers; meetings; quorum; report
RS 34:2203
Duties and powers of the commission
RS 34:2204
Authority to levy taxes and issue bonds
RS 34:2205
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not applicable
RS 34:2251
RS 34:2254
Cooperation with other agencies; engineering advice and services
RS 34:2255
Port or navigation districts not affected
RS 34:2281
RS 34:2282
Governing authority
RS 34:2283
Powers of the commission
RS 34:2284
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:2285
Issuance of bonds
RS 34:2286
Sale of bonds; prescriptive period to contest
RS 34:2287
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:2301
RS 34:2302
Purpose; commission
RS 34:2303
Membership of commission
RS 34:2303.1
Dual membership; prohibited
RS 34:2304
Terms of office; vacancies
RS 34:2305
Domicile of commission; officers and employees; per diem and travel allowance
RS 34:2306
By-laws, rules and regulations; quorum; proxy
RS 34:2307
RS 34:2308
Exercise of powers; status of commission
RS 34:2309
Powers and authority
RS 34:2310
RS 34:2311
RS 34:2312
Revenue bonds
RS 34:2313
Bonds as legal investments
RS 34:2314
RS 34:2315
Pledge of state
RS 34:2316
Port development
RS 34:2316.1
Contribution to port commission
RS 34:2317
Construction of Chapter
RS 34:2351
RS 34:2352
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:2353
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:2354
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:2355
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:2356
Right to expropriate denied
RS 34:2357
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:2401
RS 34:2402
Governing authority
RS 34:2403
Powers of the commission
RS 34:2404
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes, election; issuance of bonds
RS 34:2405
Purpose of bonds
RS 34:2406
Sale of bonds, prescriptive period to contest
RS 34:2407
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:2451
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2452
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2453
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2454
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2455
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2456
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2457
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2458
Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 180, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
RS 34:2471
Creation; membership
RS 34:2472
Officers of the board; meetings
RS 34:2473
Jurisdictional boundaries; rights and powers of commission and executive director
RS 34:2473.1
Additional rights and powers of the board and the executive director
RS 34:2474
Authority to issue bonds and levy taxes
RS 34:2475
Testing validity of bonds or notes
RS 34:2476
Acquisition of properties; expropriation
RS 34:2476.1
Additional economic development functions
RS 34:2476.2
Additional powers; industrial development
RS 34:2476.3
Revenue bonds for authorized functions and purposes
RS 34:2477
RS 34:2501
RS 34:2502
RS 34:2503
RS 34:2504
RS 34:2505
RS 34:2506
RS 34:2551
RS 34:2552
RS 34:2553
RS 34:2554
RS 34:2555
RS 34:2556
RS 34:3001
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3002
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3003
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3004
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3005
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3006
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3051
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3052
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3053
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3054
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3055
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3056
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3101
Object; purpose of Chapter
RS 34:3102
RS 34:3103
Jurisdiction; domicile
RS 34:3104
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §10(C).
RS 34:3105
Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 207, §10(C).
RS 34:3106
Annual reports; budget unit
RS 34:3107
Executive director; selection; duties; employees; compensation
RS 34:3108
Acquisition of sites; lease of state owned lands and water bottoms
RS 34:3109
RS 34:3110
Protection of deepwater ports
RS 34:3111
Public contracts
RS 34:3112
Bonds; procedure for issuance
RS 34:3112.1
Additional authorization to issue revenue bonds and notes
RS 34:3113
Environmental protection plan
RS 34:3114
Issuance and transfer of licenses
RS 34:3115
Remedies and enforcement
RS 34:3116
Coordination and cooperation
RS 34:3141
Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 67, 2.
RS 34:3142
Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 67, 2.
RS 34:3143
Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 67, 2.
RS 34:3144
Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 67, 2.
RS 34:3145
Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 67, 2.
RS 34:3151
RS 34:3152
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:3153
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:3154
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:3155
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:3156
Right to expropriate; expropriation by declaration
RS 34:3157
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:3158
Creation of commission; membership; qualifications; tenure
RS 34:3159
Officers of the board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:3160
Rights and powers of commission
RS 34:3161
Special taxes; assessment; collection
RS 34:3162
Authority to issue bonds; contesting regularity of issuance; sale of bonds
RS 34:3162.1
General obligation bonds
RS 34:3162.2
Limited tax bonds
RS 34:3162.3
Borrowing in anticipation of regular revenues
RS 34:3163
Right of expropriation
RS 34:3164
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:3165
RS 34:3166
RS 34:3167
Officers of the commission; meetings
RS 34:3168
Rights and powers of the board
RS 34:3169
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:3170
Prescriptive period; sale of bonds
RS 34:3171
Right to expropriate
RS 34:3172
Advertisement; R.S. 43:111 not to apply
RS 34:3201
RS 34:3202
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3203
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3204
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3205
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3206
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3207
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3208
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3221
RS 34:3222
Board of commissioners; members; vacancy; composition; officers; agents and employees
RS 34:3223
Powers of board; title to structures and facilities
RS 34:3224
Officers and employees of board; meetings; quorum
RS 34:3225
Examinations and investigations; control and regulation; annual reports
RS 34:3226
Acquisition of lands; public aid; construction of works of public improvement
RS 34:3227
Contracts; bids; bond
RS 34:3228
Fee; ad valorem tax; borrowing money
RS 34:3229
RS 34:3241
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3242
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3243
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3244
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3245
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3246
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3251
RS 34:3252
Officers of the board; meetings
RS 34:3253
Rights and powers of the commission
RS 34:3254
Authority for issuance of bonds; levy of taxes; election
RS 34:3255
Limits of the district
RS 34:3256
Transitional provisions
RS 34:3261
RS 34:3262
Purpose; commission
RS 34:3263
Membership of commission
RS 34:3264
Terms of office
RS 34:3265
Domicile of the commission; officers and employees; per diem and travel allowance
RS 34:3266
Bylaws, rules and regulations; quorum; proxy
RS 34:3267
RS 34:3268
Exercise of powers; status of commission
RS 34:3269
Powers and authority
RS 34:3270
RS 34:3271
RS 34:3272
Revenue bonds
RS 34:3273
Bonds as legal investments
RS 34:3274
RS 34:3275
Pledge of state
RS 34:3276
Construction of Chapter
RS 34:3281
Legislative findings and intent
RS 34:3282
Creation of West Feliciana Parish Port Commission; membership
RS 34:3283
Officers; meetings; quorum; report
RS 34:3284
Commission functions
RS 34:3285
Duties and powers of the commission
RS 34:3286
Authority to levy taxes and issue bonds; financing
RS 34:3301
Object and purpose
RS 34:3302
AGMAC Deepening Project
RS 34:3303
Powers and duties
RS 34:3304
Coordination and cooperation
RS 34:3305
Construction of Chapter; controlling law
RS 34:3306
Property defined
RS 34:3307
Authority to expropriate and acquire property for the AGMAC channel deepening project prior to judgment
RS 34:3308
Contents of petition for expropriation; place of filing
RS 34:3309
Prayer of petition; ex parte order for deposit
RS 34:3310
Vesting of title
RS 34:3311
Notice to defendant
RS 34:3312
Contesting validity of proposed taking; waiver of defenses
RS 34:3313
Defendant's answer; requirements; delay for filing
RS 34:3314
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3321
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3322
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3323
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3324
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3325
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3326
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3327
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3328
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3329
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3330
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3331
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3332
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3333
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3334
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3335
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3336
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3337
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3338
Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 34:3351
RS 34:3352
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3353
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3354
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3355
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3356
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 34:3401
RS 34:3402
Mississippi River Deepening Project
RS 34:3403
RS 34:3404
RS 34:3405
Coordination and cooperation
RS 34:3406
Construction of Chapter; controlling law
RS 34:3411
Property defined
RS 34:3412
Authority to expropriate and acquire property for river deepening projects prior to judgment
RS 34:3413
Contents of petition for expropriation; place of filing
RS 34:3414
Prayer of petition; ex parte order for deposit
RS 34:3415
Vesting of title
RS 34:3416
Notice to defendant
RS 34:3417
Contesting validity of proposed taking; waiver of defenses
RS 34:3418
Defendant's answer; requirements; delay for filing
RS 34:3451
RS 34:3452
Methodology for port project evaluation
RS 34:3453
Priority list of projects; public hearings; final program
RS 34:3454
Supplemental list of projects
RS 34:3455
Projects undertaken by the department
RS 34:3456
Commencement of projects; substitutions; Port of New Orleans
RS 34:3457
Allocation, reallocation of funds; deposit to Transportation Trust Fund
RS 34:3457.1
Reimbursement for project construction
RS 34:3458
Preparation of plans and specifications; letting of bids for construction; supervision of construction
RS 34:3459
RS 34:3460
System of administration
RS 34:3461
Audit of distribution to recipient port authorities
RS 34:3462
Report of any misuse of funds
RS 34:3463
Misuse of funds; withholding of distribution; notification of district attorney
RS 34:3471
RS 34:3472
Methodology for dredging and deepening project evaluation
RS 34:3473
Priority list of projects; public hearings; final program
RS 34:3474
Supplemental list of projects
RS 34:3475
Projects undertaken by the office
RS 34:3476
Commencement of projects; substitutions
RS 34:3477
Allocation, reallocation of funds; deposit to Dredging and Deepening Fund
RS 34:3478
Preparation of plans and specifications; letting of bids for construction; supervision of construction
RS 34:3479
RS 34:3480
System of administration
RS 34:3481
Audit of distribution to recipient governmental entities
RS 34:3482
Report of any misuse of funds
RS 34:3483
Misuse of funds; withholding of distribution; notification of district attorney
RS 34:3484
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 423, §1, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 34:3485
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 423, §1, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 34:3486
Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 423, §1, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 34:3491
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3492
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3493
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3494
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3495
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3496
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3497
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3498
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3499
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3499.1
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3499.2
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3500
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3501
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3502
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3503
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3504
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3505
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3506
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:3521
Additional rights and powers
RS 34:3522
RS 34:3523
Design-build contracts; pilot program for ports
RS 34:3551
Coastal Port Advisory Authority; purpose; legislative findings
RS 34:3552
Coastal Port Advisory Authority; creation; membership; duties and functions
RS 34:5201
Creation of district
RS 34:5202
Governing authority
RS 34:5203
Powers of the district; commission
RS 34:5204
Levy of taxes
RS 34:5205
RS 34:5210
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5211
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5212
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5213
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5214
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5215
Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 755, §2.
RS 34:5221
Creation; purpose
RS 34:5222
Board of directors
RS 34:5223
Powers and duties of the commission
RS 34:5224
Development of the strategic plan and investment program