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Amendments to the LA Constitution of 1974
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Revised Statutes - Title 30
RS 30:2 Waste of oil or gas prohibited
RS 30:3 Definitions
RS 30:4 Jurisdiction, duties, and powers of the assistant secretary; rules and regulations
RS 30:4.1 Underground injection control
RS 30:4.2 Effective enforcement of wildlife and fisheries laws
RS 30:4.3 Financial security
RS 30:5 Permission to convert gas into carbon black; recycling gas; unit operations
RS 30:5.1 Deep pool order; ultra deep structure units; application; procedure; allocation of costs; rules and regulations
RS 30:5.2 Coal seam natural gas producing areas order; application; procedure; allocation of costs; rules and regulations
RS 30:6 Hearings; notice; rules of procedure; emergency; service of process; public records; request for hearings; orders and compliance orders
RS 30:6.1 Declaration of emergency
RS 30:7 Orders fixing allowable productions; hearing to determine initial schedules; old fields, hearing unnecessary, summary hearing
RS 30:8 Subpoenas, and production of records; service; excuses for disobedience; enforcement of subpoenas
RS 30:9 Production from pool; drilling units; equitable share; rules and regulations
RS 30:9.1 Termination of units; conditions; procedure; issuance of orders
RS 30:9.2 Cross-unit well
RS 30:10 Agreements for drilling units; pooling interests; terms and conditions; expenses
RS 30:10.1 Authority of governor with advice of the commissioner of conservation to enter unitization agreements affecting the production from state and federal waterbottoms
RS 30:11 Allocation of allowable production
RS 30:11.1 Filing and recording of orders creating drilling or production units
RS 30:12 Court review and injunction; venue; procedure; burden of proof
RS 30:13 Temporary restraining order or injunction; notice and hearing; bond
RS 30:14 Suit by commissioner for violation of law; venue; relief obtainable
RS 30:15 Appeal
RS 30:16 Suit by party in interest upon commissioner's failure to sue
RS 30:17 False reports or entries; penalty
RS 30:18 Penalties for violation of Chapter; venue
RS 30:19 Sale, etc. of illegal products prohibited
RS 30:20 Illegal gas, etc., contraband; seizure and sale; procedure; disposition of proceeds
RS 30:21 Fees and charges of the commissioner of conservation; revisions; exceptions; collections; Oil and Gas Regulatory Fund; creation; amounts; requirements
RS 30:21.1 Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 984, 18.
RS 30:21.2 Bohemia Spillway Cost Recovery
RS 30:22 Underground storage of natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide
RS 30:23 Underground storage of liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons or both, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia, compressed air, or noble gases not otherwise prohibited by law
RS 30:23.1 Recordation of notice of solution mined cavern
RS 30:24 Enforcement of well, structure, and pipeline rules, regulations, and orders
RS 30:25 Closure of production pits in the wetlands
RS 30:26 Applications and notification of completeness
RS 30:27 Authorization to enter lands of another
RS 30:28 Drilling permits; issuance; fees; location plat; notice and hearing; funds from drilling permit fees
RS 30:28.1 Avoiding disturbance of privately owned water well
RS 30:29 Remediation of oilfield sites and exploration and production sites
RS 30:29.1 Landowner notification of environmental testing
RS 30:29.2 Alternative dispute resolution for disputes relating to remediation of oilfield sites and exploration and production sites
RS 30:31 Permitting gas well to go wild or burn prohibited; capping or plugging; notice
RS 30:32 Failure of owner, etc., to comply with notice; closing by department of public works; expenses
RS 30:33 Setting fire to well or permitting well to catch fire, prohibited; penalty
RS 30:34 Abandoning gas well without closing prohibited; penalty
RS 30:41 Production of gas in excess of market demands, proportionate production
RS 30:42 Right to purchase gas
RS 30:43 Discrimination by purchaser
RS 30:44 Gas to be measured by meter
RS 30:45 Commissioner of conservation to enforce Part
RS 30:46 Penalty
RS 30:47 Cubic foot of gas defined
RS 30:48 Average specific gravity; average flowing temperature; field rules
RS 30:49 Reporting volumes of gas production
RS 30:50 Gas to be sold, purchased, and accounted for on basis of standard cubic foot of gas; penalties
RS 30:51 Prescription of penalties
RS 30:61 Exploitation of natural resources by commissioner or employees prohibited
RS 30:62 Forfeiture of all rights acquired in violation of R.S. 30:61
RS 30:63 Transfer of rights acquired in violation of R.S. 30:61 null
RS 30:71 Citation
RS 30:72 Policy and purpose
RS 30:73 Definitions
RS 30:74 Abandoned oilfield waste sites; notification; clean up
RS 30:75 Abandoned oilfield waste sites; declaration
RS 30:76 Oilfield waste site cleanup
RS 30:77 Cooperative agreements
RS 30:78 Easements, rights-of-way, eminent domain
RS 30:79 Recordation of notice of abandoned oilfield waste sites by landowner
RS 30:80 Citation
RS 30:81 Policy and purpose
RS 30:82 Definitions
RS 30:83 Oilfield Site Restoration Commission; Department of Energy and Natural Resources
RS 30:83.1 Authorization of bonds
RS 30:84 Powers of the secretary
RS 30:85 Powers of the assistant secretary
RS 30:86 Oilfield Site Restoration Fund
RS 30:87 Oilfield site restoration fees
RS 30:88 Oilfield site trust accounts
RS 30:88.1 Oilfield site trust accounts for orphaned wells
RS 30:88.2 Orphan well rework program
RS 30:89 Non-orphan site restoration
RS 30:89.1 Credits for judgments or compromises
RS 30:90 Commission's annual report to the legislature
RS 30:91 Orphaned oilfield sites
RS 30:92 Orphan site restoration
RS 30:93 Recovery of site restoration costs; emergency costs
RS 30:94 Penalties
RS 30:95 No inference of liability on the part of the state
RS 30:96 Nullification of Part
RS 30:97 Implementation; trust accounts
RS 30:101 Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 50, 3
RS 30:101.1 Citation
RS 30:101.2 Policy and purpose
RS 30:101.3 Definitions
RS 30:101.4 Fishermen's Gear Compensation and Underwater Obstruction Removal Program
RS 30:101.5 Powers of the secretary
RS 30:101.6 Powers of the assistant secretary
RS 30:101.7 Contracts; parties
RS 30:101.8 Liability
RS 30:101.9 Underwater Obstruction Removal Dedicated Fund Account
RS 30:101.10 Assistant secretary's annual report to the legislature
RS 30:101.11 Geographical coverage; annual assessments
RS 30:101.12 Promulgation and adoption of rules and regulations
RS 30:101.13 Disbursement of funds; eligibility; hearings
RS 30:101.14 Facilities reports; survey of obstruction; labeling
RS 30:101.15 Termination date
RS 30:103 Operators to report to owners amount of oil or gas produced
RS 30:103.1 Operators and producers to report to owners of unleased oil and gas interests
RS 30:103.2 Failure to report; penalty
RS 30:104 Failure to report punishable; fine
RS 30:105 To 107 Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 50, 3
RS 30:108 R.S. 30:105 to 30:106 not applicable to state lands
RS 30:109 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 948, 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1994.
RS 30:110 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 948, 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1994.
RS 30:111 Payment for materials furnished or used in drilling well; market price
RS 30:112 Mineral lessee's address, secretary of state as agent to receive notices
RS 30:121 State Mineral and Energy Board created; composition and powers
RS 30:122 Compensation
RS 30:123 Meetings
RS 30:123.1 Registration of prospective leaseholders
RS 30:124 Board may lease public lands; fee
RS 30:125 Application for lease; fee
RS 30:126 Inspection; quantity of land; advertisements for bids; fees
RS 30:127 Opening bids; minimum royalties; terms of lease; deposit; security
RS 30:127.1 Tertiary recovery incentive
RS 30:128 Transfers; approval by board; fees; penalties
RS 30:129 Powers, duties, and authority of board; pooling agreements; operating units; fees
RS 30:129.1 Public notice of approval of unitization, royalty or other agreements
RS 30:130 Records; execution of division orders and other documents
RS 30:131 Surveys, reports and investigations
RS 30:132 Attorney for the board
RS 30:133 Repealed by Acts 1952, No. 491, 1
RS 30:134 Roads, etc.; payment to parishes; compromise of claims
RS 30:135 Secretary and other employees
RS 30:136 Funds; disposition and appropriation; penalties
RS 30:136.1 Proceeds from mineral royalties, leases, and bonuses; payment into the Bond Security and Redemption Fund; payment into the Louisiana Investment Fund for Enhancement (L.I.F.E.)
RS 30:136.2 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1182, 11, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:136.3 Mineral and Energy Operation Fund
RS 30:137 Agreements to offset, compensate, and recover from future royalties
RS 30:138 Agreements to offset, etc., to be made against any payable royalty
RS 30:139 Validation of agreements
RS 30:140 Compliance with agreement as compliance with lease
RS 30:141 Power of mineral board not derogated - Other rights and remedies not modified
RS 30:142 Board as agency to receive, administer, and control royalties in-kind; contract authority
RS 30:143 Transfer of solid mineral leases; approval by board
RS 30:144 Sale of royalties in-kind to small refiners
RS 30:146 Transfer of funds
RS 30:147 Bonds of the parish
RS 30:148.1 Lessor defined
RS 30:148.2 Lands which may be leased
RS 30:148.3 Application for lease
RS 30:148.4 Advertisement
RS 30:148.5 Submission and opening of bids; execution of leases
RS 30:148.6 Restrictions on area; term; consideration
RS 30:148.7 Supervision of leases
RS 30:148.8 Oil, gas and mineral rights not affected; exceptions
RS 30:148.9 Oil; natural gas; liquid hydrocarbons; carbon dioxide; lease for underground storage
RS 30:149 Storage of carbon dioxide; distribution of funds
RS 30:150 Louisiana Royalty Relief Dry Hole Credit Program; requirements; conditions; limitations; expiration
RS 30:151 Agency" defined
RS 30:152 Agency lands; school boards sixteenth section lands; leases authorized
RS 30:153 Agencies may lease or administer through State Mineral and Energy Board
RS 30:154 Signing of papers and disposition of funds when agency leases own lands; deposit
RS 30:155 Alternative procedures
RS 30:156 Procedure when agency leases its own lands
RS 30:157 Repealed by Acts 1950, No. 292, 1
RS 30:158 Approval of lease by board
RS 30:159 State banks in liquidation, leases subject to approval, how
RS 30:171 State departments and agencies; permits to lessees for directional drilling; permits to erect structures, etc.
RS 30:172 Lessees may construct breakwaters, etc.
RS 30:173 Private rights not to be affected; United States government, permission of
RS 30:174 To 178 Repealed by Acts 1962, No. 9, 9.
RS 30:179.1 To 179.7 Repealed by Acts 1964, No. 311, 6
RS 30:179.8 To 179.10 [Blank]
RS 30:179.11 Authorization to enter into agreements during controversy relating to submerged lands
RS 30:179.12 Ratification by legislature of any final agreements or stipulations
RS 30:179.13 Necessity for payment prior to ratification
RS 30:179.14 Prior agreements not affected
RS 30:181 To 185 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 358, 1, effective July 8, 1960
RS 30:186 Distribution of funds
RS 30:187 Judicial procedure
RS 30:188 Distribution of funds and administration of leases
RS 30:204 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 294, 2.
RS 30:205 Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 984, 18.
RS 30:206 Publication of survey
RS 30:207 Office space to be furnished
RS 30:208 Exploration of public lands
RS 30:209 State Mineral and Energy Board; authority
RS 30:209.1 Acquisition of geological information
RS 30:209.2 Storage of carbon dioxide; distribution of funds
RS 30:210 Permits to prospect on highway rights of way, and on other lands subject to non-highway rights of way, servitudes and easements; injunctive relief and attorneys' fees
RS 30:211 Geophysical and geological survey, and public lands defined
RS 30:212 Permits for surveys on public lands
RS 30:213 Furnishing state information obtained under permits
RS 30:214 Permit for survey entailing use of public waters or bottoms
RS 30:215 Nonexclusive geophysical permits
RS 30:216 Exclusive geophysical permits
RS 30:217 Unauthorized geological surveying on lands of another; registration requirements; penalties
RS 30:218 Injunction not to lie in suits to restrain exploration for oil, etc., on state lands
RS 30:219 Release from sequestration
RS 30:220 Interlocutory decree for sale of sequestered oil
RS 30:221 Aerial photographs or mosaics; filing; copies; penalty
RS 30:252 Testing, repairing and correcting of measuring equipment
RS 30:301 Policy and purpose
RS 30:302 Louisiana Investment Fund for Enhancement (L.I.F.E.); established
RS 30:303 Credits to the Louisiana Investment Fund for Enhancement
RS 30:311 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:312 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:313 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:313.1 Repealed by Acts 1989, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 6, 6, eff. July 14, 1989.
RS 30:314 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:315 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:316 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
RS 30:401 Advisory Commission for Louisiana's Energy, Environment, and Restoration; purpose
RS 30:402 Commission membership; domicile; chair; term; vacancies; quorum; compensation
RS 30:403 Operational plan; legislative recommendations
RS 30:411 Failure to supply natural gas as result of compulsory reallocation or curtailment action; damages; service; exceptions
RS 30:412 Measure of damages for failure to supply
RS 30:413 Certified emergencies; suspension of act
RS 30:414 Reallocation hearings; powers and duties of the assistant secretary; reports to the governor
RS 30:431 Liquefied petroleum gas emergency; declaration; duration
RS 30:502 Declaration of energy emergency; purpose of Chapter
RS 30:503 Definitions
RS 30:504 Division of Natural Resources and Energy
RS 30:521 Merger and consolidation of agencies or functions
RS 30:522 Effect of transfer of functions
RS 30:523 Transfer of records, money and equipment
RS 30:524 Commissioner or merged agencies as agency of state for accepting and expending federal funds and carrying out purposes of federal laws
RS 30:525 Transfer of employees
RS 30:526 Orderly transfer
RS 30:527 Effective date of merger, consolidation and transfer of functions: appropriations
RS 30:528 Agencies created at same session
RS 30:541 General power; assistant secretary, requirements
RS 30:542 Administration and enforcement
RS 30:543 Suit by party in interest upon commissioner's failure to sue
RS 30:544 Violation; penalties, civil and criminal
RS 30:545 Noncompliance not excused by contractual obligations
RS 30:546 General powers to control natural resources and energy
RS 30:547 Extraction of ethane and heavier hydrocarbons not prohibited; not regulated as natural gas
RS 30:548 Exercise of powers
RS 30:549 Accounting
RS 30:550 Compilation and publication of information by commissioner
RS 30:551 Regulatory designation
RS 30:552 Regulation by commissioner of gas transporter exempt from FPC
RS 30:553 Excess capacity
RS 30:554 Certificates of transportation; expropriation
RS 30:555 Construction, extension or abandonment of facilities; condemnation proceedings
RS 30:556 Lease and sublease of pipelines by commissioner
RS 30:557 Construction and operation of pipelines by commissioner
RS 30:558 Bond issue for pipeline
RS 30:559 Registration and information required by the assistant secretary
RS 30:560 Pipeline safety inspection fees
RS 30:561 Collection of inspection fees
RS 30:562 Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 984, 18.
RS 30:571 Establishment, promulgation and implementation of plan
RS 30:572 Priorities
RS 30:573 Application of priorities; exceptions
RS 30:574 Curtailment orders
RS 30:575 Curtailment of lower priority before curtailment of higher priority
RS 30:575.1 Deliveries not to be reduced more than ten per cent
RS 30:575.2 Amendments of existing contracts; effects
RS 30:576 Change in priorities; hearings
RS 30:577 Change in priorities without hearing; emergency
RS 30:578 Results contrary to intent of plan; hardship cases
RS 30:579 Discrimination by suppliers prohibited
RS 30:580 Prohibitions; bonded indebtedness of political subdivisions
RS 30:591 Definition
RS 30:592 Necessity for regulation
RS 30:593 Sales direct to industrial users
RS 30:594 Public utilities
RS 30:595 Exemption
RS 30:596 Waiver of requirements
RS 30:597 Notice filing
RS 30:598 Prices; schedules; suspension of new rates
RS 30:599 Fixing prices
RS 30:600 Periodic and special reports
RS 30:601 Services, records, information from other agencies
RS 30:602 Complaints
RS 30:603 Investigations by commissioner; attendance of witnesses; depositions
RS 30:604 Hearings; rules of procedure
RS 30:605 Administrative powers of commissioner; rules, regulations, and orders
RS 30:606 Rehearings; court review of orders
RS 30:607 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:650 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:651 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:652 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:653 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:654 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:655 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:656 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:657 Repealed by Acts 1997, Nos. 181, 1 and 1116, 2.
RS 30:681 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 482, 2 eff. July 13, 1977
RS 30:681.1 Legislative findings
RS 30:681.2 Definitions
RS 30:681.3 State Department of Conservation; powers, duties
RS 30:681.4 Participation by state, federal and private agencies; funds
RS 30:681.5 Reports to legislature
RS 30:691 Liquefied petroleum gas; defined
RS 30:692 Application of Chapter
RS 30:701 Short title
RS 30:702 Definitions
RS 30:703 Regulatory designation
RS 30:704 Administration and enforcement
RS 30:705 Violation; penalties, civil and criminal
RS 30:706 Fees
RS 30:707 Collection of fees
RS 30:721 Definitions
RS 30:722 Application
RS 30:723 Expropriation authority
RS 30:724 Number of pipelines
RS 30:731 Definitions
RS 30:732 Regulation of compressed natural gas
RS 30:801 Definitions
RS 30:802 Regulation of exploration, drilling, production and subsurface disposal
RS 30:803 Conservation and environmental protection
RS 30:804 Jurisdiction over state geothermal resources and products
RS 30:805 Leasing procedures
RS 30:806 Terms; rentals; royalties
RS 30:807 Regulations of board
RS 30:808 Records; execution of documents; disposition and appropriation of funds
RS 30:809 Preservation of rights
RS 30:902 Declaration of policy
RS 30:903 Purposes
RS 30:904 Definitions
RS 30:905 Jurisdiction and powers; rules and regulations
RS 30:905.1 Abandoned mine reclamation; fund participation
RS 30:905.2 Reclamation Plan
RS 30:905.3 Implementation of the plan
RS 30:905.4 Exclusion and exemption of water resources
RS 30:906 Mining permits
RS 30:906.1 Surface mining and reclamation fees
RS 30:906.2 Collection of surface mining and reclamation regulatory fees
RS 30:906.3 Department of Revenue; surface mining and reclamation fees
RS 30:907 Application requirements
RS 30:908 Reclamation plan requirements
RS 30:909 Performance bonds
RS 30:910 Permit approval or denial
RS 30:911 Revision of permits
RS 30:912 Coal exploration and development permits
RS 30:913 Public notice and public hearings
RS 30:914 Decisions of commissioner and appeals
RS 30:915 Environmental protection performance standards
RS 30:916 Confidentiality
RS 30:917 Inspections and monitoring
RS 30:918 Penalties
RS 30:919 Release of performance bonds or deposits
RS 30:920 Citizen suits
RS 30:921 Enforcement
RS 30:922 Designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining
RS 30:923 Federal lands
RS 30:924 Public agencies, public utilities, and public corporations
RS 30:925 Review by commissioner
RS 30:926 Judicial review
RS 30:927 Surface coal mining operations not subject to this Chapter
RS 30:928 Employee protection
RS 30:929 Experimental practices
RS 30:930 Water rights and replacement
RS 30:931 Effective date; time of issuance of regulations
RS 30:932 Effect of amendments to public law 95-87
RS 30:951 Findings and purpose
RS 30:952 Membership
RS 30:953 Limitations
RS 30:954 Expenses
RS 30:955 General power of governor; withdrawal
RS 30:961 Cooperative endeavor agreements; withdrawal of surface water; intent
RS 30:962 Definitions
RS 30:963 Management by the Department of Energy and Natural Resources
RS 30:964 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:965 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:966 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:967 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:968 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:969 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:970 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:971 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:972 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:973 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:974 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:975 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:976 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:977 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:978 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:979 Repealed by Acts 1993, No. 245, 1.
RS 30:1002 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1003 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1004 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1005 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1006 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1007 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1008 To 1010 Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 594, 3
RS 30:1011 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 8, 1, eff. May 13, 1999.
RS 30:1101 Short title
RS 30:1102 Policy; jurisdiction
RS 30:1103 Definitions
RS 30:1104 Duties and powers of the commissioner; rules and regulations; permits
RS 30:1104.1 Environmental analysis
RS 30:1105 Hearings; notice; rules of procedures; emergency; service of process; public records; request for hearings; orders and compliance orders
RS 30:1106 Underground injection control
RS 30:1107 Certificates of public convenience and necessity; certificate of completion of injection operations
RS 30:1107.1 Reporting; recordkeeping
RS 30:1108 Eminent domain; expropriation
RS 30:1109 Cessation of storage operations; limited liability release
RS 30:1110 Carbon Dioxide Geologic Storage Trust Fund
RS 30:1111 Site-specific trust accounts
RS 30:1112 Notice of geologic storage agreements; recordation
RS 30:1151 Definitions
RS 30:1152 Development and coordination of program; priorities
RS 30:1153 Technical assessment studies
RS 30:1154 Regulations governing solar power generation facilities; solar leases
RS 30:1155 Mass market deployment of solar systems; preparation; thermal systems
RS 30:1156 Manual of design types, costs, performance and evaluation procedures for certain thermal systems
RS 30:1157 Conferences to coordinate adoption of regulations
RS 30:1158 Effective date of regulations
RS 30:1159 Contracts for materials and services
RS 30:1161 Renewable energy lease
RS 30:1162 Preservation of rights
RS 30:1163 Lessee's obligation to act as reasonably prudent operator
RS 30:1164 Lessee's right to assign or sublease
RS 30:1165 Responsibility of assignee or sublessee to original lessor
RS 30:1166 Demands by lessor; effect on assignee or sublessee
RS 30:1167 Termination of renewable energy lease
RS 30:1168 Right to relief for violation
RS 30:1169 Rules of default applicable except as specified
RS 30:1170 Written notice; requirement and effect on claims for damages or dissolution of lease
RS 30:1171 Nonpayment of royalties; notice prerequisite to judicial demand
RS 30:1172 Required response of lessee to notice; effect of response
RS 30:1173 Notice; manner of delivery
RS 30:1174 Summary eviction not applicable
RS 30:1175 Dissolution may be partial or entire
RS 30:1176 Lessor's privilege
RS 30:1177 Right to seize property on premises or within fifteen days of removal
RS 30:1178 Manner of enforcement
RS 30:1179 Exclusion; offshore wind
RS 30:1202 Definitions
RS 30:1203 Rule-making authority of the secretary
RS 30:1204 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 873, 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1981
RS 30:1205 Exemptions
RS 30:1302 Definitions
RS 30:1303 Incentives, consumption of gasohol by state vehicles
RS 30:1304 Enabling clause
RS 30:1352 Statement of findings
RS 30:1353 Purpose
RS 30:1354 Definitions
RS 30:1355 Administrator; secretary, duties
RS 30:1356 Approval of rules, regulations, or guidelines
RS 30:1401 Statement of findings
RS 30:1402 Joint legislative committee on federal oil overcharge monies
RS 30:1403 Segregation of federal oil overcharge refund monies
RS 30:2000.1 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.2 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.3 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.4 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.5 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.6 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.7 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.8 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §6B, eff. July 1, 2010.
RS 30:2000.9 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.10 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 606, §2.
RS 30:2000.11 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4, eff. July 1, 2018.
RS 30:2000.12 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 570, §4.
RS 30:2001 GENERAL
RS 30:2002 Findings and declaration of policy
RS 30:2003 Purposes
RS 30:2004 Definitions
RS 30:2005 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 30:2011 Department of Environmental Quality; creation; duties; powers; structure
RS 30:2011.1 Toxics release inventory; annual report
RS 30:2011.2 Environmental justice
RS 30:2012 Enforcement inspections
RS 30:2012.1 Monitoring equipment operation liability
RS 30:2013 Environmental Control Commission authority; transfer to secretary
RS 30:2014 Permits, licenses, registrations, variances, and fees
RS 30:2014.1 Permit review; prohibition
RS 30:2014.2 Permits; qualifications
RS 30:2014.3 Review of secretary's public trustee decisions
RS 30:2014.4 Transfer of permits; disclosure
RS 30:2014.5 Expedited permitting program
RS 30:2014.6 Null and void as of Jan. 1, 2009. See Acts 2006, No. 779, §3.
RS 30:2015 Environmental Trust Dedicated Fund Account
RS 30:2015.1 Purpose; remediation of usable ground water
RS 30:2016 Public hearing; fact-finding; investigation; inquiry; rulemaking
RS 30:2017 Public hearings; presiding officer; authority
RS 30:2018 Environmental assessment hearings
RS 30:2019 Promulgation of rules and regulations
RS 30:2019.1 Promulgation of rules and regulations affecting agriculture
RS 30:2020 Implementation plans, rules, regulations, and orders unaffected
RS 30:2021 Interstate compacts on environmental control; environmental impact statements
RS 30:2022 Permit applications and variance requests; notification
RS 30:2022.1 Permits; application; listing
RS 30:2023 Existing permits, registrations, variances, and licenses
RS 30:2024 Finality of action; trial de novo; appeals
RS 30:2025 Enforcement
RS 30:2026 Citizen suits
RS 30:2027 Environmental violations reported by employees; reprisals prohibited
RS 30:2028 Environmental training programs
RS 30:2029 Complainants bond; liability
RS 30:2030 Confidential information; restricted access via the internet
RS 30:2031 Donations or assistance for pollution sources
RS 30:2032 Cooperative agreements
RS 30:2033 Declaration of emergency
RS 30:2034 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 392, 3, eff. June 30, 1989.
RS 30:2035 Environmental Emergency Response Training Program
RS 30:2036 Easements, rights of way, eminent domain
RS 30:2037 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 303, 3, eff. June 14, 1999.
RS 30:2038 Degradable or recyclable plastics; state agencies
RS 30:2039 Recordation of notice of solid or hazardous waste site by landowner
RS 30:2040 Siting disposal facilities in Rapides Parish
RS 30:2040.1 Siting disposal facilities near Acadiana Regional Airport
RS 30:2041 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 123, 2.
RS 30:2042 Payment under protest
RS 30:2043 Public records; forms and methods; electronic signatures
RS 30:2044 Voluntary environmental self-audits
RS 30:2050.1 Enforcement; policies; list; legal review
RS 30:2050.2 Enforcement; compliance orders
RS 30:2050.3 Enforcement; notice of violation; penalties
RS 30:2050.4 Enforcement; adjudicatory hearing; public comment
RS 30:2050.5 Enforcement; final action
RS 30:2050.6 Enforcement; informal procedures
RS 30:2050.7 Enforcement; settlement or compromise
RS 30:2050.8 Enforcement; cease and desist orders
RS 30:2050.9 Enforcement; abandonment
RS 30:2050.10 Declaratory rulings
RS 30:2050.11 Adjudicatory hearings, in general; intervention; withdrawal; public hearing
RS 30:2050.12 Public hearing; location; public comment; transcript
RS 30:2050.13 Hearing officers; employment
RS 30:2050.14 Hearing officers; qualifications; ethical standards
RS 30:2050.15 Hearing officers; powers; contemptuous conduct
RS 30:2050.16 Hearing officers; orders, recommendations, decisions
RS 30:2050.17 Hearing officers; administrative review by secretary
RS 30:2050.18 Hearing officers; interlocutory order or ruling; judicial review
RS 30:2050.19 Order or decision of the secretary
RS 30:2050.20 Record of decision
RS 30:2050.21 Judicial review; appeal
RS 30:2050.22 Judicial review; appeal; stays
RS 30:2050.23 Notice
RS 30:2050.24 Subpoenas and witnesses; fees; expenses; notice
RS 30:2050.25 Powers of the secretary
RS 30:2050.26 Duties of assistant secretary
RS 30:2050.27 Computation of time
RS 30:2050.28 Applicability of the Administrative Procedure Act
RS 30:2050.29 Mandamus
RS 30:2050.30 Bond; exception
RS 30:2050.31 Appeals; district court decisions
RS 30:2052 Policy; purpose
RS 30:2053 Definitions
RS 30:2054 Air quality control; secretary of environmental quality; powers and duties
RS 30:2055 Permits; licenses
RS 30:2055.1 Sport shooting range; regulation; noise pollution; nuisance
RS 30:2055.2 Odor nuisance ordinances
RS 30:2056 Variances
RS 30:2057 Prohibitions; exceptions
RS 30:2058 Air quality regions; redesignation
RS 30:2059 Hazardous air pollutant emission control program
RS 30:2060 Toxic air pollutant emission control program
RS 30:2060.1 The Louisiana Carbon Dioxide Emission Fossil Fuel-Fired Electrical Generating Units Control Act
RS 30:2061 Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program
RS 30:2062 Louisiana Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel
RS 30:2063 Prevention of accidental releases
RS 30:2064 Louisiana Automobile Retirement Act
RS 30:2065 Fees
RS 30:2066 Fees; severe and extreme ozone nonattainment areas
RS 30:2072 Policy; purpose
RS 30:2073 Definitions
RS 30:2074 Water quality control; secretary of environmental quality; powers and duties
RS 30:2075 Permits, variances, and licenses
RS 30:2075.1 Permits and licenses; surcharge
RS 30:2075.2 Sewage treatment facility; privately owned; surety required; nonfunctional system
RS 30:2075.3 Receivership for sewerage systems
RS 30:2076 Prohibitions
RS 30:2076.1 Civil enforcement
RS 30:2076.2 Criminal penalties for violation of the Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
RS 30:2077 Remediation of pollution
RS 30:2078 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2079 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2080 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2081 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2082 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2083 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2084 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2085 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2086 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2087 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2088 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 296, §5, eff. June 17, 2010.
RS 30:2089 Fees
RS 30:2092 Compact funding
RS 30:2093 Member of compact for Louisiana; secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality
RS 30:2102 Policy; purpose
RS 30:2103 Definitions
RS 30:2104 Radiation protection; secretary of environmental quality; powers and duties
RS 30:2105 Permits, licenses, and registrations
RS 30:2106 Nuclear power facilities; emergency planning; findings; and fees
RS 30:2107 Records; authority of department
RS 30:2108 Impounding of materials by the department
RS 30:2109 Nuclear power facilities; emergency planning; findings
RS 30:2110 Inspection agreements and training programs by the department; approval of governor
RS 30:2111 Federal-state agreements by governor; effect on licenses or permits
RS 30:2112 Tort claims
RS 30:2113 Transportation; regulations
RS 30:2114 Posting of bond
RS 30:2115 Perpetual care payments
RS 30:2116 Naturally occurring radioactive material
RS 30:2117 Radioactive waste disposal; prohibition of disposal of radioactive wastes in salt domes; salt dome usage
RS 30:2118 Preemption
RS 30:2119 Prohibitions
RS 30:2132 Member of compact for Louisiana; secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality
RS 30:2133 Disposal rates at compact regional facilities; approval by secretary
RS 30:2134 Compact funding
RS 30:2152 Policy; purpose
RS 30:2153 Definitions
RS 30:2154 Powers; duties; restrictions; prohibitions; penalties
RS 30:2155 Prohibitions
RS 30:2155.1 Solid waste disposal fees; exemptions
RS 30:2156 Limitations on responsibility of landowners for removal of solid waste
RS 30:2157 Post-use polymers; management; use
RS 30:2157.1 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 862, §2, eff. June 20, 2011.
RS 30:2158 Sanitary landfills; regional establishment; planning
RS 30:2159 Landfill siting near airports
RS 30:2159.1 Landfill siting near airports
RS 30:2160 Bauxite waste impoundments
RS 30:2161 Waste to energy management authority; contractual provisions
RS 30:2162 Solid waste capacity
RS 30:2172 Policy and purpose
RS 30:2173 Definitions
RS 30:2174 Administration; interim authority
RS 30:2175 Hazardous waste control program; time frame
RS 30:2176 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 776, 2, eff. July 9, 1989.
RS 30:2178 Authority of the secretary to assess location
RS 30:2179 Hazardous waste management assessment
RS 30:2180 General powers and duties of the secretary
RS 30:2181 Notice to legislators
RS 30:2182 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 303, 3, eff. June 14, 1999.
RS 30:2183 Notice; permits and licenses; enforcement; violations; penalties; notification
RS 30:2183.1 Commercial hazardous waste recycling and incineration facilities; standards and criteria for operation; permits and licenses
RS 30:2183.2 Permitting in ozone nonattainment parishes
RS 30:2184 Commercial hazardous waste recycling and resource recovery facilities; standards
RS 30:2185 Hazardous waste cooperatives
RS 30:2186 Identification of hazardous wastes; exemptions
RS 30:2187 Monitoring of drinking water wells which provide public water supplies located near commercial hazardous waste facilities
RS 30:2188 Generators
RS 30:2189 Transporters
RS 30:2190 Hazardous wastes from foreign nations; findings; prohibitions
RS 30:2191 Importation of hazardous waste from foreign countries; prohibition
RS 30:2191.1 Hazardous Waste Importation and Exportation Report
RS 30:2192 Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities
RS 30:2193 Land disposal of hazardous waste; restrictions; prohibition
RS 30:2194 Underground storage tanks; registration
RS 30:2194.1 Prohibitions
RS 30:2195 Motor Fuels Underground Storage Tank Trust Dedicated Fund Account
RS 30:2195.1 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 336, 2, eff. June 16, 1995.
RS 30:2195.2 Uses of the Tank Trust Account
RS 30:2195.3 Source of funding; limitations on disbursements from the Tank Trust Fund; limit on amount in Tank Trust Fund
RS 30:2195.4 Procedures for disbursements from the Tank Trust Fund
RS 30:2195.5 Audits
RS 30:2195.6 Ownership of Tank Trust Fund
RS 30:2195.7 No inference of liability on the part of the state
RS 30:2195.8 Advisory board
RS 30:2195.9 Financial responsibility
RS 30:2195.10 Financial responsibility for noncompliance
RS 30:2195.11 Voluntary cleanup; private contracts; exemptions
RS 30:2195.12 §2195.12. Alternate generated power capacity for motor fuel dispensing facilities
RS 30:2196 Manifest system
RS 30:2197 Payment of tax on disposal of hazardous waste
RS 30:2198 Hazardous Waste Protection Fund
RS 30:2199 Applications; comments; local government
RS 30:2200 Subsurface injection
RS 30:2201 Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 348, 2, eff. June 16, 1999.
RS 30:2202 Prohibitions
RS 30:2203 Remediation; evidence; prohibitions
RS 30:2204 Hazardous waste sites; cleanup
RS 30:2204.1 Limitations on responsibility of landowners for removal of hazardous waste
RS 30:2205 Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund
RS 30:2206 Contracting for hazardous waste site cleanup
RS 30:2222 Policy and purpose; duties
RS 30:2223 Definitions
RS 30:2224 Contingency plans; agency coordination
RS 30:2225 Abandoned hazardous waste sites
RS 30:2226 Hazardous Waste Assessment Report; requirements; submission
RS 30:2242 Imposition
RS 30:2243 Rate
RS 30:2244 Tax collectible from disposers and generators
RS 30:2245 Contribution report of disposers and generators
RS 30:2246 Failure to file contribution report timely; false reports
RS 30:2247 Extension of time to file Contribution Report
RS 30:2248 Modification of contribution report
RS 30:2249 Disposition of tax
RS 30:2250 Notice of determination of tax imposed
RS 30:2251 Payment of tax
RS 30:2252 Collection
RS 30:2253 Delinquency penalty
RS 30:2272 Definitions
RS 30:2272.1 Minimum remediation standards
RS 30:2273 Persons who must comply with requirements of this Chapter
RS 30:2274 Notification and demand of secretary
RS 30:2275 Demand by secretary; remedial action
RS 30:2276 Finding of liability by the court
RS 30:2277 Defenses
RS 30:2278 Indemnification agreements
RS 30:2279 Other laws
RS 30:2280 Rules and regulations
RS 30:2281 Privilege; cost of remediation
RS 30:2282 Capitol lakes
RS 30:2283 Reporting requirements
RS 30:2285 Findings and purpose
RS 30:2285.1 Voluntary remedial actions; liability exemption
RS 30:2285.2 Responsible landowner
RS 30:2286 Partial remedial action plans
RS 30:2286.1 Submission and approval of voluntary remedial action plans
RS 30:2287 Performance liability
RS 30:2287.1 Certification of completion
RS 30:2288 Persons exempt from liability
RS 30:2288.1 Voluntary remedial actions by responsible persons
RS 30:2289 Persons not exempt from liability
RS 30:2289.1 Requests for review, investigation, and oversight; fees
RS 30:2290 Other rights and authorities; rules
RS 30:2292 Policy; purpose; primacy of waste reduction
RS 30:2293 Definitions
RS 30:2294 Secretary of environmental quality; powers and duties
RS 30:2295 Waste reduction history; planning report
RS 30:2301 Definitions
RS 30:2302 Clean Water State Revolving Fund; established
RS 30:2303 Clean Water State Revolving Fund; authorized activities
RS 30:2304 Clean Water State Revolving Fund; political subdivisions and public trusts; loans
RS 30:2305 Authority of the department; incur debt; issue and undertake guarantees of debt of other entities
RS 30:2306 Manner of authorizing, issuing, executing, and delivering debt or guarantees of debt of other entities
RS 30:2307 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2308 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2309 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2310 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2311 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2312 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2313 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2314 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2315 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2316 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2317 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2318 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2319 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2320 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2321 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2322 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2323 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2324 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2325 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2326 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 524, 2.
RS 30:2331 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.1 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.2 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.3 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.4 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.5 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.6 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.7 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.8 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.9 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.10 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.11 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.12 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.13 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.14 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.15 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.16 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2331.17 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
RS 30:2342 Findings and declaration of policy
RS 30:2343 Definitions
RS 30:2344 Rules and regulations
RS 30:2345 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 295, §2.
RS 30:2346 Prohibitions
RS 30:2351 Findings and purpose
RS 30:2351.1 Definitions
RS 30:2351.2 Requirement of licensure or certification
RS 30:2351.3 Licensing and certification categories
RS 30:2351.4 Standards for licensure
RS 30:2351.5 License renewal
RS 30:2351.6 Standards for certification
RS 30:2351.7 Refresher training
RS 30:2351.8 Accreditation of training providers
RS 30:2351.9 Approval of training courses
RS 30:2351.10 Renewal of training provider accreditation
RS 30:2351.11 Reciprocity agreements
RS 30:2351.12 Applicability to public entities, homeowners, and industrial facilities
RS 30:2351.21 Standards of conduct
RS 30:2351.22 Conformance with building codes
RS 30:2351.23 Permits and notifications
RS 30:2351.25 Enforcement
RS 30:2351.26 Appeals and hearings
RS 30:2351.27 Use of accredited sampling laboratories
RS 30:2351.28 Data collection program
RS 30:2351.29 Medical surveillance; preservation of records
RS 30:2351.41 Lead Hazard Reduction Fund
RS 30:2351.51 Public education
RS 30:2351.52 Reporting of lead exposure
RS 30:2351.53 Reporting of lead hazards at child-occupied facilities
RS 30:2351.54 Reporting of hazardous conditions
RS 30:2351.55 Discriminatory and retaliatory actions
RS 30:2351.56 Relationship to federal law
RS 30:2351.57 Promulgation of regulations
RS 30:2351.58 Interim procedures
RS 30:2351.59 Fees
RS 30:2351.60 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1253, 2.
RS 30:2362 Declaration of policy and purpose
RS 30:2363 Definitions
RS 30:2364 Emergency Response Commission
RS 30:2365 Responsibilities of the department
RS 30:2366 Responsibilities of cooperating departments
RS 30:2367 Alternative compilation of data through certain agencies
RS 30:2368 Designated repositories
RS 30:2369 Responsibilities of owners and operators
RS 30:2370 Extraordinary circumstances; deputy secretary's discretion to permit alternative reporting procedures; residential and retail use; exemptions
RS 30:2371 Trade secret protection
RS 30:2372 Trade secrets; emergency treatment disclosure
RS 30:2373 Failure to report; penalties
RS 30:2374 Fees
RS 30:2375 Access to facilities for emergency response
RS 30:2376 Monitoring and enforcement
RS 30:2377 Reports
RS 30:2378 Administrative procedures
RS 30:2379 Preemption
RS 30:2380 Right-to-Know Fund
RS 30:2391 Short title
RS 30:2392 Purpose
RS 30:2393 Definitions
RS 30:2394 Use of potable groundwater; prohibition
RS 30:2395 Identification of uses and customers
RS 30:2396 Costs
RS 30:2397 Distribution of revenue
RS 30:2398 Capital improvements
RS 30:2399 Design of reclaimed water system
RS 30:2411 Legislative findings; purpose; intent; application
RS 30:2412 Definitions
RS 30:2413 Powers and duties of the secretary; fees; local government
RS 30:2413.1 Debris management plan
RS 30:2414 Exemptions
RS 30:2415 Procurement by public bodies of material with recycled content; reduction in solid waste
RS 30:2415.1 Preference for recycled paper products
RS 30:2416 Compost standards and applications
RS 30:2417 Used oil; collection; recycling and reuse; disposal
RS 30:2418 Waste tires; Waste Tire Management Dedicated Fund Account
RS 30:2418.1 Failure to obtain a generator identification number
RS 30:2418.2 Failure to obtain a waste tire transporter authorization certificate
RS 30:2419 Lead acid batteries; land disposal prohibition; scrap and scrap metal recycling, prohibited items
RS 30:2420 Lead acid batteries; collection for recycling
RS 30:2421 White goods; disposal prohibited; collection for recycling
RS 30:2422 Containers and packaging
RS 30:2423 Publicly owned aluminum materials; prohibitions; penalties
RS 30:2452 Legislative findings
RS 30:2453 Legislative intent
RS 30:2454 Definitions
RS 30:2455 Office of the Louisiana oil spill coordinator
RS 30:2456 General powers and duties of the coordinator
RS 30:2457 Regulatory authority; coordinator
RS 30:2458 Interagency council
RS 30:2459 State oil spill contingency plan
RS 30:2460 Contingency plan provisions
RS 30:2461 Coordinator; notification
RS 30:2462 Administration of oil spill response and cleanup
RS 30:2463 Notification and response
RS 30:2464 Response coordination
RS 30:2465 Assistance and compensation
RS 30:2466 Qualified immunity for response actions
RS 30:2467 Equipment and personnel
RS 30:2468 Refusal to cooperate
RS 30:2469 Derelict vessels and structures
RS 30:2469.1 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 740, 2.
RS 30:2470 Registration of terminal facilities
RS 30:2471 General terms
RS 30:2472 Information
RS 30:2473 Issuance
RS 30:2474 Suspension
RS 30:2475 Contingency plans for vessels and facilities
RS 30:2476 Entry into port
RS 30:2477 Audits, inspections, and drills
RS 30:2478 Financial responsibility
RS 30:2479 Limitation of liability
RS 30:2480 Natural resource damages
RS 30:2480.1 Regional Restoration Planning Program
RS 30:2480.2 Natural Resource Restoration Trust Fund
RS 30:2481 Defenses
RS 30:2482 Claims against third parties
RS 30:2483 Oil Spill Contingency Fund
RS 30:2484 Uses of fund
RS 30:2485 Oil spill contingency fee
RS 30:2486 Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 394, §2, eff. July 1, 2014.
RS 30:2487 Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 394, §2, eff. July 1, 2014.
RS 30:2488 Liability of the fund
RS 30:2489 Reimbursement of fund
RS 30:2490 Awards exceeding fund
RS 30:2491 Exclusive remedies
RS 30:2492 Enforcement
RS 30:2493 Federal funds
RS 30:2494 Interstate compacts
RS 30:2495 Institutions of higher education
RS 30:2496 Exclusive authority
RS 30:2501 Redesignated
RS 30:2502 Redesignated
RS 30:2503 Redesignated
RS 30:2504 Redesignated
RS 30:2505 Redesignated
RS 30:2506 Redesignated
RS 30:2507 Redesignated
RS 30:2508 Redesignated
RS 30:2509 Redesignated
RS 30:2510 Redesignated
RS 30:2511 Redesignated
RS 30:2512 Redesignated
RS 30:2513 Redesignated
RS 30:2514 Redesignated
RS 30:2515 Redesignated
RS 30:2516 Redesignated
RS 30:2517 Redesignated
RS 30:2518 Redesignated
RS 30:2519 Redesignated
RS 30:2520 Redesignated
RS 30:2521 Redesignated
RS 30:2522 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2523 Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
RS 30:2524 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2525 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2526 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2527 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2528 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2529 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2530 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2531 Intentional littering prohibited; criminal penalties; simple littering prohibited; civil penalties; special court costs
RS 30:2531.1 Gross littering prohibited; criminal penalties; indemnification
RS 30:2531.2 Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 950, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
RS 30:2531.3 Commercial littering prohibited; civil penalties; indemnification; special court costs
RS 30:2531.4 Community service litter abatement work program; establishment; limited liability
RS 30:2531.5 Legal enforcement; penalties; payment by mail or credit card
RS 30:2531.6 Citations; unlawful acts; records; failure to pay or appear; procedures
RS 30:2531.7 Rules and regulations
RS 30:2531.8 Duties of law enforcement officers
RS 30:2531.9 Application of other laws
RS 30:2532 Collection and distribution of fines; litter abatement account
RS 30:2533 Litter violations bureau
RS 30:2534 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 89, §2, eff. June 5, 2008.
RS 30:2535 Litter receptacle; placement and use; logo; penalties
RS 30:2536 Beautification and litter clearing by prisoners
RS 30:2537 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2538 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2539 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2540 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2541 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2542 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2543 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 509, §4.
RS 30:2544 Litter-free zones; temporary signs, handbills, flyers and notices; notice to remove; penalties
RS 30:2545 Beaches; glass container prohibition
RS 30:2546 Littering of waters; definitions; penalties
RS 30:2547 Adopt-a-byway program
RS 30:2548 Adopt a Water Body program
RS 30:2551 Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund; purpose
RS 30:2552 Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Program; authority to make loans and grants; incur debt; tax exemption
RS 30:2562 Policy; purpose
RS 30:2563 Definitions
RS 30:2564 Louisiana Environmental Regulatory Innovations Programs
RS 30:2565 Excellence and Leadership Program
RS 30:2566 Regulations
RS 30:2571 Citation
RS 30:2572 Legislative declaration; control of mercury releases
RS 30:2573 Definitions
RS 30:2574 Notifications
RS 30:2575 Restrictions on the sale of certain mercury-added products
RS 30:2576 Exemptions and phase outs
RS 30:2577 Labeling of mercury-added products
RS 30:2578 Labeling for specific products
RS 30:2579 Alternative methods of public notification
RS 30:2580 Disposal ban and proper management of mercury in scrap metal facilities
RS 30:2581 Collection of mercury-added products
RS 30:2582 Disclosure for mercury-containing formulated products used in health care facilities
RS 30:2583 Limitations on the use of elemental mercury
RS 30:2584 Existing inventories
RS 30:2585 Public education and outreach
RS 30:2586 State procurement preferences for low or non-mercury-added products
RS 30:2587 Water and wastewater system use prohibition
RS 30:2588 Enforcement

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P.O. Box 94062 (900 North Third Street) Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9062