CC 1
Sources of law
CC 2
CC 3
CC 4
Absence of legislation or custom
CC 5
Ignorance of law
CC 6
Retroactivity of laws
CC 7
Laws for the preservation of the public interest
CC 8
Repeal of laws
CC 9
Clear and unambiguous law
CC 10
Language susceptible of different meanings
CC 11
Meaning of words
CC 12
Ambiguous words
CC 13
Laws on the same subject matter
CC 14
Multistate cases
CC 24
Kinds of persons
CC 25
Commencement and end of natural personality
CC 26
Art. 26. Unborn child
CC 27
General legal capacity
CC 28
Capacity to make juridical acts
CC 29
Age of majority
CC 30
Presumption of death
CC 31
Existence of a person at time of accrual of a right
CC 38
CC 39
Domicile and residence
CC 40
Domicile of spouses
CC 41
Domicile of unemancipated minor.
CC 42
Domicile of interdict
CC 43
Domicile of person under continued or permanent tutorship
CC 44
Change of domicile
CC 45
Proof of intent to change domicile
CC 46
Person holding temporary position
CC 47
Curator of an absent person's property
CC 48
Powers, rights, and duties of curator
CC 49
Legal capacity of absent person
CC 50
Termination of curatorship of right
CC 51
Termination by judgment of declaration of death
CC 52
Effects of termination of curatorship
CC 53
Validity of acts of curator after termination of the curatorship
CC 54
Absent person; declaration of death
CC 55
Declaration of death; effect
CC 56
New evidence as to time of death
CC 57
Reappearance of absent person; recovery of his property
CC 58
Succession rights of person presumed dead or declared dead
CC 59
Reappearance of absent person; recovery of his inheritance
CC 60
Arts. 60 to 85 repealed by Acts 1990, No. 989, 1, eff. January 1, 1991.
CC 86
Marriage; definition
CC 87
Contract of marriage; requirements
CC 88
Impediment of existing marriage
CC 89
Impediment of same sex
CC 90
Impediments of relationship
CC 90.1
Impediment of age
CC 91
Marriage ceremony required
CC 92
Marriage by procuration prohibited
CC 93
Vices of consent
CC 94
Absolutely null marriage
CC 95
Relatively null marriage; confirmation
CC 96
Civil effects of absolutely null marriage; putative marriage
CC 97
Civil effects of relatively null marriage
CC 98
Mutual duties of married persons
CC 99
Family authority
CC 100
Surname of married persons
CC 101
Termination of marriage
CC 102
Judgment of divorce; living separate and apart prior to rule
CC 103
Judgment of divorce; other grounds
CC 103.1
Judgment of divorce; time periods
CC 104
CC 105
Determination of incidental matters
CC 111
Spousal support; authority of court
CC 112
Determination of final periodic support
CC 113
Interim spousal support
CC 114
Modification or termination of award of support
CC 115
Extinguishment of support obligation
CC 116
Modification of spousal support obligation
CC 117
Peremptive period for obligation
CC 118
CC 121
Claim for contributions to education or training; authority of court
CC 122
Nature of action
CC 123
Form of award; effect of remarriage or death
CC 124
Prescription of spousal claim for contributions
CC 131
Court to determine custody
CC 132
Award of custody to parents
CC 133
Award of custody to person other than a parent; order of preference
CC 134
Factors in determining child's best interest
CC 135
Closed custody hearing
CC 136
Award of visitation rights
CC 136.1
Award of visitation rights
CC 137
Denial of visitation; sex offense; death of a parent
CC 141
Child support; authority of court
CC 142
Modification or termination of child support award
CC 149
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 150
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 151
Proceeding for declaration of nullity of a marriage; interim incidental relief
CC 152
Proceeding for declaration of nullity of a marriage; final incidental relief
CC 153
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 154
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 155
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 156
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 159
Effect of divorce on community property regime
CC 160
CC 161
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1008, 6, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
CC 162
Arts. 162 to 175 Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 705, 1.
CC 178
CC 179
Establishment of filiation
CC 184
CC 185
Presumption of paternity of husband
CC 186
Presumption if child is born after divorce or after death of husband; effect of disavowal
CC 187
Disavowal action; proof
CC 188
Disavowal precluded in case of assisted conception
CC 189
Time limit for disavowal by the husband
CC 190
Time limit for disavowal by heir or legatee
CC 190.1
Three-party acknowledgment; alternative to disavowal; time period
CC 191
Contestation and establishment of paternity by mother
CC 192
Contestation action; proof
CC 193
Contestation and establishment of paternity; time period
CC 194
Judgment in contestation action
CC 195
Presumption by marriage and acknowledgment; child not filiated to another man; proof; time period
CC 196
Formal acknowledgment; presumption
CC 197
Child's action to establish paternity; proof; time period
CC 198
Father's action to establish paternity; time period
CC 199
Effect of adoption.
CC 200
Adoption of minors
CC 201
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 202
Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 607, 4.
CC 203
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 204
Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 607, 4.
CC 205
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 206
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 207
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 208
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 209
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 210
Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 549, 2.
CC 211
Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
CC 212
Adult adoption requirements
CC 213
Adult adoption; form
CC 214
Adult adoption; recordation requirement
CC 215
CC 216
CC 217
CC 218
CC 219
CC 220
CC 221
Authority of married parents
CC 222
Representation of minor
CC 223
Rights and obligations of parental authority
CC 224
Parental obligation of support and education
CC 225
Parental liability for child's offenses and quasi-offenses
CC 226
Parental obligation of direction
CC 227
Parental control
CC 228
Child's obligation of obedience; parental correction
CC 229
Administration of the property of the child
CC 230
Alienation, encumbrance, or lease of the property of the child; expenditure of fruits
CC 231
Parents' obligation to deliver and account
CC 232
Parental authority
CC 233
Delegation of parental authority
CC 234
Parental authority; custody award
CC 235
Termination of parental authority
CC 236
Filial honor and respect
CC 237
Obligation of providing the basic necessities of life; ascendants and descendants; exceptions
CC 238
Amount of support
CC 239
Modification or termination of support
CC 240
CC 241
CC 242
CC 243
CC 244
CC 245
CC 246
Occasion for tutorship.
CC 247
Kinds of tutorships.
CC 248
Modes of establishment of tutorships.
CC 249
Accountability of tutor.
CC 250
Persons entitled to tutorship
CC 251
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 252
Unborn and posthumous children.
CC 253
Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 163, 2.
CC 254
Arts. 254, 255 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2
CC 256
Children born outside of marriage
CC 257
Surviving parent's right of appointment.
CC 258
Right of appointment where parents are divorced or separated
CC 259
Option of acceptance of tutorship.
CC 260
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 261
Child born outside of marriage
CC 262
Appointment of several tutors; order of priority.
CC 263
Qualified ascendants; collaterals by blood; surviving spouse.
CC 270
Occasion for tutorship.
CC 273
Necessity for appointment.
CC 278
Liability concerning minor's legal mortgage.
CC 279
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 280
Termination of undertutorship.
CC 281
Arts. 281 to 291 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 292
Excuse by reason of office or function.
CC 293
Waiver of excuse by subsequent acceptance of tutorship.
CC 294
Subsequently acquired excuse.
CC 295
Excuse for remote relationship.
CC 296
Excuse for age.
CC 297
Excuse for infirmity.
CC 298
Excuse for prior tutorships
CC 299
Time to present excuse.
CC 300
Provisional administration pending consideration of excuse.
CC 301
Parent's unconditional obligation of tutorship.
CC 302
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2
CC 307
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 308
Duty to apply for appointment.
CC 309
Minors exempt from taking application.
CC 310
Liability for failure to make application.
CC 311
Action for damages; prescription.
CC 322
Minor's legal mortgage on tutor's property.
CC 333
Sale of mortgaged property by one claimant; inscription of legal mortgage of remaining minors.
CC 336
Alienation of minor's immovables.
CC 337
Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 572, 2.
CC 338
CC 339
Agreements between tutor and minor.
CC 340
Prescription of minor's action against tutor.
CC 354
Placing under continuing tutorship
CC 355
Petition for full or limited continuing tutorship
CC 356
Title of proceedings; procedural rules; parents as tutor and undertutor.
CC 357
Decree; place of recording; notice
CC 358
Full continuing tutorship; authority; privileges and duties of tutor and undertutor
CC 358.1
Limited continuing tutorship; authority; privileges and duties of tutor and undertutor
CC 358.2
Termination of continuing tutorship
CC 359
Restriction on legal capacity.
CC 360
Parents' rights of administration.
CC 361
Contest of decree restricting legal capacity.
CC 362
Persons subject to interdiction
CC 365
CC 366
Judicial emancipation
CC 367
Emancipation by marriage
CC 368
Limited emancipation by authentic act
CC 369
Emancipation; when effective
CC 370
Modification and termination of judicial emancipation
CC 371
Modification or termination of limited emancipation by authentic act
CC 389
Full interdiction
CC 390
Limited interdiction
CC 391
Temporary and preliminary interdiction
CC 392
CC 393
CC 394
Pre-interdiction juridical acts
CC 395
Capacity to make juridical acts
CC 396
Effective date of judgment of interdiction
CC 397
Modification and termination of interdiction
CC 398
Effective date of modification or termination of a judgment of interdiction
CC 399
Responsibility for wrongful filing of interdiction petition
CC 448
Division of things.
CC 449
Common things.
CC 450
Public things.
CC 451
CC 452
Public things and common things subject to public use.
CC 453
Private things.
CC 454
Freedom of disposition by private persons.
CC 455
Private things subject to public use.
CC 456
Banks of navigable rivers or streams.
CC 457
Roads; public or private.
CC 458
Works obstructing the public use.
CC 459
Building encroaching on public way.
CC 460
Construction of navigation facilities on public places by port commissions or municipalities.
CC 461
Corporeals and incorporeals.
CC 462
Tracts of land.
CC 463
Component parts of tracts of land.
CC 464
Buildings and standing timber as separate immovables.
CC 465
Things incorporated into an immovable.
CC 466
Component parts of a building or other construction
CC 467
Immovables by declaration.
CC 468
CC 469
Transfer or encumbrance of immovable.
CC 470
Incorporeal immovables.
CC 471
Corporeal movables.
CC 472
Building materials.
CC 473
Incorporeal movables.
CC 474
Movables by anticipation.
CC 475
Things not immovable.
CC 476
Rights in things.
CC 477
Ownership; content
CC 478
Resolutory condition; real right in favor of other person.
CC 479
Necessity of a person.
CC 480
CC 481
Ownership and possession distinguished.
CC 482
CC 483
Ownership of fruits by accession.
CC 484
Young of animals.
CC 485
Fruits produced by a third person; reimbursement.
CC 486
Possessor's right to fruits.
CC 487
Possessor in good faith; definition.
CC 488
Products; reimbursement of expenses.
CC 489
Apportionment of fruits.
CC 490
Accession above and below the surface.
CC 491
Buildings, other constructions, standing timber, and crops.
CC 492
Separate ownership of part of a building.
CC 493
Ownership of improvements
CC 493.1
Ownership of component parts
CC 493.2
Loss of ownership by accession; claims of former owner
CC 494
Constructions by landowner with materials of another.
CC 495
Things incorporated in, or attached to, an immovable with the consent of the owner of the immovable.
CC 496
Constructions by possessor in good faith.
CC 497
Constructions by bad faith possessor.
CC 498
Claims against third persons
CC 499
Alluvion and dereliction.
CC 500
Shore of the sea or of a lake.
CC 501
Division of alluvion.
CC 502
Sudden action of waters.
CC 503
Island formed by river opening a new channel.
CC 504
Ownership of abandoned bed when river changes course.
CC 505
Islands and sandbars in navigable rivers.
CC 506
Ownership of beds of nonnavigable rivers or streams.
CC 507
Accession as between movables.
CC 508
Things principal and accessory.
CC 509
Value or bulk as a basis to determine principal thing.
CC 510
Union of a principal and an accessory thing.
CC 511
Ownership of new thing made with materials of another.
CC 512
Effect of bad faith.
CC 513
Use of materials of two owners; separation or co-ownership.
CC 514
Mixture of materials.
CC 515
Recovery of materials or value in lieu of ownership.
CC 516
Liability for unauthorized use of a movable.
CC 517
Voluntary transfer of ownership of an immovable
CC 518
Voluntary transfer of the ownership of a movable
CC 519
Transfer of action for recovery of movable.
CC 520
Transfer of ownership by merchant
CC 521
Lost or stolen thing.
CC 522
Transfer of ownership by owner under annullable title.
CC 523
Good faith; definition.
CC 524
Recovery of lost or stolen things.
CC 525
Registered movables
CC 526
Recognition of ownership; recovery of the thing.
CC 527
Necessary expenses.
CC 528
Useful expenses.
CC 529
Right of retention.
CC 530
Presumption of ownership of movable.
CC 531
Proof of ownership of immovable
CC 532
Common author.
CC 533
Kinds of servitudes.
CC 534
Personal servitude.
CC 535
CC 536
Consumable things.
CC 537
Nonconsumable things.
CC 538
Usufruct of consumable things
CC 539
Usufruct of nonconsumable things.
CC 540
Nature of usufruct.
CC 541
Divisibility of usufruct.
CC 542
Divisibility of naked ownership.
CC 543
Partition of the property in kind or by licitation
CC 544
Methods of establishing usufruct; things susceptible of usufruct.
CC 545
Modifications of usufruct.
CC 546
Usufruct in favor of successive usufructuaries.
CC 547
Usufruct in favor of several usufructuaries.
CC 548
Existence of usufructuaries.
CC 549
Capacity to receive usufruct
CC 550
Right to all fruits.
CC 551
Kinds of fruits.
CC 552
Corporate distributions.
CC 553
Voting of shares of stock and other rights
CC 554
Commencement of the right to fruits.
CC 555
Nonapportionment of natural fruits.
CC 556
Apportionment of civil fruits.
CC 557
Possession and use of the things.
CC 558
Improvements and alterations
CC 559
CC 560
Trees, stones, and other materials.
CC 561
Mines and quarries.
CC 562
Usufruct of timberlands.
CC 563
CC 564
CC 565
Predial servitudes.
CC 566
CC 567
Contracts affecting the usufructuary's liability
CC 568
Disposition of nonconsumable things
CC 568.1
Donation and alienation
CC 568.2
Right to lease
CC 568.3
Requirement to remove encumbrance
CC 569
Duties with regard to things gradually or totally impaired
CC 570
CC 571
CC 572
Amount of security.
CC 573
Dispensation of security
CC 574
Delay in giving security
CC 575
Failure to give security
CC 576
Standard of care.
CC 577
Liability for repairs
CC 578
Ordinary and extraordinary repairs.
CC 579
Rights of action for repairs.
CC 580
Reimbursement for necessary repairs
CC 581
Liability for necessary expenses
CC 582
Abandonment of usufruct.
CC 583
Ruin from accident, force majeure, or age
CC 584
Periodic charges
CC 585
Extraordinary charges.
CC 586
Liability for debts; usufruct inter vivos
CC 587
Liability for debts; usufruct established mortis causa
CC 588
Discharge of debt on encumbered property; usufruct established inter vivos
CC 589
Discharge of debt on encumbered property by mortis causa usufructuary
CC 590
Encumbered property; discharge of debt on encumbered property by naked owner
CC 591
Continuation of usufruct after sale of property
CC 592
Multiple usufructuaries; contribution to payment of estate debts
CC 593
Discharge of legacy of annuity
CC 594
Court costs; expenses of litigation
CC 595
Expenses of litigation; legal usufruct.
CC 596
Expenses of litigation; conventional usufruct.
CC 597
Liability of the usufructuary for servitudes.
CC 598
Duty to give information to owner.
CC 599
Usufruct of a herd of animals.
CC 600
Disposition of animals.
CC 601
Removal of improvements
CC 602
Set off against damages.
CC 603
Disposition of the naked ownership; alienation or encumbrance of the property
CC 604
CC 605
Toleration of the enjoyment.
CC 606
CC 607
Death of the usufructuary.
CC 608
Dissolution of juridical person; thirty year limitation
CC 609
Termination of legacy of revenues.
CC 610
Usufruct for a term or under condition.
CC 611
Term; transfer of usufruct to another person.
CC 612
Term; third person reaching a certain age.
CC 613
Loss, extinction, or destruction of property
CC 614
Fault of a third person.
CC 615
Change of the form of property
CC 616
Sale or exchange of the property; taxes
CC 617
Proceeds of insurance.
CC 618
Security for proceeds
CC 619
Changes made by the testator
CC 620
Sale of the property or of the usufruct
CC 621
Prescription of nonuse.
CC 622
Confusion of usufruct and naked ownership.
CC 623
Abuse of the enjoyment; consequences
CC 624
Security to prevent termination
CC 625
Intervention by creditors of the usufructuary
CC 626
Renunciation; rights of creditors.
CC 627
Right of retention.
CC 628
Consequences of termination; usufruct of nonconsumables.
CC 629
Consequences of termination; usufruct of consumables.
CC 630
CC 631
Establishment and extinction.
CC 632
Regulation by title.
CC 633
Persons residing in the house.
CC 634
Extent of right of habitation.
CC 635
Degree of care; duty to restore the property.
CC 636
Taxes, repairs, and other charges.
CC 637
Nontransferable and nonheritable right.
CC 638
Duration of habitation.
CC 639
Right of use.
CC 640
Content of the servitude.
CC 641
Persons having the servitude.
CC 642
Extent of the servitude.
CC 643
Transferable right.
CC 644
Heritable right.
CC 645
Regulation of the servitude.
CC 646
Predial servitude; definition.
CC 647
Benefit to dominant estate.
CC 648
Contiguity or proximity of the estates.
CC 649
Nature; incorporeal immovable.
CC 650
Inseparability of servitude
CC 651
Obligations of the owner of the servient estate
CC 652
Indivisibility of servitude.
CC 653
Division of advantages.
CC 654
Kinds of predial servitudes.
CC 655
Natural drainage.
CC 656
Obligations of the owners.
CC 657
Estate bordering on running water.
CC 658
Estate through which water runs.
CC 659
Legal servitudes; notion.
CC 660
Keeping buildings in repair
CC 661
Building in danger of falling.
CC 662
Building near a wall.
CC 663
Projections over boundary.
CC 664
Rain drip from roof.
CC 665
Legal public servitudes.
CC 666
River road; substitution if destroyed or impassable.
CC 667
Limitations on use of property
CC 668
Inconvenience to neighbor.
CC 669
Regulation of inconvenience.
CC 670
Encroaching building.
CC 671
Destruction of private property to arrest fire.
CC 672
Other legal servitudes.
CC 673
Common wall servitude.
CC 674
Contribution by neighbor.
CC 675
Presumption of common wall.
CC 676
Adjoining wall.
CC 677
Rights and obligations of co-owners.
CC 678
Cost of repairs.
CC 679
Abandonment of common wall.
CC 680
Rights in common walls.
CC 681
CC 682
Raising the height of common wall.
CC 683
Neighbor's right to make the raised part common.
CC 684
CC 685
Common fences.
CC 686
Common ditches.
CC 687
Trees, bushes, and plants on the boundary.
CC 688
Branches or roots of trees, bushes, or plants on neighboring property.
CC 689
Enclosed estate; right of passage
CC 690
Extent of passage
CC 691
CC 692
Location of passage
CC 693
Enclosed estate; voluntary act.
CC 694
Enclosed estate; voluntary alienation or partition
CC 695
Relocation of servitude.
CC 696
Prescriptibility of action for indemnity.
CC 696.1
CC 697
Right to establish predial servitudes; limitations.
CC 698
Property susceptible of servitudes.
CC 699
Examples of predial servitudes.
CC 700
Servitude of support.
CC 701
Servitude of view.
CC 702
Prohibition of view.
CC 703
Servitude of light.
CC 704
Prohibition of light.
CC 705
Servitude of passage
CC 706
Servitudes; affirmative or negative.
CC 707
Servitudes; apparent or nonapparent.
CC 708
Establishment of predial servitude.
CC 709
CC 710
Naked owner.
CC 711
CC 712
Owner for a term or under condition.
CC 713
Purchaser with reservation of redemption.
CC 714
Co-owner; servitude on entire estate.
CC 715
Exercise of the servitude.
CC 716
Servitude on undivided part.
CC 717
Partition in kind.
CC 718
Partition by licitation.
CC 719
Successor of the co-owner.
CC 720
Additional servitudes.
CC 721
Servitude on mortgaged property.
CC 722
Modes of establishment.
CC 723
Servitudes on public things.
CC 724
Multiple dominant or servient estates.
CC 725
Reciprocal servitudes.
CC 726
Servitude on after-acquired property.
CC 727
Servitude on part of an estate.
CC 728
Limitation of use.
CC 729
Conventional alteration of legal or natural servitude.
CC 730
Interpretation of servitude.
CC 731
Charge expressly for the benefit of an estate.
CC 732
Interpretation in the absence of express declaration.
CC 733
Interpretation; benefit of dominant estate.
CC 734
Interpretation; convenience of a person.
CC 735
Persons acquiring servitude.
CC 736
Capacity to acquire servitude.
CC 737
Renunciation of servitude by owner of dominant estate.
CC 738
No revocation by grantor.
CC 739
Acquisition by title only.
CC 740
Modes of acquisition of servitudes.
CC 741
Destination of the owner.
CC 742
Acquisitive prescription.
CC 743
Accessory rights.
CC 744
Necessary works; cost of repairs.
CC 745
Right to enter into the servient estate.
CC 746
Exoneration from responsibility by abandonment of the servient estate.
CC 747
Division of dominant estate.
CC 748
Noninterference by the owner of servient estate.
CC 749
Extent and manner of use of servitude when title is silent.
CC 750
Location of servitude when the title is silent.
CC 751
Destruction of dominant or of servient estate.
CC 752
Reestablishment of things.
CC 753
Prescription for nonuse.
CC 754
Commencement of nonuse.
CC 755
Obstacle to servitude.
CC 756
Failure to rebuild dominant or servient estate.
CC 757
Sufficiency of acts by third persons.
CC 758
Imprescriptibility of natural servitudes.
CC 759
Partial use.
CC 760
More extensive use than title.
CC 761
Use of accessory right.
CC 762
Use by co-owner.
CC 763
Minority or other disability.
CC 764
Burden of proof of use.
CC 765
CC 766
Resolutory condition.
CC 767
Acceptance of succession; confusion
CC 768
Confusion; separate and community property.
CC 769
Irrevocability of extinction by confusion.
CC 770
Abandonment of servient estate.
CC 771
Renunciation of servitude.
CC 772
Renunciation by owner.
CC 773
Expiration of time or happening of condition.
CC 774
Dissolution of the right of the grantor.
CC 775
Building restrictions.
CC 776
CC 777
Nature and regulation.
CC 778
Affirmative duties
CC 779
Injunctive relief.
CC 780
Amendment and termination of building restrictions
CC 781
Termination; liberative prescription
CC 782
Abandonment of plan or of restriction.
CC 783
Matters of interpretation and application
CC 784
Boundary; marker.
CC 785
Fixing of the boundary.
CC 786
Persons who may compel fixing of boundary.
CC 787
Lessee may compel lessor.
CC 788
Imprescriptibility of the right.
CC 789
Fixing of boundary judicially or extrajudicially.
CC 790
CC 791
Liability for unauthorized removal of markers.
CC 792
Fixing of boundary according to ownership or possession
CC 793
Determination of ownership according to titles.
CC 794
Determination of ownership according to prescription.
CC 795
Effect of boundary agreement.
CC 796
Error in the location of markers; rectification.
CC 797
Ownership in indivision; definition
CC 798
Right to fruits and products
CC 799
Liability of a co-owner
CC 800
Preservation of the thing
CC 801
Use and management by agreement
CC 802
Right to use the thing
CC 803
Use and management of the thing in the absence of agreement
CC 804
Substantial alterations or improvements
CC 805
Disposition of undivided share
CC 806
Expenses of maintenance and management
CC 807
Right to partition; exclusion by agreement
CC 808
Partition excluded
CC 809
Judicial and extrajudicial partition
CC 810
Partition in kind
CC 811
Partition by licitation or by private sale
CC 812
Effect of partition on real rights
CC 813
Partition in kind
CC 814
Rescission of partition for lesion
CC 815
Partition by licitation
CC 816
Partition in kind; warranty
CC 817
Imprescriptibility of action
CC 818
Other rights held in indivision
CC 819
Arts. 819 to 822 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 514, 1.
CC 823
Arts. 823 to 855 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 170, 1
CC 856
Arts. 856 to 869 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 169, 1.
CC 870
Modes of acquiring ownership
CC 871
Meaning of succession
CC 872
Meaning of estate
CC 873
Kinds of succession
CC 874
Testate succession
CC 875
Intestate succession
CC 876
Kinds of successors
CC 877
CC 878
CC 879
CC 880
Intestate succession
CC 881
Representation: effect
CC 882
Representation in direct line of descendants
CC 883
Representation of ascendants not permissible
CC 884
Representation in collateral line
CC 885
Basis of partition in cases of representation
CC 886
Representation of deceased persons only
CC 887
Representation of decedent whose succession was renounced
CC 888
Succession rights of descendants
CC 889
Devolution of community property
CC 890
Usufruct of surviving spouse
CC 891
Devolution of separate property; parents and brothers and sisters
CC 892
Devolution of separate property in absence of parents or in absence of brothers and sisters
CC 893
Brothers and sisters related by half-blood
CC 894
Separate property; rights of surviving spouse
CC 895
Separate property; rights of other ascendants
CC 896
Separate property; rights of other collaterals
CC 897
CC 898
CC 899
Nearest in degree among more remote relations
CC 900
Degrees of relationship
CC 901
Direct and collateral relationship
CC 902
Rights of the state
CC 903
Arts. 903 to 933 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 919, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.
CC 934
Commencement of succession
CC 935
Acquisition of ownership; seizin
CC 936
Continuation of the possession of decedent
CC 937
Transmission of rights of successor
CC 938
Exercise of succession rights
CC 939
Existence of successor
CC 940
Same; unborn child
CC 941
Declaration of unworthiness
CC 942
Persons who may bring action
CC 943
Reconciliation or forgiveness
CC 944
CC 945
Effects of declaration of unworthiness
CC 946
Devolution of succession rights of successor declared unworthy
CC 947
Right of successor to accept or renounce
CC 948
Minor successor deemed to accept
CC 949
Death of decedent as prerequisite to acceptance or renunciation
CC 950
Knowledge required of successor as prerequisite to acceptance or renunciation
CC 951
Nullity of premature acceptance or renunciation
CC 952
Probate or annulment of testament after acceptance or renunciation of succession
CC 953
Legacy subject to a suspensive condition
CC 954
Retroactive effects of acceptance and renunciation
CC 955
CC 956
Claims of successor who is a creditor of the estate
CC 957
Formal or informal acceptance
CC 958
Informal acceptance; use or disposition of property
CC 959
Informal acceptance; act of ownership
CC 960
Donative renunciation deemed acceptance
CC 961
Effect of acceptance
CC 962
Presumption of acceptance
CC 963
Requirement of formality
CC 964
Accretion upon renunciation in intestate successions
CC 965
Accretion upon renunciation in testate successions
CC 966
Acceptance or renunciation of accretion
CC 967
Acceptance of succession by creditor
CC 968
CC 969
Arts. 969-1074 [Blank]
CC 1075
Arts. 1075 to 1094 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1095
Vacant succession, definition.
CC 1096
Intestate succession, definition.
CC 1097
Vacant succession; administration by administrators.
CC 1098
Arts. 1098, 1099 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1100
Liability for unauthorized possession of vacant succession.
CC 1101
Arts. 1101, 1102 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1103
Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 150, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
CC 1104
Arts. 1104 to 1112 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1113
Arts. 1113 to 1132 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1133
Arts. 1133 to 1137 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1138
Arts. 1138 to 1145 Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 150, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
CC 1146
Arts. 1146, 1147 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1148
Interest on succession funds; liability for private use.
CC 1149
Arts. 1149 to 1157 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1158
Arts. 1158 to 1161 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1162
Arts. 1162 to 1170 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1171
Persons authorized to make sale.
CC 1172
Arts. 1172 to 1187 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1188
Unpaid new creditors' action against paid creditors; prescription.
CC 1189
Arts. 1189, 1190 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1191
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1192
Termination of curator's duties on appearance of heirs.
CC 1193
Arts. 1193 to 1209 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1210
Arts. 1210 to 1219 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1220
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1221
Arts. 1221 to 1223 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1224
Arts. 1224 to 1226 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1227
Collation, definition.
CC 1228
Collation by descendants
CC 1229
Reasons for collation.
CC 1230
Presumption in favor of collation.
CC 1231
Express exclusion of collation; extra portion.
CC 1232
Method of declaring dispensation from collation
CC 1233
Sufficiency of declaration.
CC 1234
Reduction of donations exceeding disposable portion; calculation of legitime.
CC 1235
Persons entitled to demand collation
CC 1236
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 147, 3, eff. July 1, 1990.
CC 1237
Renouncing heir's right to donations not exceeding disposable portion.
CC 1238
Grandchildren; collation of donations made by grandparent after death of parent
CC 1239
Grandchildren; right to donations made by grandparent during life of parent
CC 1240
Grandchildren; collation of donations made by grandparent to parent.
CC 1241
Collation by great grandchildren and more remote descendants.
CC 1242
Collation; succession of donor.
CC 1243
Expenditures subject to collation
CC 1244
Expenditures not subject to collation.
CC 1245
Manual gifts.
CC 1246
Profits from contracts with ascendant.
CC 1247
Share of partnership with ascendant.
CC 1248
Advantages other than donation.
CC 1249
Wages for services to ascendant.
CC 1250
Immovables destroyed while in possession of donee.
CC 1251
Methods of making collations.
CC 1252
Collation in kind, definition.
CC 1253
Collation by taking less, definition.
CC 1254
Movables or immovables.
CC 1255
Collation of immovables.
CC 1256
Immovables collated in kind; reimbursement for improvements.
CC 1257
Immovables collated in kind; allowance for expenses of preservation.
CC 1258
Immovables collated in kind; removal by donee of works erected for his pleasure.
CC 1259
Kinds of expenses made on immovable property.
CC 1260
Deterioration and damage to immovable, liability of donee.
CC 1261
Destruction of immovable after election to collate in kind.
CC 1262
Partial destruction of immovable after election to collate in kind.
CC 1263
Destruction of immovable after election to collate by taking less.
CC 1264
Creditors' rights on immovable collated in kind.
CC 1265
Preservation of creditor's mortgage rights after partition.
CC 1266
Immovables in excess of disposable portion; collation in kind.
CC 1267
Immovables in excess of disposable portion; collation by taking less.
CC 1268
Collation in kind; retention of immovable until reimbursement of expenses.
CC 1269
Collation by taking less; valuation of immovable.
CC 1270
Voluntary alienation or negligent loss of immovables subject to collation.
CC 1271
Forced alienation of immovables subject to collation.
CC 1272
Sale by donee and subsequent destruction of immovable subject to collation.
CC 1273
Collation by taking less; coheirs' election of collation by sale or in kind.
CC 1274
Failure of coheirs to make timely election.
CC 1275
Payment of collation by sale of succession effects.
CC 1276
Payment of collation with property of succession.
CC 1277
Payment of collation by donee where succession effects insufficient.
CC 1278
Time and security for payment.
CC 1279
Rights of coheirs against defaulting heir; foreclosure of special mortgage.
CC 1280
Privilege of seizing coheirs on proceeds of mortgage sale.
CC 1281
Alienation of immovable by donee by onerous title; creation of real right in immovable by donee or operation of law
CC 1282
Purchaser's retention of immovable upon payment of collations.
CC 1283
Collation of movables.
CC 1284
Donation of movables as absolute transfer of rights.
CC 1285
Collation of money.
CC 1286
Collation of movables or money by taking less; payment in money.
CC 1287
Collation of movables or money by taking less; payment in succession effects.
CC 1288
Payment of collation by donee where succession effects insufficient.
CC 1289
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1290
Extent and application of rules; venue of action.
CC 1291
Venue of action where property partly in different parishes.
CC 1292
Undivided ownership rights until partition.
CC 1293
Partition of a succession, definition.
CC 1294
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1295
Definitive and provisional partitions, definitions.
CC 1296
Definitive and provisional partitions, distinguished.
CC 1297
Stipulations against partition.
CC 1298
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1299
Perpetual prohibition against partition by donor.
CC 1300
Limited or conditional prohibition against partition by donor.
CC 1301
Testator's right to prohibit partition during minority of heirs.
CC 1302
Testamentary partition
CC 1303
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1304
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1305
Prescription where possession is separate.
CC 1306
Prescription where one heir possesses separately and others possess in common.
CC 1307
Partition between heirs and legatees.
CC 1308
Partition between owners in common.
CC 1309
Partition between possessors in common.
CC 1310
Nature of possession required.
CC 1311
Action maintainable by one or more co-owners.
CC 1312
Partition suits by tutors and curators.
CC 1313
Partition suits by emancipated minors.
CC 1314
Defense of suits by tutors, curators and emancipated minors.
CC 1315
Partition suits by curators of absent heirs.
CC 1316
Arts. 1316, 1317 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1318
Partition by or against heir or successor of co-owner.
CC 1319
Retrocession repealed.
CC 1320
Ownership as basis for action of partition.
CC 1321
Separate possession of one co-owner, partition before prescription.
CC 1322
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1323
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1324
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1325
Inventory within one year of partition suit.
CC 1326
New appraisement.
CC 1327
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1328
Summary proceeding for action of partition.
CC 1329
Parties plaintiff and defendant.
CC 1330
Plaintiff's admission of defendant's heirship.
CC 1331
Collation in action of partition; time for deliberating.
CC 1332
Election to collate in kind.
CC 1333
Election to collate by taking less; failure to elect.
CC 1334
Appraisement of property to be collated.
CC 1335
Matters incidental to partition; procedure.
CC 1336
Judicial regulation of mode of partition.
CC 1337
Partition in kind; sale of movables to pay debts.
CC 1338
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1339
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1340
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1341
Terms of sale of succession effects where all heirs are absent or minors.
CC 1342
Terms of sale of succession effects where heirs present demand sale for cash.
CC 1343
Partition sale; coheir's right to purchase hereditary portion.
CC 1344
Partition sale; purchase of minor's hereditary portion by tutor or curator.
CC 1345
Reference to recorder or notary for continuation of proceedings.
CC 1346
Amicable continuation of proceedings by heirs.
CC 1347
Notice to parties.
CC 1348
Continuances of proceedings.
CC 1349
Settlement of accounts due by heirs to succession.
CC 1350
Items included in accounts.
CC 1351
Deduction of donations not subject to collation.
CC 1352
Court order as to mode of collation exhibited to officer
CC 1353
Inclusion of property collated in kind.
CC 1354
Inclusion of value of property collated by taking less.
CC 1355
Formation of active mass.
CC 1356
Composition of active mass.
CC 1357
Deductions from active mass.
CC 1358
Deductions, definition.
CC 1359
Deductions allowed.
CC 1360
Deductions in absence of collation or when collation is in kind.
CC 1361
Deductions, when collation is by taking less.
CC 1362
Coheir's right to take succession effects in payment of collation.
CC 1363
Disagreement among heirs entitled to receive collation in property.
CC 1364
Division into lots according to number of heirs or roots.
CC 1365
Equality in formation of lots.
CC 1366
Equalization by money when one lot more valuable than others.
CC 1367
Formation of lots by experts.
CC 1368
Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1369
Repealed by Acts 1962, No. 70.
CC 1370
Subdivision among coheirs of same root.
CC 1371
Coheirs' proportionate liability for succession debts.
CC 1372
Observance of formalities.
CC 1373
Provisional partitions; persons authorized to demand new partition
CC 1374
Arts. 1374 to 1377 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
CC 1378
Errors of form, effect.
CC 1379
Delivery of property and title papers after partition.
CC 1380
Subsequent discovery of property, amendment of partition.
CC 1381
Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 989, 7, eff. January 1, 1991.
CC 1382
Partition compared to exchange.
CC 1383
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1384
Reciprocal warranty against disturbance or eviction.
CC 1385
Exclusion of warranty.
CC 1386
Eviction through fault of coheir.
CC 1387
Proportionate liability of coheirs.
CC 1388
Amount of indemnity.
CC 1389
Liability of coheirs for portion of insolvent coheir.
CC 1390
Scope of warranty as to corporeal and incorporeal things.
CC 1391
Warranties always implied.
CC 1392
Warranty of solvency of debtor of rent charge, prescription.
CC 1393
Subsequent deterioration or destruction of property.
CC 1394
New debts or charges.
CC 1395
Tacit mortgage abolished.
CC 1396
Prescription of action of warranty.
CC 1397
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1398
Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
CC 1399
Definitive partitions involving minors, interdicts, or absent persons
CC 1400
Provisional partitions involving minors, interdicts, or absent persons
CC 1401
Omission of succession effects not cause for rescission.
CC 1402
Rescission of transactions effecting partition.
CC 1403
Rescission inadmissible after compromise.
CC 1404
Rescission inadmissible against sale of succession rights.
CC 1405
Sale of succession rights to coheir at risk of vendor, rescission inadmissible.
CC 1406
Sale to coheir of immovable rights only, rescission for lesion.
CC 1407
Facts required to obtain rescission for lesion.
CC 1408
Termination of partition suit by defendant's tender.
CC 1409
Amount of tender.
CC 1410
Rescission for fraud or violence inadmissible after alienation.
CC 1411
Rescission inadmissible against partition regulated by father.
CC 1412
Rescission in favor of minor effective for all parties.
CC 1413
Prescription of action of rescission.
CC 1414
Prescription against minors after judicial partition.
CC 1415
Estate debts; administrative expenses
CC 1416
Liability of universal successors to creditors
CC 1417
CC 1418
Successors who are creditors, order of preference
CC 1419
Rights of pursuit of creditor
CC 1420
Regulation of payment of debts by testament or by agreement among successors
CC 1421
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